Cats & Dogs
Author: Geonn
Rating: NC17
Pairings: Sam/Janet
Category: Romance
Disclaimer: Not mine. None of it. I even borrowed the letters that make up the words.
Series: The Ampersand Series
What Came Before: Life & Death, Search & Rescue, Forgive & Forget, Hide & Seek, Light & Dark, Now & Then, True & False, Cookies & Cream, Love & War, Flesh & Blood, Hours & Minutes, Wine & Roses, Naughty & Nice, Smoke & Mirrors, Bed & Breakfast, Friends & Lovers, Secrets & Lies, T& A
Notes: This is dedicated to Debbie. Sorry it took so long for me to get around to... I could've SWORN I posted this a long time ago!
Summary: "There is no such thing as bad weather, just different kinds of good weather." John Ruskin
The forecast for that Valentine's night called for a light drizzle with a possibility of sleet by dawn. Janet Fraiser's car was the only one on the road, bravely pushing through the blinding 'drizzle' that was threatening to flood the quiet streets of her neighborhood. In the passenger seat, Samantha Carter fiddled with the car stereo, trying to find someone who was actually playing music. She found a country station and decided to settle on that. Before meeting and falling for the brunette doctor, Sam couldn't have told the difference between Hank Williams and George Strait. Now, she was becoming quite the aficionado.
Janet turned into their driveway, pulling her coat around her small frame before darting out into the rain to unload the groceries from the trunk. Both women had been too busy to cook an appropriately romantic dinner for the occasion, but they had promised to celebrate together one way or another. They had just returned from the virtually abandoned strip mall outside of town where they had separated to buy each other a present. Sam's sat on the backseat, while Janet's was sitting in the back corner of the trunk. The brunette wanted to retrieve the small red bag before the blonde saw it.
In the front seat, Sam watched as Janet moved through the falling rain to the back of the car. She smiled, knowing what was hidden in the trunk. Deciding to be sneaky, she climbed out of the car and shut the door behind her, quietly moving towards the front bumper of the car. The driver's side door was standing open, so she hid behind it for a moment. Confident Janet didn't see her, she moved around the door and pressed it shut so the apholstery wouldn't be ruined. Janet saw the major too late. She called out, "Sam, wait!"
The door slammed shut.
Janet called, "SAM! The keys are in the ignition!"
Sam blinked, trying to figure out what her lover was saying, then pulled up on the door handle. It was locked. She smiled sheepishly, then realized the scope of her mistake. "The house keys!"
"Yes, the house keys!" Janet said, her small frame already shivering in the cold. "You don't have yours, do you?"
Lightning cracked across the sky, followed by a bone-jarring explosion of thunder. Sam jumped slightly at the sound then said, "What're we going to do?!"
Janet moved to the house, testing the front door in case someone had neglected to lock it on their way out. She groaned in disappointment and kicked the wall. "Damn it... When is Cassie supposed to be home?"
Sam stepped onto the porch, checking her watch. "She said eight... it's five after now."
The brunette folded her hands and said, "Please, please, please don't let her be too late." She pressed herself against the wall, hugging herself as the rain continued to pound the porch. She kicked herself for not adding walls to the porch when it had been built. 'A perfect summer room when it's warm, keeps the cold out when it's chilly,' the contractor had said. Suddenly a couple bucks didn't seem like that big of a difference. She shivered and glared at Sam. "Why would you close the door?"
"Why would you leave the keys in the ignition?"
Janet was seething. Valentine's Day had been shot to hell. All thoughts of romance had been destroyed by the slamming of the car door.
Sam scanned the houses of the neighborhood; no lights were burning in the street-facing houses, so they couldn't find shelter there. The rain was coming down at a 45 degree angle, giving them only a tiny amount of safety on the porch. Sam was standing on the outside edge and was quickly getting soaked while Janet was protected, pressed against the house as they waited for Cassandra to show up.
After what seemed like an eternity, headlights cut across the lawn. Sam turned and rushed across the lawn, reaching Cassie as the girl was climbing out of her friend's car. "Mom? Sam? What're you guys doing out here in the rain?"
Sam smiled sweetly. "I accidentally locked your mom's keys in the car. We were... hoping you had some house keys with you." She held her hands up in a pleading gesture. "Please tell me you have the keys."
The girl sighed and said good-bye to her friend before heading up to the porch. Sam followed, her clothing completely drenched and her skin becoming clammy. "Cassandra Fraiser, do you have your house keys or not?"
"Of course I do," Cassandra said, turning and displaying the Holy Grail; a small key the color of faded gold. "However... if I just *give* you the keys, what will you learn? Maybe a good soaking will teach you girls how important it is not to misplace your important belongings."
