Title: She Don't Know...
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Category: Romance
Series: The Jukebox
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Stargate and characters are the property of MGM, Gekko, etc. Mainly you need to know no one with the name of Geonn owns the deed to these ladies.
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it's gonna be.
Notes: To say the name of the song this is based on would give it away. And it's too short to give away. The lyrics will be at the end of the story.
Summary: "She don't know... thought time and time I've told her so."
She's a genius, you know.
Certified, I think. I've never seen a certificate anywhere that says "GENIUS" in big glittery letters or anything, but no one in their right mind would question the validity of it. She's an inventor, although she never gets public credit for her inventions (none have been introduced to the public... yet). She's a troubleshooter. She's a scientist. She takes the theoretical and makes it a reality. She plucks at the strings in the fabric of the universe and sees the entire quilt, as it were. She can repair alien technology, or at least make it work again.
But book-smarts aren't where it ends with her.
She's a mind-reader, a gauge of my most tempered emotions. She knows when to hold me, when to let me cry, when to rub my feet and when to bring me the tallest bowl of chocolate fudge disaster that I've ever seen. She knows when I need to hear she loves me and she knows when to let it go unsaid. Her fingertips have explored and documented the landscape of my body and knows precisely where to land and when. Ten little Lewis and Clarks stationed at the ends of her arms.
It's reassuring to the rest of us, then, that there is something that Samantha Carter doesn't know. There's a fact she can't wrap her head around no matter how many times I've tried to explain it to her. She's utterly and completely lost when it comes to this when it's readily apparent to anyone in the world with two functioning eyes.
She doesn't know she's beautiful.
Oh, sure, dress her up in a nice slinky dress, give her a new hairdo, slap on a pair of high heels, she'll admit she doesn't look bad. But that's not what I'm talking about... put anyone in a fancy outfit and they'll have to admit they look pretty dashing. I'm talking about fresh out of bed, halfway to the shower, wrinkled pajamas, pillow-creases on her cheek, hasn't even thought of make-up yet, hair standing on end, blinking the world into focus Sam.
Some mornings I lay in bed, staring at her as she walks from the bed to the bathroom, shyly covering her face with one hand as she tries to escape my gaze. Sometimes I'm not content with just looking and I chase her into the bathroom. I wish I could paint... capture her at the waking-up moment. That's truly not to be missed.
Not that I'm inviting anyone else to join us. She's all mine.
And while it's comforting to know that there is one thing Sam doesn't know, I've decided to make it my duty - no... priviledge - to give her the benefit of my knowledge whenever possible.
It's the least we geniuses can do with those less blessed.
We go out to a party somewhere:
The moment we walk in the door,
People stop and everybody stares,
She don't know what they're starin' for.
She don't know she's beautiful.
Never crossed her mind.
She don't know she's beautiful.
No, she's not that kind.
She don't know she's beautiful.
Though time and time I've told her so.
There she goes, just walkin' down the street,
And someone lets a whistle out.
A girl like her, she just can't see,
What the fuss is all about.
And she don't know she's beautiful.
Never crossed her mind.
She don't know she's beautiful.
No, she's not that kind.
She don't know she's beautiful.
Though time and time I've told her so.
Mornin' comes and her hair's all a mess,
That's when she thinks she looks her worst.
It's times like this she don't know why,
I can't take my eyes off her.
'Cause she don't know she's beautiful.
Never crossed her mind.
She don't know she's beautiful.
No, she's not that kind.
She don't know she's beautiful.
Though time and time I've told her.
She don't know she's beautiful.
Never crossed her mind.
She don't know she's beautiful.
No, she's not that kind.
She don't know she's beautiful.
Though time and time I've told her.
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