Title: Together Again, For The First Time
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Rating: NC17
Pairings: Sam/Janet, established relationship
Disclaimer: Not mine. None of it. I even borrowed the letters that make up the words.
Spoilers: "Beneath the Surface"
Summary: After Sam's return from Administrator Calder's slave camp, Janet has to remind her of their relationship.
Sam stepped through the event horizon, landing on the ramp with a light thump. She turned, looking up at the massive Stargate as it disengaged. "Wow," she whispered. It was the weirdest feeling... she knew her life as Therra, but also remembered several vivid things from this world. The bald man approaching, for instance, was General Hammond. *That* she knew for certain. And he demanded her respect. She snapped her hand to her forehead suddenly, standing ramrod straight.
He looked at her and smiled. "At ease, Major."
Once they had reached the Stargate - which was surprisingly easy, despite Calder's warnings otherwise - they had sent word through via the MALP. Brenna informed Hammond of the situation and a medical team was standing by.
Hammond sighed, looking at the bedraggled team. "Normally, I'd insist on a briefing immediately. But under the circumstances, I think it would be best if we let the medical teams take a look at you."
Janet half-smiled. "Plus it'll be easier to brief you once they remember what happened."
"There is that," Hammond chuckled. "You're dismissed to the infirmary."
Daniel put an arm around Brenna, the woman who had planned to tell them everything and let them go home. Unfortunately, Calder had ruined that plan... but everything seemed to be working out for the best anyway.
Sam scanned the huge Gate Room. It was just like she had seen in her dreams... Janet put a hand on the blonde's shoulder and turned her around. "Uh, Sam? Maybe you should meet me in the private exam room."
"Oh? I'm sorry, I... I don't know. Is that normal procedure?"
"Not exactly... but we'll have to be treating you and the guys simultaneously and there may be awkward moments. I just wanted to be sure that you were comfortable."
Sam smiled. "Oh. Well, thanks." Her smile faded. "Thanks... I'm sorry."
"Janet," she said. "I'm Janet Fraiser. Your... good friend."
Sam extended a hand. "Well, nice to meet you, friend."
Janet took the hand and shook it slightly, watching as Sam left the Gate Room. 'Your good friend,' she repeated sarcastically to herself. 'Good friend, lover... what's the difference?' She sighed and walked out of the room.
Sam slipped out of her baggy work pants, peering at her pale, dirt-covered legs. 'God, how long has it been since I showered? I reek!' She began to unbutton her work blouse, examining the pristine walls of the infirmary. It still felt odd to call this place 'home.' Her memory stamp must have been extremely well-done.
She tossed the dirty clothes aside and reached behind herself. She froze, her fingers hovering over her spine. "What was I reaching for," she whispered to herself. It occured to her that she probably wore some kind of back-closing undergarment that she had lacked while working in the mines. As she laid herself on the exam bed, the door opened and the attractive brunette entered. Sam offered the woman a smile, then tried to remember what she had said her name was.
"Hi, Sam. Remembering anything?" She closed the door, engaging the lock.
"Not much. I... I still think that my name is Therra. I don't remember anything from Sam Carter." She shook her head in frustration. "It's like trying to remember a dream a week after waking up."
The brunette put a hand on Sam's shoulder. "Therra was the dream... this is real life."
"I know," Sam whispered. "I'm just trying to see through the memory stamp."
Janet - that was her name, Janet! - smiled. "I know. It'll take time."
Sam laid back on the table, then asked, "Can I ask you a question?"
"I've been thinking about something... Are Jack and I a couple?"
Janet looked up sharply. "You... you and Jack?"
"I mean, ah... Colonel O'Neill. It's just that when we were Jona and Therra, I felt things towards him. Romantic feelings. Now that I'm remembering things, I'm pretty sure it's against regulations. But I get the feeling that I *am* in a secret relationship. Does that sound weird to you at all?"
"No," Janet smiled, shaking her head slowly. "It, ah... sounds perfectly normal. But as far as I know you and Colonel O'Neill are just friends."
"Oh," Sam said, sounding a bit disappointed. "Uh, how long should this exam take?"
