Title: "Crossroads"
Reviewer Name: ldragon
It is hard to find fanfiction that is well written and plot driven. I had never heard of 'The Division' until I ran into this story. I haven't become a fan of the show, but I have become a fan of this author. Her strength lies in her original characters rather than those created for the show. Tucker handles those just fine, but I find she has written some of the most memorable originals than I have run into for awhile. The plot of the story catches you up and sweeps you away on a rollercoaster free form drop into her interpertation of police work. Well worth the read and as most of the story is written, you don't have to stand in line for the next part. |
Title: "Let
That Lonesome Whistle"
Comments: Spoilers for the story. I recommend you read it. Reviewer Name: Erin Griffin |
I love this story so much that I have it saved on my hard drive somewhere o that I can read it again. I normally do not reread stories and books, but I have read Let That Lonesome Whistle at least 4 times now, and every once in a while I have to go back and read it again. This story is about the relationship that Cordelia builds with Faith when they become cellmates in prison after a misunderstanding that led her there. both characters seem to have their masks that they've pulled over their heads while they are together as well as in front of their respective groups, but in the end, they find out that they may not be that different after all. Cordeilia was trying to be strong for angel, and Faith was trying to hide her pain by being the tough 'Slayer Slut'. In the end, Cordelia spills her feelings for Faith only to be shot down by Faith's insecurities, but I like how the story ends. Harper does a great job in getting into the characters' heads, even though she says she has only seen Faith's characters in other fanfiction. I would not have known that by this story. It felt as if Faith was actually Harper's creation. Even though Harper says her story is NC-17, I think there is too much love to call the sex scenes smut. I think the love shines through the more I read it, but maybe that is just me. either way, you have to read it if you are a fan of Faith or Cordelia or even not too much of a fan of Angel's character, really. |
Title: "Just Between..."
Author: G.L. Dartt Fandom: Star Trek: Voyager Pairing: J/7, B/O Rating: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: http://www.northco.net/~janeway/JBSeries/jbindex.htm Comments: This is a 50 part series, so if you like 'em long, this is for you. If not, maybe you should look somewhere else... Reviewer Name: Jaycee
This 50 part series is probably the best ST:V fanfic I have ever read, and I've read a lot. Despite it's length - or maybe because of it - the Just Between series is well thought out, touching, hilarious, angsty, and full of so much emotion that I would recommend lots of chocolate and tissues. Dartt's grasp on the characters in the show is incomprehensibly tight, and you believe every word written. It starts with Seven coming to the captain late one night to initiate a relationship, and ends up with the two happily married and... well, don't want to give the story away. Even if you just read the first part, Just Between Us, you'll realize how well you spent your time. Because you just have to read the infamous bridge scene. |
Title: "Evil Deeds"
Author: Harper Fandom: Birds of Prey Pairing: Helena/Barbara Rating: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: www.realmoftheshadow.com/harper/evil_deeds.htm Warning: Author warns that some people might be offended by the force used in sexual situations Reviewer Name: Vanessa |
Anything by Harper is good reading, but we've
just started getting BoP in Australia, and I immediately hunted down
Harper's fics after getting a taste of the characters. "Evil Deeds" is
definitely my favourite - bad girl Helena hurting, Barbara attempting to
hide her insecurities, the Huntress doing something typically rash (and a
Harper-written sex scene is *always* incredible - always gets into the
character's mind and emotions, never just PWP no matter what she might
claim) and everything still working out in the end.
