Title: Let's Go To The Videotape!
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Rating: NC17
Pairings: Sam/Janet, Janet/Dana Scully
Category: Humor, PWP
Sequel To: Don't Ask, Don't Tell
WARNINGS: Toy usage runs rampant in this story. Don't read if you dislike women using toys on other women. Also, involves a non-Janet/Sam-relationship, but it ends with such a relationship. That is all.
Website: www.realmoftheshadow.com/geonn.htm
Disclaimer: These folks don't belong to me. I stole them from MGM's toybox without asking their mommies for permission. I promise to return them more or less unscathed.
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it'll be.
Summary: Sam discovers a ghost from Janet's past.
Special Thanks to purple_shoes for the cover.
Sam closed the door and Janet snuggled against the taller woman, resting her head on the blonde's breast. "Hey," she said suddenly. "Have I ever told you about my friend Dana Scully? In the FBI?"
"Mmm," Sam said, running her hands down Janet's back. "I don't believe you have..."
The sun did not shine, it was too wet to play. So Sam stayed inside on that cold, cold, wet day.
'I'm quoting Cat in the Hat,' Sam grumbled, tossing aside the newspaper crossword puzzle. She leaned forward and picked up the remote, scanning the channels again. The cable was out and the local channels were fixated on either weather reports ("it's still raining!") or court shows ("You owe me fifteen grand for my trailer rehaul, Jamal!") or talk shows ("which of these eight men is the father of my baby?"). She sighed and walked over to the entertainment center, gazing at the rows of tapes that confronted her.
She'd seen every one of these movies at least a dozen times. And she's seen Mrs Doubtfire so many times she could replay the entire movie in her head. Backwards. She sighed and closed the door. If only Janet wasn't stuck at work. She had been called in at the last minute and now roads were flooded. She ran her hand over the top of the TV set, then glanced at the closet. 'Heyyyy,' she thought. 'Doesn't Janet have a box of videos in that closet? I'm sure she wouldn't mind too much if I watched one of them. It's either that or lame game shows...'
She went to the closet and pulled the door open, kneeling to peer under the hems of their jackets and past the shoes for the white cardboard box she'd seen Janet store there. She finally spotted it, draped with a fat scarf and some sneakers. She pulled it from the back corner and lifted the top like a little kid opening a Christmas present. Inside, she found several pre-recorded VHS tapes and a few that Janet had recorded herself.
"Friends - Season One" was written on one spine in Janet's near-illegible doctor's scrawl. Crossing Jordan season finale, Everybody Loves Raymond, CSI. Sam sighed and was about to give up when she found one tape near the bottom of the pile that piqued her interest. The only label was 'DANA.' Sam raised one eyebrow, recalling Janet mentioning an old lover named Dana. Sam had one tape in her possession with a previous lover's name on it. And that tape was decidedly for private viewing only.
She bit her lip and glanced at the VCR. 'I wonder if I should...' She looked down at the tape and slipped it from the sleeve. 'Yes,' she decided. 'I should.'
Funny thing about being in possession of a videotape featuring your lover making love to someone else. Sam didn't immediately put it in the VCR. Instead, she went into the kitchen and made some hot chocolate, cooked a Pop Tart and stared at the black box for a long, long time. She finished her snack and went back into the living room, staring out the front window with the tape in her lap. Finally, she picked up the phone and dialed the base.
After punching in Janet's extension, she heard the soft melody of her lover's tired voice. "Fraiser."
"Sam," the doctor almost breathed. "Hold on." There was a long pause and then, "Sam, I'm in my office now. What's up? What's going on?"
Sam looked at the tape, at the beautifully-written DANA. "I was looking for something to watch on TV, because the cable is out. And I was looking in the closet and I found a box with some tapes."
Sam looked at the VCR. "Yeah. And I found one with a woman's name on it. I was just wonder--"
"Watch it."
Sam blinked. "Uh. I... uh, what?"
Janet chuckled. "I want you to watch it. What we shared last year with Sarah MacKenzie was... was you inviting me into a private part of your world. You shared me with a past lover, and vice versa. I'll never forget you doing that for me. That tape is... well, it's just a small reciprocation. I hope you enjoy it."
"Wow. I... didn't expect that. What about Cassie?"
