Author: Geonn
Rating: NC17
Pairings: Jadzia/Kira/Leeta (and variations)
Category: PWP
Disclaimer: These folks don't belong to me. I stole them from Paramount's toybox without asking their mommies for permission. I promise to return them more or less unscathed.
Spoilers: None really... Jadzia's still around and Kira's a Major.
WARNING: Do not read at work! :D
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it'll be.
Summary: Leeta and Dax discover Kira's secret.
Jadzia Dax loved spotplay.
Some Trills didn't practice it. They felt it was 'obscene' to dwell on such things... it wasn't part of the natural process. It was a kink she shared with most (but not all) of the previous Dax hosts. Her spots were extremely sensitive to touch, resulting in a sensory overload when played the correct way. She stripped out of her uniform, neatly folding it over the back of a chair and undoing her ponytail as she headed for the bathroom.
Leeta was working the tables until late. Julian, who was usually good for a few hours of playing, was on Earth and wasn't due back for eight days. So she was resigned to helping herself. As she waited for the sonic shower to warm up, she thought about Kira Nerys. The petite redhead would definitely know how to count the spots, but she'd never really shown any interest in members of the same sex. Dax sighed, hoping if worse came to worst, she would come back as a man next time and make her move on the Major.
Just the thought made her spots flush deep brown. She trailed her fingers over them, shuddering at the sensations she created in her own body. She stepped into the shower stall and withdrew a small bottle of lotion. Squirting a pea-sized dollop onto her palm, she carefully covered her fingers and began to massage the cool gel into her spot trails. She bit her lip and leaned against the wall, working her way down to the sparse hair between her legs. She spread her legs, using her shoulders to balance her as she slowly trailed two slick fingers over her swollen lips... pausing to test the muscles within to see if they were wet.
She was pleasantly surprised.
Finding herself practically dripping, she slipped another fingertip into herself, moaning wildly as she twisted the digit. She pictured Kira's ass, moving beneath the tight, tight material of her uniform. She imagined Leeta stripping out of her Dabo uniform, that little mole on her left breast shaking as she giggled. She all but saw the pretty Dabo girl spread on the mattress of her bed, panting in anticipation of the night to come.
Jadzia used the pads of her thumbs to stimulate nearby spots as her fingers pressed deeper into her body. Insistent, stubborn fingers that were hungry for their prize. She opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling as the spray gently washed the daily grime from her body. She continued pumping herself, working her cells into a frenzy before sliding her fingers out and grabbing her breasts. She cupped them both, squeezing almost painfully as her lower body continued the work her fingers had started...
She licked her fingers, then returned them to her center... putting them inside of herself and leaning forward as her orgasm rose from low in her belly. She groaned loudly, coming on her fingers as her shoulders rose and fell with her exertions. She whimpered and brought her hands up, devouring the sticky remnants of her pleasure. She sighed, leaning her head against the shower door and waiting for her body to be dried after cleaning off her sweat and juices.
Once she felt clean, she dressed in a casual outfit and headed for her lover's workplace.
"Stop letting me win," Jadzia admonished.
After only a few minutes of playing, Jadzia had won yet another round at Leeta's table. Quark was glaring at them, so the Trill decided to sit out a few rounds. Leeta chuckled and quietly said, "I'm not letting you win... you're too distracting for me."
Jadzia chuckled and collected her winnings, spotting Kira across the room on the second floor. The Major appeared to be coming out of a holo-suite. "How long was she here?" Jadzia asked, indicating the retreating back of Kira Nerys.
Leeta glanced back. "I saw her come in about an hour ago. Why?"
Dax shrugged. "I saw her leaving the holo-suites twice last week. It looks like she's become a regular customer." She shook her head and chuckled. "I just never thought of her as being addicted to those things."
The Dabo girl looked around, then leaned forward and whispered, "I shouldn't be telling you this, but I have a way of finding out the programs people run in the holo-suites."
"Really?" Dax said, her smile faltering a bit. "Y-you do?"
Leeta chuckled. "Don't worry. I never actually use it. It's just... I'm curious what she'd be doing in there, too, knowing how she seems to look down her nose at the whole thing..."
The Trill smiled and said, "Think we should check it out?"
"Just for fun?"
"Uh-huh. Just to ease our minds, right?"
"Right," Leeta nodded. "After work. We'll see what the Major's been up to while locked in those holo-suites..."
In case the program was Bajoran-centered, they had both decided Leeta would be the one to investigate. When the Bajoran got off work, and when Quark was busy counting the night's winnings, Dax headed up to the holo-suites. She had an all-access pass, so the Ferengi barely glanced up as she trotted up the stairs. Leeta was waiting for her at the farthest holo-suite doors, holding a small chip in her hands. "It's right here, in the memory. Program 4432-B0031."
Dax raised her elegant eyebrows. "Well..."
"Wish me luck."
Dax leaned forward and kissed Leeta's heart-shaped lips, shoving her tongue between them and snaking one arm down to cup her lover's ass. Leeta moaned as Dax's fingers slipped between her thinly-clad asscheeks, pressing against her anus as the Trill's tongue threatened to cut off her air. When they broke apart, Dax huskily breathed, "Luck."
