Author: Geonn
Rating: NC17
Pairings: Leeta/Kira
Category: PWP
Disclaimer: These folks don't belong to me. I stole them from Paramount's toybox without asking their mommies for permission. I promise to return them more or less unscathed.
Spoilers: None really... Jadzia's still around and Kira's a Major.
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it'll be.
Summary: A late-night interlude...
Quark's Bar was overflowing with the excess of people brought to the station by the Klingon freighter. Kira entered the room, sighing at the sight of so many unfamiliar faces. She hated it when strangers outnumbered friends. She weaved through the crowd, trying to find an empty table to get a drink. Eventually, she had to move to the upper tier, taking a seat in a dark corner. A waitress approached and Kira ordered an ice water, a human custom for drinking the liquid that Dax had hooked her on. The cold glass eventually arrived and she took a sip, leaning back in her chair and looking down onto the main floor of the bar.
Klingons crowded around the Dabo tables, shouting and yelling in such a way that Kira didn't know if they were winning or losing. As famous as Klingons were for their gaming skills, Kira was sure they didn't know if they were winning or losing either. After a while, Kira stopped watching the antics of the aliens and turned her attention to the hostess. Leeta was wearing an iridescent blue gown that hung off of her left shoulder, swooping down to cradle her breasts while plumping them to add to their already impressive size. It swept down, cutting just above her knees to reveal her shapely legs to the crowd. The heels she wore looked dangerously high, but they definitely added to the overall effect.
Kira pressed the cold glass of water against her forehead, letting it moisten her forehead. A few droplets rolled onto the ridges of her nose and she gasped, reaching up and running her fingers over the small bumps. She put down her drink and looked down at Leeta again, surprised to see the Dabo girl looking up at her with a coy smile. Kira waved as she stood, heading for the stairs.
A while later, Kira returned to her quarters. The Klingons had cleared out of the Promenade and she was finally ready to relax. She stepped inside the dark room, stopping immediately when she spotted the different decor. Her quarters were bathed in soft candlelight, the starscape revealed by the windows hidden by transparent drapes that seemed to catch the starlight and scatter it throughout the room. Kira walked across the room, running her hand over the curtains and watching the stars refract in the dim light. "You should see it when the wormhole opens," a soft voice said.
She turned and saw Leeta standing in the doorway to her bedroom. She had changed out of the glimmering blue gown she'd been wearing earlier and was now wearing a skintight gray outfit. It ballooned around her hips, allowing her freedom to move. The two halves of the gown separated, revealing her long, lithe legs. Her hair was down, the edges of it tickling her chin and shoulders. She held two glasses of sparkling Bajoran cider, a rare treat on the station. Kira walked over to the young girl and took one of the glasses, taking a sip before she said, "How'd you get in here?"
Leeta shrugged and looked at the window. "I have ways."
"Okay... then *what* are you doing here?"
"Waiting for you," Leeta grinned. She tilted her head at the windows and said, "C'mon... let's go watch for the wormhole. It's really beautiful."
Kira wrapped her fingers around Leeta's and they walked to the window together, sipping their cider as they waited for the wormhole to explode open with it's spectacular light show. Leeta placed her glass on the table under the window, then stepped back, moving Kira so that the Major was standing in front of her. She put her hands on the shorter woman's shoulders, leaning in and breathing deeply. "Are you wearing perfume, Nerys?"
"Yes," Kira whispered. "It's... it was a gift. From Jadzia..."
Leeta pressed her nose against the soft flesh of Kira's neck. "Mmm. I wonder what she would think if she knew I was smelling it like this." She slid her hands down, resting them just above the twin swells of her prey's breasts. "Do you think she'd be jealous?" She nipped at Kira's earlobe. "Or would she like to watch?"
Kira closed her eyes and pressed back against Leeta, feeling the other woman's breasts against her back. She licked her lips and said, "I've... I-I've never been with Jadzia..."
Leeta lowered her voice to a deep husk and said, "I have. She likes to have her spots licked." The tip of her tongue darted out and she whispered, "From her head... down to her toes... every little spot gets so..." one hand dipped down to Kira's belt and she growled, "Wet." Her hand undid Kira's belt and slipped inside, going almost boneless to fit between the Bajoran's skin and her tight clothing. "You wear such tight clothes, Nerys... do you ever get... excited watching Jadzia in Ops and find a wet spot between your legs?"
"Yes," Kira whispered, closing her eyes.
"Mmmm," Leeta moaned, pressing her fingers softly into the moistness of Kira's crotch. The Major bit her lip and lowered her head, her chin resting on her chest. "Look up, Nerys..."
Kira looked up just as the wormhole opened. The light exploded into the room, bouncing off the curtains like a prism and filling the room with the flash of a thousand lightning bolts. At the same time, Leeta dipped two fingers into her body and she gasped, her muscles closing around the invasion and squeezing tightly. She arched her back, pressing harder against the warmth of Leeta's body. She turned so she could see the young woman's face and she whispered, "Kiss me."
