Title: Silk
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Rating: NC17
Pairings: Janet/Sam
Category: PWP, First Time
Disclaimer: These folks don't belong to me. I stole them from MGM's toy box without asking their mommies for permission. I promise to return them more or less unscathed.
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it'll be.
Spoilers: None
Dedicated To: Debbie, cause she asked for it! Although I can't remmeber if she ACTUALLY asked for it or if I promised it to her. Don't know which came first. :D
Summary: A night alone, a relationship consummated.
She was in the bedroom.
Janet made sure the front door was locked, checked the kitchen window and turned off the final lamp next to her chair before heading for the staircase.
She was in the bedroom. Janet's heart rate rose a bit.
Cassandra was at a slumber party, so there was no need to make sure she was asleep in bed. The house was unnaturally quiet; she could hear the fridge humming in the kitchen below. She walked past Cassandra's room and paused in the doorway of the master bedroom. Taking a deep breath, she turned the knob and stepped inside.
Sam was sitting on the bed, arms wrapped around her knees. She was wearing a silk shirt and a pair of cotton panties, her legs gloriously bare. Janet closed the bedroom door and leaned against it. "Hi," she said, her voice hoarse. She cleared her throat and looked down, crossing and uncrossing her feet. She was wearing a silk shirt that reached her thighs and nothing else. The material draped over her shoulders, rubbing across her bare breasts with each intake of air. She felt exposed, wanton. She brought her eyes back up to Sam and smiled.
"You look--" Sam started, shaking her head.
Janet blushed and looked down. She'd had her hair styled. Why, she had no idea... with what they had planned, it was just going to get messed up anyway. But she wanted to look nice at the beginning. Sam deserved at least that.
"Beautiful," Sam finally finished. She touched her own hair. "I wish I had... had done--"
"Don't be silly," Janet said, finally finding her voice. Sam looked pretty much the same as she did at the SGC every day. The only difference was her face was entirely scrubbed of make-up. It made her look so much younger; much innocent. Janet walked over to the bed and sat near Sam's feet. "You look gorgeous," she assured the other woman. She took Sam's hand and held it, looking down at the knuckles.
Sam squeezed Janet's hand. "You know what's weird? After all this... waiting, planning, anticipating, I feel like this is happening so fast. The day inched by and I kept staring at the clock wondering if it was broken... now it feels like a runaway train."
"Do..." Janet forced herself to ask the question. Otherwise it would be at the back of her mind the entire time. "Do you want to stop? Just sleep and do this later?"
"No, God... No," Sam said, squeezing Janet's hand tighter. She rose up, curling her legs underneath her and leaning close to Janet. "I couldn't wait any more. Not another day." She stroked Janet's cheek. "Cassie's away for the night, we're both off-duty for the weekend... the planets have aligned." She grinned. "I'm just... nervous. About not being..."
"You're everything I want, Sam," Janet assured her. "I can't tell you how many times I've laid awake at night fantasizing abou--" She stopped, her blush deepening.
Sam smiled. "You fantasized about me?"
Janet lowered her head, looking at her fingers entwined with Sam's. "I dreamt about it every night."
Sam leaned in and kissed Janet's cheek, her lips moving to nibble on the brunette's hanging earlobe. Janet closed her eyes, leaning into the other woman's lips. After playing with her lobe for a moment, Sam pulled back and looked into Janet's eyes. They were centimeters apart, the breath of one washing over the other's face. Sam stroked Janet's cheek and leaned in, kissing Janet's bottom lip. Janet moaned, squeezing her eyes shut as Sam's tongue invaded her mouth. She brought her shaking hands up and rested one on Sam's shoulder, the other working it's way into the mane of Sam's hair.
They'd kissed before. They'd been unofficially dating for almost six weeks. Kissing had mutated into heavy petting, but neither of them had gone beyond that. Sam had undone the buttons on Janet's blouse one night a week ago, but both stopped before it went on. Sam's birthday had fallen during their relationship and when they got home from their dinner, Janet had taken Sam into the bedroom and they had, as the kids used to say, mutually masturbated.
