Title: Sleep On It
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Rating: R
Pairings: Sam/Janet, first time
Disclaimer: Not mine. None of it. I even borrowed the letters that make up the words.
Spoilers: Urgo, Divide and Conquer
Summary: After Thanksgiving dinner, Sam and Janet must decide whether to let a spur of the moment action lead to something more permanent.
Jack O'Neill had started with the wine, but it wasn't long before everyone else present had joined him in lifting a glass. The team was celebrating Thanksgiving at Janet's house. Fortunately, Cassandra walking in on the drinking party wasn't an issue; the girl had left several hours ago for a sleepover at her friend Stephanie's house. The team, plus Janet, had been given time off until Monday due to the holiday. To Jack, that meant meant they could drink to their heart's content without worrying about working with a hangover.
Now, Jack was tilting his fourth glass of wine as he struggled not to laugh while Daniel recounted yet another story of mishaps while off-world. This one involved confusion over the word 'amec.' In one dialect, it meant 'to eat or dine.' In another dialect, the one the locals happened to speak, it meant 'to require female companionship.' Instead of food, the city leaders had presented each member of SG-1 with three female concubines.
Daniel snorted as he laughed, shaking his head. "You shoulda seen Sam!" He pointed to his blonde teammate, his face turning beet red. "She burst out of her room wrapped in a sheet demanding that the elders fix their mistake!"
Under normal circumstances, Sam would have been either embarrassed or angry at being the butt of this joke. But with seven glasses of wine, plus the beer she had had at dinner, caused her to laugh along with the others. "They were practically nude! I had undressed to take a bath and these half-naked women come walking in..." She fell against the back of the couch she shared with Janet, covering her face with her hands.
Jack, Daniel and Teal'c sat on the opposite side of the coffee table in folding chairs, all except the Jaffa looking three-sheets-to-the-wind. Jack had spent the last three weeks teaching the Jaffa how to drive for the sole purpose of being designated driver. "Teal'c," he reasoned, not worrying about little details like a driver's license, "never drinks anyway... why not take advantage of it?"
Now, Janet was even a little drunk, something that practically never happened. Because of the combination of being CMO at the base and having a teenaged daughter to raise, she hardly overindulged in alcohol. Now, however, was a different matter all together.
Teal'c watched the team guffaw with an arched eyebrow. When the noise finally died down, he spoke. "O'Neill, you wished to be informed when it was approximately 2300. It is now 2258."
Jack checked his watch with a heavy sigh. "Yeah, yeah... look, it's been fun, ladies. But we gotta fly if I wanna get through this impending hangover any time soon." He winked and rose to his feet, stretching his tired legs.
Teal'c stood. "Major Carter? Are you leaving with us?"
Everyone turned to look at Sam. She was still leaning against the back of the couch, her hands resting over her face, but her body was no longer shaking with laughter. Janet gently slid one hand away and smiled. To the guys, she quietly said, "She's sleeping, guys. You go on, she can crash here tonight."
Jack nodded, rubbing the back of his neck. "You ladies take care. We'll see you Monday at the base, all right?"
Janet stood, escorting them to the door and giving them each a kiss on the cheek as they departed. She waited until Teal'c manuevered Jack's truck out of the driveway and turned off the porch light. With a sigh, she shut the front door and locked it, heading into the kitchen to clear away the debris of dinner before retiring for the night.
She had managed to load all of the dishes and glasses into the dishwasher and get the kitchen into a semblance of order by 11:30. She wiped her hands on a towel, then headed into the living room. Sam had just sat up, rubbing her tired-looking eyes. She scanned the living room, empty and quiet. "Where'd the guys go?"
"Home. You were dead to the world."
"Aw, man," she groaned. "They were my ride!"
"Don't worry, hon, you can stay here tonight."
"Thanks," Sam said sleepily, pulling one of the throw pillows against her breasts and cuddling against it like it was a stuffed animal.
Janet sat next to her friend, leaning against the arm of the couch. "Any time, hon. Cassie's not home tonight... it would feel weird to have an empty house."
Sam smiled weakly. "God, I'm so tired..."
Janet watched the major rub her face, then sat forward. "You know, earlier I wanted to bring something up, but I was afraid the guys would laugh at me."
"Oh?" Sam responded, with a quiet yawn.
Janet toyed with the hem of her skirt. "Yeah... you mind if we do something?"
