Author: Geonn
Pairing: Sam/Janet, Sam/Jenny (mentioned)
Category: Angst
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: Stargate and characters are the property of MGM, Gekko, etc. Mainly you need to know no one with the name of Geonn owns the deed to these ladies.
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it's gonna be.
Spoilers: "1969,"
Notes: It's a total different animal than what I set out to write, but I love it anyway :D
Summary: Breaking rules in the summer of '69 and beyond.
August 9, 1969.
They had been left alone on the bus. Jack and Teal'c had hoofed it to an auto supply shop to get what they needed to repair the bus. Michael and Daniel had headed for a gas station to get a few sodas. Sam sat on the couch across from Jenny, watching as the girl expertly rolled a cigarette. She looked up, meeting Sam's eyes and smiling. "Would you like to--"
"No," Sam said, too quickly. "I-I've tried it before," she lied, suddenly the teenager who wanted to prove she was cool enough to have smoked pot.
Jenny smiled and lit the end, taking a toke before turning her wrist to offer it to Sam. The blonde looked at the joint, watching the tip burn slowly. She bit her bottom lip and took it from Jenny's hand, turning it and toking. She held her breath as she passed it back, holding the smoke in for as long as she could before she exhaled slowly. It passed through her nostrils, out her parted lips, and she coughed a few times, covering her mouth. She cleared her throat and tilted her head to the side, smiling nervously. "It's good," she said.
"Yeah," Jenny said, leaning back and bringing it to her lips again.
Sam licked her lips and quietly said, "Uh... could I..." Jenny passed it back and Sam closed her eyes, taking another toke.
It was the sixties, after all. And everyone smoked pot in the sixties.
As Jenny slipped the t-shirt from her body, Sam shrugged. People were naked a lot in the sixties.
May 8, 1998.
"Well," Janet said, entering the private room. "Now I know why you wanted a private examination." She closed the file and crossed her arms over her chest, staring at Sam the way she likely would've glared at Cassandra in the same situation. "What happened?"
Sam sighed. "I suppose 'it was the sixties' isn't a valid excuse?"
"You're an adult, Sam. But you're also in the military. Drug use..."
"I know."
"Even a one-time thing--"
"I know!" Sam sighed. "But haven't you ever been confronted with something that... you knew it was wrong, you knew you'd get in trouble for it, but you also knew that if you didn't take a chance, you'd regret it for the rest of your life?"
Janet scoffed. "Smoking pot is something you just *had* to do?"
"At that moment, yes."
Janet put the folder down on Sam's bed and put her hands on her hips. "I'll have to report it to Hammond, but I'll... purify it. It was the sixties, you did what you had to do to fit in, you didn't know it was marijuana... there's a whole list of justifications. You'll likely get a slap on the wrist, but it's the best I can do and the best you can hope for."
"I'm sorry," Sam said.
"You should be."
"Not for the pot," Sam waved at the folder. "I'm glad I did that. I'm sorry you've never felt that way for something."
Janet looked at the wall. "Sometimes... you have to ignore... the things you want if you know they'll end up hurting you."
"Even if you're missing out on something spectacular."
"Especially if," Janet said, tears in her eyes.
"You'd give up being happy in exchange for doing the right thing?"
"I have been for the last two years," Janet whispered.
Sam pressed her lips together and looked at the floor. "We're not talking about pot anymore, are we?"
Janet picked up the file and dabbed at her eyes. "I have other patients."
Sam slipped off the bed and touched Janet's shoulder. "Do you know what I did when I was high?"
"It's none of my concern."
She turned Janet. "The girl that gave me the pot... the one who drove us to New York. We were alone in the van, smoking. I kissed her. She took off my clothes and she kissed me. Here," she pointed to her neck. "And here," she pointed to her breasts. "And here...," she tucked her hand between her legs.
"And I didn't care about the Air Force or regulations or any of that nonsense. Those are excuses, Janet. Excuses for being unhappy. I don't know if it was being with her, having her be with me, or the smoke in my lungs or what. But I felt freer than I ever have, Janet."
Janet sighed. "Sam, you're admitting to yet another--"
"Shut up about regulations, Janet." She pulled the petite woman forward, kissing her passionately. Janet moaned, her hands dropping uselessly to her sides as Sam gripped her shoulders. Sam furrowed her brow, holding Janet and assaulting her lips until Janet parted them. Sam moaned and invaded with her tongue, spinning them both and pressing the brunette harshly against the wall. Janet's shaking hands came up, resting on Sam's shoulders and moving back and forth, as if they couldn't decide whether to push her off or undress her.
Sam reached between them and hiked up Janet's skirt. "Sam, stop it," Janet breathed, eyes closed, lips parted, sweat forming on her upper lip.
Ignoring the faux-protest, Sam's fingers probed Janet's cotton panties. She pressed her fingertips against the sodden material, molded it around the puffy folds of Janet's center. The brunette whimpered. It had been a long time since another's hand had touched her there. She grit her teeth and growled, her hands folding into fists. "No," she whispered.
"Let me pleasure you," Sam breathed against Janet's ear, her fingers working furiously.
"Sam, please, stop, please..."
Sam's fingers continued their assault, moving under the barrier of Janet's underwear and touching wet flesh. Janet was crying now, her lower lip trembling. "I'll stop if you want, Janet," Sam said, inserting one slender finger. "Tell me to stop."
Janet pressed her lips to Sam's throat and began to hump her hips against Sam's invading hand.
All too soon, pressure against her clit and the fingers moving within her found the trigger and she came, relying on Sam to hold her up as she panted through her orgasm. Sam brushed Janet's hair out of her face when she came down, kissed the corner of her mouth and withdrew her hand. As Janet rearranged her clothes, Sam brought her index and middle finger to her nose and inhaled. She brushed her hand on her jumpsuit to clean it.
Janet walked to the sink, still shaky, and washed her hands. Sam watched in silence as the brunette gathered several paper towels and wet them, lifting her skirt and clearing away any evidence of what had happened. When she returned to Sam's side, she looked up at the blonde, her brown eyes sadder than Sam had ever seen them. She kissed the hand Sam had just used, then sternly said, "Do not do that ever again."
Sam slumped against the wall, watching as Janet left the private room.
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