T & A
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Rating: NC17
Pairings: Sam/Janet
Category: Romance
Disclaimer: Not mine. None of it. I even borrowed the letters that make up the words.
Spoilers: Um... the first "Die Hard" movie is pretty much given away during the course of this story.
Series: #18 in the Ampersand Series
What Came Before: Life & Death, Search & Rescue, Forgive & Forget, Hide & Seek, Light & Dark, Now & Then, True & False, Cookies & Cream, Love & War, Flesh & Blood, Hours & Minutes, Wine & Roses, Naughty & Nice, Smoke & Mirrors, Bed & Breakfast, Friends & Lovers, Secrets & Lies
Notes: The title doesn't mean what you think it means. Get your minds out of the gutter. ;-D Other than the source of an injury, this is pretty much a stand-alone from the rest of the Ampersand series.
Summary: Sam and Janet are forced to sit through a movie with the rest of SG-1. Fortunately, Janet isn't distracted easily...
Sam limped down the stairs, leaning on her cane as she moved. She had gotten the hang of the third leg quickly; the car wreck of several weeks before was already becoming a distant memory for Cassandra, but doctor's orders said that Sam had to keep using the assistance of the cane for at least four more days. Jack O'Neill passed the staircase on his way from the front door to the living room and spotted her, concern shadowing his features. "You okay there, Carter?"
"Fine," she smiled. "And... it's Sam for tonight, okay?"
He grinned. "Got it, Sam. Now, get a move on! Teal'c's waiting to see the movie."
Sam reached the bottom, turning towards the living room and the scene that had built over the past few minutes. She and Janet had been planning a quiet evening making love in peace since Cassandra was on a school trip. Unfortunately, Jack had assumed this meant the women would be lonely and want company. He had invaded the house with Daniel and Teal'c in tow, offering them pizzas and a movie. They had reluctantly agreed and the night was ruined. Sam had gone upstairs and changed into a skirt and a light t-shirt, being sure to wear a bra downstairs lest the guys see something they shouldn't. When she reached the living room, she saw that Daniel had already popped some corn and Jack was serving slices of pizza onto paper plates.
The blonde lowered herself to the couch, laying her cane across the floor in front of her as she settled in. Jack kicked the creaky recliner he had been stuck with, then pointed at Sam. "How come she gets the best seat in the house all to herself?"
"She got in a car accident," Daniel said. "She needs the room to spread out."
Jack grumbled, "Yeah, well... I went skydiving without a parachute and broke nine bones. Doesn't that count for anything?"
"That was in World War One," Daniel joked. "You've had time to heal."
"And besides," Janet countered, blocking Jack's punch at the archaeologist, "She doesn't have it all to herself." She sat next to Sam and pulled the major's long legs across her lap. Sam reclined and smiled at Jack as the doctor stroked her calves. It was so much easier now that the rest of SG-1 knew the truth. Although, it seemed like the entire world now knew the truth... Sam looked at Janet and realized she had more to be thankful for; they had gotten past a hard time in their relationship. They had been receiving therapy from Sandra Coulson since Sam was released from the hospital and they were well on the way to recovery. While it would be a while before things were completely copacetic between them, they were closer now than they had been before.
Janet draped a blanket over her lap, covering Sam below the waist and asked, "What movie are we watching?"
The colonel picked up the white Blockbuster bag and said, "Ladies, prepare to see a movie that our poor friend Teal'c here has been deprived of for far too long. The masterpiece of American cinema. The reason that they installed surround sound in most home television sets. The one, the only... the first and best... 'DIE HARD'." He withdrew the case with a flourish, smiling proudly.
Janet raised an eyebrow. "That's a masterpiece of American cinema?"
"Oh, no, my dear Doc. This is *the* masterpiece of American cinema." He bent next to the DVD player, sliding the disc into the machine and hitting play. After the animated menu disappeared, Jack chose 'PLAY MOVIE' on the list and sat back. "Teal'c, m'boy... prepare to be dazzled."
The Jaffa straightened, cocking an eyebrow. Finally, he said, "I am prepared." Daniel stood, turning off the lights before dropping back to his bean bag chair on the floor. He had pilfered the seat from Cassandra's room the first time they had done this 'movie night' and it was now a tradition that it was his chair.
The movie began and Janet rested her head against the back of the couch. She had seen this about a dozen times and couldn't deny that it was a very enjoyable film. As Bruce Willis was being introduced to his limo driver, Argyle, Sam began to fidget in her seat. Janet placed a hand on the blonde's stomach and looked questioningly at her. Sam sat up and whispered in Janet's ear. "My ankle is killing me... you think the guys would mind if I went upstairs to soak it?"
Janet moved so that she could whisper into the other woman's ear as well, hair getting caught on lips as they shifted. She whispered, "Would you settle for a nice foot massage?"
Sam pressed her lips to Janet's earlobe. "That would be great," she whispered. "Thank you."
"No problem. What hurts the worst?"
Sam thought a moment, then decided, "My toes are sore for some reason... and my ankle."
