Title: Thawed
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Rating: PG13
Pairings: Sam/Janet
Category: Humor
Disclaimer: These folks don't belong to me. I stole them from MGM's toybox without asking their mommies for permission. I promise to return them more or less unscathed.
Spoilers: Teensy one for "Divide & Conquer," "The Curse,"
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it'll be.
Notes: Unbetaed and my spellcheck didn't work. All mistakes belong to moi.
Summary: Missing Scenes, "Frozen." Sam and Janet in Antartica.
Janet unzipped her pullover, making sure she and Sam were alone in the bunkroom before pulling it off. She groaned, taking a moment to straighten the sleeves in order to quickly don the garment if needed during the night. Anything was possible with SG-1 getting worse by the moment. Luckily, the person she was most concerned about would be sleeping only a few feet away. Sam was standing next to the bunks, her back to the door. Janet walked up to her, turning the blonde around and placing a hand against the blonde's forehead. Looking the major up and down, she spotted the small white bottle in the other woman's hands. Janet arched her eyebrows and said, "Busted."
Sam sighed, replacing the cap on the bottle of aspirin. "It's nothing big, Janet. Just a little fever."
"Which is exactly what Dr. Michaels had before she collapsed. Sam... you have to tell me when you're sick or else I can't help you. And you know how much I want to help you." She pecked the taller woman on the chin, letting her hands drift over Sam's shoulders. They embraced, Sam rested her head atop Janet's.
"I'm sorry I lied," Sam said. "I feel awful."
Janet winced, but was glad Sam was finally being honest with her. The brunette sighed and said, "Let's see... the last time we got away from Colorado, we went to Egypt and spent three days picking sand out of various crevices..."
"As I remember," Sam said, "You enjoyed the showers four times a day."
"I had a little incentive," Janet chuckled. "You got all my hard-to-reach places."
Sam laughed. "What was your point?"
Janet sighed and stepped back, looking into Sam's beautiful blue eyes. "I say next time we go on vacation, we try to find a middle ground between unbelievably hot and inhumanly cold."
Sam laughed, brushing a strand of hair out of her lover's face. "You talk to Cassandra?"
"Yeah, finally!" Janet said, sounding more than a little frustrated. "I had to get Osborne to set the thing up for me, and Jonas had to teach me how to get connected to Cassie's webcam. Jonas! I mean, he's been on this world for, what, four months and he's already more technically advanced than I am."
Sam smiled and kissed Janet's forehead. "He's a quick learner. What did Cass have to say?"
"Oh, she thinks this is a big adventure and is a little upset that we came without her. It helped that we allowed her to stay home alone, but I think she's feeling a little abandoned."
"What do you say, when we get home, we take Cass camping? Just you, me and her in the great outdoors."
Janet smiled. "Sounds perfect."
The doctor balanced herself on her tip-toes, pressing her lips to the corner of Sam's mouth. Sam lifted her hands, threading her fingers with Janet's hair, then said, "Hey... have I mentioned how much I like your new haircut?"
"I love it."
From the door, they heard a quick, quiet, surprised, "Oh."
Both women turned, hearts pounding as various scenarios rushed through their heads. Discharge, separation, sadness, pain and heartbreak. Luckily, the intruder wasn't O'Neill; Dr. Francine Michaels looked from one woman to the other, carefully cleared her throat and stepped back out into the hallway. When the intruder was gone, Sam breathed a sigh of relief. "Think she'll say anything to anyone?"
"Doubt it," Janet said. "It would probably cause a lot of undue attention on herself."
"What are you talking about?"
Janet stepped back, smiling as if she couldn't believe her lover could be so dense. "Are you kidding?" At Sam's negative head shake, Janet chuckled and explained, "Sam... Francine has a crush on you."
"She what?! No... no, I've been talking with her for months. I would've noticed something." She looked at the now-vacant doorway, her brow furrowed in confusion.
Laughing, Janet stroked Sam's face. "Please, Sam... you're a beautiful woman and just happen to be her only link to civilization. She sent you progress reports even when absolutely nothing worthwhile was happening. Plus, I saw the way she looked at you when we first arrived."