"What?" Sam's eyes were already half-closed.
"Ah... you're tired. It's stupid."
Janet started to stand, but Sam put a hand on the brunette's arm to stop her. "No, Janet, I'm sorry. What did you want to do?"
She sighed. "Well... my father always used to do this thing over Thanksgiving dinner. We'd go around the table and each of us would give something we were thankful for. I... was kind of hoping we could do that. But, by the time we were able to drag Jack and Daniel away from the game, Cassandra was trying to show Teal'c how to carve the turkey and...I just didn't want to bother anyone then."
"You want us to say what we're thankful for?"
"If... no, it's stupid."
"No... no, it's not stupid... It might be fun," Sam smiled. "I'll go first." She leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees and steepling her index fingers in front of her face. "Mmm... I am thankful for all the times we've come through the Stargate without a scratch, even though it means you have nothing to do."
"Believe me, I'm thankful for that, too."
"And I'm thankful that... that we were able to save Cassandra. And that you gave her a loving home." Sam grinned. "I'm thankful for you most of all."
Janet's eyes widened and she nervously said, "M-me?"
"Yeah," Sam said, turning to face the other woman. "There aren't that many women at the base and with all the testosterone, sometimes I get lost in the macho shuffle. I'm glad you and I have become such good friends. It gives me a much-needed chance to... to just be a girl."
Janet smiled, then looked at the coffee table. She was feeling confused; awkward and embarrassed.
Sam patted the doctor's leg. "Well? Your turn."
"I, uh... I don't know if I should tell you what I'm thankful for."
"Why?" she frowned. "You can tell me anything."
"I know, but..." Janet shook her head. "I guess... Okay. I'm thankful for Cassandra. She means the world to me. I love her to death." She smiled, obviously thinking of mother-moments she'd had since taking the girl in. "And... I'm thankful for you. But not for the same reasons you gave..." She was avoiding Sam's eyes, but the blonde didn't notice.
"Why me?" Sam was grinning, her eyes sparkling like a little girl in a candy store. "C'mon, Janet... you can tell me."
Janet closed her eyes. Moment of truth, she told herself. Finally, she took a deep breath and let it out before saying, "I... am thankful that I got the chance to meet someone who is beautiful, intelligent, funny... an all-around perfect woman."
Sam blinked. "Wow... That's quite a compli--"
Janet continued, unaware of the interruption. She couldn't stop now or she'd never finish. "And I'm thankful that you think of me as a friend, even though you may not think of me the way I'd like." She turned, facing Sam. "As a lover," she whispered. The brunette leaned forward, gently brushing her lips across her friend's.
Sam's eyes shot open, her hand moving to Janet's upper arm as the doctor moved closer, her lips pressing more firmly against Sam's. The blonde finally closed her eyes, getting lost in the kiss as Janet began to embrace her.
The kiss was awkward, a mere pressing of lips, but Janet's heart was pounding against her rib cage. After several seconds, they parted as if a bomb had exploded between them. They stared wide-eyed at each other, chocolate brown locked on cerulean blue. Both wanted to speak, neither had the words.
Finally, Janet broke the spell. "I... God, I'm so sorry. I should never have..."
"No, Janet, I..."
The doctor shook her head. "It's wrong, and we shouldn't..."
"I want this to happen!"
They both stopped at that, staring at each other again. Finally, Sam spoke. "I want to kiss you again, Janet. I want to take you in my arms and... and kiss you and touch you and make sweet love to you... God, I want that so much..."
She leaned forward, but Janet put her hands on the blonde's shoulders, stopping her advance. "No... Sam."
"No? But... you kissed me."
"I know," Janet said. "But..." she turned her gaze to the empty wine bottles. "We're drunk, Sam. I would have to be drunk or I'd never have the guts to do that. We're both drunk, so drunk that... this might seem like a mistake in the morning."
"It won't, Janet. I know how I feel and I just want to touch you again..."
Janet sighed. "I want this, too, Sam. I've wanted it for so long. But I couldn't live wondering if our relationship - if we ever have one - is based on a drunken liasion."
"So... what should we do?"
Janet stroked Sam's face, tucking a strand behind Sam's ear. "Sleep on it." She leaned forward, leaving a chaste kiss on the tip of Sam's nose. "Sleep on it, and we'll talk in the morning."
