Title: Six Months and Twenty-Four Hours Ago
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Category: Romance, First time
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: Stargate and characters are the property of MGM, Gekko, etc. Mainly you need to know no one with the name of Geonn owns the deed to these people.
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it's gonna be.
Note: For teryl_brat42
Spoilers: "Singularity," "In the Line of Duty"
Summary: What a difference a day makes...
I stepped in front of the mirror, taking a deep breath and turning to my right to examine the way the dress draped my hips. I slid my hands down from the small of my back over my ass, feeling the silkiness as I knew Sam would later on. I smiled at myself, adjusting the straps on the dress and casually readjusting my bra. I pursed my lips, air-kissing my reflection and turning to leave the bathroom. As I passed my bed, I paused... staring at the crisply-tucked blanket. Tonight was our six-month anniversary. I distinctly remembered where I was six-months and twenty-four hours ago.
I remembered because it was the most important moment in my adult life. I had stepped through an alien portal, becoming one of a handful of modern humans to walk on alien soil. I had adopted an orphaned child. And I still consider that afternoon to be the turning point in my life.
That morning, I woke up curled into a ball, my pajama top sticking to my chest. My legs were wrapped obscenely around the pillow that, in a perfect world, would have been under my lover's head. I pressed my face into the mattress and, letting nature finish the course it had started subconsciously. I bucked my hips a few times, riding the pillow gently until I gasped a quick release. I brought a hand between my legs, touching myself and feeling the wetness and the sensitivity of my slick pussy lips. I threw the thin sheet aside - it was far too hot outside for a full blanket - and pulled off my pajama top.
In the cold shower, I rested my head against the cool tile and tried to wash away the wet dreams I'd suffered through the night before. Faceless lovers, male and female lovers... I had it bad. I was horny, desperate. Turning off the shower when I realized the cold water was doing nothing for my state, I walked into the bedroom and laid out my uniform for the day. I dressed slowly, methodically, robotically.
I remembered an ex-girlfriend from Texas who was always good for a little phone sex. All I had to do was call her up, make a little small talk, then tell her what I needed. And with that fine Texas drawl, that sexy-as-hell husky voice, that dripping-with-sex tongue, she would tell me to 'lay mahself right back and let ol' Sarah talk ya through what you need, baby."
I pulled my hand away from my crotch, pushing my skirt back into place and taking a deep breath. "Call Sarah," I reminded myself. "Tonight. After Cassandra is asleep. Definitely have to call Sarah."
"Hey, there."
I closed her eyes, the sound of her voice already doing indecent things to my body. I opened my mouth to speak when--
"This is Sarah Jenkins. Ah'll be outta town until the 15th of next month. Sorry for the inconvenience, but ah'll be sure to call ya right back when I get home. Bye!"
I groaned, then sat up, closing my legs and turning to let my feet dangle over the side of the mattress. "Hey, uh... Sarah. This is Janet Fraiser. I was just calling to... um." I scratched the back of my neck. "I was just calling to... say hello. Catch up a little. Call me." I hung up, mortified, hoping she didn't have a significant other who might get the message first. "I'm such an..."
My self-deprecation was interrupted by a quiet knocking sound. I frowned, looking around the bedroom for any possible source of the sound. Finding none, I stood and walked across the bedroom. It sounded like it was coming from the living room below me. Or maybe the front door...? I pulled on a robe, loosely looping the belt in a knot and heading downstairs. The knock came again, this time definitely coming from the front door. I turned on the hallway light and unlocked the door, pulling it open and peeking outside.
"Sam?" I asked, staring at her in disbelief. "What are you doing here?"
Sam breezed past me, going into the living room and sitting on the edge of the sofa. I closed the door, following her. "Why don't you come on in, Sam? Have a seat at midnight, why not have a cup of coffee?" I sat next to her. "Want to talk?"
"A little girl needed help," Sam said without preamble. "You took her, became a mother to her in a way that I could never have been. When I had a Tok'ra in my head two months ago, I remember you holding me. You were a rock. And I guess... in that time... I've grown accustomed to the idea that you're my safety. My harbor and my refuge." She took my hand and squeezed it tightly. "I just need a friend right now."