"Oh, Goddd," Leeta whispered, her breath shuddering. She shook herself, then smiled at Dax. "Behave."
"Why?" the Trill inquired.
Leeta sighed. "Okay. Follow me into the program in about twenty seconds... give me time to get things moving." Dax nodded and Leeta stepped back, opening the doors of the holo-suite. Dax could only see what looked like standard candle-lit quarters. The doors swished shut before she could make out any hard details.
One-thousand one. One-thousand two. One-thousand three. It was incredibly hard to wait twenty seconds while Leeta was inside doing heaven-knew-what... One-thousand ten... God, what she could be doing...
After what seemed like an eternity, Dax pressed the Door Open key and stepped inside. Closer examination revealed it was Major Kira's quarters. The windows were covered with a thin gauze and the stars were refracted through it with spectacular results. But that wasn't the beautiful sight that attracted Dax's attention. It was the site of a practically nude Leeta pressed against the wall, her tongue wrestling with a holographic version of herself. HoloLeeta's hands were down the front of her counterparts pants, the bulges of her fingers leaving nothing to the imagination.
Leeta moaned and threw her head back, opening her eyes. "Oh, God, Jadzia... Jadzia, God..."
"Keep going," Dax moaned, moving to one side and lowering herself to a chair. "Make love to her."
Leeta whimpered and put her hands on the holographic woman's shoulders, pushing her down. HoloLeeta knelt and undid the catches on her flesh-and-blood sister's leggings. Leeta brought one leg up and hooked it over the other woman's shoulder, pulling her in. "Yes... yes..."
HoloLeeta dug in immediately, making the other Leeta gasp, her teeth digging into her bottom lip. Jadzia shuddered at the thought of eating out her own look-alike. She swallowed and shifted on the chair, spreading her legs and undoing her own pants. Leeta's eyes slitted and she groaned when she saw Dax's fingers disappear into her pants. "What's it like being eaten by yourself?" Dax asked breathlessly.
"Heavenly," Leeta managed. She pulled her counterpart up and kissed her passionately, pushing the gown off her shoulders and turning their bodies so that the hologram was pinned to the wall.
Dax stood and walked to the couple, pressing herself up against her lover's back. Leeta was too preoccupied with her twin's throat to pay much attention to the Trill. That is, until the dark-haired science officer knelt and yanked Leeta's uniform pants down. She pressed her lips to the warm cheeks of Leeta's ass as HoloLeeta lowered herself, kissing her doppelganger's stomach before twisting her tongue between the all-too familiar legs.
"Oooh, by the Prophets, don't stop!" Leeta growled, burying her hands in the look-alike's mop of auburn hair.
Leeta spread her legs and HoloLeeta met Jadzia between the Dabo Girl's muscular thighs. They kissed passionately in the tight space before turning their attention to the moist heat above them. Leeta fell forward, balancing herself against the bulkhead as two extraordinarily adept tongues pleasured her in ways she never expected possible. After far too short a time, she gasped and threw her head back, coming into the mouths of her lovers.
Kira touched herself through her nightgown and growled plaintively. 'Again?' she thought. 'I just had mind-blowing sex... how could I be horny *again*?' She threw the blankets aside and decided to revisit her program before going back to sleep.
As the flesh-and-blood Leeta came down from her orgasm, HoloLeeta raised herself and kissed her identical lover on the lips. Leeta groaned and collapsed against the wall, unable to fully absorb what she was feeling. She growled and refused to relinquish her counterpart's tongue, opening her eyes in time to see Dax kneel between HoloLeeta's legs.
The two Bajorans continued to kiss as Dax lifted and spread HoloLeeta's legs. Everything was accurate, right down to the smell of the Dabo girl's musk. Dax spread HoloLeeta's lips and kissed the wet flesh hungrily, lapping at it like a desperately starving kitten. HoloLeeta moaned and thrust her hips against Leeta's. Dax, meanwhile, used her slender fingers to manipulate the real Leeta's still dripping pussy. She pumped two fingers in as far as she could go and worked her tongue in tandem.
Kira walked into the holosuite and froze, her eyes widening more than she ever thought possible. It took her a moment to determine exactly what was happening, but she quickly got the players sorted out. Leeta (the real one, since she was wearing the same gown as she had been wearing earlier in the bar) was spread eagled on the bed, kissing her holographic twin with tremendous passion. Both flesh and computer-generated Bajorans had their legs spread. Dax, her pants riding low on her hips and her blouse hanging open, was between the two sets of slender legs, her hand and tongue working overtime to please them both.
The Bajoran's body was torn between staying and going... the arousal that originally drew her here exploding in a maelstrom of tingling and moist flesh. She stepped deeper into the room, making sure to lock the door with her security code as she approached the threesome. "M-may I join you?" she asked sheepishly.
Dax turned, eyes wide and chin wet with Leeta's come. "Nerys..."
Kira was wearing her white undershirt rather than a uniform tunic. She pulled it over her head and revealed her breasts to the three women sprawled in front of her. "Please..."