"I just have to make sure that you didn't come down with anything while you were underground. It shouldn't take long at all. Just lay back and relax."
Sam did as she was told and Janet turned, picking up a clipboard. With her back to the blonde, Janet wiped away a solitary tear before getting back to work.
"Calder offered to show us how humane his slave labor force was," Jack was explaining. "He led us into a small room and slipped out once we were inside. A stream of gas poured in and we were out in seconds."
"Correction, O'Neill," Teal'c said. "I managed to ward off the effects of the neutralizing gas. Administrator Calder was forced to manually sedate me."
"I see," Hammond nodded. "And this is when you assume you were implanted with your memory stamps?"
"Yes, sir," Sam said.
Janet interceded, "Judging from SG-1's reports and our own time tables, they were under the influence of the mind stamp for three weeks. During this time, they suffered severe malnutrition as well as dehydration. I recommend at least one week downtime for them to recuperate... although they could benefit from more..."
"Agreed," Hammond said. "As of right now, I'm assigning SG-1 10 days of downtime. Major," he pointed at Sam, "That means 'down-time.' No working on reactors, no checking wormhole activity. Downtime."
"Sir," Sam sighed, "I spent the last three weeks trying to keep ancient stabilizers and generators from blowing up in my face. I can put aside the naquadah generator aside for a week."
Hammond smiled. "See that you do."
Jack slapped the table top. "Cool... I'm..." He frowned. "What do I do during downtime?"
"Fishing," Janet offered.
Jack frowned. "Fishing?"
"Indeed," Teal'c smiled. "It is an Earth custom of standing next to a lake with a pole."
"Doing what?"
"I believe you said the purpose was to 'not catch anything.'"
"And I... like this?"
"Indeed you do."
Jack shrugged. "What the heck... I'll give it a shot." He smiled. "I'm off to go fishing."
Sam glanced at Janet, then stood. "Janet? Could I ask you another favor?"
"Anything for you, Sam," Janet said. She hoped subtle hints would provoke memories of their life and love.
"I... can't seem to remember where I live. And even if I did, I don't know how to get there."
Daniel spoke up, "Wait, I know this! Sam, I think you live with... with Janet."
"Right," Janet smiled. "You help take care of Cassie."
"Cassie would be...?" Sam shrugged.
Janet winced inwardly. "We, ah... you, actually, rescued her from an alien world. She was the sole survivor of her race and I offered to take her in."
"Ah," Sam smiled. "Well, then would you like to drive me home?"
"It would be my honor," Janet grinned.
Janet glanced across at Sam several times, hoping to catch the blonde looking back at least once. She was out of luck. Sam kept her eyes locked on the scenery shooting past her window. "Janet... it's so weird. It's like seeing a place in a dream and then getting the tour of that place. It's a lot to take in."
"I checked your MRIs. The memory stamp was organic and should wear down and be absorbed into your body after a certain length of time. In fact, they begin to decompose the moment they're created. That's probably why Calder created the facade of NightSickness; to explain the people who wore down their memory stamps before schedule."
"Brenna had physical exams scheduled for all workers once a month... that was probably to restamp us and be sure that we never started to doubt our lives and memories."
"Exactly... your brain chemistry was slightly different from theirs, so I would assume that would explain why yours began to fail sooner than anyone else's."
"Yeah," Sam scoffed. "Too bad they don't have an un-stamper. It's really awkward just... waiting to remember." She picked at her blouse. "I don't even remember having clothes this nice."
Janet grinned. "You have nicer clothes than that... but I get your meaning."
Sam smiled and looked out the window. "Janet? I know I'm not the best judge of this right now... but aren't we going the wrong way?"
"Yeah. I'm not taking you directly home."
"I thought maybe I'd help jog a couple of memories."
"Great!" Sam beamed. "Anything to get rid of this damn memory stamp a little sooner."
Janet pulled to a stop at a local campground, parking next to a park bench. As Sam climbed out, she smiled, inhaling the chilled air being blown over the large lake. Several park benches and two gazebos stood on the shores of a beautiful blue lake, shimmering in the setting sun. Sam stuck her hands in the pockets of her khakis, moving to the park bench and climbing onto the table. She took a seat, absently rubbing her arms for warmth.
