Author: Geonn
Rating: NC17
Pairings: Janet/Sam
Category: Drabble, PWP
Disclaimer: These folks don't belong to me. I stole them from MGM's toybox without asking their mommies for permission. I promise to return them more or less unscathed.
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it'll be.
Notes: Later season
Spoilers: "Children of the Gods," "In The Line of Duty," "Exodus"
Summary: Janet helps Sam rediscover something priceless.
She never looked upward. She never tilted her chin at the sky, never followed a shooting star with a fingertip. Her thumbnails no longer covered the moon and she had stopped winking at the face that appeared within the satellite. Where once she had spent so much of her teen years laying in the front yard, bare feet swinging back and forth as she watched the constellations in their nightly cavalcade... she hardly even noticed them now.
The years had passed. Not only years, but wonders never ceased. Wonder upon wonder had faced them, and they passed each one like a landmark. Now, they had stacked atop each other, weighing on their shoulders in such a way it was impossible to pay close attention to them.
And the worst thing was the loss of starlight in her eyes. They had sparkled with imagination. They had glimmered with possibilities. Now they were simply wide. Staring. Waiting for the Next Amazing Whatever to present itself to be explained away. She'd walked among the stars. She'd destroyed a star. She'd hosted an alien. So many wonderful things, so little wonder.
Reveling in the Stargate's awesome power, she had been literally pushed through the Gate on her first mission. Now, she hardly noticed when stepping to another world.
Life had become a mundane parade of the fantastic. When ice cream is the only dessert, the taste becomes bland very quickly.
In the space of a few short years, Samantha Carter had ceased to be amazed by the wonders of the universe. She'd figured most of them out. She was an explorer, going to other worlds and meeting other races. A career once deemed impossible by many of her contemporaries. It had jaded her.
But Janet Fraiser was not going to allow her lover to stop stargazing.
Gently waking her love out of a sound sleep, Janet kissed Sam's eyelashes and whispered, "Shh. We're going outside."
"Huh?" Sam muttered. "Why?"
The brunette took Sam's hand and pulled the other woman out of bed. "Come on. You'll see. It's a surprise." She kissed Sam's knuckles and walked the blonde out of the room.
September had brought a chill to the air, freezing the women in their sheer nightclothes. Sam pressed against Janet and again whispered, "What are we doing out here?" She rose onto her tiptoes, trying to keep the rest of her feet warm. She tucked her arms under Janet's, pressing her hands against the doctor's abdomen and slipping them into her pajama bottoms. "Let's go back inside."
The doctor smiled. "Look up," Janet said. "Then we'll go inside."
'Anything to get out of this cold,' Sam thought. She tilted her head up and frowned. A few clouds, some stars... "What?"
Rubbing her body against Sam's as she moved, Janet turned and nuzzled her nose into the crook of Sam's neck. She rested her hands under the blonde's heavy breasts, letting the other woman's body heat warm her. "What do you see?"
"Big clouds. Tiny stars." She shrugged.
"Really? That's all you see?"
"I see--" Sam closed her eyes as Janet nipped her throat. She moaned, bringing her hands up and letting her heels fall to the cold patio. "I see," she whispered, angling her mouth down and lightly touching Janet's lips with her own. Their tongues met and Sam felt a warmth flow from the doctor's body into her own. She pressed against her, tighter and tighter, desperate to share as much head as she took. Her hands gripped the brunette's pajama-clad buttocks and pulled her as close as possible...
"Go on," the brunette whispered, her breath pluming in a sheer cloud around Sam's face. "Look up again."
Her cold feet no longer bothering her, Sam looked up... and gasped. A winter's moon hung heavy in the night sky, a dollop of silver against a velvet backdrop. Where once she had simply seen clouds, she now saw gossamer strands dripping from the moon, hanging low and inviting closer looks that revealed only dreams. Thousands of stars were visible, glistening and shining and glowing and pulsing and thriving and burning out all in an instant, pinpricks of ancient light, brilliant flashes of newborns, a fireworks display on a canvas all their own.
Touching Sam's cheek, Janet brought the blonde back to Earth. "Sam?"
"It's beautiful," the Major breathed.
Janet looked into her lover's eyes and saw not only a beautiful soul, but the magnificent mysteries reflected within them. Sam's lips were tugging against a smile, her eyes brimming with tears. "You're beautiful," Janet breathed. "Take me inside. Warm me up."
"Yes, my love," Sam said, picking her lover up off the cold porch. She kissed Janet softly several times on their trek up the stairs, tears forming in her eyes. When they got to the bedroom, Sam laid Janet on the mattress and looked into her eyes. "The stars aren't the only thing I've stopped looking at," she whispered. "For the past few years, I've been making love to the most beautiful woman on any planet and I don't stop to take note of that nearly enough. Do you remember the first time we kissed?" she asked, bringing her head down to nuzzle Janet's breasts through her tank top.