Leeta, the real one, stood, pulling herself away from her holographic lover. HoloLeeta turned and began kissing Dax hungrily. Leeta looked into Kira's eyes and said, "You made this?"
"Yes," Kira breathed, closing her eyes as Leeta brushed the backs of her fingers across her cheek.
"Beautiful... all you had to do was ask." Leeta leaned forward and kissed Kira hard, her tongue begging entrance. Kira moaned and lost her balance, thankful for the Dabo girl's strong arms on her ass to keep her steady. Wait... Leeta's hands on her ass? Kira bit the younger girl's bottom lip and twisted forward, pressing her bare breasts against Leeta's. She knocked the younger Bajoran off her feet and they landed next to Jadzia and HoloLeeta. Kira leaned over and kissed Jadzia softly, exploring the Trill's lips and tongue before turning back to her dream girl.
Dax stripped completely out of her uniform and tossed it aside, straddling HoloLeeta's hips and rocking back and forth slowly. Her bare pussy rubbed the auburn-haired woman's stomach. HoloLeeta reached down, working two fingers in the Trill's steaming sex, wiggling her fingertips inside as Jadzia moaned for more. She reached out, touching Kira's heated flesh and pulling the Major to her. They kissed passionately as Leeta devoured Kira's breasts, HoloLeeta sucking Jadzia's juices from her fingers.
The three flesh-and-blood women separated from the hologram, one of them muttering for the computer to Freeze Program. HoloLeeta froze, three fingers in her mouth and her eyes closed in ecstasy. Kira let herself be directed to the floor while Jadzia and Leeta perched over her. The Bajoran lowered herself to Kira's mouth, the older woman hungrily extending her tongue and letting the warm heat of her new lover's body envelope it. Dax, meanwhile, laid down with her face between her friend's spread legs. She balanced herself on the pale thighs, leaning down and gently licking at the tender flesh there.
Kira moaned into Leeta's body and the Dabo girl whimpered in response. She touched herself, rubbing her clit as she watched Jadzia pleasure her friend. She bit her lip and began to lift and drop herself on Kira's tongue. Kira dug her fingers into Leeta's thighs, leaving narrow red strips in the Dabo girl's skin. Leeta opened her mouth and moaned deeply before pursing her lips to whistle long and slow. Dax lifted her head, then gave Kira's pussy a few more gentle licks. Kira bit down on Leeta's pussylips, soothing the wound by lapping her tongue against the warm, slick flesh.
As Dax's nose rubbed her clit, Kira felt herself closing in on orgasm. She pulled her head away from Leeta and said, "I'm coming..."
Dax and Leeta took the hint and positioned themselves between Kira's legs. They alternated between short strokes with their tongues and demanding nibbles with their teeth. Finally, Kira arched off the floor and pressed herself towards the two tongues invading her body. Jadzia and Leeta shared their bounty, then moved up Kira's slender body and kissed her face until their breathing was normal again. Kira kissed Leeta long and hard, then laid her head against the floor and said, "I knew you were a whistler."
Leeta blushed and said, "It's embarrassing."
"I think it's cute," Dax said, leaning over Kira and kissing Leeta passionately. Kira lazily stroked herself as the Trill and Bajoran began to increase the passion of their connection. Soon, they were straddling Kira's prone body, fingering each other into a frenzy. Kira was touching herself, as well, her fingers flying over her own wet lips as she stared at the impossibly huge bare back of Leeta. With her free hand, Kira traced the line of Leeta's spine and slapped her ass twice. Leeta moaned and lifted her body, her juices flowing down her legs.
Kira then joined the assault on Dax's pussy. Together, the Bajorans pushed the Trill back and assaulted her from head to toe. Kira took a moment and finally examined the full trail of Jadzia's spots. They began on top of her head (presumably at the crown) and moved down the sides of her face, down her throat and around the swells of her breasts. They rejoined slightly under the woman's chest, a thin line of freckles just barely touching below Dax's cleavage. The thickest part of the spots continued down Jadzia's sides, down her legs and onto her toes. A few spare clusters appeared on her hands, feet, arms and buttocks, and Kira enjoyed tasting each and every grouping.
As Nerys explored the small brown spots of Jadzia's body, Leeta had lowered herself into a sixty-nine position and was lapping at her lover's pussy. Kira occasionally pressed her head between their bodies to find more spots, but neither woman cared. Dax humped Leeta's face as she came, spilling her juices into her lover's welcoming mouth. Once they had all finished, they curled up at the feet of the frozen holographic Leeta and cuddled against each other for warmth.
Kira smiled and said, "Computer, restart program Nerys 4432-B0031." HoloLeeta disappeared and rematerialized across the room, fully dressed. "Begin program variation C-18."
Music began to pump through the room. HoloLeeta began to sway in time to the music and set her wineglasses aside. She walked to where the three women lay entwined and began to dance for them, stripping off her dress as the music played.
They ended up leaving a few hours later, fortunately after Quark had already retired to his quarters for the evening. They went back to Kira's quarters and began to enjoy the benefits of real life...
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