Title: Turnabout
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Category: Humor, Romance, PWP
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: Stargate and characters are the property of MGM, Gekko, etc. Mainly you need to know no one with the name of Geonn owns the deed to these people.
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it's gonna be.
Summary: Sam's a tease, with a lesson to learn. Janet's eager to teach her to play nice.
"Ja-aaanet," Sam whispered, her lips inches from the brunette's ear.
"Mph," Janet managed in response. She felt Sam on top of her, felt the other woman's hot breath on her ear...
Sam kissed Janet's cheek, her hands sliding between Janet's body and the mattress. She cupped Janet's breasts, kissing her way to the brunette's mouth. "You're not getting up."
"M'sleepy." Janet had come home after a seventeen hour shift, only to be reminded of her promise to have dinner with Sam and the rest of SG-1. She'd had time for a nap and eagerly took it, climbing under the covers and passing out almost immediately.
"I know you're tired, hon." Sam squeezed Janet's breasts. "I could call the guys and cancel if you want..."
Janet sat up. "Mm, what time is it?" She groped for her watch, keeping one eye closed as she checked the time. "Damn it."
"Wanna stay in bed for a while?" Sam asked as Janet sat up, pressing against the other woman's back. Janet was only wearing a long blouse, her legs bare and mouth-watering. Sam kissed the back of Janet's neck.
Janet closed her eyes and let herself be groped. "Mm. You make it sound tempting..."
"Pull off that blouse... get out the oil." Janet moaned at that. Sam nipped her earlobe. "Maybe use some toys."
"Toys," Janet repeated.
"Yeah." She kissed Janet's neck, then swatted her ass. "Too bad we have plans." She scooted off the bed, hurrying to the door before Janet could throw anything at her. She paused at the door, turning and winking at her lover. "Grab a quick shower. The guys are waiting for us."
Janet seethed and went to the shower.
"'Get out the oils'," Janet said, the spray hitting her face and her right hand clenched into a fist against the tile wall of the shower. Her left hand was busy taking care of the nuclear reaction Sam had started. She bit her lip, cursing Sam for waking her up in such a damn good way. "I should teach her..." As her knees trembled, and a new wetness was added to the shower, Janet looked up at the shower head with half-closed eyes and began to hatch a plan.
Sam would think twice about how she woke her lover next time...
The rest of SG-1 was already at the bar when Sam and Janet showed up. Janet's hair was still wet from the shower, but her other activities had calmed her down enough to be presentable. She greeted Jack and Daniel, heading for a table big enough for their group and dropping off her purse. Sam joined her, putting in an order for two Diet Cokes and brushing her hand over the small of Janet's back. "Hey," she whispered.
"I wanted to apologize for how I woke you up. That was a rotten trick."
"It's okay," Janet said. "I'm over it."
"Good." Sam grinned. "I'm going to go play darts with the guys."
Janet frowned. "Not pool?"
Sam pouted her bottom lip. "No one will play with me anymore." She winked, then said, "I'll see you in a few."
Janet took a seat, crossing her legs at the knees and watching her prey walk over to the dart board. "Oh, I'll play with you, Sam." She chuckled, and sipped her soda when it arrived.
Janet had worn a denim skirt that reached her knees, the rest of her legs hidden by knee-length leather boots. Occasionally, when Sam would look over from the dart board, Janet noticed a distracted look in her eyes. Sam had always expressed appreciation for the boots, and adored Janet's legs. Janet giggled when she saw that Daniel was currently beating Sam at darts. When the two returned to the table, Daniel dropping into a seat across from Janet, Sam leveled a "Okay, we're even" look in Janet's direction.
Janet replied with a "Oh, no, we're not" look.
Jack appeared from the bathroom, glancing at the dartboard. "Who won?"
"Daniel," Sam reluctantly admitted.
"Daniel?" Jack asked, looking at the younger man in surprise. "Whaddaya know, Hustler Carter has an off-day."
Jack sat down and leaned back in his chair, chatting with Daniel about some game they had seen earlier in the day. Janet, meanwhile, slipped her hand onto Sam's thigh.
Sam swatted it away.
Janet put it back.
Sam slipped across her chair, moving her thigh out of Janet's reach.