"Sleeping over at the Kirk's." There was another pause. "I can get home by seven-thirty. The video is about half an hour. Why don't you go get ready for bed, start watching the video in your jammies around five to seven and be ready for me to get home?"
Sam swallowed. 'Sure thing.' It took a moment for her to realize she hadn't said it out loud. "S-sure thing," she said.
"And Sam? Put on that cloud top with a pair of boxer shorts. You look so sexy with your bare legs stretching out from the hem of that shirt."
"Are you sure seven-thirty is the best you can do?"
Janet's laugh was so seductive it should have come with at least seven different warning labels. "I'll see you then, lover."
Sam hung up and hurried upstairs to change. Now that she had to go-ahead, she couldn't wait to see what was on that tape.
Sam's hand was shaking around the remote. She was staring at the clock, eyes unblinking as she watched the second hand spin towards the twelve. Janet had said start the tape at five to seven and she was going to do her best to follow those directions to the letter. Finally, the clock said it was 6:55 and Sam hit play.
The screen was black for a moment, staticy bars rolling across the top of the screen. Sam licked her lips, her mind racing with ideas about what could be waiting for her on the tape. It started with a wide shot of a wide expanse of blue. 'Silk sheets, maybe?' Sam wondered. Then the camera panned to one side, revealing a white rectangle with a point on the top. Sam recognized it immediately.
"The Washington Monument," a smoky feminine voice said, giving voice to Sam's thoughts. "Nice, huh?"
At the bottom of the screen, Sam suddenly spotted Janet. The doctor's hair was dark, almost black, and hung on her shoulders like a veil. She was dressed casually; black jeans and a white t-shirt under a flowered vest. Sam guessed Janet was either in college or just graduated. "So young," Sam whispered.
On the tape, Janet used one hand to block the sun and turned to look up at the massive landmark. "Wow," the doctor said, raising her voice to be heard on the camera's microphone. "Think the guy who designed this was trying to compensate for something?"
The director laughed and moved closer to Janet. "He probably drove an SUV. Or whatever the olden time equivalent was."
Janet giggled and reached out, tapping the camera lightly. "Where to now? Smithsonian?"
"It might be closed," the filmmaker said.
Sam sighed and growled low in her throat. She had prepared herself for porn. For filthy, disgusting debauchery. And instead she got a Ms. Fraiser Goes To Washington? She ran a hand through her hair. "Ha, ha, Janet. You got me all hot and bothered." She reached for the remote, trying to think of which video of their 'private collection' she hadn't watched in a while. She had her thumb poised on the stop button when she got a screen-full of Janet's beautiful face.
"Is it on?" the future doctor asked, looking over her shoulder.
"Yeah, if the light is on, yeah," the same smoky voice said. "Come on, get over here."
Janet backed up and turned, revealing that she was only wearing a white t-shirt (the same one she'd been wearing under the vest earlier). Her white panties were visible, the material wrinkling slightly in the middle when she walked. Sam raised an eyebrow. Maybe she wouldn't have to use the stash of porn...
Dana was finally revealed to Sam. The redhead was perched on the edge of the bed, her long straight hair framing her porcelain doll, heart-shaped face. Sam paused the tape for a moment, taking the time to fully examine the woman while she had a chance. The woman was beautiful, that was without question. Her ruby-red lips were bowed, the perfect 'c'mere and kiss me' mouth... Her eyes were so blue, the camera picked up the color even from a distance. She was wearing a silk blouse and a pair of panties that matched Janet's. Her legs, lightly tanned in contrast to the white underwear, were spread slightly on the mattress.
Sam hit play and Janet began moving again. She walked to the foot of the bed and looked up at Dana, both women licking their lips and smiling at each other. Dana reached out, lightly tracing the brunette's jaw with her fingertips before leaning in and brushing her mouth against Janet's. The first soft kiss was the last; Janet's tongue swept out and outlined Dana's lips before diving between them. Sam chuckled; she knew that kiss well. It was Janet Fraiser's patented 'enough of the romantic crap, let me have your body' kiss.
