Title: Testing the Waters 2

Author: Geonn

Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com

Pairing: Sam/Janet, pre-relationship

Rating: G

Category: Humor

Content Warnings: None

Spoilers: None. Well, quantum mirror...

Challenge: Quantum Mirror Challenge

Sam looked up as Janet walked into her lab. The sight of the brunette caused her to lose her place on the schematic she was examining. Not that she cared. "Hey, Janet," she said, setting aside the blueprint. "What's up?"

"I just wanted to let you know I'm free Thursday or Friday."


"Our date," Janet said, positively beaming.

"Date," Sam breathed.

Janet leaned forward and pecked Sam's cheek. "I can't wait! So...?"

"F-Friday," Sam managed.

"Excellent," Janet grinned. She turned and walked out, positively glowing.

'How had she known?' Sam wondered. 'On second though... who CARES?! I'm going out with Janet!'

She resisted the urge to dance.

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