Sam had sat at the foot of the bed while Janet reclined against the headboard. Janet had unbuttoned her slacks and slipped her hand inside. As she manipulated herself, whispering sweet nothings as she touched herself, Sam joined her. When they had finished, they laid next to each other, panting and spent. Janet had cried and Sam had held her. That night Janet had promised to make love as soon as possible. They slept together for the first time that night, platonically and fully-clothed (except for their mutually loosened slacks).
But there was no mistaking tonight's kiss as anything remotely platonic. Sam's hands found the buttons of Janet's blouse, fumbling them from their holes. Sam broke the kiss and pushed the material from her friend's shoulders, opening her eyes to look down. She'd never seen Janet naked; the closest had been at a swimming pool with Cassandra. They'd been in the locker room together (before they'd started seeing each other romantically) and Sam had looked up in time to see Janet tug her bra in place.
The blush in Janet's cheeks reached to the top of her cleavage, the upper swell of her breasts tinged red. Her nipples, standing erect from the constant brush of the silk, were coffee-brown. Sam licked her lips and looked back up at Janet's face. The brunette's eyes were still squeezed shut and she was breathing hard. Sam brushed Janet's lips with her thumb and whispered, "Janet?"
Janet opened her eyes.
"My God... you're so beautiful."
A tear rolled down Janet's face and she shook her head, falling forward. Her head rested in the curve between Sam's throat and shoulder. "No," Janet said.
Sam embraced Janet and kissed her hair. "Hey. You *are* beautiful. Look at me." Janet reluctantly raised her head. "You are the most beautiful person I've ever known. In face, in heart, in spirit. Nothing compares to the way you shine."
Janet touched the back of Sam's hand and said, "When did you become a poet?" she said, managing to smile.
"When I got inspired." Sam kissed Janet again, their bodies instinctively falling against each other. Janet reached down and gripped the hem of Sam's shirt, tugging it upward. Sam broke the kiss long enough to let the shirt be removed. Janet had seen Sam naked many times in the past; examinations, physicals and whatnot. She cupped one of Sam's breasts in her hand and lowered her head, kissing the nipple. Sam stroked Janet's hair and closed her eyes, curling her body forward over Janet's. She ran her hand down the other woman's bare back, tracing her spine and cupping one buttock as Janet nursed.
When their lips came together again, Janet preceded the kiss by murmuring, "I'm falling in love with you."
Sam was taken aback by the declaration, but didn't break the kiss. She kept her eyes open, staring at the impossibly close face of her friend and now lover. When they broke, Sam said, "Did you mean it?"
"Mean what?" Janet asked, licking her lips.
"About falling in love with me... d-did you mean that?"
Janet's eyes opened, wide. "I... said that out loud?"
Sam nodded.
Janet kissed Sam softly and said, "I've been thinking it since I walked in the room. Since... God, since your birthday. I don't think I'm falling; I'm completely gone."
Sam kissed both of Janet's eyebrows and said, "I love you, too. So much, Janet. So much."
They embraced, kissing softly, and Janet gently pushed Sam back onto the mattress. She draped herself over the blonde, trailing kisses along her jawline. She cupped both of Sam's breasts, then moved down and kissed her way across Sam's chest. She found small moles, scars from a reckless childhood, birthmarks and the like and kissed all she could find. She licked her lips and circled a nipple, inhaling it and flicking her tongue across the nub.
"Oh, God, yes," Sam moaned.
Janet felt her knees shaking against the mattress. Sam was moaning in pleasure in her bed. She circled Sam's belly button, then tugged down the blonde's panties. The heady aroma of Sam's arousal rose up to greet her as she lowered her head, kissing Sam's thigh. In their discussions about becoming a couple, Sam had admitted to three previous relationships with women, only one of which had proceeded to the sexual arena. Janet had never been with another woman; her only two sexual partners had been a date who had (she realized now) raped her and her husband.
She raised her head up, familiarizing herself with a sexually aroused Samantha Carter's below-the-belt terrain. She licked her lips and, using her index and middle finger, spread the swollen, glistening lips. Looking up at Sam for guidance, she saw the blonde's half-lidded blue eyes practically begging. Janet extended her tongue and separated the lips further, dipping inside and tasting Sam. Her eyelids dropped involuntarily and Sam uttered an incomprehensible string of syllables.
