Title: We Danced Anyway
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Category: Romance
Rating: PG
Series: The Jukebox Series
Disclaimer: Stargate and characters are the property of MGM, Gekko, etc. Mainly you need to know no one with the name of Geonn owns the deed to these people.
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it's gonna be.
Spoilers: None
Song: "We Danced Anyway" by Deana Carter.
Dedicated to: Debbie!
Summary: In a happy little foreign town where the stars hung upside down, A half a world away, far far away I remember you were laughing We were so in love, we were so in love
There were a million and one reasons not to do it. At least a million and one. Probably more.
Reason Number One. Colonel O'Neill was sitting a few tables away. He'd been pounding back those little half-circle stone glasses of the local port, sure. But he wasn't so drunk he would miss this. I resisted the insistent tug of Sam's hand, shaking my head and trying to mentally tell her there was no chance, no way, nothing in the world to make me do this. So why was I standing up? I had a drink to finish, a meal to eat.
Reason Number Two. We were off-world. We had a rule about that, a steadfast rule that we should never, ever break. Like the rule about 'never on-base.' Yeah. That one lasted a long time. Almost a whole week, I think it was. Oh, wait, no there was the incident in the bathroom. So not even a week. We were keeping this rule, no question about that.
Although... she didn't seem to want sex. That was the conflict. The locals, to celebrate SG-1 banishing the local Goa'uld, had invited us to a feast. I was on-base, about ready to head home and Sam had invited me. Simple as that. And now, I was being pulled across an alien dance floor, looking into the very convincing blue eyes of my lover and trying to convince myself that it was okay to break a rule now and then.
Especially when it involved those eyes.
And touching that body.
Rules, schmules.
There was a lanky black man standing on a stage that overlooked the stage. The DJ, I assumed. Instead of a radio or a turntable, he was playing the music live through a long, curved tube that resembled a jumbo saxophone. He was flanked by two drummers, the sound growing more intense as we neared the center of the dance floor. As primitive as these people might be, they definitely had acoustics down.
We were both in off-world uniforms; Sam managed to make the drab olive green material look marvelous. I hoped I looked as good as she did and rested my hands on her shoulders. She pulled me close, her hands on my hips and pressing her thigh against mine. I gave her a warning look and she smiled. Oh, God. That look is Reason Number Four. Number Three was the way she was making me feel.
The oldest trick in the book... when you want to break a rule, the best way to go about it is to make the other person break the rule first. And I wanted to break the rule very, very badly at that moment. I reached up and touched her face, telling myself I just wanted to break that look. But it was a lie. A very beautiful lie that got my hand against her warm cheek. I was okay with the lie. Sam began to sway, her body moving in a familiar way that I easily found rhythm with.
Sam Carter's body moved a certain way. She swung her hips to and fro, she bent her knees slightly to make up for the difference in our heights. I tilted my head up, finding that hollow under her chin and smelling her scent. She didn't dab perfume there, she left it bare. I pressed my lips to her pulse and put my free hand on the small of her back. I held her to me, swaying along to the music as I felt one of her muscular legs slip between mine. Dangerous territory.
I looked up and found our faces were far too close together. She exhaled and I felt the fingers of her breath tickle my hair. I closed my eyes and rested my head against her chest. Where? Where? There... a heart beat. She brought one hand up and cradled my head against her chest. The song carried on, growing in intensity, but somehow Sam and I were caught in a bubble. I pressed against her, holding her tightly to me and feeling her hands on my back.
Suddenly, Sam pulled away and spun me. I was lost, blinded and confused by the sudden change and struggled to adjust to the spinning, out-of-focus world I'd found myself in. Sam grabbed me from behind, her hands on my stomach and carrying me along as she followed the crazy drumbeats. I found myself entranced, pressing against Sam and letting her guide me. It felt comforting, being wrapped in her arms like that, being held and being shown where to go.
