Title: Subterfuge
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Pairing: Janet/Tanis Reynard, Janet/Jonas (implied)
Category: Missing Scene, PWP
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: Stargate and characters are the property of MGM, Gekko, etc. Mainly you need to know no one with the name of Geonn owns the deed to these people.
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it's gonna be.
Note: Tanis Reynard, played by Sarah Deakins, was one of the aliens stranded in the Season Six episode "Forsaken."
Spoilers: "Forsaken"
Summary: "You know, I've been stuck on this rock with a novice navigator and a grumpy first officer who doesn't like men."
Hammond: At 0625 hours there was a security breach in the main
computer system. Someone tried to gain access from a remote terminal in the
Jonas: You think Reynard tried to hack into it?
Hammond: Do you believe she's capable?
-- From Forsaken
Tanis sat up in the hospital bed, watching as the doctor crossed the room. Since Jonas had left, the infirmary had darkened considerably. She assumed this meant it was night, a deduction assisted by the silence that seemed to have crept into the hallways. She checked the other beds, finding them mostly empty, and watched the doctor stop next to a computer terminal. She pushed the blanket away, lowering her feet to the floor and wincing at the pain in her shoulder. She healed fast, but the damn Serrakin bastard had really nailed her with that blaster.
The doctor - her name was Janet, Tanis thought - turned at her approach. "You should stay in bed," Janet said. "You're not well enough to be up and around."
"I just need to stretch my legs a little. Please?"
Janet sighed. "You're healing faster than I expected, but you still need bedrest."
Tanis motioned to the computer. "May I ask..."
"A computer," Janet said. "Sam informed me you had them on your ship?"
"Yes, but none like this. Most of the computers on Hebridan need large processors." She stroked the side of the screen. "I can't imagine anything this... compact."
Janet smiled. "Well, it's advanced a lot in recent years."
Tanis stepped forward, her arm brushing against Janet's. "Amazing." She looked into the doctor's brown eyes, smiling slightly. "Earth is a decidedly amazing planet. I wish I was able to see it under... better circumstances."
"Well," Janet said, taking a step back to put some space between them. "There's still a chance Colonel O'Neill and Major Carter will recommend opening negotiations between our people. Maybe you could come back someday and... uh, have a look around."
"Oh, I don't know about that," Tanis said, shyly looking down at her bare feet. "I'd never know where to start."
"You'd have a tour guide, of course," Janet said.
Tanis looked up, stepping closer to Janet again. "Would you show me your world, Janet?"
"Uh," Janet stammered, looking at the computer monitor. "I, well... the, the SGC has certain... specific groups set up for th-this sort of thing."
"If I requested you, would they say no?"
Janet finally looked up at Tanis. "Doubtful."
Tanis stepped forward and finally touched Janet's cheek, lightly brushing the tips of her hair. Her fingers came to rest on Janet's cheek and the doctor tilted her head to meet the caress. "I have been trapped on a godforsaken rock with two men for three years. Do you understand what it would be like to... to be so unable to..." She bit her bottom lip. "The first woman I see in three years is Samantha Carter. A beautiful woman, yes. But then she brings me back to her world and I see you." She let the pad of her thumb brush over Janet's bottom lip. "Are all women on Earth so breathtaking?"
"No," Janet breathed. "I mean... I mean," her eyes opened and she struggled to focus. "I'm... I'm not beautiful."
"My eyes were not damaged in the fight, Janet." She let her hand fall to the slender neck of the brunette and leaned in. "I must do this. Please, do not stop me." She pressed her lips to Janet's, hearing the brunette moan even as her body went slack against Tanis. The alien slid her hand up, cupping the back of Janet's head and using her other hand to steady the petite doctor's hips. Janet's hands were also busy, clinging to the loose hospital gown her patient wore.
Tanis pressed Janet against the table, using her bare foot to spread Janet's feet apart. As Janet rolled her head back, letting the other woman's lips move over her throat unimpeded, Tanis bunched the material of Janet's skirt in her hand and gently lifted it up. She placed a knee against Janet's right thigh, holding it in place and gently touched her fingers to Janet's underwear. The brunette moaned, her hips rocking slightly, prompting Tanis to continue.
Her lips on Janet's throat, her fingers sliding beneath the barrier of cotton, Tanis opened her eyes and glanced at the computer. A simple enough design; something she could easily master given time. "I've been so lonely," Tanis whispered. "Thank you, Janet. God, I've wanted this..."
"Yes, Tanis..." She opened her eyes and pushed the alien away, panting as she pushed her skirt back into place. Tanis looked at her in confusion, then smiled as the brunette kissed her hard. They groped for a moment, then Janet took Tanis's hand and said, "Come with me."
"That is the plan," Tanis smirked, following Janet. She glanced longingly over her shoulder, at the fast receding computer monitor, but knew she would never convince Janet to stay where they were. Even if she didn't get to the computer right away, she was looking forward to whatever Janet had in mind.
Janet didn't turn on the lights in her office. A lone lamp was a beacon from the desk, casting a pale yellow light on Janet as she shed her blouse. Tanis lay beneath her on the couch, entranced by the brassiere Janet wore beneath her uniform. She brought one hand up, tracing the lace on one cup and watching the other woman's flesh raise at the touch. "It's been a while for me, too, Tanis," Janet admitted.