The only constructive criticism I can offer is that she "Harperizes" the characters' dialogue a little too much, but all that indicates is that this lady's work is good enough for original fiction! |
Title: "Out in Thirty Days"
Author: BC Bones Fandom: Star Trek Voyager Pairing: T/7 Rating: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: www.perfectmisfits.com Don't forget to look at Dare2B's cover (to be found on Passion and Perfection at: http://www.ralst.com/OTD2.jpg) Reviewer Name: Weejee |
Many VJB writers have approached the B'Elanna/Seven slash pairing by exploring the relationship that could develop between the two women when separated from Voyager and forced to rely on each other for their survival. Indeed, some of the very best stories this fandom and pairing have produced fall into this category. Bones' epic contribution, set after B'Elanna's experiences in "Barge of the Dead" and "Muse" and first posted in 2000, is one of my all-time favorite femslash stories. Bones builds the relationship between the two women slowly and realistically as each struggles with the fear that it is only the extraordinary circumstance that draws them together, while desiring something truer and deeper. The setting for the story is novel and the original characters are so well rendered that one cannot help but become attached to them immediately. And, on top of all that, there's lots of drama and excitement in this classic T/7 story. |
Title: "Unacceptable Losses"
Author: halfofone Fandom: Star Trek Voyager Pairing: T/7 Rating: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Of Labrys and Kings (http://callspur.com/index.html) Reviewer Name: Weejee |
In "Unacceptable Losses," Voyager's crew members experience yet another intense tragedy on their journey home and halfofone gives us a poignant account of how they marshal their resources to continue on. While it goes without saying that tracing the developing relationship between B'Elanna and Seven sits at the center of the story, halfofone has produced an extremely rich and layered story that involves the entire crew. I find most striking the very full portrait of each of the characters and appreciate how deeply halfofone is willing to probe in imagining how each might react to tragedy. This is a B'Elanna I especially like – in addition to highlighting her intelligence, halfofone shows us her strength, independence, and vulnerability – and "Unacceptable Losses" shows us a remarkable range of emotions in Seven over the course of the story. The archived version at Of Labrys and Kings is somewhat longer than the original version, which was posted to VJB in 2000. Also note halfofone's warnings for "major character death, insanity, murder and mayhem." Sounds worth reading, no? |
Title: "Con-undrum"
Author: BC Bones Fandom: Star Trek Voyager Pairing: T/7 Rating: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: www.perfectmisfits.com Reviewer Name: Weejee |
In "Con-undrum", originally posted on VJB at the end of 2000 and into 2001, BC Bones presents a gripping reworking of the ST: TNG episode by the same name. Following the course of the original episode, Voyager's crewmembers are all suddenly struck with amnesia when an alien ship scans them. Fitting Voyager's crew into the original story line as well as explaining in writing a major twist that, in the TV episode, is entirely dependent on our being able to see the characters, certainly must have presented a challenge, but Bones rises to it. Readers not familiar with the original episode might be confused by this twist (which involves the appearance of a new character), but I encourage you to stick with it. You will be rewarded, particularly because the interactions between Seven and B'Elanna are at the heart of this story. Bones capitalizes deftly on the narrative opening that amnesia provides, exploring what happens when the loss of memory frees both women from the baggage of their history with one another and the opinions of those around them. |
Title: "Letters"
Author: RalSt Fandom: Star Trek Voyager Pairing: T/7 Rating: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Passion and Perfection (http://www.ralst.com) Reviewer Name: Weejee |
This story is a gem that has amused me every time I have read it and I guarantee you many hearty laughs. It is sometimes easy to forget the one-shot stories, particularly the comedies, amidst the longer angstier stories posted to the list and, even though RalSt characterized "Letters" as belonging to the "huh? fic" category, I think it holds its own. Originally posted in 2001, this epistolary story exemplifies the humor that VJB writers bring to the fandom and to which RalSt has made many noteworthy contributions. Not only does RalSt capture the characters of Seven and B'Elanna brilliantly and efficiently (no Borg pun intended) in their correspondence with one another, she uses them to narrate various hysterically funny exploits on the part of Captain Janeway, who has the story's final epistolary word. |
Title: "Solitude"
Author: Sparx Fandom: Star Trek Voyager Pairing: T/7 Rating: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Perfect Misfits www.perfectmisfits.com and at Sparx's personal site: http://www.angelfire.com/on3/sparx/ Reviewer Name: Weejee |
Sparx offers a new twist on what had already become, by the time this story was posted in October of 2001, a staple plot for T/7 fiction – the development of a relationship and romance between B'Elanna and Seven when they become stranded in an unfamiliar context. In "Solitude," our heroines find themselves isolated from the rest of the crew in Voyager's holodeck, having brought back an incurable virus upon returning from an away mission. Although Sparx did not intend it, in many ways, the story is reminiscent of the Voyager episode "Resolutions," but it presents unique elements. Told from B'Elanna's point of view, "Solitude" is less about the drama of the virus or its cure (readers learn about the nature of their predicament in the story's third paragraph), than about charting the personal transformations each woman undergoes while isolated in the holodeck and about exploring the shifting relationship between the two. The characterizations are very well rendered and Sparx does a remarkable job of fitting a great deal of plot and emotional interchange into this one-chapter story. |