Sam looked at the door, then said, "I... had no idea. Janet, you have to know that--"
Janet interrupted, "That you would never cheat on me? Or hurt me? I know that, Sam. I know that with all my heart."
She pulled the blonde down for a kiss. Sam moaned, pulling the petite woman closer and using the bunk bed at her back for support. When they finally separated, Sam kissed a trail from Janet's lips to her forehead. She glanced at the door, then said, "Hey, uh... you want to conserve bunk space? Plenty of room for two if one of us sleeps on top of the other."
"Sam, you're sick."
"I'm sick?" Sam said. "You're the one who wanted to dress up like Anise and perform a 'za'tarc test' on me."
Janet laughed and said, "One, you passed my test with flying colors. And two, that's not the kind of sick I mean." She reached around Sam, plucking a towel off the bunk and using it to clean the sweat from Sam's throat and chest. She muttered, "God, you look hot in this tank top..." She shook her head, then continued, "You're running a high temperature and I'm afraid it'll just get worse. Three, any kind of vigorous activity, like sex, would deplete your energy reserves. Four, there are seven other people here if you include Ayiana. Good chance someone'll walk in on us. Should I keep going?"
Sam whimpered, then said, "I suppose not. But when we get better..."
"You'll have to beat me off with a stick."
Sam raised an eyebrow, but didn't comment on the 'beat me off' double entendre. Instead, she gave Janet one final good-night kiss. "Should we sleep in other rooms?" the major suggested.
"No, that won't be necessary," Janet said, scared at the thought of sleeping apart when Sam was this ill. "We should just, ah... keep the door open." She tucked a stray hair behind Sam's ear and separated. "So... do you want the top or bottom?"
An evil glint shone in Sam's eyes when she said, "Janet, baby... you know I like to be on top."
Janet blushed deep red.
An hour had passed since they had turned out the lights, but Janet's sleep was intermittent at best. Her own fever and headache caused her to wake up frequently. Sam, sleeping above her, kept murmuring things in her sleep; most likely the result of her high fever and advanced symptoms. Janet longed to join the blonde, just hold her close, but stopped herself. What would happen if Osborne or Woods happened to saunter by? She sighed in her semi-conscious state, wanting nothing more than a little bit of human contact during this rough time.
She remembered the first time she had been ill since she and Sam had become lovers. It was a slight case of pneumonia, nothing to be excited about, but Sam had dressed in pajamas, brought Janet hot chicken soup, and stayed beside her through the entire ordeal. Janet remembered how amazing it had felt to have someone love her that much... someone who stayed beside her even when she was stinking and throwing up and complaining about aches and pains.
Janet could feel the illness working at her system now. Her body had broken out in a cold sweat, perspiration accumulating on her chest and throat as it had with Sam.
As if sensing her need for contact, Janet suddenly felt a cool hand on her lay across her forehead. Then, another hand on her stomach that slid up to rest over her breasts. Janet, still mostly asleep, resisted the urge to smile. She wanted to tell Sam 'that's not how you take a temperature,' but simply enjoyed the feeling of the blonde's fingers lightly squeezing her breasts. The touch caused her entire body to warm, her back arching against Sam's hand. 'That's better,' Janet thought, as she felt all discomfort sliding away. It was like a room where the lights had suddenly came on, sending all the shadows fleeing.
When the hands were removed, Janet no longer felt ill at all. She whispered, "Thank you, Sam," then settled against her mattress to get some much needed rest. As she began to drift off, she heard Sam whimper quietly and then sigh. A few seconds later, the Major said, "Thank you, Janet... that helped a lot."
Janet's eyes opened and she sat up, careful not to hit her head on the bunk above her. She caught a fleeting glimpse of someone leaving the room, a quick shadow moving against the outside wall. Touching her forehead, Janet knew exactly what had just happened. "Sam?" She stood, touching the Major's forehead. No fever. "Sam, baby, wake up... Sam? Ayiana's doing something drastic."