Dana slipped her hands under Janet's arms, clasping them behind the petite woman's back. With one swift motion, she plucked Janet off the floor, spun both of their bodies and tossed Janet down onto the mattress. Janet let out a whoof, but it was inhaled by the redhead's lips as she resumed the kiss. She stretched her body over Janet's, pressing the smaller woman into the mattress and obscuring her from the camera's view.
Occasionally, low moans and 'God oh, God' would drift to the camera's mic. Sam shifted on the couch, glancing at the clock and wishing Janet were watching this with her. It was too damn hot to watch alone...
Breaking the kiss, Dana sat up and straddled Janet's hips. Janet propped herself up on her elbows, looking up at Dana. The redhead smiled and whispered something that made Janet smile, then began to unbutton her blouse. Janet lifted herself, kissing the expanse of flesh revealed between her lover's breasts. Dana laughed, a beautiful sound, and cupped Janet's head. She then climbed off of the petite woman and pulled her blouse off, revealing pale, pink-tipped breasts to the camera.
Janet kissed each breast, then turned to the camera and pulled her t-shirt over her head. Dana reached out, smoothing the displaced strands of hair and letting her hand drift down to cup Janet's full breasts. Sam whimpered and scooted forward on the couch, balancing her head on her hand. Scully lifted her hips and took off her panties, leaving them dangling from one dainty foot as Janet lowered her head between the muscular legs.
As Janet did magic with her lips and teeth and tongue, Dana rolled her head back and reached for the headboard with one hand, biting her lip and muttering indistinct words of encouragement to her lover. Janet twisted one hand around and worked it upward, and Sam knew from experience she was moving it in time with her tongue. She glanced at the clock again. Damn... damn damn damn.
Dana reached for the bedstand, breathing heavily as she searched for something in the top drawer. She found what she was searching for and pulled it out, sticking it under the blankets and looking down at Janet. "Jan, baby, sweety." Sam felt a pang of jealousy at hearing those words, but pushed it aside as Janet looked up. "Put this on me," Dana said, holding up the object she'd taken from the drawer.
It was long, about ten inches or so, and was pale pink in color. Three black nylon straps hung down from one end. Sam gasped as she realized what the redhead was holding.
Janet took the toy and sat up, straightening the straps and scooting lower on the bed. She threaded the straps around Dana's legs and pushed it up to her hips, kissing whatever she could get her lips on as she pulled it up. Once it was in place, she kissed the other woman's bare belly and tightened the straps. She lifted her head again and kissed Dana passionately, a kiss that was all lips and tongues and heat.
Janet licked her lips and then licked her fingers, wrapping them around the plastic toy and stroking it slowly. Dana bit her lip, lifting and dropping her hips in rhythm with Janet's hand. It was an incredibly hot sight, something Sam hadn't expected. Janet lowered her head, giving Dana a quick blow job and wetting the plastic rod attached to the redhead's hips.
After a few passes with her lips and tongue, Janet abandoned the toy and turned her back to Dana, facing the camera and lowering herself onto her elbows. She lifted her ass into the air, shaking it slightly and glancing over her shoulder. Dana got onto her knees again, grabbing Janet's panties and tearing them away. Janet's jaw dropped in mock horror as she was stripped, then winked at the camera.
Sam melted into the couch.
Dana lowered her head and did something to Janet's posterior with her lips and tongue. Whatever it was, it made the brunette's eyes close to slits and her mouth form a small 'O'. Her hands clenched and unclenched fistfuls of the blankets and sheets, as if she were kneading dough.
With one swift motion, Dana straightened and spread Janet's legs a bit wider. Putting one hand on the small of Janet's back and wrapping the other around her waist, Dana thrust forward and entered Janet with the strap-on. Janet's body tensed and she arched her back, rolling her head on her shoulders and biting her bottom lip. She whimpered and pushed back against Dana, their bodies locked in a passionate coupling. Janet rolled her hips and Dana spanked her lightly, both of them smiling.
Then, it was down to business. Dana began to rock back and forth, the toy on her waist slicing in and out of Janet at a steady rhythm. Janet gasped and Sam heard, "Oh, God, yes, Dana, fuck me."