Several hours later, Sam slowly pulled herself upright, immediately bringing her free hand to her head. The hangover had already started. Wincing, she tried to figure out just where the hell she was. She smiled, remembering the last time she had woke up in a strange place; college, drinking and the end of midterms had resulted in a next-morning panic to find out who she had slept with.
This time, however, she was asleep on a couch rather than some collegian's filthy mattress and she still fully-dressed in her white silk blouse and black slacks. The only thing missing were her shoes. Searching the floor, she found a pair of high heels that she recognized and were probably a bitch to sleep in. She left them on the floor and tried to gather her strength to stand.
She was in Janet's house, that much she remembered. She also remembered that Janet had offered to let her use the guest bedroom, but the wine had quelled that idea. She had camped on the couch, rather than try to ascend the staircase.
The smell of turkey hung heavy in the air over the ever-present fragrance of the doctor's perfume. Sam loved coming to the house because the wonderful smell permeated every surface in the house. Despite their close friendship, she couldn't very well ask her best friend if she could sniff her neck every now and then. She inhaled a few more times, finding the flowery scent helped to lessen the degree of the earthquake rattling her brains. Finally, she pulled herself up and started into the kitchen. She walked across the moonlight-kissed carpet, wondering how much wine she had downed to forget the entire night's events.
The dirty dishes once cluttering the dining room table were gone; all that remained of their dinner were the four extinguished candles in the middle of the table. She couldn't recall most of the night; she knew that after dinner Cassandra had gone to a friend's house for a sleepover. And then Jack had broken out three bottles of wine. She also recalled that one entire bottle had found its way into her glass. She turned on the kitchen light, wincing at the sudden brightness, and began searching Janet's cabinets for aspirin.
She found the pill bottle, spilling three into her hand and swallowing them dry. She winced at the taste, moving to the sink and pouring a glass of water.
After the boys had left them alone, Sam and Janet had sat on the couch talking about one of Janet's family traditions and they had each started to list what they were thankful for. She couldn't remember the exchange word-for-word, but she did remember that Janet had said something about--
She froze, looking at her reflection in the window over the sink. Outside, the night was black as pitch, marred only by a single streetlight about six houses down. She remembered full well what had happened... but she still couldn't believe it.
Noticing how badly her hands were shaking, she placed the glass on the counter and leaned against it, trying to clear her head. 'Damn drinking,' she mentally chided herself. 'Damn hangovers. I need to think clearly...' She pressed two fingers to her temples, squeezing her eyes shut. Finally, the throbbing seemed to subside and she looked out the window once more. This time, she tried to picture a life with Janet.
She smiled, immediately conjuring images of the three of them on family outings... picnics, baseball games, parties and other group activites. She turned and slowly returned to the living room. Janet had gone to bed around 11:45, and now it was almost four am. Sam sighed and looked around the darkened living room. In the upstairs hallway, a single light still burned.
Still rubbing her temple with one hand, she moved to the mantle and examined the many pictures there. One stood out; the two women standing on a dock, soaked to the bone, laughing so hard that tears were streaking down their faces. In the photo, Sam had one arm loosely wrapped around Janet's waist and the brunette was hugging her taller friend around the waist.
The picture had been taken by Cassie while on a trip to the lake, not long after the Urgo situation. Sam had agreed to accompany them to the lake, eager for some 'girl talk' with Janet. While they were out on the rowboat, Janet's hat had blown off and landed in the water. Sam, being the excellent friend she was, reached for it and succeeded only in tipping the boat violently onto it's side. The boat capsized, threatening to drown or crush the two. When they finally pulled themselves onto the dock, they had been furious with each other; yelling, screaming, each blaming the other... then they had paused and taken a moment to look at themselves. Yells turned into laughs and they soon had to hold onto each other to avoid falling into the water again. That night, Sam had cooked spaghetti to make it up to Janet, and Janet had made the salad to make it up to Sam.
As she recalled the trip to the lake and their spaghetti/apology dinner, Sam suddenly realized something. The family image she had come up with a few minutes ago wasn't a prediction. It was fact. Sam and Janet were the closest Cassandra had to a family.
She stepped back, looking at the photos lining the mantle. All had been taken on outings, either with just Sam or with all of SG-1, but every shot had been trimmed so that it included only Sam, Janet and Cassandra. She bit her lower lip, taking a step back. Janet loved her... it was so obvious, why hadn't she seen it before?