I embraced her. "Hey, Sam, you can come to me any time. What happened?"
"Nothing." She squeezed my hand again, a little tighter. "It's just... night time. Do you ever lay awake at night and pray that the clock would move just a little bit faster?" She closed her eyes. "I hate climbing into bed and being alone for eight hours. I absolutely hate it."
I pulled Sam to me and hugged her tightly. "I know exactly what you're talking about," I assured her, stroking her back through her leather jacket. "Sometimes I sleep on the couch... or with the radio on. It makes me feel less alone."
I felt Sam pressing her face against my collar, her breath spreading across and seeping through my robe. It felt warm, nice on my skin. She spoke and I shuddered at her voice on my neck. "I debated on how to ask this the entire way over here... and I should just come out with it. I was going to suggest, you know, if you felt the same..."
"My bed is big," I said. "Queen-sized."
Sam pulled back and smiled at me. "Well, naturally..."
I chuckled and stood up. "Come on. I have some nightshirts you can pick from."
The night shirt was a bad idea. Sam had legs. Two of them. Very long legs that just barely reached the hem of her t-shirt. When she walked, I saw a glimpse of panties and rolled onto my side. She climbed into bed behind me and settled in, adjusting the pillow and--
Oh, my dear Lord. The pillow. I rolled over, looking at Sam and remembering how I had woke up that morning. She pressed her face against the pillowcase and I strained to remember which side had been between my legs, which side I had... I swallowed sharply and said, "Um, Sam... if you don't mind, could we trade pillows? I prefer that one..."
"Sure," Sam said, pulling the marked pillow from beneath her head and switching with mine. "Thanks."
"It's no problem," Sam said, resting her head again. "Thank you for doing this," she smiled. "I already feel better."
I laid down next to her. "Well, I had to say yes. I didn't even want to think about you showing up at Teal'c's doorstep..."
She chuckled, then said, "Actually, he doesn't use his bed. He kel'no'reems."
"And how do you know that, Major?"
She smiled and winked. "A lady never tells."
We were laying side-by-side, both of us curled in the same manner like mirror images of each other. I touched her face, brushing a loose hair out of her eyelashes and resting my palm on her cheek. Her eyes were sparkling in the darkness, bright blue, brilliant. I leaned in and gently captured her top lip between both of mine. I pulled back and whispered, "I'm really glad you're here."
Sam didn't register shock or even surprise at my kiss. "Thanks for sharing your bed," she said, leaning in.
She chose my bottom lip to latch onto. The kiss wasn't even a second long, but it lit something inside of me. My hand slid to her shoulder and I leaned in again, kissing her full-on. There was no mistaking this kiss, no laughing it off as a friendly peck or a good-night buss. I pulled back and looked nervously at the sheet sagging between our two bodies. Sam finally registered a little surprise, looking at me and apparently waiting for an explanation. After a long, long silence, the entire time thinking I would explode, I finally said, "Sam, I--"
"That was nice," she said, interrupting me.
I looked into her eyes.
"It was nice," she assured me.
"Can I do it again?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper.
"Yeah," Sam breathed.
I leaned in, suddenly nervous, the knowledge that we were about to kiss romantically holding me back. I stopped about a hair away from Sam's lips, my eyes cast down, watching as she parted her lips and ran the tip of her tongue across them. Wetting them. For *me*. I moaned and closed the distance, kissing Sam with more passion than I'd ever shown for any past lovers. Sam moaned as soon as I touched her, her hands sliding from the mattress onto my hips. I leaned forward, pressing against her, closing the distance between us.
I don't remember choreographing the move, but suddenly I was on top of Sam. My legs were straddling her stomach, my knees pressing against her thighs, my hands roaming her upper body. Sam had her hands under my nightie, squeezing my asscheeks and urging me forward. I broke the kiss, looking down at her and breathing heavily. My hair was hanging loose in my face and Sam smiled, stroking my face. "Your hair is a rat's nest," she informed me.