Janet took a seat next to Sam, pulling her jacket off and draping it over both of their shoulders as they looked over the water. Sam sighed and closed her eyes. "This place is wonderful."
"Do you remember the last time we were here?"
Sam furrowed her brow slightly, concentrating. Finally, the corners of her lips curled into a smile. "Yes. Yes, I remember! It was... about a year ago. Jack was teaching Carlin... I mean, Daniel, how to barbecue... and Teal'c was playing Frisbee with Cassandra."
"Do you remember what we did?"
Sam opened her eyes, looking at the campground. "We were on the bridge," she said, pointing at the covered bridge that led from the benches to the woods on the other side. "You had told Jack that you didn't know how to swim."
"That's right," Janet whispered.
"We were whispering on the bridge... so happy. I was wearing my bathing suit, but you had come directly from work. So, ah, I said that you could swim in your underwear. 'Cause no one would no, except you and me."
"Right," Janet nodded, daring to wrap one arm around Sam's waist.
"So you got undressed... and we got into the water. We told everyone I was teaching you to swim." Her eyes widened. "Oh... we weren't swimming."
Janet's eyes twinkled. "No. No, we weren't."
Sam's mouth opened and closed several times, then finally she gasped, "Oh, my God!" and jumped off the table. Janet almost fell over since she had been supported by Sam.
"What's wrong? Are you... ashamed?"
Sam was holding her hands to her forehead. "Yes! Oh, Janet, I'm so ashamed!" Janet's heart dropped at those words until Sam turned, adding, "How could I ever have forgotten what you meant to me?"
Janet smiled. "You mean that?"
Sam closed the distance between them, pulling Janet into a tight embrace. "Oh, Janet! I love you so much! How... how could I ever have forgotten that?!"
They pulled apart just enough so that they could be face-to-face. Slowly, Janet brought her lips to Sam's. They kissed tenderly for a moment, and Sam finally broke away. "We... can't. Not here, not in public."
"Right," Janet whispered. "We should move it someplace private."
As Janet slipped off the bench, Sam took her hand. "I'm nervous," she admitted.
"It'll be alright, Sam. I won't hurt you. We'll only do what you feel comfortable with..."
"It's not entirely that, Janet." Sam shrugged, "You remember everything about me... What if the memory stamp erased what I know about you? I remember our relationship. I remember that I love you. But... I can't remember... intimate things."
Janet lightly pressed her lips to Sam's knuckles. "Don't worry, baby. We're going to make some new memories tonight."
Sam's heart fluttered at those words as they jogged to the car.
The door to Janet's house burst open and deposited a jumble of limbs into the entryway. Sam pressed Janet against the wall, busy delving into the brunette's mouth to reacquire every forgotten taste and texture. Janet moaned, her tongue battling Sam's for dominance. Sam moved back a step, taking a breath and looking at Janet's flushed face. She raised her hand, brushing aside an errant strand of hair. Janet's face and neck were flushed, her skin glistening with persperation. Janet parted her lips just long enough to whisper, "Sam..."
The blonde captured Janet's lips again, her hands dancing at the doctor's belt. She deftly undid the buckle, pulling the belt free and dropping it to the entryway floor. She yanked Janet's uniform blouse from her skirt, her hands caressing the bare flesh of Janet's stomach before moving higher. As Sam moved her lips to Janet's neck, gently nipping and biting at her throat, the brunette began to hiss, "Mmm, Sam... wait... Cassandra!"
Sam raised her head, looking into Janet's half-closed eyes. "What?"
Janet stroked Sam's face, then craned her neck to look at the staircase. "Cass, baby, are you home?"
Sam realized what she was doing and kept quiet. There was no response from upstairs. When Janet faced forward once more, Sam cupped the smaller woman's face and proclaimed, "You're all mine, love." They devoured each other's lips once more, tongue swirling and dancing as hands pulled at clothing. Sam let her hands journey higher, raising Janet's blouse as she explored. Finally, her fingertips came in contact with the soft satin of the doctor's bra.