Leeta smiled and tilted her head down. She parted her lips, extending her tongue and tracing Kira's lips with the tip as her fingers pressed deeper into the shorter woman's body. Kira took the initiative and raised herself, capturing Leeta's searching tongue and closing her lips around it. Leeta moaned and used her free hand to angle Kira so they were facing each other. The twisting forced her to remove her hand from Kira's crotch, causing the Major to moan quietly into her taller seductress' mouth.
Careful not to smear the juices on her fingers, Leeta cupped Kira's ass with her other hand, squeezing it tightly and causing the smaller woman's body to tremble in her arms. "Leeta," Kira breathed into her lover's mouth, gasping for breath. Leeta pulled back and brought her moist fingers to Kira's lips. Kira did as Leeta wanted and eagerly wrapped her lips around the two glistening digits. She often tasted herself after masturbating, but to taste it off the fingers of such a beautiful person...
After a moment, Leeta pulled her fingers free and smiled into Kira's lidded brown eyes. "When was the last time..." she whispered, bringing her hands up to cup Kira's face, "that your ridges were properly tended to by another Bajoran?"
Kira shivered at the prospect. "A l-long time," she whispered.
Leeta stepped back and said, "Come into the bedroom." She turned and led the way, leaving Kira to hurry after her.
It wasn't often mentioned to people outside of their own species, but the nasal ridges on female Bajorans were highly sensitive erogenous zones. Leeta was kneeling on the bed, her gown parted to reveal her shapely legs and flat stomach. To Kira's dismay, the Dabo girl was wearing silver panties, hiding what Kira most wanted to see. The Major crawled onto the bed and lowered her head, pressing her face into the hollow of Leeta's toned abdomen. Her tongue darted out, tracing in and around the other woman's belly button. Leeta chuckled and stretched her arms above her head, straightening her torso in an effort to give Kira more playing room.
Kira accepted the offer and trailed her tongue up, to the slit in the gown just below Leeta's breasts. The breasts Kira had, until now, only fantasized about while manipulating herself in the shower... Now, just a breath away. Kira raised her head and cupped one large breast in her hands, kissing it through the material of Leeta's gown. The younger Bajoran giggled and leaned back as Kira opened her mouth wide, devouring the breast and feeling the nipple press against her probing tongue.
After laving attention on her lover's breasts, Kira unsnapped the remaining catches on the gown and spread the sides apart, revealing Leeta's chest. Kira gasped, her mouth suddenly dry as she eyed the young woman's breasts. She reverently traced the dark center, dragging her sharp fingernails over the nipples and delighting in the way Leeta shuddered at the touch. She bent down, opening her mouth wide and taking as much as Leeta's breast as she could into her mouth. Her tongue rolled across the warm flesh as her fingers pinched and massaged it's twin.
"Oh, Nerys... yes..." Leeta panted. She rolled, straddling Kira's hips and pinning the Major to the bed. Rising over the prone Kira, Leeta took the opportunity to catch her breath. Her breasts rose and fell with each intake of air, sweat glistening on her flesh in the weak light. "Take off your tunic," Leeta ordered, her voice a little harder than usual. "Now."
Kira complied quickly, tugging at the near-invisible line that ran down the center of her uniform tunic. She slipped it off her shoulders, unable to get it completely off of her arms in the position she was in. Leeta scooted down and knelt next to the bed, watching with rapt attention. She licked her lips as Kira pulled off her under-tunic, her breasts bouncing as they were freed. She brought her hands up to cover her pink nipples, glancing in Leeta's direction. Their sizes were incredibly different... surely Leeta wouldn't want *these*...
The hungry look in Leeta's eyes said differently, however... The Dabo girl licked her lips and tucked a stray hair behind her ears. "Oh, Nerys... so, so pretty..." She smiled and lovingly traced the curves of Kira's breasts with her fingertips.
Once she pulled herself away from the topless Major, Leeta went to work on her boots. She pulled them off, baring Kira's toes to the dark room. Leeta tossed the boots aside and said, "Did you know... I have *such* a foot fetish?" She took the big toe of Kira's right foot into her mouth and sucked gently on it, raising her wide dark eyes to Kira. Her fingernails traced four ragged lines from the heel of Kira's right foot to the base of her toes. She pulled her mouth away and opened wide, taking all five toes into her mouth and sucking strongly. Kira whimpered and reached down, practically begging her lover to move higher.
Leeta spread Kira's legs and kissed one finely boned ankle, letting her tongue do the walking up the inside of Kira's trouser leg. Kira chuckled, a sound that came out more like a strangled sob... Leeta kissed Kira's calf, the inside of her knee, her inner thigh, then *skipped* to her bare stomach. Kira collapsed onto the mattress, her hands out to either side as she felt Leeta's warm breath on her breasts. Leeta breathed over the nipple for a moment, then kissed and suckled it before moving higher once more.
When they were face-to-face, