Title: In The Car
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Rating: R
Pairings: Sam/Janet
Category: Romance
Series: The Jukebox
Disclaimer: These folks don't belong to me. I stole them from MGM's toybox without asking their mommies for permission. I promise to return them more or less unscathed.
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it'll be.
Spoilers: None
Notes: Song is "In The Car" by Barenaked Ladies. Positioning assumes an American-designed car. Steering wheel on the left, passenger on the right. Sorry, it's the way they'd drive and the only way I know! *g* My last fic before leaving for Canada!!!!!!
Summary: "We were looking for ourselves and we found each other, in the car."
It started with Janet's car being in the shop. It proceeded to Sam getting into the habit of picking her up and dropping her off so often that it continued even when the car was returned.
It escalated to kissing, to gropes, to sex.
It was worked out nicely. Perfectly, you could say, unless your idea of perfect included a bed somewhere in the equation. Janet was seated in the passenger seat, turned, her left leg tucked up and bent, her foot hooked under her right knee. Sam turned only her upper body, leaning forward over the center console where she stored her CDs, Kleenex and cell phone. It was as comfortable as they could get in the car without moving to the backseat. They kissed softly, fingers moving over clothes.
Honestly, it had started innocently. Harmlessly.
"Thanks for the ride home, Sam," Janet had said, leaning over to peck the other woman's cheek.
"No problem," Sam had replied, turning her head to smile at the brunette.
Their first kiss had been accidental, searing, and fifteen-minutes long. The gropings followed soon after.
They perfected the art of getting undressed without taking off any clothes. Janet unbuttoned her blouse and unclasped her bra (she'd taken to wearing bras that unhooked in the front. Sam's jeans opened, belt sticking out like prongs from her hips. They kissed, touched, Janet fingered Sam as Sam stroked through the material of Janet's panties (the brunette almost always wore skirts to work).
There were times when Sam longed to taste Janet, to extend their sessions to an hour or even - God - a full night, but she didn't dare ask. Janet sucked Sam's breasts through her t-shirt and bra. They fingered each other to completion right there in Janet's driveway, shaded by a tall willow tree that Sam had originally cursed for scraping the top of her car, for inviting bird SCUDs to ruin the paint job. Now, she adored their little hiding spot.
When they had both come, they would kiss, each would adjust the others clothes, they'd kiss one more time and Janet would get out with a "Good night, Sam," or a "I'll be up late tonight, honk when you get here... give me time to get ready, too." Sam never minded waiting.
One night, after a late night at the SGC, Janet pulled out of the kiss and thrust against Sam's questing fingers. "I want more." Sam added a fourth finger and Janet hissed. "Mmm, Sam, yes... but no. T-that's not what I meant... I meant... come upstairs."
Sam's eyes opened and she pulled her lips from Janet's jaw. She touched Janet's hair and then cupped her cheek. "Upstairs?"
"Upstairs," Janet repeated. "Naked. In my bed, in my arms, making love to me. Not humping in a car, like teenagers. I want to show you how much I care for you. I much I adore you. I much I..." She began to cry and Sam held her. "I've been wanting to ask for so long."
"I wanted to ask the first night," Sam said hoarsely. "I thought... it might have just been a fun fling for you."
Janet buttoned her shirt and reached across, zipping Sam's jeans and refastening the belt. The astoundingly domestic move gave Sam chills. They kissed and Janet said, "Will you come upstairs with me?"
Sam went upstairs.
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