Closing her eyes, Sam decided there were two ways to deal with this awkward situation; the first was to tell Janet she wasn't interested, which would lead to them spending less time together. She would hardly ever see Cassandra or, perhaps more importantly, her best friend Janet. Could she live without the doctor in her life? And when they did happen to get together, it would be immensely uncomfortable... She dismissed that scenario; she couldn't live without having Janet Fraiser in her life.
That thought struck her, and she blinked into the shadows of the living room. The gentle light of the moon poured through the open window to the right of the TV, casting a blue glow on Sam's stockinged feet. "I can't live without Janet," she whispered to herself. Whatever troubles she had, whatever conflict was going on in her life, Janet was the only one she constantly ran to. The day she was forced to kill Martouf, Janet had offered a shoulder to cry on all night. They had just sat and cried until dawn when Sam finally passed out.
She turned and looked at the light at the top of the stairs. "All these years," Sam whispered. Taking a deep breath, she moved to the hallway and began up the stairs. With each step, she heard voices in her head telling her why she should stop.
'Your father would never understand...' Another step. 'They'll kick you out of the military if they find out. Is that what you want?' Another step. 'Run to O'Neill... hell, the military frowns on that, too, but at least it's not this drastic!'
She reached the top step, forcing the tiny voices to quiet as she turned and faced the door to Janet's bedroom. It stood ajar, shadows hanging beyond the thin strip of light from the hall. She casually turned the hall light off, sending the hallway - and the entire house - into a darkness marred only by the gentle moonlight.
For some unknown reason, she grew apprehensive as she approached the shadowy outline of Janet's bedroom door. She had been in the room countless times, using the doctor's bed to rest after a particularly draining mission (Janet's house was closer to the base than Sam's), or just crashing after a party. On a few occasions, Sam and Janet had shared the bed in a completely chaste manner. God, the willpower Janet must have had those nights! Sam was now at the door, peeking in through the crack at the room.
The only light came from the moon, casting an oblong square on the bed over Janet's sleeping form. The brunette was curled on her side, the blankets pulled up to her shoulders. Sam entered the room, listening as her friend breathed slowly in her sleep. Quietly, the blonde stepped into the bedroom and shut the door behind her before approaching the bedside.
Her heart was racing like only one other time in her life: losing her virginity to Jason Kurtz in the backseat of his fathers's Buick. And this was almost like repeating history, but with a twist. Instead of an adolescent boy, she was losing her virginity to another woman.
But what a woman, Sam reminded herself.
She undid the buttons of her blouse with trembling hands, her entire body wracked with tremors as she looked down at her soon-to-be lover.
Lover. Sam smiled at that... it was a more appropriate description than friend. Sam realized that she had wanted this as much as the brunette, maybe more. She dropped the blouse to the floor and quickly undid the catch on her slacks, letting them fall to the floor. She brought her hands to the clasp of her bra, but stopped in mid-motion. She finally decided to leave her underwear in place and settled for removing her nylons. Now mostly undressed, she pulled back the blankets and slid into bed behind her sleeping friend.
She moved in close, pressing her breasts against the doctor's back and spooning her lower body against Janet's. As she wrapped an arm around Janet's mid-section, the brunette murmured in her sleep and attempted to roll over.
"Shh," Sam whispered. "It's me."
"Sam... What're you... you doing?"
"I slept on it, Janet," she said, kissing the brunette's neck tenderly. "I want you, too."
Janet was silent for a moment, turning her head toward the pillow. Sam frowned, wondering if she had somehow offended the other woman. She raised her head slightly, then heard quiet sobs. "Janet? Are you crying?"
The brunette rolled over, facing Sam. Her face was indeed wet with tears, but a warm smile stretched across her features. "I've wanted this for so long, Sam."
Sam grinned her trademark grin, then said, "Me too... I just didn't realize it before you brought it to the surface."
Each woman leaned into the other, their lips meeting for only the second time. Their hands worked in harmony, moving to wrap the other in a tight embrace. Sam felt the weight of Janet's breasts pressing against her own and moaned silently, parting her lips and stroking the terrain of Janet's mouth with her tongue. That was the only invitation needed for the doctor and she accepted the caress eagerly, allowing it to search and explore her mouth.