Tanis rose, kissing Janet's shoulder. "Do you masturbate, Janet?"
The brunette closed her eyes, cupping the other woman's head. "Yes."
"Show me."
Janet pushed Tanis back, holding her down with one hand (putting pressure on the uninjured shoulder, of course) and lifted her skirt. She tucked the hem into her belt and touched herself, the knuckles of her hand grazing Tanis's bare stomach with each outward stroke. Tanis moaned, her eyes half-lidded, her lips parted as she watched Janet touch herself. Janet removed her hand and lightly touched the other woman's face, watching as she eagerly sucked the wet digits into her mouth. "We have vibrators on Earth... Toys that, that tremble. They're shaped like... a penis." She bit her lip. "It feels so good... nothing like the real thing, but... good..."
"Does it feel like this?" Tanis asked, touching Janet as she had touched herself.
"Ahh, no... no, nothing like that." She closed her eyes and said, "Harder..."
"Do you want me?"
"Yes, Tanis. Put your fingers in me."
Tanis sat up and kissed Janet through her bra, curling her fingers up and into the other woman. Janet cried out and clung to Tanis's shoulders, holding her tight and rocking her hips against her. "Oh, God, yes, this feels so good. You're so good to me. Yes, right there, Tanis." She threw her head back. "GOD. God, Tanis, God..." She found Tanis's lips and kissed her hard, her body going rigid as she came on the alien woman's fingers.
They sagged against each other, panting, sweating, and Janet pushed Tanis back down. "Now, three years alone... you deserve this."
Tanis watched as Janet knelt on the floor by the couch, gasped, when her knees were pushed apart. "Janet..."
"Do they have oral sex on your world?"
"It... isn't spoken about."
"So you've never been eaten out?"
Tanis swallowed and managed a raspy, "No."
Janet lightly kissed her patient's thigh, parting her lips and letting her tongue draw a "J" on the warm flesh. She traced the tip of her tongue from the inside of Tanis's knee, making a wavy line up to the line where her leg met her crotch. A warm, heady scent rose to greet Janet as she switched to the other thigh. Staring at the top, Janet nipped, then licked, her way down Tanis's other thigh. She swept her tongue back over the tender bite-marks, feeling the muscles quiver beneath her tongue.
"I think..." Tanis gasped. "I think I understand what all the f-fuss is about."
Janet grinned. "Tanis, dear... this is just foreplay. This is eating you out."
Tanis lifted her hips off the couch and, unable to stop herself, shouted, "FUCK!" as Janet's lips touched her so softly between her legs. She fell back to the cushions, hands clinging to Janet's head as the brunette lapped at her. Tanis threw her head back, mouth gaping, eyes rolled back in her head, breasts rising and falling with each deep gasp of air. "Janet! Don't stop... don't ever stop that... don't stop..."
Janet's tongue rolled up. It breached the slick puffy folds and curled back. Her nose brushed the tender, erect clit. She brought her fingers into play, spreading Tanis wide and going to town on her sweet center. She closed her lips around Tanis's clit and hummed, prompting another curse from the woman above her. By now, Tanis's entire body was energized. She'd brought one leg up onto the couch, hugging it to her chest and squeezing her own breast with her free hand. Janet looked up at her, smiling with her eyes, watching the impact of the woman's first oral encounter play over her face.
When Tanis finally came, it was explosive, wetting Janet's mouth, swamping her tongue with sweetness, the muscles contracting around her invading tongue. The alien eventually sagged against the couch cushions, a limp rag doll, panting and staring blindly down at Janet. "That. Was."
"That was oral sex," Janet explained, rising and kissing Tanis hard. They tussled for a few minutes on the couch before Janet disentangled herself and gathered her clothes. "I have to go before anyone misses me." She tugged her blouse back on. "You can stay in here until you've... composed yourself..." She bent down and kissed Tanis again, reluctant to leave. "Is your shoulder okay?"
"I don't even know if I have shoulders anymore."
Janet grinned. "I'll see you in a few hours, okay?"
Tanis nodded and kissed Janet again before the doctor left.
Laying on the couch, in her rumpled and basically ruined hospital gown, Tanis looked at the computer monitor on Janet's desk. She stood and walked to the keyboard, taking a seat and examining the keyboard. Now that Dr. Fraiser was out of the way, she could begin her real mission...
"She said I was beautiful."
"She said I was cute."
Janet sighed and tapped her glass against Jonas's, shaking her head. "Aliens."
"Present company excluded, of course... But then again, you never tried to seduce me."
Jonas sipped his drink.
"You didn't try to seduce me, did you?"
"If I said yes, it would just embarrass me."
Janet smiled and looked into her beer. "Yeah, probably." She sighed. "I can't believe I fell for that. At least you knew. At least you had a trap set up." She sighed. "I just... got laid and got screwed."
"Hey, at least you got laid."
Janet snickered.
"We are a couple of pathetic, love-starved losers, ya know?"
"Hear, hear," Janet agreed.
Another pause.
"I'm probably going to hit on you again tonight."
Janet lowered her head and blushed. "All right." After a pause. "Jonas?"
"Do they have oral sex on Kelowna?"
Jonas nearly choked on his drink.
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