"Oh, yeah," I said, reaching up and ruffling her hair. Big mistake. For one, the touseled look on Samantha Carter works magic. A dirty, naughty, behind-closed-doors kind of magic, but still magic. Secondly, it was a mistake because it opened up the floodgates of revenge. Sam lifted me and rolled us both, pinning me to the mattress as she nipped at my neck with lips and teeth. She licked from my shoulder to my earlobe, kissing me softly when she found my mouth.
"God," I whispered, holding her tight. "How is this happening?"
"What?" Sam asked.
"This is so fast!" I gasped. "An hour ago, you were my best friend. Now... now, you're on top of me making me so goddamn wet..."
"Really?" Sam asked, smiling when I blushed. She kissed me and said, "Do you want to slow down?"
I closed my eyes. "I... want to stop."
Sam sank to the other side of the bed. "Oh."
"No, Sam, please... honey, listen to me." I touched her face and rose over her, looking down into her sad eyes. "I love you. I do. And the thought of making love to you is doing illegal things to parts of my body. But... I... this is just too fast for me." I kissed her and whispered, "Please understand."
She returned my kiss and touched my arm, sliding from elbow to shoulder and moving me down to the mattress. She perched over me and said, "We'll take our time. We'll wait until you're ready." She kissed me gently, passionately, holding me down to the mattress in a way that thrilled me beyond belief. She stroked my face again and laid down next to me.
Five minutes later, she asked. "Are you ready yet?"
I laughed and said, "Not yet."
"How about now?"
"Mm, no."
We both laughed.
The doorbell rang, pulling me from my reverie. I hurried downstairs and pulled the door open, smiling at the sight of Samantha Carter on my front steps. She was ravishing. "You look... amazing." I took a deep breath and said, "Ready?"
She nodded. "Yeah. You look gorgeous in that dress."
"Thanks," I said, my voice shaking. "Sam?" She looked up at me. "I'm ready now."
"Good. I was thinking about Le Che--"
"No, Sam... we're not going out tonight." She frowned and I repeated, "I'm ready... *now*."
Her breath caught and she squeezed my hand. "We don't have to."
"I want you," I whispered huskily, stepping forward. "There isn't anything rushed, there's no chance we'll wake up tomorrow and regret this." I brought her hand to my lips and kissed her knuckles. Her hand was shaking. I looked up and saw tears in her eyes. "Baby, what's wrong?"
"So long," she whispered, leaning down and kissing me as her tears fell free. "I've wanted you for so long."
"Come inside," I whispered.
I pulled her into the front hallway, letting her press me against the wall as we kissed again. I loved kissing her; long nights making out on the couch, groping like teenagers... Over the past six months, I had learned to see her as more than a friend, more than a beautiful woman even. I saw her as a beautiful soul who made me feel like I don't need to be anyone other than who I am. I felt more complete holding her hand in a darkened movie theater than I'd ever felt with anyone else before. I loved to rest my head on her shoulder and fall asleep during movie night. I loved kissing her good-bye.
We were finally going the final step. I was going to share my bed, my body, my sexuality... with her.
She tugged at my dress, eager after all these months. I broke the kiss and pulled back, gently taking her hands from my body and taking her hand. "Upstairs. The bedroom."
Sam followed obediently and let me lead her to the bedroom. I turned to her, draping my arms over her shoulders and rising onto my toes for a kiss. She lifted me, carrying me to the bed and laying me down. She stretched out next to me and stared at me, holding my gaze for a long time. There was a wetness in her eyes and I kissed her neck to make her moan. I rose up and perched over her body. "Let me undress you."
"Okay," she said unnecessarily.
She was wearing a white blouse, tucked into her slacks. As I ran my hand down her legs, spreading them apart slightly, I looked into her eyes. She was watching me fervently, keeping track of my every move. "Are you wearing panties, Sam?"
"Yeah," she said softly.
I moved down the mattress and gently kissed Sam through the material of her slacks, high on her thigh. She gasped and made a gulping noise low in her throat. I smiled up at her. "Samantha, do you want me to take off your slacks?"
"Yes," she replied.
I reached up, finding the catch and releasing it. The waistline of Sam's trousers loosened and I could see the arched bow of her panties. I eagerly - maybe a little too eagerly - tugged her slacks down. They caught around her shoes and I was enthralled by the light pink triangle before me. They were ordinary panties, with a bow in the middle of the waistband and a - God - a wet spot between the legs. "Is that for me?" I asked innocently.