Janet curled her fingers in Sam's short, blonde hair, reluctantly pulling the major away from her neck. Her uniform blouse was in complete disarray; the top buttons undone to accommadate Sam's necking. The tie had come loose and was mostly hanging off of her right shoulder. The bottom buttons had been pulled away by Sam's exploring hands. "What?" Sam questioned.
"Upstairs," Janet gasped. "We, ah.... upstairs."
Sam smiled. "Lead the way."
Janet pulled Sam's hand out from underneath her blouse and squeezed it, leading her lover to the stairwell. "Welcome to the Fraiser World-Reknowned Home Tour," she smiled. "Here, we have the staircase."
Sam smiled as Janet began walking backwards up the stairs, keeping her eyes locked on Sam. "At the top of the stairs to your left is Cassandra's room. Cassandra is our adopted daughter."
"Ah," Sam grinned. "Interesting."
"No flash photography, please," Janet teased, using her free hand to undo the remaining buttons of her blouse. They reached the top and Janet began moving to her right down the hall. "This door in the middle of the hall leads to the upstairs lavatory. It contains your showers, your toiletries and whatnot." The blouse fell open, revealing the white satin of Janet's bra, her nipples poking against the soft material.
Sam swallowed. "This is... an interesting tour."
"Wait'll you see the piece de resistance," Janet smiled. "Here, we have the main attraction." She reached for the doorknob, turning it and throwing it wide open. "The bedroom. This is where we sleep... love... and walk around naked." She shrugged out of her blouse, reluctantly letting go of Sam's hand to get it off. As it fell to the floor, Janet kicked with one foot and sent the blouse into the corner.
"What was that... that last part?" Sam asked, breathless.
"Walk. Around. Naked." Janet whispered. She pulled Sam into the bedroom, closing the door behind her and engaging the lock. "All by ourselves."
Sam moved to the bed, slowly lowering herself to the mattress. The only light was coming from the streetlight outside the window. It cast an beautiful yellow hue on everything inside, including Janet's bare back. The doctor, still not turning to face Sam, undid the clasp of her bra and let it fall open. Sam licked her lips in anticipation.
Janet tossed the flimsy material aside, coyly crossing her arms over her breasts before turning around.
Sam ran her eyes over the petite doctor's form, trying to catch her breath. "The... the dress," she hissed.
"What was that?" Janet asked, her features brightening into a cherubic smile.
"Take off the dress," Sam rasped.
"Why, dear," Janet drawled, "I'd have to move these li'l ol' hands to do that... and then you'd see my womanly treasures."
Sam nodded, gripping the mattress.
Janet chuckled. "Whyn't you do it for me, lover?"
Sam was off the bed in an instant, kneeling in front of Janet. She looked up into the doctor's chocolate eyes, placing her hands on Janet's hips. Biting her lower lip, she let her fingers trail down the soft material of the skirt until they reached the warm skin of the doctor's legs.
"Sam, what're you--"
"Shhh," Sam said.
She massaged the muscles of Janet's legs just below her knee, then continued her downward journey to Janet's feet. She carefully raised the brunette's foot of the ground and slipped the high heel off. She tossed it carelessly into the corner, then let Janet lower it once more. Anticipating what the major would do next, Janet raised her other foot and let her repeat the process.
Slowly, seductively, Sam massaged the hose-encased toes, working the blood back into them after spending hours in the high heeled shoes. Janet smiled and leaned against the closet door, her eyes closing as Sam massaged her foot. Then, Sam's palms slid up Janet's leg and disappeared under the hem of her skirt. After a moment of fumbling, 'accidentally' swiping her thumb over Janet's damp center, Sam hooked her thumbs in the elastic of Janet's panties and slid them down.
The panties were made of the same material of the bra, but the only difference was the wet spot in the center. Sam brought the wet material to her nose and inhaled, taking in the aroma of Janet's sex. Finally, she tossed the panties aside and stood. Their faces were mere inches apart, Janet's lips parted in anticipation.
"How could I... ever have forgotten this?" Sam whispered.
