Title: The Swap
Author: Geonn
Pairing: Sam/Janet, Sam/Dana Scully, Janet/Sarah MacKenzie, Sarah MacKenzie/Dana Scully
Category: PWP
Series: Mac For the Defense
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: Stargate and characters are the property of MGM, Gekko, etc. Mainly you need to know no one with the name of Geonn owns the deed to these ladies. Scully and Sarah MacKenzie belong to other people who I'm certainly would be just as horrified at what I do to their ladies...
Warnings: Oh, there's *loads* :-)
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it's gonna be.
Notes: Cover image is by purple_shoes (who should also be blamed for this story being written.)
Summary: What happens in Vegas...
The hotel room was separated into three rooms. The bedroom was at one end, connected to the living suite by a narrow hallway that also contained the huge bathroom (whirlpool included). Down one step from the living suite was the dining area. It was here that the four women - two brunettes, a blonde and a redhead - were gathered around the table, laughing at a story the redhead had told. She punctuated her tale by picking up her wine glass and sipping it judiciously. The redhead's name was Dana.
To Dana's left, one of the brunettes plucked the remnants of her salad to death, dipping leaves into the dressing as she stole glances at the redhead. She seemed focused on the other woman's lips, the way her throat worked when she swallowed, the sweep of her hair against her crisp white blouse. She reached over and touched the other woman's sleeve, drawing the blue eyes towards her. They smiled at each other and the brunette picked up her glass as well. "I'd like to suggest a toast," she said. Her name was Sarah.
Next to Sarah, across from Dana, the blonde touched her lips with a napkin and picked up her own wineglass. She smiled at the remaining brunette, sharing a knowing look with her, and straightened the color of her red blouse. Her golden hair was just long enough to touch the collar. She hoisted her glass in preparation of the toast. Her name was Samantha.
The last woman at the table, the final brunette, also lifted her glass. Her light brown hair was loose, resting in waves against her cheekbones and hanging against her silk collar. Someone had lit a fire in her eyes, her bright red lips parting in a generous smile. Though devoted to each other, Dana and Sarah couldn't take their eyes off of her. They felt jealousy at Samantha and pride in knowing they'd shared what Samantha held. The coveted brunette was named Janet.
Sarah leaned her glass forward and said, "To friends, to connections that cannot be broken, to bonds that have withstood the tests of time and trials uncountable."
"To finding the person you're meant to love," Samantha said, resting her hand on Janet's.
"To wherever the night may bring," Dana offered, a sly twinkle in her eye.
"To... Vegas!" Janet chimed in.
The women laughed and clinked their glasses together. "To Vegas," they said in unison before they drank. For tonight, they were all together, they were all in Vegas, and in the middle of the desert, anything can happen...
After dinner ended, the women abandoned the dishes on the table and retreated to the living suite. Janet threw open the curtains, revealing the awe-inspiring view of the Strip below. It gleamed like diamonds, filling the room with a gaudy-yet-beautiful glow. Sarah and Dana sat on one end of the couch, Dana curled protectively in her arms. Janet and Sam adjourned to the bedroom (for this was their suite) to change into more comfortable clothes. Before leaving, Janet offered Sarah the use of the bathroom to remove her pantyhose (Dana had worn slacks) and the brunette had readily accepted.
She returned to the couch before Janet and Sam returned from the bedroom, eagerly reclaiming her post as Dana's pillow, and pressed a kiss to the redhead's temple. Their clasped hands, twirled each other's hair, whispered to one another and Sarah rubbed Dana's temples. After a long moment, Dana looked at the closed bedroom door. "Do you think they'll say yes?"
Sarah smiled. "I hope so."
"I don't want to be the one to ask," Dana said softly.
Grinning, Sarah said, "I'll do all the asking." She kissed Dana's lips, still tasting the other woman when the bedroom door opened and the other couple joined them. Both were wearing jeans. Sam had chosen a t-shirt while Janet wore a wide-necked blouse that showed off both her neck and shoulders. It also revealed she wasn't wearing a bra... whether that was intentional or not... Sarah glanced at Dana and said, "We have a confession to make."
Sam raised an eyebrow, settling on the arm of the chair Janet had claimed. "Oh?" she asked. Janet laid a hand on Sam's thigh.
"Your invitation on this trip wasn't as... spontaneous... as we led you to believe. We kind of planned the entire thing around being here with you."
"They set us up to have the time of our lives," Sam said, shocked. "I hope you two rot in prison."