Janet giggled quietly. "T and A... my two favorite letters of the alphabet."
Sam returned the laugh and they were suddenly separated by a barrage of popcorn. "No giggling during the movie!" Jack commanded.
The ladies returned to their original position, but Janet slipped her hands underneath the blanket. She looked at the three men sharing the room with them and noted that all three were transfixed by the action unfolding on the big screen. A devious smile graced her perfect lips and she arched her eyebrows. She pulled the blanket a bit higher so that it rested on her stomach, still leaving Sam's entire lower half covered.
John McClane was arriving at Nakatomi Towers when Janet wrapped her fingers around her best friend and lover's foot. She started near the toes, keeping her eyes on the movie as she slowly tripped lower. She finally located the soft skin between the blonde's ankle and heel, spreading her fingers so she could simultaneously stimulate the same area on both sides. She rolled her thumb and index finger against the pliant flesh, illiciting a quiet sigh from Sam. Janet's eyes scanned the men; Teal'c was trying to determine whether he liked this film or not while Jack and Daniel were quietly mouthing the dialogue along with the actors.
Confident she could continue, she used her other hand to trace a line from Sam's third toe across the top of her foot. Combined with her rubbing below the ankle, Sam was forgetting all of her worries. Janet continued this massage until McClane was in his undershirt, curling his toes in the shag carpeting. Then, she pulled her hands free and decided upon another point of attack. Sam was subtly writhing on the cushions of the couch, pretending to be interested in the movie.
She took Sam's injured limb with both hands, placing her thumbs just below the arch and pressing gently. Sam bit her lip, glad that the lights were out and no one could clearly see her expression. Janet pressed upward with both thumbs, tickling along the sides of Sam's feet with her fingers.
The blonde was shivering, her eyes glazed over. She was looking at the TV, but her mind was entirely focused on the doctor's nimble fingers.
Janet bit her lip, continuing to stroke upward and then reset her thumbs where they had started. After several sweeps, she shifted her attention to the fleshy pad below her big toe. She kneaded the skin there with one hand, taking her other and gently pinching the soft skin between her first two toes in rhythm with her stroking. When she finished there, she cupped Sam's foot and began to massage the flesh of Sam's heel. She could feel the callouses caused by many, many miles trekked in army boots and she rubbed those rough spots as if to heal them.
She moved back, placing a finger below each ankle and rubbing the skin in slow, steady circles before continuing on. She repeated the entire massage, often changing the order, until the scene where Bruce Willis was attempting to navigate the building through the ventilation shaft. Sam was struggling to hold back her moans of approval, laying on her side and holding her arm against her forehead. She closed her eyes as Janet's fingers worked magic on her, then noticed movement from the corner of her eye. Teal'c was staring at her, one eyebrow raised in curiosity.
She grinned, then placed a finger to her lips. She indicated the screen and winked at him.
The Jaffa offered a slight smile before he gently bowed his head and averted his gaze to the movie.
Janet, however, wasn't going to be so kind. She released Sam's foot and slid up the blonde's leg, pushing the skirt up and out of the way. Sam's eyes went wide and she mouthed, 'Janet!' The doctor grinned devilishly and looked back at the TV. She skimmed her lover's crotch, happy to see the blonde hadn't bothered with panties when she had changed clothes. 'The easier to seduce you, my dear,' Janet thought. Satisfied that her path was clear, Janet returned to Sam's foot.
Sam's body was in maximum overdrive. It didn't help that, before Jack and friends had bungled in, she and Janet had been close to making love in the middle of the living room. Janet's loving massage was sending shockwaves up her leg and were accumulating in a most inconvenient place. She blinked, trying to unblur her eyes and focus on the movie. She frowned when she realized where it was. How could the movie already be this far along? Hadn't it just started?
There was no time to ponder this, for Janet had once again started her gentle probing on the sole of Sam's foot. Sam rolled fully onto her side, cradling the couch cushion and hugging it while her lover did as she pleased. The situation was, in fact, almost more humorous than arousing. Three of her closest friends were mere feet away, engrossed in a movie, while Janet was about to make her climax by touching her almost entirely below the knee.
"Do you really think you stand a chance against me, cowboy?"
"Yippie-ki-yay, motherfuckah," Bruce Willis jibed.
Janet rolled her fingers from the bottom of Sam's heel, up the blonde's leg, and stopped to play in the cartilage behind Sam's knee. The blonde bent her leg, hiding that ticklish spot from the brunette before she laughed out loud. Janet looked up, afraid of being found out. Luckily, McClane had just delivered his infamous 'cowboy' line and the others were also chuckling. Satisfied Sam's laugh hadn't revealed their covert actions, Janet continued upward, tracing gentle circles on the back and inside of Sam's thigh.
Janet was pretending to be completely engaged in the film as she manipulated her fingers across her lover's rear end. Sam's eyes opened and once again darted over to the other three people in the room. Daniel was watching with enthusiasm. Jack was on the edge of his seat, rooting for the action hero to save the day. Teal'c actually seemed to be enjoying the movie. She actually heard the large black man mutter, "This McClane has the soul of a Jaffa warrior..."