As Janet dipped back in for another taste, she felt slender fingers resting on the top of her head. She had a horrible flashback of her husband, grabbing her head and forcing it down in his lap, working her like a blow-up doll. She almost told Sam to move her hand, but then she realized it was just her fingertips. Janet curled her arm under Sam's leg and lifted it. Sam whimpered and Janet pressed further in.
She would never admit it to anyone, she could barely admit it to herself, but in preparation for her first time with Sam, she'd done 'research.' She ventured to those channels she'd blocked from Cassie, ordered a pay-per-view film, scanned the Internet, the whole works. She eventually decided that she'd never learn a blessed thing that way. If she imitated any of the movies, she'd end up looking like some kind of freak. Conversations in lesbian chat rooms had all eventually led to invites to even more intimate chats, which Janet declined.
Finally, she had decided to just go with the flow once they got to the point of intercourse. It seemed to be working. She reached down, touching herself and surprised to see how wet she was. She abandoned Sam's crotch and rose up, once again laying atop the blonde. Sam kicked her panties off her ankle and brought one leg up, pressing it against Janet's side as they looked at each other. Sam brushed her fingers over Janet's chin and breathed, "See? Beautiful."
"Don't call me beautiful," Janet said, straddling Sam's thigh.
Sam brought her leg up, pressing against the brunette's wet mound. Janet did the same with her thigh and they began to move. Janet was shocked at how they'd simply fallen into the position. Sam looked at her. "I won't call you beautiful," she promised, panting now. She reached between their bodies and found Janet's clit. The brunette yelped and her upper body went limp. She collapsed, her head next to Sam's. Sam turned and breathed into her ear. "I'll call you gorgeous... alluring... angelic..." She strummed Janet like a violin.
"Delicate... ooh. P-pleasing." She bit her lip and hunched her hips against Janet's thigh. "Ravishing," she gasped.
"I'm not beautiful," Janet insisted, rising high enough to rest her forehead against Sam's. They were both dripping sweat, Janet's expensive hairdo hanging around her face like a drape. "Stop saying it."
"You're everything," Sam argued. "Say it."
Sam slipped two fingers into Janet. It was a tight fit, her fingers bent at odd angles between their two bodies. "Say it."
Janet's eyes rolled back in her head and she bit her lip. Finally, she acquiesced. "I'm... attractive."
Sam kissed Janet's throat. "No. Say it," she growled, thrusting her fingers in time with her hips. Janet's entire body was trembling. She swallowed and said, "I'm beautiful."
"You're so beautiful."
"I'm... I'm beautiful." Janet was crying, tears dripping down on Sam's shoulder.
"Yes, sweetie, you're so beautiful," Sam smiled, kissing Janet's lips. Their tongues rolled against each other, Janet's salty tears mingling on their lips. Janet moaned loudly, thrusting wildly now. Sam held her tightly and rolled them both, pinning Janet to the mattress. She kept her hand in place as Janet's body rocked through it's first climax of the night. Janet cried out several incomprehensible phrases, her hands finding Sam and pulling the other woman close.
When Janet came down from the orgasm, she kissed Sam hard. They rolled back and forth until Janet finally came out on top. She broke the kiss, stroked Sam's face and said, "You're beautiful."
"Takes one to know one," Sam whispered.
They kissed again, taking a moment to catch their breath before resuming their activities.
Janet woke on her stomach, a pillow clutched against her chest. She was naked, a sheet draped over her waist. She rolled onto her back, pulling the sheet up and arranging it around her nudity. Sam was asleep next to her, laying on her back. Janet looked out the window at the sunlight filtering through the bare branches of the backyard tree. She ran a hand through her hair and estimated it was sticking up in seventeen different directions.
She felt like hell, yet she was smiling. Couldn't stop smiling, as a matter of fact. Every time she convinced her lips downward, something made her chuckle and up they went. She contemplated a shower. She debated breakfast. She thought about putting on a pair of pajamas.
Finally, she decided to stretch the sheet out. She draped it over herself and Sam, curling against the blonde's side. She rested her head on the other woman's shoulder and closed her eyes. It was the weekend. Cassandra didn't have to be picked up from her sleepover until three that afternoon.
Which, she estimated, was precisely when she'd feel like getting out of bed.
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