Sarah grinned and ducked her head slightly, looking down at Dana. "Actually, it was the result of... playing. Y'see, Janet, Dana... had a copy of that tape of you and her in Washington, D.C. from a few years back."
"Oh, yeah," Sam said, shivering visibly. "We know about that tape."
"She let me watch it with her and... I was just..."
Sam nodded. "No explanation needed."
"We got to talking about the four of us. The strange bond we all shared."
"That being sex."
Sarah blushed a bit at Sam's bluntness. "Yes. That bond being sex. Dana and I are a couple because I slept with Sam and Janet slept with Dana. And I've been with Janet, as a gift from Sam. We realized, rather abruptly... that Sam and Dana have never experienced each other."
Sam glanced at Dana, then flicked her eyes over to Janet. "Uh..."
"We're all connected, Sam. Me to you, you to Janet, Janet to Dana, Dana to me... It just seems like you and Dana are missing out."
Sam finally looked Dana full in the face, then inadvertantly licked her lips. She closed her eyes and said, "So what are you saying?"
"I want to go to bed with you," Dana said, finally speaking up. She turned her gaze to Sam, locking eyes with the blonde. "I want to sleep with you."
"You've slept with her lover," Janet said. "I've slept with her lover. She's slept with your lover." She shook her head. "It's like some kind of dirty math question."
Sarah grinned. "As it is, Dana is excluded. I've cheated on her, in a way, with you. If you two share what the rest of us share, it'll make everyone even. No need for jealousy."
"Sounds like justification to get us in bed together."
"It's also a little of that," Dana admitted shyly. "I've wanted you since the moment we met, Sam. I only brought it up to Sarah when I did because... because it didn't feel like I was asking to cheat on her. Am I making sense?"
"A little," Janet said. She squeezed Sam's thigh and leaned forward. "I'd be okay with it," she assured Sam.
Sam's heart was pounding. "Would... where would we... would Janet and Sarah be watching, or..."
"We'd be alone," Dana said.
Sam looked down at Janet, touching the brunette's hand. "I want to."
Janet smiled and said, "It's all right."
"Is that a yes?" Sarah asked.
"I..." Sam shook her head. "I guess it is." She slipped off the arm of the chair and walked nervously to the couch. "Should we... now?"
Dana looked up at her, hunger evident in her eyes. "Now's good for me."
Sam looked back at Janet and said, "I love you."
"I love you, too," Janet said. "Go... enjoy her."
Sam shuddered and took Dana's hand. Sarah reluctantly let her go, then whispered, "Dana..." The redhead knelt down and Sarah whispered something in her ear. Dana buried her face in Sarah's dark hair and whispered back. They brushed lips and then she turned to Sam. "The bedroom."
Sam was finding it hard to catch her breath. She glanced one last time at Janet before tightening her hand around Dana's and following the redhead down the hallway to the room she shared with Janet.
I. Heavy Breathing
Their fancy clothes were laid out on the mattress, waiting for their hangers. Sam looked at the fluffy blankets, the huge pillows and the curtains. She turned to Dana and said, "I... not on the bed. I made love to Janet on that bed last night and--"
"I understand," Dana said softly. "The bed is off-limits." She looked into Sam's eyes, bright in the darkness, and turned her attention to the blonde's lips. The lipstick shone in the darkness, a crescent of wetness darkened momentarily by a sweep of Sam's tongue. Dana stepped forward and Sam instinctively moved back, pressing against the wall. Dana was just a bit shorter than Sam, her eyes level with Sam's nose. Breathing slowly, Dana whispered, "I'm not going to touch you." Sam frowned and Dana stepped forward again. Her body was a hair's-breadth from Sam's. They could feel each other's heat.
"I want you to touch me," Sam admitted.
Dana closed her eyes, half at the sentiment, half at the warm breath that washed over her face. Sam smelled like their dinner they'd recently enjoyed. She sighed and said, "Hold your hands over your head."
Sam did as instructed and Dana said, "Tell me to touch you."
"Please, Dana, touch me," Sam breathed.
"Okay," Dana said, resting her hands on Sam's upper arms. "But only your arms..." She slid her fingers up, feeling the tight play of muscles and silky skin under Sam's sleeves. Her fingers guided the way up warm skin to Sam's elbows, to her wrists. She clasped palms with the tall blonde for a moment, then brought one hand down and said, "I prepared for you to say yes," she said softly, revealing what rested in the small shoulderbag she'd been carrying all night.
