Title: Where Sam Went
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Spoilers: Ascension, Legacy
Rating: NC17
Summary: Just a little snippet to explain what Sam was doing in those surveillance videos.
Archive: Yepper, that's a roger.
Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 and its characters are the property of Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Productions. We have written this story for entertainment purposes only and no money whatsoever has exchanged hands. No copyright infringement is intended. The original characters, situations, and story are the property of the authors. Not to be archived without permission of the authors.
Sam looked up at the camera, keeping her eye on it as she stood and walked from her den and through the dining room. The cameras were everywhere. In her bedroom, she knelt on the floor so that the bed obstructed the cameras view of her. She reached beneath the mattress and withdrew a leather-bound book, two books of photos and a scented letter. She slipped these into a bag and stowed the bag in the bottom drawer of her night stand.
She then walked around the bed, ever conscious of the camera watching her, and pulled open her dresser drawer. She chose a white t-shirt, a pair of jeans along with a pair of clean socks and underwear. She slipped these into the bag with the books and slung it over her shoulder. She waved at the camera as she turned and walked out of the house.
A man stood between the hedges that framed the entrance of her walkway. "Going somewhere, Major Carter?"
"As a matter of fact, I am. Dr. Fraiser wanted me to report for an exam after I had a chance to rest up a little."
"Dr. Fraiser has already left the base."
"I know where she lives, thanks."
She brushed past the man and walked to her car, dropping the bag on the passenger seat before climbing in. The man watched her as she started her car and pulled out of her space.
"Hi, Janet!"
"Sam! You okay?"
"Just fine," she smiled. "You mind if I come in? I didn't get a chance to shower before all the... excitement."
Janet winced. "Ooh, sorry. My shower is busted. But you're more than welcome to use the bath in Cassie's bathroom." She leaned forward and said, with a wink, "It has bubble bath."
Sam's face brightened. "Sounds like a plan." She headed inside, then remembered her bag. "Oh. Uh... can I keep this stuff here? I don't want any Pentagon guys rifling through it."
"Sure, no problem. Letters from a secret admirer?"
"I can't imagine who," Sam blushed. She placed the bag on the sofa, then headed upstairs, already shedding her blue floral print shirt.
Janet walked into the living room, sitting in her recliner and trying to concentrate on the movie she had been watching. But her gaze kept traveling over to the brown satchel Sam had brought 'for safe keeping.' Something that would get her in trouble at the Pentagon? Janet chewed her lower lip, then glanced at the stairs.
She sighed. "Janet Fraiser, you are a snoop. Don't even think about it."
Cassie's dog came bouncing into the living room, sniffing the air. He walked slowly, moving over to Janet and nuzzling her neck. She laughed. "What're you doing, boy? Huh? What do you smell?"
The dog ignored her, as he always did, and walked over to the couch where Sam's bag lay. He pawed at it, pulling it to the floor and dumping the contents.
"Bo! Bad dog!" She jumped up, kneeling next to the mess. She tried refolding Sam's change of clothes, then found some things that had been stashed underneath them. She put aside the shirt and jeans, picking up the brown leather book. She turned it over in her hands. A diary? She put it aside. She may be a snoop, but she wasn't as bad as her own mother.
Deciding the photo books would be safe, she opened one and began to thumb through it. Her eyes widened with each passing photo. They were all of her; at the base, at parties, candid shots while she worked, a few when SG-1 had invited her to join them on vacation... But she was alone in them all. Somehow, Sam had gotten two entire photo albums of HER. She began to realize that a few had obviously been group photos, but cut down so that she was framed by herself. Finally, she came across what Bo had obviously been sniffing. Pink notebook paper with pale purple lines. Folded twice so it formed a perfect square. Written in handwriting that was far nicer than she'd ever seen Sam use was a single word: JANET. She smelled the paper. It smelled of roses. Janet frowned, unfolding the note carefully.
Written in precise cursive, she read what Sam had written:
"Dearest Janet, I know this may come to a shock to you, but I had to write how I felt in case the worst happened. I have a dangerous job and know that my life is constantly in danger, so I wanted to have a way to let you know how I felt.
"I have loved you with a passion since the moment we met. Every time I had to get a physical, I prayed you would be on duty. I loved your touch, your smile, your eyes as you examined me. In my dreams, I wished I could caress you as well. Unfortunately, the job that threatens my life also prevents me from throwing you onto the exam bed and ripping your uniform off. You make my heart race... every time I'm close to you, I want to taste your sweet lips.
"When I see how you are with Cassandra, and I see how we are together, I know that we would make the perfect family. Our jobs stand in the way of our happiness. If I were the brave soul I pretended to be, I would throw my job aside to be with you. But I can't. Because if I took that risk and you didn't feel the same for me, I wouldn't be able to live. You're my heart, my soul, my reason for being.
"If this reaches you after my death, I apologize. I apologize for not being there for you, for not being able to see your face when you discover how I've always felt. And I apologize for leaving you with this to digest. Remember me kindly, Janet.
Love always, Sam."
Janet let the paper fall to the floor. She raised herself onto the couch and sunk into the cushions, unbelieving. Finally, she picked up Sam's diary and flipped it open to one of the first pages.