For the moment, it was safe. The brunette traced the gentle line where Sam's leg began to curve into her buttocks, then pinched the firm skin between two fingers. She grinned, knowing how many people would kill for a chance to pinch this area of the major's body. 'Let 'em try,' she dared. 'Sam's all mine.'
She slipped past the crack, giving the other cheek the same attention, then followed the crease between the rounded cheeks down to the mound between Sam's legs. Sam reached under the blankets, gripping the other woman's hand lightly. They locked eyes and the blonde mouthed, 'Not here.'
Janet raised an eyebrow and mouthed, 'Oh, okay.' A moment later, she placed her fingers on the major's clitoris and mouthed, 'How about here?'
The blonde started to protest, but felt the doctor's thumb graze her slit. Sam closed her eyes and inadvertantly moaned, "Oooh, God..."
Every eye in the room turned towards the couch. Sam coughed, uncomfortable being the center of attention in her current state. She didn't even know how articulate she would be. Luckily, Janet saved her. "I think it would be best if we went upstairs and soaked Sam's ankle. It's starting to get very... sensitive."
She arranged the blankets around her lover's lower half, then picked the blonde up. Jack raised an eyebrow, but was apparently only impressed by the doctor's ability to carry the larger woman. Janet smiled sweetly and said, "I'll be back after attending to my patient. Enjoy the rest of the movie."
Jack and Daniel eagerly turned back to the TV, watching as Bruce Willis' alter ego expertly avoided terrorists at every turn. Teal'c had barely even turned away, completely involved by the action. As they ascended the stairs, Sam draped one arm over Janet's shoulder and huskily breathed, "The beautiful yet mysterious doctor heaved the injured soul into her arms and they climbed the spiral staircase to a night of passion within the master bedroom of the lovely Janet's Victorian mansion."
"You've been reading too many romance novels," the doctor accused.
Sam wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. "Let's show 'em how it's done."
Janet took the blonde into the bathroom, gingerly placing her on the edge of the bathtub as she turned the faucet for both hot and cold. She ran her fingers under the stream of water from the faucet, then tenderly lifted Sam's injured foot and placed it in the rising water. She stood and found the small bottle of Epsom salts and poured some into the water. Sam sighed as she felt the currents move across her foot. She leaned against the wall, keeping her foot in the tub. Janet reached out, turning off the water and smiling at the blonde. "Did you enjoy your foot rub?"
Sam's eyes brightened. "Oh, yeah. Where the hell did you learn that?"
Janet seductively raised one hand to her mouth and rolled her tongue across the tip of her finger. "I'll never tell, my love. I've been saving it for a special occasion... and this was it. God, I wanted to make you climax in front of the guys."
"Well," Sam giggled. "Looks like you've got a little exhibitionist in you."
The brunette nodded, eyes glued to the material of Sam's skirt. The cloth was stretched tight due to Sam straddling the side of the bathtub. Gently, Janet pulled her moist finger from her lips and slid it under the hem. She once again found her lover's erect clitoris and said, "Mmm... looks like the faucet isn't the only thing flowing tonight." She raised an eyebrow. "Tell me, Sam... how close were you earlier?"
Sam closed her eyes, leaning against the bathroom wall. She swallowed a lump in her throat and confessed, "Close."
Janet dipped one finger into the blonde's slit. "How close."
"Ooooh," Sam said, rolling her head to one side.
"That close," Janet smiled. She took the skirt in her free hand and gently pulled it up, helped along by Sam raising her hips off the porcelain of the tub and allowing herself to be exposed. Janet sat transfixed by the folds of her lover's sex, watching eagerly as her finger disappeared into the wet center of the major.
Sam moaned low in her throat, arching her back and cupping her own breasts. When her climax began to crest, she reached out and put a hand on each of Janet's shoulders. She pulled the smaller woman to her in an all-consuming kiss, their tongues dueling as Janet felt the first trickle of warm juice on her hand. She increased the tempo of her thrusts as her tongue dueled with the blonde's.
They held tightly to each other, the doctor keeping her hand firmly in place as Sam climaxed. Soon, her fingers were coated and the blonde was sated. They separated, breathing heavily as they came down from their respective highs. Janet began to clean her hand like a cat bathing after a meal, her tongue using short strokes to gather and take in every remnant of her prize. Finally, she leaned in and kissed Sam's lips once more.
Sam breathed, running her hands through Janet's hair. "I don't know if I can face the guys now," she whispered.
"I'll make up an excuse. I'll get rid of them... and then you can give me a massage."
The blonde brightened, suddenly inspired. "I'll be waiting for you."
They kissed once more before Janet left the bathroom. Sam rested against the wall, making lazy circles in the bathtub water with her foot. She smiled, once again reminded how lucky she was to be in a relationship with a doctor; Janet knew all the moves to make her feel better.
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