Title: Until Tomorrow's Sunrise
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Category: Romance
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Stargate and characters are the property of MGM, Gekko, etc. Mainly you need to know no one with the name of Geonn owns the deed to these ladies.
Warnings: None.
Spoilers: None.
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it's gonna be.
Summary: Sam admires beauty at sunrise.
The sun rises at 6:15am this morning. I'm sitting next to the bed, in the window seat, cradling a mug of freshly-brewed coffee between my hands. I'm wearing a robe over nothing, my legs tucked under the long ends of the terrycloth until the morning begins to warm. The sun makes it's premiere performance, glittering it's beams across the billions of snowflakes that coated the Rockies last night. An awe-inspiring sight to be sure, but I'm not looking towards the window. I'm staring at the bed.
Janet's on the bed.
She's started tanning, in anticipation of the coming summer. Laying on her stomach, the sharper dark brown of her skin contrasts nicely with the pale white sheets. Her left breast is just visible under her arms, pressed to the mattress under her body. The swell is enticing me and I reach out. At the last moment, I keep my hand from touching her nudity and instead tugs the blanket a little higher, covering her rear end. She'd hate knowing she was exposed like that, even to me... in our bedroom.
Our bedroom. I smile and look up at her face.
Her eyes are closed, moving against the thin flesh of her eyelids. She's dreaming. Thin lips occasionally purse or part in a silent dialogue with her dream. Brown hair rests on her forehead, a few longer strands finding a cheek or eyelash to rest upon. The pillow is cradling her head, caressing in a way that almost makes me jealous. The mattress has accepted her slight weight as a gift, barely wrinkling in her presence.
The make-up has been scrubbed from her face, the lines and creases she tries so hard to conceal for others are more obvious now. Laugh lines at her eyes, a few bookending her mouth. I want to touch them, but know that would break the spell. She shifts, lifting her leg a little and pressing her face tighter against the pillow. Her lips part once more and her eyelids flutter. "Ah," she groans.
"Hi," I whisper.
She blinks, eyes wider, tongue darting out to wet her lips. "You have coffee."
I smile. "Good morning to you, too."
"Evil woman," she groans, rolling onto her back and pulling the blankets up over her breasts. I get an all-too fleeting glimpse of pale pink nipple and light untanned breast before it's covered by the silk. "Evil woman, flaunting caffeine at those less fortunate..."
I take a long drink, then climb from my perch and kneel by the bed. Janet's fingers toy with the lapel of my robe as we pull closer to each other, our lips meet. Blissful, coffee-flavored, lingering. The most perfect kiss on the most perfect morning. I put the coffee mug on the bedside table and climb up next to her. She embraces me and kisses the spot beneath my ear that she knows drives me crazy. I moan and she whispers, "How long can you stay?"
"Until sunrise," I breathe, my lips over hers.
Janet frowned, eyes darting quickly towards the window. "The sun is already up..." She caught on, smiling wide. "Tomorrow's sunrise?"
I kiss her. "And tomorrow's," I whisper, kissing again. Her hands slide under my robe, a familiar dance. She brings one leg up and rests her foot on my thigh. We kiss deep, we kiss long, we kiss each other.
We kiss until tomorrow's sunrise.
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