"I met the SGC's new CMO today. I don't know if I'll be able to contain myself around such beauty. Calm down, Sam, calm down. Military and all of that. Besides, she was married. The feelings couldn't be mutual."
A little further, she read,
"Oh, God. Today was an awful one on all counts. First, we think Daniel is going insane. Then we find that it's just a by-product of one of Ma'chello's Goa'uld killers. Janet and I tried to exam the creations, but ended up getting infected. When Janet went insane, she began ripping her blouse open to cool off. Needless to say, I wasn't cooled by this. Oh, why can't I just tell her?!"
Janet closed the book. Her fingers were trembling. She put the diary back on the couch and raised herself to her feet, walking slowly to the stairs. She heard splashing in the bathtub and approached the door. She turned the knob slightly, not knowing what she would do if it were locked. Fortunately, she didn't have to worry. The door opened and she slipped in.
Sam had her back to the door, resting her head on the edge of the tub. A dainty foot rose from the bubbles and toyed with the faucet before disappearing again. Janet watched the blonde head slowly dip into the water to wet the hair. As she did so, her breasts touched the surface and she caught a glimpse of the major's pink nipples.
She licked her lips and spoke. "You... love me?"
Sam jumped, turning in the bath. She covered her breasts with an arm and said, "What?"
"I... the dog knocked over your bag. I saw the note. You love me?"
Sam's face turned crimson as she tried to cover her embarrassment. "No, I... no... it's just..."
Janet knelt next to the tub, caressing Sam's cheek with her hand. "I love you, too, Sam. God, for so long. I can't believe you feel the same way."
Sam opened her mouth slightly, tracing her lips with the tip of her tongue. She leaned forward and pressed her lips against Janet's cheek. The doctor smiled, turning Sam's head and capturing her lips in a hungry kiss. Sam whimpered, her wet arms wrapping around Janet's shoulders and dripping into the material of her blouse. Their tongues dueled for dominance for a moment, then Sam broke away and said, "I'm suddenly aware that... I'm completely naked."
"And you're talking too much," Janet smiled. She slipped a leg over the side of the tub and slipped into the water fully dressed. She poised her body over Sam's finding the blonde's lips again. Her hands roamed Sam's body, working to memorize every contour. It was a body she was certain she would become more acquainted with in the future.
Sam's hands worked their way under the hem of Janet's blouse and slid up her stomach to cup the doctor's shapely breasts. Janet moaned into Sam's mouth, eagerly pulling at her own blouse. Now that she had gotten it soaked, she wanted nothing more than to be free of it.
Sam's hands joined the battle against the stubborn material and soon Janet's chest was bared. Janet straddled Sam's thighs, hitching her skirt up to free up her legs. She pulled Sam's head to her chest. Her tongue danced over Janet's erect nipples, sucking one into her mouth while her fingers massaged and pinched the opposite one.
Janet slowly thrusted her hips, rubbing her wet slit against Sam's waist. Sam moaned and reached down to grab Janet's ass. She pulled the doctor tighter against her, feeling the warmth of Janet's arousal against her stomach.
A sudden banging on the door broke them from their goal. "MOM! I gotta go!"
Janet struggled to control her breathing and said, "Use my bathroom, Cass."
"What're you doing in there?"
Sam giggled, caressing Janet's breasts. The doctor ignored her new lover and said, "Taking a bath!"
Cassie retreated down the hall and slammed the door to her mother's bedroom. Janet chuckled and kissed Sam's forehead. "We, uh... got a little carried away, didn't we?"
"Hard not to," Sam said.
"Maybe, ah... maybe we should continue this later?"
"Time. Place... I'll be there with bells on."
Janet smiled and kissed Sam softly. "Your bedroom. After this whole... surveillance nonsense is over. I'd hate to have Cassandra walk in on us."
Sam whimpered, tracing a line up and down Janet's spine. "That seems so far away."
Janet kissed the top of Sam's head. "We can handle it, Sam. And it has to be far away... just in case we decide we're making a mistake."
Sam pulled her head back, staring into Janet's deep brown eyes. "I'm not making a mistake, Janet. I'll do anything to make sure we're together. Quit my job, if I have to. Now," she said, pulling at Janet's skirt under the water level. "Let's get you out of these wet clothes."
Janet laughed. "That's funny... usually that's a line to get someone INTO bed."
Sam kissed Janet's nose and said, "I already got you there. As soon as the cameras are taken away."
"The same second."
"I can't wait."
Sam looked up at the camera as she re-entered her home, already looking forward to her rendezvous with Janet. She turned and went into the den to do some work on the computer.
A couple of days had passed without Orlin making an appearance. Sam listened impatiently for Janet to answer the phone as she searched the fridge for something to drink. She pulled a bottle of grape juice from the fridge as Janet said, "Hello?"
"Hi, Janet," Sam smiled. "It's me."
"They're taking the cameras away tonight, but someone will be watching the house."
Janet was quiet for a moment, then said, "How do I get in?"
"You have some sleeping pills for me. You drop them off and we get to talking... order a pizza... you decide to spend the night. After a while, you move from the couch to the bedroom."
"I'll see you around 8:30."
"Seven," Sam suggested. "The sooner the better."
Janet's heart pounded against her ribcage. "Seven. I can't wait."
"I'll be waiting." Sam hung up, the grape juice already forgotten.
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