Title: Summer Days, Summer Nights
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Rating: R
Pairings: Sam/Janet, Daniel/f
Disclaimer: These folks don't belong to me. I stole them from MGM's toybox without asking their mommies for permission. I promise to return them more or less unscathed.
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it'll be.
Notes: Sorry to all non-American citizens for the July 4th references. Submit your favorite summer holiday in it's stead.
Summary: Janet, Sam, Cassie and Daniel all brave a car ride to a picnic on Cassie's first Fourth of July.
* Summer Days... *
"Good afternoon, everyone. Thanks for tuning in to us... this is DK Pierce and I will be with you from now until well past the fireworks tonight. Talk about feeling the burn; Colorado Springs is feeling the full brunt of the sun at an unbelievable 99 degrees. So, I suppose to everyone outside right now... I feel for ya. Here's some cool music to keep you from blowin' your top. Stay right here with us and we'll make your Fourth the best yet."
Janet Fraiser was hot. She was amazingly hot. Sharing the car with five other people didn't help matters any. She drummed her fingers on the steering wheel, leaning against the window as she waited for any sign of movement from the sea of automobiles ahead of her. Heat rose in waves from the hot steel, mixing with the exhaust fumes to form a sort of curtain between her and the rest of the freeway. Further complicating things were the broken radio and the windows that refused to roll down more than a crack.
Things could be worse, she decided. She could be Daniel... Turning to watch her friend in the back seat, she saw the archaeologist uncomfortably pulling at his long-sleeved shirt, picking at his sweat-soaked jeans and running his hand through dripping hair. He adjusted his glasses, smiling at the girl seated next to him. Janet counted her lucky stars that she had decided on a sundress; relatively light and breezy... She could only imagine how Danny felt.
Sam was seated in the passenger seat, leaning forward and messing with the air conditioner. If they were trapped any longer, she was certain the Captain would climb out and begin tearing apart the engine with her bare hands. About thirty minutes back, Daniel had tried to start a sing-along. Unfortunately, he insisted on folksongs from ancient Egyptian culture, so they had lapsed into silence after a few aborted song beginnings.
Cassandra was sitting in the backseat, behind Janet and next to Daniel. The girl was frowning out her window, looking at the cars they were parked next to. Janet spotted the girl's confused look in the rearview mirror and said, "Cass? What's wrong, honey?" She brushed a hand across her forehead, wishing she hadn't packed the waterjug in the trunk.
"I'm confused," Cassie replied.
Sam turned in her seat, pulling one leg up and tucking the foot under her opposite leg. Janet couldn't help but look at the space revealed between the blonde's legs. 'Pull yourself together, Fraiser. It's hot enough as is...' Sam, unaware of Janet's examination, asked, "What's confusing?"
Cassie pursed her lips, trying to phrase her question just right. "Well.. you said the Fourth of July is... is like America celebrating it's freedom, right? And, and the fact that a lot of people went overseas and fought to stay free. Right?"
"Right," Sam said. "People like my father and Janet's father fought in wars so that we could have the freedom to live how we wanted."
Cassie looked out the window, then said, "So... to celebrate the fact that you're free and to remember the people who died, you all get into cars and sit in the heat all day?"
Janet barked a laugh, quickly covering her mouth. The girl O'Neill had sent a reluctant Daniel up with, a redhead named Amelia, looked curiously at Sam. The blonde shrugged and explained, "S-she's from Toronto." Amelia nodded as if this made all the sense in the world.
"No, honey," Sam said with a smile. "We're just trying to get to a picnic where we can celebrate with all our friends. And then there are fireworks. The only problem is," she indicated the traffic, "Everyone in America has a picnic to get to."
A chirping sound soon filled the car and Janet fumbled for her purse, finding the cell phone and punching the CALL button. "Hello?" she said.
"Colonel O'Neill wished that I inquire as to your whereabouts."
Janet rolled her eyes. Of course O'Neill had found a way through this mess. He'd probably caused a wreck that was holding THEM up. "We're still on the freeway with about a million other cars... we'll probably get there late."
Teal'c was quiet for a moment, then said, "I do not believe your 'freeways' would accommodate a million cars. Perhaps--"
"I was exaggerating, Teal'c." She sighed and said, "Tell Colonel O'Neill to start the burgers. We'll be there as soon as we can." She hung up, then shook her head. They could travel across the universe with a single step, but when it came to getting from one side of town to the other, they were helpless. Janet leaned against the door, looking at the blonde sitting next to her. Sam really was gorgeous; a wonderful catch in anyone's eyes. She reached out, capturing a stray hair and tucking it behind Sam's ear. She let her fingers linger for a moment, touching the moist skin behind the captain's ear, and caused Sam to look at her.