Fabric-covered handcuffs.
Sam's heartbeat went into overdrive.
Dana reached up and carefully clacked one ring into place over Sam's wrist. She connected the other as well and smiled into Sam's face as she draped the chain over a coat hook. "Comfy?" Dana asked.
"I'm on fire," Sam breathed.
Dana rose onto her toes and parted her lips, breathing into Sam's face. The warmth of her breath washed over Sam's eyes and nose and she sighed. Stepping back, the redhead dropped until she was flat-footed on the ground again. She moved her hands over Sam's breasts like a mage invoking a spell, just barely brushing the thin t-shirt with her hands. She made a parenthesis around Sam's right breast and opened her mouth again, breathing against the shirt. Sam's nipple rose. Dana repeated the move on the opposite side and gathered a similar reaction.
"Are you wet," Dana asked, keeping her mouth over Sam's stomach. The question was unnecessary; she could smell it plain as day.
"Yes, what?"
Sam swallowed. "Yes, Dana... I'm so wet for you."
"Good girl," Dana smiled. "More."
Sam licked her lips. "I'm... I'm wet for your tongue. Inside of my pussy."
"Good," Dana said softly. She was now kneeling in front of Sam, her face even with the blonde's crotch. Her jeans reeked of desire and it made Dana weak in the knees. "Did you know I didn't wear any panties tonight, Sam? I considered going without my bra, but the thought of what I planned to do to you made my nipples stick out like erasers." Sam moaned. "You would've been so easy to seduce, had I done that. But I wanted to play a little." She nipped at the moist denim over Sam's crotch and the blonde thrust her hips forward twice.
"Take my jeans off," Sam whispered.
"Please, Dana, take my pants off. I want your tongue..."
Dana chuckled. "You're doing so well, honey." She kissed Sam through the denim, getting a sample of what waited below the denim. "Does Janet make love to you like this?"
"Janet... loves me every way."
"Tell me," Dana said.
"She ties me up. I tie her up."
"Do you use strap-ons? Dildos?"
"Do you spank Janet?"
"How far would you go?"
"As far as she asked."
Dana looked up. "Do you want me to take off your jeans, Samantha?"
"Are you wearing any panties?" A silent, negative head shake.
"Naughty," Dana whispered. She reached up and unzipped Sam's jeans, worming her fingers inside. Sam groaned, her hips rioting against her brain again. Dana's fingers searched and found with pinpoint accuracy. Sam bit her lip. "Naughty girl... are you going to come in your jeans if I don't take them off?"
"Yeah," was all Sam could manage.
Dana stood and frantically undid Sam's belt. Sam struggled against her cuffs, striving to help but unable to get free. The denim slid down Sam's legs and Dana dropped, not bothering to remove them entirely. She attached her mouth to Sam hungrily, wantonly, drunkenly as her tongue lashed out and sought sustenance. Sam was practically keening, thrashing against her cuffs. Her jaw dropped and she began to pant, repeating what she could of her lover's name as she came: "Day-aday-adayn-nadayn-ada-yn..." She roared, inhumanly primal, and her body curved towards the point where Dana's loving tongue touched her.
When her body was still again, when her heart rate had slowed, Dana rose and passionately kissed Sam, sharing her taste. Sam lapped at Dana's mouth, tasting her own sweet juices. When Dana pulled back, Sam glared at her with dark eyes and hissed, "Unlock these cuffs."
Dana reached up and slipped her key into the lock. Before releasing Sam, she leaned forward and pressed her lips against Sam's ear. "I like it rough," she confided before sweeping her tongue into the canal.
"Good," Sam growled. She pounced on Dana and knocked the woman to the floor.
II. Heavy Petting
Janet had moved from the chair to the couch, nervously sipping her glass of water. She wondered how often in life this situation popped up; she had to keep a woman company while their lovers had sex in the other room. She pursed her lips and looked out the window to avoid looking at Sarah. "God, it's beautiful here."
Sarah touched Janet's neck, pushing her hair out of the way. "Yes, it is."
"Sarah," Janet whispered, eyes closing as feather-soft touches covered her neck.
"What do you suppose they're doing in there?" she asked, scooting closer and angling her head to see Janet's face. "Do you suppose one of them is naked yet?" Her lips were centimeters from Janet's ear. "Listen. Hear that? Do you hear? Someone is moaning. Already." She kissed Janet's cheek and said, "Do you want to know what I think is happening?"
"Yeh..." Janet managed to say.
