Title: The Woman With You
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Category: Romance
Rating: PG
Series: The Jukebox Series
Disclaimer: Stargate and characters are the property of MGM, Gekko, etc. Mainly you need to know no one with the name of Geonn owns the deed to these people.
Summary: So many descriptions of what she is...
The Stargate dialed slowly, spinning to finish the address as Samantha Carter took her place at the bottom of the ramp. Teal'c was to her right, Daniel Jackson and Colonel O'Neill to her left. She watched as the event horizon spun out towards her, always awe-inspiring. She stepped up the ramp.
She was an explorer.
The Jaffa had come out of nowhere and Sam was laying down cover fire as Daniel dialed the Stargate. Teal'c was on the opposite side of the DHD, helping her protect the team. The Stargate came to life and she yelled for Teal'c to go through. She would cover his retreat.
She was a soldier.
The mission hadn't been a complete bust. She angled the desk lamp slightly, tilting her head to look at the artifact through her magnifying glass. Daniel Jackson was across the lab, translating the faded etching on the side of the artifact. She handed the next piece to Siler, who carried to where Daniel was arranging the shards like a puzzle. She lifted the next piece and examined it.
She was a scientist.
She ran a hand through her hair and checked her watch. Time seemed to be inching by. But the mission report was only half done. She sighed and stretched her legs before going back to the report, recounting how Colonel O'Neill had first spotted the Jaffa trailing them.
She was a bureaucrat.
Sam carried the tray to the table, smiling as Teal'c fiddled with the CD player O'Neill had bought for him. The Colonel was trying to explain away the headphones and how they fit over Teal'c's head while Daniel surveyed the CDs Jack had bought for their alien friend. Sam picked one up and looked at the track listing, suggesting that Teal'c listen to it first and, if he didn't like it, she'd be happy to take it off his hands.
She was a friend.
Cassandra tossed her books down and stormed from the room. Sam stormed after her. It wasn't the typical teen/mother argument; this was about less time studying nonstop and more time spent with friends and family. Sam was terrified Cassandra would end up the same way she had; sitting alone in her room, going over physics, while every last one of her friends was at the prom. The fight grew louder and louder as the two stubborn women bickered, eventually settling into a hugging, soft-toned conversation on the edge of the girl's bed as Sam explained her position and Cassie agreed to go out to a movie at the weekend.
She was a mother.
Janet Fraiser turned off the TV as Sam entered, watching as her lover walked to the bathroom and undressed. When Sam slipped under the covers and pressed herself against Janet's side. "What am I now?" Sam whispered against Janet's collar.
"What do you want to be?"
Sam thought. "I don't know."
Janet lightly touched her lips to Sam's. "Do you want to just be a woman?"
Sam grinned. "I'd love to just be a woman with you."
They snuggled up together and Janet reached up, turning the lamp off as they fell asleep.
The Woman With You
by Kenny Chesney
She hit the door, six fifty-five;
Sack full of groceries split down the side.
Canned goods scattered all the way to the curb.
Look on her face saying: "Don't say a word."
So, it's me and her and a can of beans,
Sittin' there on the front porch swing.
Western sky all turning red.
Head on my shoulder, she sighed and said:
"I been gopherin', chaufferin', company chairman;
"Coffee maker, copy repairman:
"Anymore? There ain't nothin', I swear man, that I don't do.
"Been jugglin', strugglin', closin' big deals;
"Dancing backwards in high heels.
"Just when it feels like I can't make it through,"
She said: "It sure is nice to just be the woman with you."
She said: "The girl I was, with the business degree,
"Probally wouldn't recognize me.
"I was gonna run the bank, I was gonna run the Mall.
"Now all I want to run is a bubble bath.
"Back then, you know, I had this plan.
"Before all of this reality set in.
"Here come life, boy, ready or not.
"Hey, I wanted it all and that's what I got
"'Cause I'm gopherin', chaufferin', company chairman;
"Coffee maker, copy repairman:
"Anymore? There ain't nothin', I swear man, that I don't do.
"Been jugglin', strugglin', closin' big deals;
"Dancing backwards in high heels.
"Just when it feels like I can't make it through,"
She said: "It sure is nice to just be the woman with you."
She said: "I'm gopherin', chaufferin', company chairman;
"Coffee maker, copy repairman:
"Anymore? There ain't nothin', I swear man, that I don't do.
"Been jugglin', strugglin', closin' big deals;
"Dancing backwards in high heels.
"Just when it feels like I can't make it through,"
She said: "It sure is nice to just be the woman,
"The woman with you.
"La la la la la la la.
"The woman with you."
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