Janet stepped forward. "Cass, please. I'm not in the mood." She held out her hand and the girl obediently dropped the key. Janet took it and dashed up the front porch stairs. She quickly unlocked the door and slipped into the warmth of their house. She exhaled softly, leaving Cassandra's keys on the desk in the front hall. Cassie went inside first, then turned to see if Sam was following.
The blonde was standing in the doorway, then said, "Um... could you bring me a robe? I'll just get rid of these wet clothes right here so I don't track water in. I think I've gotten into enough trouble tonight."
Cassie nodded and climbed the stairs, quickly returning with a towel and a robe. Sam flattened the towel on the floor and stepped onto it, closing the door behind her as Cassie returned to her bedroom. Alone, the blonde stripped out of her sneakers, coat, t-shirt and jeans, then wrapped the robe around herself. She balled the wet clothing up in the towel and carried it upstairs, brushing the wet strands of hair out of her face as she approached the bedroom. She wasn't looking forward to the cold shoulder from Janet.
She stepped inside, closing the door with her heel. Janet was naked, having just hung her clothes on the shower curtain. She was coming out of the bathroom when Sam had entered. The brunette looked up, noticing the look of lust in her lover's eyes. "Oh, no... you're not seducing your way out of this one. Consider our Valentine's plans cancelled." To emphasize her point, she wrapped a towel around herself, securing it between her breasts. She looked at Sam, then asked, "What do you have to say for yourself?"
Sam opened her mouth to apologize... then sneezed so hard she dropped her wet clothes on the floor. She covered her mouth, holding back another sneeze before she looked at Janet again.
The doctor was trying not to smile, the corners of her mouth twitching anxiously. Finally, Sam sighed. "Go ahead and laugh... I got us locked out and now I have a cold." She sniffled, then said, "I sure wish I knew a doctor who made housecalls."
Janet faked an exasperated sigh and said, "I don't work for free, ya know." She stepped forward, fingering the bottom edge of the towel that was covering her.
"I thought Valentine's night was cancelled," Sam said, hungrily eyeing the doctor's bare legs.
Janet grinned and pursed her lips. "I'm still a little angry about it... but I can't stay mad at you." She stroked Sam's face. "It's been awhile since we've been... intimate. I'd been looking forward to tonight." She lightly placed a kiss on the blonde's cheek, noticing how cold the skin was. "We have to get you warmed up... but first, you have to pay for locking us out."
Keeping in mind the doctor's previous statement about sex, Sam said, "How about I pay you with a dance?"
"A dance?" Janet said, a bit surprised. She smiled and said, "All right. What shall we dance to?"
Sam stepped forward, snaking an arm around Janet's waist and laying another softly on her shoulder. "The music in our heads, my dear." She pulled the brunette to her. "Listen to the rhythm of the rain," she whispered, pressing her lips against Janet's temple. "You hear that... beautiful music..."
Janet smiled, pressing her cheek to Sam's, remaining quiet as they swayed across the bedroom. Sam moved one hand up to cup the doctor's head, letting the other drift down to rest in the small of Janet's back. The rain was pattering against the window in a steady beat and Sam quietly began to mimic the sounds. "Da-da-da-doo-da-da-da-da-dee-do..." She inhaled the doctor's scent and moaned, "I love the way you smell."
They danced across the room, the raindrops directing their steps. Sam began to trace circles through the towel covering the soft skin just above Janet's rear end. Janet smiled and hugged Sam tighter. Suddenly, the house shook with a magnificent explosion of thunder. Janet tensed slightly, pressing herself into the blonde before she stepped back.
Sam smiled. "It's just thunder, baby." She lightly kissed Janet's nose. "I'll keep you safe."
Janet pressed herself against Sam again, resting her head on the taller woman's shoulder. After a few minutes, she giggled and sang, "Raindrops keep fallin' on my head..."
Sam laughed and joined in on the next line. "And just like a guy whose feet are too big for his bed, nothing seems to fit.."
Janet pressed her face against Sam's neck, gently nipping at the skin there. Sam closed her eyes, leaning her head to the opposite side to allow the brunette more room to work. Janet's hand slid up, holding the blonde's head in place as she attacked a certain point, alternate between licking and sucking. Sam gasped, realizing what the brunette was doing. "You're... gonna give me a hickey, aren't you?"
She felt the doctor's smile and said, "God, Janet... the guys are going to have my ass about this."
Janet pulled back and said, "Consider it payback for locking me out of the house. Besides," she added, sucking the flesh as the spoke, "They'd be even worse if you showed up on February 15th without a hickey..."