Sarah slid closer and put a hand on Janet's thigh. "Unbutton your jeans," she whispered. Janet turned and opened her eyes, looking at her questioningly. Sarah brought one hand up and cupped Janet's cheek, the thumb resting on Janet's lower lip. "Suck it," Sarah ordered. Janet could do nothing but obey. Sarah grinned. "Unbutton your jeans."
Janet's eyes remained locked on Sarah's as she reached down, undoing the catch on her jeans. Sarah licked her lips and freed her thumb. "One of them is definitely naked," she deduced. "Do you hear those moans? Our lovers are being so good to each other."
Janet moaned and Sarah's hand moved higher on Janet's thigh. "Dana's tongue is likely in Sam as we speak."
"God," Janet breathed, ears burning bright red.
"Is the thought making you wet?" Janet nodded. "Touch yourself."
"Here?" Janet asked, horrified.
"Yes. Here. I want you to touch your pussy."
"You're insane."
"I'm horny."
"I want to make you come, Janet. Just like Dana is making Sam come. On her fingers, on her mouth... my woman is drinking your woman down right now. Did you see Dana's red lips? Can't you just taste Sam on them." Janet groaned, furrowing her brow and closing her eyes. "Touch yourself."
Janet moved a hand to her crotch, fingers lightly resting on the denim. Sarah leaned forward and said, "Inside your jeans. Fingers to skin." Janet did as instructed and Sarah said, "Is it like electricity, Janet? I hope so. Because that's how it felt every time you touched me. Sparks from your fingertips straight to my pussy. I don't think it would feel the same to you. It couldn't or else you'd never stop masturbating." She licked her lips and looked down.
Two lumps were visible in Janet's jeans; the pinky and forefinger were raised. The bumps rose and lowered as Janet pistoned the middle two fingers into herself. She'd slid down the couch considerably, one hand still valiantly holding her glass of water. Sarah took the glass and put it on the table, leaning over Janet's body. "Three fingers now, Janet," Sarah said. "Put another finger inside." She looked down and the pinky bump disappeared. "That's my good girl. My good little Janet."
"C-can I tell... you to do..."
"Anything," Sarah said.
"I want to see your breasts." Surprisingly, she didn't stutter.
Sarah reached behind herself, unzipping her dress and shrugging the shoulderstraps off. Janet reached up with her free hand - still cold from the water glass - and pushed the material out of the way. She cupped Sarah's large breast, her cold and moist palm exciting her nipple. Sarah moaned and said, "Ooh, that's it... that's it, my sweet Janet."
Janet's body was rising and falling on the couch cushions, her hair plastered to her forehead by sweat. "I... I'm close..."
Sarah slid one hand into Janet's jeans and covered the other woman with her palm. Janet moaned quietly, eyes screwed shut, face beet red, teeth grit, as Sarah's palm suddenly became warmly wettened. Sarah moaned and mouthed a kiss to Janet's throat, painting trails with her tongue. Janet withdrew her hand from her jeans, licking at it hungrily. Sarah's eyes widened; she'd never before seen anyone taste themselves like that. Janet's tongue danced over her fingers, tasting everything.
Finally, she slumped against the couch and pulled Sarah on top of her, kissing her hard. After a cool-down period of a couple minutes, the rest of Sarah's dress hit the floor.
III. ...Stays in Vegas
Sam woke first the next morning, raising her head and looking at the rainbow before her. The curtains were parted slightly, throwing sunshine down onto the three heads between it and her. First, tousled red. Immediately behind it, deep black. Directly in front of Sam was a mop of brown. Sam brushed the hair away and found an ear, nibbling gently on the shell. The owner of the ear rolled onto her back and smiled up at her. Janet spread her legs beneath Sam, beneath the blankets, and Sam settled between them. Their midsections met perfectly, something they would never be able to achieve standing. "Mm" Janet whispered as their bodies met. "Hello."
"Good morning," Sam said, moving one hand to brush Janet's hair out of her face.
"We had a foursome last night," Janet informed her, sliding her feet up the backs of Sam's legs.
Sam licked her lips, bringing one hand to rest on Janet's bare breast. "Oh?"
"Ah-hah, ha... mmm..."
"Want to have a twosome?"
"We're kind of already in the middle of that, dear."
"You're so smart."
They kissed softly, then harder, then woke the other occupants of the bed with the noises they made. It didn't bother them terribly; it turned out, they enjoyed having an audience almost as much as they enjoyed being the audience.
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