Janet nodded. "U-uhh.. huh..." She swallowed as Sam kissed her erect nipples through her shirt. "You were s-so nervous you bit your tongue."
"Luckily, I had a doctor with me," Sam said. She opened her mouth and enveloped the nub, laving it with her tongue and wetting down Janet's shirt. She raised her head and smoothed the hair off Janet's forehead. "I love you," she said, kissing her lover's lips. "I love you so much." She kissed Janet a few more times, quick pecks, before raising up and undoing the string holding the brunette's pajama pants up. Janet assisted in the stripping by pulling her shirt over her head.
Once Janet was nude, Sam leaned over the side of the bed and withdrew a small purple bottle of lotion. She snapped the top and poured a dollop onto her palm. Spreading it over both hands, she knelt next to the bed and began to work the lotion into Janet's belly. The doctor propped her head up on a pillow and watched as Sam's fingers massaged her flesh. Every now and then, her fingers would invade sensitive areas and Janet closed her eyes hoping for more pressure...
Sam kissed each of Janet's nipples, suckling gently before moving on. Once Sam had finished with the lotion, the bottle was half empty and Janet smelled like grapes. "Spread your legs," Sam commanded quietly.
"No," Janet said.
"What?" Sam smiled.
"I'm not spreading my legs until you get naked." Janet's voice was firm, but the corners of her mouth were trying not to rise.
Sam sighed melodramatically and pulled off her t-shirt. She tossed it aside and scooted off the bed, pulling off her shorts. She stood naked beside the bed and Janet lifted one leg, aiming it at Sam's chest. Her foot rested between Sam's breasts. The blonde took the foot and kissed each toe in turn. She licked the arch and Janet moaned. She kissed the fine-boned ankle and continued her trek down Janet's leg, tasting every tiny niche in the doctor's flesh. Her tongue and lips took the place of Lewis and Clark, Janet's flesh the new world...
Janet's other leg migrated to the opposite side of the bed, spreading her lower body open for exploration. Sam knelt between the limbs, her rear in the air and her feet crossed at the ankles. With her lowered, she looked exactly like a worshipper bowing in reverence. She ran her fingertips down Janet's thighs, feeling the electricity course through her fingers. "How could I ignore this magnificence," she whispered. She raised her head, looking past Janet's pubic region, over her flat stomach, across the mountains of her breasts to look into her eyes. "I love you, Janet. You're so beautiful."
Before Janet could reply, Sam's fingers found her. She dropped her head back against the pillow and cried out quietly. She brought a hand to her mouth and bit down on the knuckles as Sam gently brushed her fingertip down one tender pink fold. She spread the lips and blew across the beads of wetness already present. Janet moaned again, arching her back off the bed. Sam extended her tongue and gently made a figure-eight across the brunette's flesh.
Janet's hand fell away and she said, in a far-too-loud voice, "GOD..."
Sam shushed, giggling quietly, and lowered her head again. Janet reached down and touched the top of Sam's head, pressing her chin against her chest to watch the blonde work. "Love me, Samantha," she breathed.
Sam replied with a muffled, "Mm..."
Janet closed her eyes and laid back. "Love me... love me, my Samantha, my sweet, sweet girl..."
Sam brought a hand up and found Janet's clit as her tongue burrowed. Janet rolled her head to the side, knowing this was her doing and still unprepared for the strength with which Sam had replied. She could feel Sam's essence pouring into her body, their souls commingling. Her limbs trembled, her hands twitching at her sides. She reached down and reluctantly lifted Sam's head. The blonde's lips were wet, her eyes glazed. Janet kissed Sam, tasting herself as she pulled her legs up and repositioned herself into a seated position.
She pulled Sam onto her lap, the blonde hooking her ankles behind the brunette. They kissed passionately, moaning into each other's mouth. Janet touched Sam, arranging their bodies so that their centers were nearly perfectly aligned. With a brush of her fingers, Janet rocked forward. Sam rocked back... they began a slow, steady tempo, their upper bodies molding together with their lips as the origin point. They joined hands between their bodies, each of them touching the other.
With a groan, Janet sucked Sam's tongue into her mouth as the blonde slipped her fingers into Janet's body. Janet circled Sam's tongue, resting her own on top of it as her fingers breached Sam's sex. They were combined, all but glued together in passion. Their sweat caused their sticky flesh to stick. Sam wept, Janet cried out and both met their orgasms with restrained cries. Sam licked Janet's lips and reluctantly disengaged herself. They laid down, draping a sheet over their exhausted forms. Sam's eyelids were fluttering, her mouth slightly ajar. Janet put her thumb against Sam's bottom lip and caught it in a kiss.
"Promise to never lose your sense of wonder," Janet asked.
Sam kissed the back of Janet's hand. "Keep reminding me, beautiful... keep reminding me what's so wonderful." She smiled and kissed her lover once more before they curled restfully against each other.
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