Janet reached anyway and Sam reluctantly returned to where she'd been, letting Janet touch her thigh. After all, it was just a touch, right? She sighed and put her hand on top of Janet's. She squeezed her lover's fingers in a way that said, "This is all right, but no more, okay?"
With a nod, Janet pretended to give in.
As Jack was describing why their team had lost, Janet's hand slipped between Sam's legs.
"GO-d," Sam gasped, unable to stop herself.
"Exactly!" Jack said, motioning at her. "See, Daniel, Carter gets it! You do not substitute someone like--"
Sam glared at Janet. Janet smiled innocently and rested two fingertips over Sam's denim crotch.
'No,' Sam mouthed.
Janet pursed her lips.
'N,' Sam mouthed. 'O.'
Janet gently stroked the seam of Sam's jeans, running her finger over the raised material and pressing it tightly against Sam's center. The denim got marginally warmer as Sam hiccuped. Janet hid a smile and looked over at Teal'c. The Jaffa was devouring his buffalo wings (Devil's Brand, according to the waiter) and Daniel and Jack were deep in their argument over the game. Janet moved her hand from the crux of Sam's legs and covered her mouth with her free hand. The cough masked the sound of Sam's zipper sliding down.
Sam gripped the sides of the table, glaring at her lover. "Oh, excuse me!" Janet said of her cough. "Aren't you going to bless me, Sam?"
The blonde glared at her, tightening her grip on the table as Janet wormed her hand into the gaping zipper. Through clenched teeth, Sam said, "Bless you, Janet."
"Bless you," Daniel added from across the table.
Sam's panties were soft, cotton... warm. Janet nibbled a french fry off Daniel's plate as she extended two fingers of her other hand. The tips of her fingers rested right over a place that Sam had never had touched in public. She shifted in her seat and Janet's fingers moved again. She closed her eyes and bit the inside of her cheek, looking at Janet with unmistakable lust. And with that, Janet pulled her hand out of Sam's pants, tugged the zipper up (covering with another dainty cough) and rested her hands on the table top.
Sam's eyes widened, staring at Janet's now immobile hands in shock. She looked at Colonel O'Neill, then at Teal'c and Daniel. She looked at Janet and stood, muttering a 'pardon me' as she scurried away from the table. Janet grinned and excused herself, rising and following Sam.
Jack watched them disappear into the bathroom and smirked. "You know, women always seem to go to the bathroom in pairs."
"Get your mind out of the gutter, Jack," Daniel sighed.
"You play dirty," Sam said.
"Uh-huh. Your point being?"
"You had... oh, God, right there, Janet, right there... you had a shower to relieve yourself in. I have... a-a bathroom."
Janet was standing behind Sam in the stall, pressed against the door, her arms around Sam. The blonde's jeans were at her knees, her legs spread as wide as she could, and Janet was furiously fingering the blonde. Sam threw her head back, eyes closed and lips parted. "Come on, Sam. The guys will be wondering where we are." She slipped another finger in, using her other hand to lightly stroke Sam's clit.
"I'm close."
"Come on, Sam," Janet whispered, thrusting three fingers into her lover.
"Janet, I-I'm..."
Janet pushed Sam forward, turning her and pressing her against the side of the stall. She dropped to her knees, wet her lips and pressed her mouth against her lover's wet core. Sam cried out, bringing a hand to her mouth and biting on her index finger to stop another such outcry. Janet's tongue curled inside of her and Sam came, thrusting against Janet's mouth.
She pulled Janet up, softly kissing her, running her hands through the brunette's loose hair.
When they came apart, Janet tugged Sam's panties and jeans back into place and fastened the jeans for her. "Now. The next time you have to wake me up..."
"Alarm clock. No touching. I swear."
Janet looked offended. "I didn't say that," she griped. "Just next time, wake me up early enough to make good on your teases."
"Will do," Sam promised.
Two Weeks Later,
"Janet," Sam whispered, laying on top of the brunette, her breasts pillowing against Janet's bare back. "Janet, sweetheart..."
"Janet, come on," Sam whispered, slipping her hands between Janet's torso and the mattress. "We have to meet the guys."
"Shit," Janet whispered, sitting up and groping for her watch. "When do we haveta meet them?"
Sam cupped Janet's breasts. "Three hours from now."
Janet rolled onto her back, letting Sam straddle her. "Good girl," she grinned. "You learn well."
"Mmm, teach me, baby..."
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