Title: "Stardate 53743.2, 0600 hrs" and "Stardate 53743.2, 2300 hrs"
Author: Kathi Fandom: Star Trek Voyager Pairing: J/7 Rating: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: http://www.kathistuff.com/ihj/pwp.html Reviewer Name: Odon |
Kathi has listed these two short stories as PWP's but they are, in fact, first class point-of-view fics. The first story "Stardate 53743.2, 0600 hrs" takes the form of a log entry by Seven regarding her covert sexual relationship with Captain Janeway. The sequel "Stardate 53743.2, 2300 hrs" is a log entry that gives Janeway's point of view. Kathi does an excellent job of putting across the 'voice' of these two very different personalities, and in doing so manages to sum up the entire J/7 relationship succinctly and well. |
Title: "Bound"
Author: Bailey B Fandom: Star Trek Voyager Pairing: J/7 Rating: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: http://www.baileyb.the-voyager-collective.cc/ Reviewer Name: Odon |
Seven of Nine loses her memory during an away mission. More than a week later Janeway finds her working in a strip club on an alien planet, but her attempt to rescue the Borg doesn't turn out the way she expects! Afterwards on Voyager, both Seven and Janeway have trouble coming to terms with what happened between them. A J/7 story that contains hot sex scenes, romance, and well-written character interaction - what more could you want? |
Title: "Rules of the Game"
Author: Bailey B Fandom: Star Trek Voyager Pairing: J/7 Rating: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: http://www.baileyb.the-voyager-collective.cc/ Reviewer Name: Odon |
Bailey B's aim in writing this Post-Endgame tale was to get Janeway and Seven together in a way that was both realistic and believable in the context of the Voyager series. In this she has succeeded admirably, creating a highly readable story that addresses numerous plotholes and hanging threads left by the scriptwriters. Of special note is the board of inquiry into Janeway's actions in "Equinox", and her counseling sessions with Deanna Troi. These scenes clearly had a lot of thought and planning put into them, with Troi's speech patterns and modus operandi portrayed especially well. Likewise Admiral Necheyev, whose backstage politicking conceals her own secret agenda. The oft-criticised 'multiple personality Janeway' comes across as a real person, and Bailey B does an excellent job of showing her stubborness, self-centeredness, guilt, commitment and passion for both her crew and notably, Seven of Nine. Overall if there's one thing that sums up "Rules of the Game", it's realism. You get the feeling that everything here really could happen. I award it...five hot, steaming mugs of coffee! |
Title: "Baby Demon"
Author: Kelly and Boadicea Fandom: Star Trek Voyager Pairing: J/7 Rating: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: http://appelsini.tripod.com/Kelly/baby_demon.html Reviewer Name: Odon |
This short story is one of the best angst fics I've read, so be warned. Its premise is that, after the events of the episode "Relativity", Janeway and Seven are accidentally stranded back in time on present day Earth. Seven has lost all memory of who she was previously and events are told from her point of view. A very disturbing, very moving tale. |
Title: "A Kiss on the Body Electric" and "Cracked"
Author: Jane St Clair Fandom: Star Trek Voyager Pairing: J/7 Rating: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Available on the Vinculum, or Jane's website at http://www.ravenswing.com/~mirrorgirl/door.html Reviewer Name: Odon |
In an online interview Jane St Clair said that if you like a writer's work you should follow them into whatever fandom they choose to write. I certainly recommend so with this author. Although she has written only a few short stories in the Voyager genre, sheer quality of writing puts Jane St Clair on a class above the vast majority of us lowly fanfiction writers. The two stories I recommend to J/7ers are "A Kiss on the Body Electric" and "Cracked". They both involve a situation (the rescue of Seven from a cave collapse in "Cracked"; a reckless drive on the holodeck in "Kiss") and its aftermath, exploring in poetic depth the thoughts and frustrations of Janeway and Seven regarding themselves and their relationship. |
Title: "Chained Melody"
Author: Diane Bellomo Fandom: Star Trek Voyager Pairing: T/7 Rating: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: Available on the Vinculum, or The full "Chained Melody Universe" is on Paris Nights Reviewer Name: Odon |
Captain Janeway, exasperated over B'Elanna and Seven's constant bickering, has them manacled together to force them to learn co-operation and…er…restraint. But you don't have to be into bondage to enjoy this one! One of the original T/7 fanfics, the strength of "Chained Melody" lies in its plausible use of B'Elanna and Seven's character traits to create both their antagonistic scenes and their later intimate moments. If you've no objection to Paris joining the equation, this story is the first of four in what Diane calls the 'Chained Melody Universe'. But for those of you who are strictly f/f, "Chained Melody" is still an enjoyable stand-alone fanfic. |
Title: "The Sum of Both"
Author: Jintian Fandom: Star Trek Enterprise Pairing: H/T Rating: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Website: http://thedoublehelix.org/jintian/sum.html Reviewer Name: Odon |
A follow-up to that "let me help you relax" scene in "Sleeping Dogs". T'Pol ponders what appears to be sexual arousal in Hoshi's response to their meditation. A short but well-written story, with the erotic subtext kept nice and subtle as it should be. |
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