Sam's exploring hands discovered that Janet slept in the nude; whether this was a regular occurance or something that happened in anticipation of this moment, Sam would find out later. She felt the soft warmth of Janet's tongue caressing her own, moaning at any stimuli offered. Her entire body felt hypersensitive, responding to even the slightest touch. Sam felt the soft silk sheets rubbing across her nearly nude form, felt Janet's hands as they burned a trail across her lower back and buttocks.
When the doctor's hand finally reached the major's thigh, she lifted and pulled her leg forward so that it wrapped around her hip. Sam suddenly found herself rubbing against Janet's crotch. She moaned again, breaking the kiss just long enough to brush her lips over Janet's cheek.
Mourning the loss of Sam's tongue for only a moment, Janet immediately redirected her attack to the blonde's slender neck. She savagely began to lick, kiss, taste and suckle the tender flesh as she had wanted to do for years. Sam's skin tasted sweeter than the doctor could have imagined and she began to moan as her lips danced across the alabaster expanse.
Sam rested her head in the crook of Janet's shoulder, inhaling the scent of her perfume as she had wanted to do for so long. She smiled, pressing a kiss to the tender skin of Janet's shoulder and whispered, "I love your perfume..."
Janet moved her hand from the other woman's thigh, tracing a line from her stomach down to the waistband of her panties. Sam's breathing became ragged, her pulse racing as Janet's nimble fingers grew ever-so-closer to her warmth. Janet sensed Sam's eagerness and skipped over the lacy material of the blonde's panties, instead moving forward to tickle the skin of Sam's upper thigh.
Groaning low in her throat, Sam playfully bit down on Janet's shoulder. "No games, Janet... not tonight."
Taking the hint, Janet returned her fingers to the elastic of Sam's underwear and deftly slipped underneath it. As her fingers explored the hidden treasures Sam was offering, her free hand moved between the two women and found the clasp of Sam's bra. The blonde was gasping for air by the time the restraint was removed, her erect nipples exposed to the cool air of the bedroom. Janet craned her neck down, carefully taking one rose-colored peak between her lips and running the tip of her tongue over it.
Sam threw her head back, her eyes squeezed shut. The moment Janet had taken the nipple into her mouth, her hand had found the blonde's clitoris. Her finger and tongue were strumming in concert now, playing Sam like a finely tuned instrument.
Her entire body shivered under Janet's attention. Unable to do much at the moment, she used her leg to pull Janet closer, feeling the heat from the smaller woman's body. Finally, as her lips and tongue moved from one nipple to the other, Janet slipped a finger into Sam's warm core.
Sam's mouth dropped, her eyes opening at the intrusion. She quickly recovered from the shock, biting her lower lip and lowering her head to look Janet in the eye. Janet looked up, her mouth locked around Sam's left breast, and winked. Her finger continued thrusting, as if searching for something deep within her friend and now-lover. She was about to find it.
With a low moan, Sam pulled Janet lips away from her nipple and pulled her up, attacking her with a searing kiss. Janet's hand continued to work between Sam's legs, the blonde thrusting down against the brunette's hand. As their tongues dueled, Sam began to cum. She moaned, tears of joy rolling down her cheeks as she filled her friend's palm with her juices. Janet deepened the kiss, obviously living her most-secret desire.
When the orgasm finally subsided, Janet slipped her soaked hand out of Sam's sodden panties and brought it to her lips. She examined the wet digits, smiling distantly. "I've always wondered what you tasted like..."
Sam sat up, watching with rapt attention. "Now's your chance to find out."
Locking eyes with Sam, Janet practically inhaled her index finger. She swirled it around on her tongue for a moment, then let her eyelids drift downward as she moaned. "Mmmm, oh Sam... you're more delicious than I imagined."
Sam scooted forward, taking Janet's hand and helping her clean it. When they reached the ring finger, they both proceeded to lick it clean. Their tongues occasionally touched, but they managed to hold themselves back and avoid an all-out kiss. When all of the juices had been obliterated, the two women embraced and fell back onto the bed. Sam pulled the blankets up, wrapping it around their spent bodies.
Janet snuggled against Sam, resting her head on the taller woman's bosom. "That was... That was..."
"I agree," Sam grinned. She kissed the top of Janet's head, then sighed. "God, Janet... how are we going to deal with this in the morning?"
"We'll find out in the morning," Janet promised. "Let's just sleep on it right now."
They kissed one more time before curling into each other, taking up only a small portion of the queen-sized bed. They rested together, knowing they had three more days to explore their newly discovered love.
The End
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