Sam's eyelids fluttered open and she smiled, reaching out for the doctor. "Whatever you just did to me," she whispered. "Thank you. Will it work on the others?"
"I didn't do anything, Sam. It's Ayiana."
Sam sat up, throwing her legs over the side. Janet took the blonde's hands and helping her jump down. Janet sat on the lower bunk of the opposite bed as Sam pulled her pants back on. "Why do you think she'd do this?"
"Jonas told me that Ayiana was understanding him; that she knew it was her fault, in a way. Maybe she's trying to make amends."
"But if she dies..."
"I know," Janet sighed. "We just have to stop her before she tries to--"
They were interrupted when the lights suddenly came on. Dr. Osborne stuck his head in, appearing a little confused when he saw both women were awake and out of bed. He shook of his confusion and said "She's missing."
Sam and Janet followed him down the hall towards the room Jack, Jonas and Teal'c were using. Osborne pointed to one door, telling Janet to check there. She went inside, finding Jack and Jonas. Jonas looked remarkably better, but he was kneeling over the unconscious form of Ayiana. Sam knelt next to the young woman while Janet went to Jack's cot. Apparently, Ayiana had collapsed before she was able to heal him. Janet felt his forehead, placing her fingers against his pulse. "It's okay, it's okay," she soothed the colonel. She turned to Sam and reported, "He's burning up."
Janet pushed open the heavy steel door with her shoulder, groping for the pull chain that would activate the light. Tugging it, she grimaced at the sorry state of bathrooms on transport ships. She faced the mirror, understanding Woods' comment about feeling guilty because he was well when everyone else was getting sicker and sicker. They were perfectly fine and Colonel O'Neill was on deaths door. She exhaled slowly, turning on the sink and running her hands under the water. They were separated from the crew of the transport, so they had taken off their suits to be more comfortable on the return trip. She splashed her face as the bathroom door slowly began to open.
"Occupied," she said, glancing over her shoulder.
"I know," Sam said, slipping inside. "Hey, um... we're supposed to hold off on... on physical contact because we may still be carriers of the virus. Right?" She pushed the door shut and flipped the lock.
Janet arched an eyebrow. "Right."
"So... if I happened to be a carrier, odds are you'd be a carrier, too." She pulled the zipper down on her pullover as far as it would go.
Trying to pull her eyes away from the suddenly exposed flesh, Janet stuttered, "Right. There's relatively little... little reason for us to refrain from contact."
Sam wrapped her arms around the petite woman, pulling her closer. "Good," she said, before devouring Janet's lips in a passionate kiss.
Jonas munched on the final bite of his banana, putting down his magazine and looking for someone to talk to. No one seemed to be around. Teal'c was at the front of the plane with Osborne, Woods and Michaels, and O'Neill was unconscious. Sam and Janet had both vanished about an hour and a half ago. The endless drone of the transports engines was threatening to lull him to sleep, so he prepared to get up and search out his new team members.
He was unfastening his seat belt when Janet dropped back into her seat. She seemed out of breath, her skin sheened and her cheeks and neck flushed. He frowned. "Dr. Fraiser? Are you experiencing a recurrance of the virus?"
She smiled at him, her eyes slightly glazed. "Hey, Jonas. No, I'm fine. Just, uh... a little over-exerted." She grabbed a blanket, wrapping it around her legs and finding a comfortable spot in her seat. "I'm just gonna rest for a little bit. 'Kay?"
Jonas nodded and sat back, refastening his seat belt. He was wondering where Sam was when she suddenly returned as well, walking to a chair close to Janet's and settling in. Jonas smiled. "Major Carter."
"Hi," she said, her eyes locked on Janet's sleeping form. A smile was tugging at the corners of her mouth. Jonas quietly wondered about the actual depth of the relationship between the women. "Did she just come out here and go right to sleep?"
"Pretty much."
Sam laughed quietly, then looked out the window.
"Major Carter? Can I ask you a question?"
"Sure, Jonas," she said, turning to face him.
He carefully worded the question in his mind, then said, "Why is your pullover on inside out?"
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