Sam trembled. The two women on the screen began to rock back and forth with quiet desperation, their once fluid movements regressing into a primal urge to get the most pleasure possible. Dana closed her eyes and grabbed Janet's shoulders as she pounded forward, her hips making audible slapping noises against Janet's backside. Janet gasped, then began to chant. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, Dana, yes, yes, yes, fuck me, Dana, yes, yes, yes... yes, Dana, GOD YEAH FUCK ME DANA! Yes, I love it when you fuck me, God, you fuck me so good..."
Dana arched her back and Janet panted, collapsing against the mattress. For a moment, as impossible as it was, Sam considered that the redhead had actually come inside the brunette. Janet lifted herself off the mattress and turned, straddling Dana and lifting herself onto the other woman's lap. With one hand, she positioned the dildo between her legs and lowered herself ever-so-slowly onto it.
Once Janet was in place, Dana put a hand in the small of the brunette's back and began to thrust into her. Janet rode Dana hard, bracing herself on the redhead's shoulders and throwing her head back. Dana kissed, licked, sucked and nipped at the exposed flesh of Janet's throat, eventually moving down to the other woman's erect nipples.
Sam rolled her head on the back of the couch and lightly touched the inside of her thighs. 'Don't touch,' she ordered her hand. 'Janet will be home soon. God, maybe she'll do some of this to you...' She stretched her arms out and held tightly to the back of the couch.
Janet reached back with one hand and slipped a hand under herself, grabbing the strap on Dana's toy that ran between the redhead's legs. She tugged, tightening the strap and causing Dana to gasp out loud. Her toes curled and Janet extended two fingers, sliding them into her lover. As Janet rode up and down, her fingers pushed in and out of Dana's wetness, causing the redhead to moan loudly. She threw her head back and Janet pressed her lips to the redhead's elegant throat.
"Coming," Dana whispered. "I-I'm com-coming."
Janet slipped her mouth to Dana's and she whispered something against the cupid's-bow lips. Dana moaned and turned her head, her lips melded with Janet's. After a moment, the brunette slipped her hand free and brought it up to their faces, both of them licking the fingers clean. Dana licked her lips, then kissed Janet's cheeks.
Janet climbed off the toy and dropped to one side while Dana scooted to the edge of the bed. Strap-on still attached, she walked to the camera and leaned over, searching for the stop button. Her breasts were dead-center in the frame and Sam couldn't help but stare at the pink nipples.
"And the Academy Award for Best Home Movie goes to..." Janet said. The video cut out on Janet and Dana laughing.
Sam shut off the VCR and looked at the clock. 7:23. Janet would be home very, very soon. Sam turned off the TV and ran upstairs.
Janet walked into the house and peeked into the living room. The tape was peeking out of the VCR, revealing that Sam had seen it. But where had the blonde gone? Janet went upstairs, about to call for her lover when she was grabbed from behind and spun around. Sam's eyes were hungry, her skin flushed as she unbuttoned Janet's blouse. "Bedroom," Sam gasped.
"You read my mind," Janet laughed.
They fell into the bedroom, a mangled mess of arms, legs and connected lips. Clothes were separated from bodies, buttons were popped and zippers were violently torn down on the trek to the bed. Sam grabbed Janet's pantyhose and ripped them off, tossing the shreds aside. They pulled apart for a second, looking at each other and noting the hunger in both their eyes. They collapsed onto the bed, Janet bending and separating her knees to support Sam between them. The blonde kissed Janet's face, then kissed her way down her lover's body.
She kissed the light patch of brown hair that protected her lover's sex, inhaling the moist scent that she knew so well. She parted the folds with her thumbs and looked up. "You're so wet already..."
Janet nodded, putting the back her hand against her face. "Th-thinking of you... in those panties... watching that tape. God, I've wanted to share that with you for so--" Sam lapped her tongue against Janet's clit. "--so-Oooo-ooO long!" Janet gasped. "God."
"I have a surprise for you," Sam breathed, her words dancing along the sensitive flesh of her lover's crotch. She reached under the pillow and withdrew a long, thick dildo with black straps hanging from one end. "Will you wear this for me?"
Janet nodded and Sam eagerly began to attach it, her hands trembling as she slid the straps up Janet's thighs. The doctor squirmed, getting comfortable in the harness-like contraption. "How long've you had this?"
"It's Cassandra's."