"Every night," Sam assured me.
I leaned down and kissed her thigh. It was warm, soft as butter against my lips. I rested my hand on the outside of her leg, holding it in place as I used my lips and tongue to wet the quivering skin. I turned and repeated the move on the other side, lick-and-suck-and-nibble and stroke with my tongue. Sam was near-tears. I turned to face her full-on, reaching up and hooking my thumbs in her panties. "They're cheap," Sam said. "God, they're so cheap."
"You-you can tear them. They're cheap panties."
I looked down and smiled, realizing just how much she wanted this. The devil awoke inside of me and I lowered my head, kissing her through her self-proclaimed cheap underwear. She whimpered and I opened my mouth, flattening my tongue against the moist spot I had seen earlier. "Janet," she breathed.
That was the trigger. I pulled Sam's panties off, ripping them along the waistband and tossing the ruined cloth aside.
And Sam was bare before me.
I sat up between her spread knees, staring down at her untrimmed pubic hair. She was spreading her legs for me. Wet for me. Breathing hard, hands hooked under her bent knees, holding her legs apart, staring and waiting for *me* to make her come. Silly, stupid me began to cry and Sam whispered, "Janet. Janet..." I looked at her. "Come here."
Stretching out on top of her, my stomach resting above her bared pussy, Sam and I kissed softly. "I want you. I want this. Do you want me?"
"Yes," I breathed against her lips, my fingers resting on her jaw. "I want to make you happy. I'm not... sure I can."
She kissed me. I fell against her and moaned. She kissed my tears away and said, "I trust you, Janet. You know how much I love you."
I blinked and slid back down her body, keeping eye contact with her. Kneeling between her legs like a supplicant at the altar, I bowed my head and pressed an open-mouthed kiss to her sweet lips. She bucked against me at the first contact, her hands clutching the headboard behind her as she bit her lip. Between my parted lips, I stroked my tongue against her three times, moving up and suckling her clit. I lifted my head and looked at her. "Don't stop," she snapped.
I returned to my task, gently prying her folds apart with the tip of my tongue. In the past, I had made love to two women and three men in the past. None of them had ever - in the entire course of lovemaking - made me feel the way I felt kissing Samantha Carter. Kissing her *there,* feeling her massage my tongue, I was in absolute heaven. I opened my eyes and looked up her body, seeing her watching me.
One of my fingers took the place of my tongue when I pulled back, keeping up my thrusts as I rose up her body. Inches away from her face, I watched the subtle change in her expression when I added a second finger. "Three," Sam breathed, her voice hot against my face. I nuzzled her, my nose against her cheek, and complied. Sam whimpered, thrusting against my hand.
"I never want to make love to anyone else," I declared to her.
Sam opened her eyes and covered my hand with hers. She guided me, then whispered into my ear, "If this is making love... I've never done it before tonight." She licked the shell of my ear and I shuddered.
I felt separated from myself, across the room, watching a trembling brunette in a party dress hunched over a beautiful blonde in a rumpled tuxedo shirt. I watched those two women, watched as the blonde penetrated the brunette's pussy with her fingers, watched as they undressed completely, watched as they shifted and scissored their legs together. I listened as the room filled with a voice that sounded remarkably like mine chanting, "I love you, I love you, I love you."
When I came back to my body, I was laying on top of Sam, our lips together. My left hand was in her right, her left in my right. We rolled so that we were side-by-side, neither of us willing to break contact. Sam kissed my eyebrow, slipped her right leg between mine. I felt her thigh against my pussy and groaned, pressing my face into the pillow. "Was it worth the wait?" I asked, a bit nervous.
"I would have waited another six months if I had to." She kissed me, then said, "Just don't make me wait six more months for another night like this."
I laughed. "Is tomorrow good for you?"
"Too far away," Sam said, rolling on top of me. "Happy anniversary, baby."
"Happy anniversary, Samantha."
We kissed and she proceeded to love me until it was twenty-four hours past our anniversary...
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