"Hi," Janet said.
"Hi," Sam chuckled.
Janet dropped her hand, then turned and looked straight ahead again. Sam scooted across the front seat, curling up next to Janet and resting her head on the brunette's shoulder. In the backseat, Janet heard Amelia murmur, "Aww..." Janet tilted her head, resting it on Sam's and stroking the blonde's arm. Sam dozed, wrapping an arm around Janet's waist and pulling herself tightly against the petite doctor.
* Summer Nights... *
When Sam finally woke, they were at the park. She sat up, rubbing her eyes and looking around. The car had cooled considerably and the sun had set. All four doors of the car were standing open and the night breeze was flowing in and around them. Janet smiled and said, "Mornin', sleepy." She reached out, cupping Sam's face.
"How long was I out?"
"About three hours," Janet said. "I didn't want to wake you. Colonel O'Neill and Teal'c took Cass, and Daniel took Amelia to sit under the stars."
Sam sat up quickly, looking around. "Oh, my God... Colonel O'Neill didn't... didn't see us..." The colonel and Teal'c were still in the dark about the relationship between the women.
Janet stroked Sam's face. "No, lover. Daniel told them that you had fallen asleep and that I was just making sure you weren't alone when you woke up."
"I'm sorry I made you miss out on everything."
Janet laughed. "There's no place I would've rather been. But... now that you're up... C'mon." They climbed out of the car, closing and locking the doors. Sam, expecting it to be an affection-free night, simply headed towards the group by the barbecue pits. Janet reached out, taking Sam's hand and pulling the blonde in the opposite direction. "No... this way."
Sam frowned, following her lover. They held hands as they disappeared into the forest, slowly using darkness and the trees to separate them from the crowd. When they were a safe distance away, Janet turned and kissed her lover softly, sliding her hands from the taller woman's shoulders up to cup the back of her head. Sam brushed the backs of her fingers over Janet's cheeks, resting her hands on the doctor's shoulders. Missles whistled overhead through the night air... Janet tilted up at the same moment Sam dipped, their lips parting and their tongues meeting with tremendous force.
As their tongues met, chemicals combined in the air and a rocket exploded. The forest was bathed in the red-orange glow of the blast. Sam moved her hands to Janet's hips, walking the doctor backwards until her back came in contact with a tree. Sam broke off the kiss, running her hand along the brunette's cheek before she began to kneel, undoing the lower four buttons on Janet's sundress.
When Sam's nimble fingers spread the material, Janet turned her half-lidded eyes to the sky. She gasped as she felt Sam begin loving her, rockets exploding in mid-air in time with the thrusts of Sam's fingers and tongue. Janet reached back, clutching to the tree as she watched the ballet of colors in the air above them. Patterns swirled, fizzled and collapsed into themselves, the remnants of the rockets falling back to Earth. Janet bit her lip, watching a green rocket fizzle into a clover before fading into darkness.
The big finale was coming... Janet could feel it stirring in her stomach. One by one, an octet of rockets rose into the air. Each one leaving a trail of vapors behind it. Janet released the tree and spread her fingers over the back of Sam's head.
One rocket exploded and Janet moaned low in her throat.
Rapidly following the first came the second... and the third. The three explosions made a triangle of different-colored circles.
Gasping, Janet closed her eyes for a moment as the fourth rocket separated the triangle and blew into a series of starbursts. The trails shot out in all directions, causing the entire sky to be tinted bright blue.
As Sam's tongue continued to work it's magic, rockets number five and six arched to the left and right, respectively, through the still-visible remnants of the first four explosions. They detonated with a resounding boom that muffled Janet's quiet whimper of release.
Sam redoubled her efforts as the final two rockets rose higher than the previous six. Janet had to fight to keep her eyes open as the final pair of rockets rose straight up, then erupted in a dazzling display of multi-colored sparks. The crackle and pop of the fireworks continued to resonate through the Colorado park, washing over the women as Janet slipped down off the high of her climax. Sam rose, pressing against Janet as she subtly refastened the doctor's dress buttons.
Minutes passed before either woman could talk. Janet kissed Sam, tasting her own tangy flavor on the blonde's lips. She pressed her hand against the back of Sam's head, then broke the kiss. "That was quite a display, Sam. I absolutely loved the fireworks this year..."
Sam raised an eyebrow. "Oh, you saw fireworks, did you?"
Janet laughed, then nuzzled her face against Sam's cheek. "God, I love summer days."
"But as the song says," Sam said, pressing her hands against the small of Janet's back, "O-Oh, those summer nights." They danced slowly, knowing they had at least ten minutes before Cassie started whining about going home.
There was no rush.
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