Sam laughed and kissed the rubber tip. "I'm kidding. I've had it for a long time. It was in the guest room with the rest of my luggage that I never use." She tightened the strap and laid back, uncurling her legs and spreading her feet on the mattress. Janet sat up and positioned herself, lifting one of Sam's legs and resting it on her shoulder.
"You ready?" Janet panted.
Sam could only nod; her throat wasn't working right at the moment. Janet eased herself forward, pressing the tip of her toy against Sam's puffy outer lips. Sam moaned and pressed her head into the mattress. "Yessss," she hissed. Janet rolled her hips until she was completely seated within her lover. She leaned forward, balancing herself on one arm next to Sam's head. The two women were eye-to-eye, their hips pressed tightly together. She licked Janet's cheek, then whispered, "Fuck me, Janet."
Janet shivered and slowly began to rock her entire body, thrusting her newest limb into her lover. For the first time, they were fucking in the barest sense of the word. And it felt... Janet pressed her head to the juncture of Sam's neck and shoulder, lapping at the sweaty skin with her tongue. Sam dug her fingernails into Janet's buttocks, forcing her deeper. She lifted her legs, hooking them behind Janet's back and rocking in time with the brunette's movements.
"You're mine," Janet whispered into Sam's ear. "You're all I want," she added, jutting her hips forward and making Sam whimper. "You're all I need," she growled, burying her hands in Sam's hair. "You're my everything. You know that don't you?"
"Uhhh.. uh-huh," Sam managed, tears streaking her face.
Janet grit her teeth. "Then come for me, Samantha."
Sam cried out and felt her orgasm crest, as if brought about by the command. She lifted her head and bit down hard on Janet's shoulder, causing the brunette to yelp. They held onto each other as Sam came, a single entity combined in the center of the bed. As Sam's heartrate declined, Janet broke away and rolled to one side, lazily stroking her toy erection. "That was fun," Janet whispered.
"I'm sorry I bit you."
Janet laughed and craned her neck, looking at the red spot. "Just a love bite. My uniform will cover it up." She rolled onto her side and kissed Sam softly. "Now... you wanna wear the toy?"
"Strap me up," Sam laughed, already helping Janet loosen the straps. As they got it onto Sam, the blonde said, "Oh, I made a phone call while I was waiting, too."
"Oh? To who?"
Sam smiled and licked Janet's throat. "A mutual friend..."
Dana Scully stripped off the cotton robe and tossed it onto the toilet, turning and putting her hair in a bun on top of her head. She tested the water of the bubblebath with one toe, then slipped entirely into the foamy paradise. She sighed as the warm water soothed her tired muscles, taking a rare opportunity to relax. It had been so long since she had had a chance to really enjoy a bubblebath. Years. She yawned and looked at the row of supplies next to the bath. Shampoo. Loofah. Soap. Dildo. She picked up the last object and held it in her hands, looking at the smooth lines and wishing it wasn't just a rubber substitute.
"Oh, well," she sighed, blowing an errant strand out of her eyes. "Better than going to bed frustrated." She lowered the toy under the bubbles just as someone knocked on the front door.
She growled and climbed out of the tub, wrapping a robe around herself. "Mulder!" she called. "If this is another sludge pile in New Jersey, you can just go yourself." She pulled the door open, shocked by the site of her visitor. It was a beautiful black-haired woman, wearing a long trenchcoat and looking embarrassed. "Sorry," Dana said.
"No, I'm sorry," the woman smiled. "I'm not Mulder and... I don't have any slime piles. I'm Sarah MacKenzie and I was called by a mutual friend of ours. She... told me that you and I might want to meet."
Dana frowned. "A mutual friend? Who?"
"Well, it wasn't her that called, but the message came from Janet Fraiser."
Dana's eyes widened. "Janet... Fraiser." She had only known one Janet she'd consider a friend. And that Janet... Looking over Sarah MacKenzie one more time, Dana licked her lips and stepped aside. "Please," she said. "Come in. Stay a bit."
"Don't mind if I do," Sarah smiled.
As Dana closed the door, Sarah took off her trenchcoat. She was wearing a black vest with nothing underneath over a pair of skintight painted-on blue jeans. "Thank you, Janet," Dana whispered, leading Sarah into the living room. Maybe toys wouldn't be necessary after all....
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