Sam shrugged and gently lowered the other woman's head to resume the hickey. "I guess you're right... and there are definitely worse ways to get revenge..."
They continued to glide against each other, their bodies generating warmth through the terrycloth coverings. Sam stepped back, allowing just enough room for their hands to undo the belts and knots of their coverings and allow them to fall. She watched Janet's body as it was exposed by the plummeting towel, licking her lips hungrily. The doctor's breasts, normally tan, were now beginning to pale as it had been several months since she had spent much time in the sun. The dark nipples were more pronounced against the pale skin, begging to be touched... tasted... Sam's eyes continued their downward journey, passing the subtle roundness of Janet's stomach and across the dimple of her navel.
She saw the trimmed forest of brown hair between the doctor's legs and parted her lips, a gentle gasp escaping her before she returned her gaze to Janet's. "My God, but you're beautiful."
Janet cupped her lover's posterior and pulled the naked blonde's body against her own. The collision of flesh-on-flesh was electric; both women leaned in for a kiss and neither was disappointed. Sam allowed her tongue to glance Janet's lips and the doctor eagerly opened for her lover. They kissed softly, their tongues playfully dueling in the confines of their mouths. Sam cupped Janet's face, pulling away from the kiss and gazing at the brunette's half-lidded eyes. She leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the doctor's closed eyelids, letting her tongue skim over her cheeks, then returned to the doctor's mouth.
Sam curled her fingers in Janet's hair, moving them towards the wall. Janet sensed her lover's plan and, a moment before hitting the wall, hopped up and wrapped her legs around Sam's hips. The blonde easily accepted the weight, pressing Janet's shoulders against the wall as they continued to kiss.
Fingers curled in russet locks of wet hair as Sam explored the familiar contours of Janet's mouth. When they finally pulled apart, Janet was breathless. She touched the crown of Sam's head, lightly letting her fingers trace the outline of the blonde's face before cupping her chin. Breathless, the doctor said, "I believe I've cured you of your sniffles."
Sam laughed out loud, then said, "By jove, I think you're right... you should write a book!"
Janet scoffed, looking down at herself. "What would my mother think?"
Sam giggled again, pulling Janet in for another kiss. Using the wall as a balance, Sam shifted one hand down to Janet's rear. She left the other curling in her hair. Janet closed her eyes and allowed the kiss to end. Sam looked down, swallowing sharply when she saw the small nubbin of Janet's clitoris pressed against her abdomen. The sensitive bud was rolling softly against the skin just below Sam's navel. Sam moved her hand from Janet's hair, pausing to glance across the doctor's breasts before continuing down. The blonde slipped her fingers between her stomach and Janet's sex, gently flexing her fingers.
"God, Sam..."
Sam tickled the brunette again, then leaned in for an unbelievable kiss. She released the other woman, allowing her to lean against the wall once more. She looked down, molding her free hand to Janet's ass. Trying to be as seductive as possible, she wet her lips and began to blow down her own body. The gentle caress of Sam's finger on her clit caused Janet to gasp. Moments later, Sam felt a trickle of warm liquid tracing down her stomach. She smiled and lowered her head, kissing the silky flesh of Janet's breast.
Janet gasped, moaning quietly as she held herself steady by placing both hands on Sam's shoulders. The trickle became a stream and Sam felt her own climax approaching. She bit her lip, watching as Janet was overtaken by orgasm. The sight was enough to push the blonde over the edge as well.
They clung to each other for a moment, then slowly moved to the bed and lay on top of the mattress. Sam pulled the blankets up over the nude forms and lightly kissed Janet. "Good night, my love."
The doctor smiled sleepily. "Good... ni-- ACHOO!!" She convulsed, covering her face at the last instant. She groaned, glaring at Sam.
The blonde just smiled, then exploded into hysterics.
Janet's eyes widened. "It's not fuh-fuh-fun... aa-choo!" She sneezed again. She slapped Sam's bare shoulder and said, "Damn it, I got your cold!"
Sam's eyes brightened. "Maybe I could apply your technique to cure it," she winked. She pulled the doctor closer and began to administer the kind of bedside care that was definitely not approved by the AMA. By the time they were finished healing each other, the rain had stopped. Sam rested her head on Janet's ample chest, suddenly noticing the wet, red bag sitting on the sink in the bathroom. "Hey," she whispered, waking Janet. "What did you get me?"
Janet stroked the blonde's hair. "It's not important... I'll show it to you tomorrow." She kissed the major's temple and embraced the taller woman.
When they reported to work the next morning, neither had the sniffles.