Janet answered with a smoldering kiss, one arm wrapping around Sam's waist and the other cradling the back of her head. She moaned almost inaudibly, slowly leading Sam back to the bed.
The blonde didn't object as her knees collided with the mattress and she went down, pulling Janet down on top of her. They continued kissing and fondling, Janet discovering that Sam was still fully-clothed. As their tongued danced, Janet found the material of her lover's blouse and pulled. She felt the buttons bounce off of her own chest as she slid her hand across the newly exposed flesh. Sam wasn't wearing a bra, to Janet's delight. She cupped one of the major's full breasts, her thumb sweeping slowly over the erect nipple.
Sam rolled, pinning Janet to the mattress. She sat up, pulling the remnants of her blouse away. "You ruined my shirt."
"I'll buy you a new one," Janet smiled. "Now get back down here."
She lowered her head again, only this time she aimed lower. She locked onto Janet's breasts and began to meticulously examine the aureole with the flat of her tongue. She didn't ignore it's twin, however, bringing her hands to Janet's chest and finding the neglected nipple and playfully pinching it. Janet hissed through clenched teeth, her eyes closing of their own volition. Her back arched, offering her breasts to Sam as she gripped the blankets.
Sam switched breasts, inserting her fingers into her mouth to moisten them before she began to play with Janet again. Janet moaned, wrapping her legs around Sam's hips and drawing the blonde closer.
Once she felt she had paid sufficient attention to the brunette's breasts, Sam pried apart Janet's legs to get at the treasure there. Janet complied, unfolding her legs and planting the feet on the edge of the bed. She kept her knees bent, peering down to see Sam explore the plain of her stomach. "Lower, Sam," Janet pleaded. "Lower, please..."
Sam scooted lower, forced to stop straddling her lover and knelt between the brunette's legs. She took the hem of the skirt in hand and forcefully ripped it in half. As she tossed it across the room, she smiled, "I'll buy you a new one."
"Right," Janet chuckled, breathless with passion.
Sam lowered her head until she was a hair's-breadth away from the lovely pink folds of Janet's sex. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and savored the moist scent emanating from her lover's crotch. "I love the way you smell, Janet."
"How... about the way... I taste?" Janet moaned.
"I'm not sure I remember how you taste," Sam teased. "I may need a refresher course." Slowly, she extended her tongue. With cat-like quickness, she stroked it across Janet's center.
The doctor gasped at the quick motion, gone before she had really known it was there.
Sam seductively curled her tongue back into her mouth, making a show of swallowing. "Oh, yeah," she whispered. "Definitely love the way you taste."
Janet sat up and planted a firm kiss on Sam's lips. "There's more... where that came from," the brunette gasped as they broke apart. "Emphasis on 'came,'" she giggled.
Sam grinned. "I thought I was the pun-master around here..."
"You're just the court-jester," Janet winked. "Now get back down there."
Sam chuckled, "Yes, ma'am."
She lowered her head once more, her fingers sliding along the rim of Janet's lips and spreading them. The pearl of Janet's clit peered out at her, glistening with the lovely doctor's juices. Sam took the clitoris into her mouth, sucking softly as her thumb casually slipped inside the brunette's center.
Janet gasped, her head rolling back and forth on the blankets. She was chanting, "More... more... more... yes, more..."
Sam was happy to oblige. She reluctantly released Janet's clit, but didn't ignore it. Her tongue and her thumb switched places. She curled her tongue and thrust it into the brunette's warm core, her thumb rolling gentle circles over the hard nub of Janet's clit.
Janet's moaning got louder and louder, her thrashing getting wilder and wilder. "Yes, oh, Sam, yes, please, yes!!"
Sam was surprised to find her lips and tongue suddenly coated with sticky juice, but overcame her surprise as she continued to thrust her tongue into Janet's dripping center. As she moved her free hand to insert an index finger, she felt more juices coating her face. She grinned, wondering how much she could get from her lover. Finally, she acquiesed and slipped her tongue free, rolling it over her mouth to gather the excess juices. She laid down, face-to-face with Janet and kissed her lover.