I turned to face her, smiling evilly. Two can play at the tease game. I circled Sam, dragging my hand over her stomach and smoothing the palm over her ass when I passed it. Sam pulled away and lifted an eyebrow. I'd just upped the ante. I moved to Sam's side, pressing my face against her shoulder and letting her pick me up. I hooked my knees under her arms, resting against her stomach and letting her grab my ass. She held tight, holding me steady as I threw myself back. She lowered her head, sliding her hands up and moving the support to my lower back.
My shirt had come untucked and she was kissing and licking my belly button. I felt a flutter that had nothing to do with her tongue - well, it had a little to do with her tongue - and momentarily wondered about the repercussions of this mission when we got home. Jack had to know what was going on by now. I couldn't even bring myself to look at him. What would happen? Best case scenario, he'd say nothing. Ignore it. Let it pass and pretend nothing happened. Worse case, tomorrow I would start packing up to head for my new post in Juneau, Alaska.
The thought of being torn from Sam made me lift myself, looking down at her. She held me tight, my legs still wound around her body. I slid down - ooooh, friction friction friction - and found her lips. "Janet, no," she murmured around my lips just before I rendered her speechless. She put her tongue in my mouth and I moaned. I pressed against her and she changed her answer to 'yes.' A couple of times, in fact, she told me yes.
"What are we going to do?" Sam whispered as my feet hit the ground again. She was bent low, her forehead against mine.
I kissed her. "We're going to dance."
"No," Sam said, closing her eyes. She, too, seemed unable to gauge Jack's reaction to our little dance. "I mean... what are we going to do about... the consequences?"
"I don't know," I said. "What are consequences? Right now, we're dancing."
She danced me off the dance floor. She danced me out of my clothes when we were alone. This could all be ended tomorrow. So what? In life, in love, that chance always exists whether we acknowledge it or not. Every night could be our last night together. Why let it worry us?
We danced anyway.
We both froze. I looked at my lover, gently squeezing her hand as she stepped away from me. "Yes, Sir," she said.
He directed her towards the low wall that surrounded the Stargate. She stood next to him and he began to speak, apparently thinking I was out of earshot. "Look, Carter... there was a lot of liquor floating around last night. I just want to be sure we're... you know... all agreed about the subject."
"Sir?" she asked.
He winced and looked over his shoulder. "I'm saying that, circumstances being what they were, we shouldn't really... hold each other accountable for anything... against regulations... that happened last night. Understand?"
She sagged slightly. "I'm so glad you said that, Sir."
"Well, yeah," he tucked his hands into his back pockets. "I felt it wasn't really... fair... for you to worry about whether or not to report it or not."
She frowned. "Report it?"
"Right," he said. "Denial always works. I'm glad you're on board with this."
"With all due respect, Sir... what are you talking about?"
"Me and Daniel," he said. "With the... the groping. And the..." He grimaced. "The oral... stuff that happened. As far as you're concerned, you didn't see anything. Right?"
"Right," Sam said, dumbstruck.
"Wait a minute," Jack said. "What did you think I was talking about?"
Sam glanced at me and smiled wickedly. "You'll never know, Sir."
We Danced Anyway
Deana Carter (no relation ;-D)
The summer air was heavy and sweet
You and I on a crowded street
There was music everywhere, I can see us there
In a happy little foreign town
Where the stars hung upside down
A half a world away, far far away
I remember you were laughing
We were so in love, we were so in love
And the band played songs we'd never heard
But we danced anyway
We never understood the words
We just sang oh la la la la la la la oh
And we danced anyway
They say you can't go back,
Baby I don't believe that
Come along with me,
Come on and dance with me
Maybe if I hold you close
Baby we could just let go
Of these things that tie us down,
We'll come back around
Do you remember we were laughing
We were so in love, we were so in love
And the band played songs we'd never heard
But we danced anyway
We never understood the words
We just sang oh la la la la la la la la la oh
And we danced anyway
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