Janet cupped Sam's face, tasting her own juices on the blonde's lips and tongue. When they broke the kiss, Janet began to clean Sam's cheeks and chin, sliding her tongue down to swirl across Sam's throat. She paused to suckle the spot just over Sam's throbbing pulse, feeling the major's erratic heartbeat.
"Janet?" Sam whispered.
"Your turn," Janet whispered, moving down to close her lips over one of Sam's erect nipples. "Just lay back, sweety. I'm going to show you everything you missed while you were away..."
"I think I'll like this..."
"Oh, yes," Janet said, nipping at Sam's breast. "I think you will."
Sam reclined on the mattress, spreading her arms out to her sides and closing her eyes. Janet rolled to Sam's side and carefully undid the button of Sam's khakis. As she gently rolled the zipper down with her left hand, her right hand slipped between the two halves and skimmed over the heated skin of Sam's crotch. She dipped into the warmth between Sam's legs for just an instant, smiling when she saw the fruits of their labors. Sam kicked the pants off once they had been lowered far enough, then said, "Kiss me."
The brunette kissed the blonde's closed eyelids first, slowly moving to the tip of her nose, finally closing around the tip of her chin. She placed a gentle, butterfly kiss on each cheek, then passionately took possession of Sam's lips. Both women moaned into the kiss, their bodies magnetically drawn to each other. When they finally broke for oxygen, Sam said, "Make love to me..."
Janet didn't say a word as she lowered her head to suckle Sam's breasts. Her ministrations were tender; she was savoring each tender nip and lick. She switched from left to right regularly, not spending too much or too little time on either. Janet licked from one nipple to the other, leaving a wet trail along the curve of Sam's breasts. Just as Sam was wondering when Janet would move on, she did. She kissed a trail from the hollow of Sam's throat down between her breasts, pausing for a moment to swirl in her navel, and then detoured downward to the soft thatch of golden hair between the major's legs.
Sam bent her knees, spreading them as wide as she could to give Janet room to maneuver. Janet dipped her head quickly, just giving the hint of pressure on Sam's clit. The blonde gasped, aching for more than fleeting contact, but remembering that her lover liked to play games.
Janet sat up, placing soft, loving kisses on the inside of each of Sam's knees. She laid flat on the bed, lowering her head until she was only centimeters from her lover's lips. Quietly, she said, "Tell me you love me."
Sam smiled, her eyes still squeezed shut. "I love you, Janet."
With a smile, Janet stroked Sam's center with the flat of her tongue, pausing to tease the blonde's clit with the tip of her tongue. She pulled back slightly. "Say it again."
"I love you, Janet."
Janet repeated her stroking, taking a little longer this time. "Again."
Sam grinned, seeing Janet's motive. "I love you. God, I love you, Janet. I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you so damned much, Janet. Please, just touch me. Please, Janet, please, please..."
Janet, true to her unspoken promise, lavished Sam's wet core with each confession of love. Even when Sam was unable to speak anymore, Janet didn't stop. Her fingers had come into play, gently holding back the folds as the brunette thrust her tongue into her lover.
Sam moaned, her upper body thrashing as she was lovingly attacked by Janet's tongue. Finally, she sat up and draped her legs over the brunette's shoulders. "Yes, Janet, I love you... I love you so much..."
Janet opened her mouth as wide as possible. Sam's fingers wove through her hair, pushing the petite doctor's head farther in as she climaxed with such force that it almost choked Janet. Sam began sobbing with the release, her thighs and stomach convulsing with the effort. "Oh, yes, Janet... oh, yes, oh... Oh, Janet, baby, sweetheart... oh, my God..."
As soon as she had finally run dry, Sam laid back down on the mattress. Janet cleaned herself off in the bathroom, finally returning and curling against Sam's side. The blonde found the edge of the blanket and pulled it over them. They stayed in their cocoon for a long time, just enjoying their closeness. Finally, Janet asked, "So... any of that ring a bell?"
Sam laughed and said, "I don't know... I may need another refresher course later." She kissed the top of Janet's head.
Janet sighed. "It's a good thing I'm a devoted doctor."
They held and loved each other well into the next day. When they finally did get up, it was just so they could go to the shower... and make more happy memories.
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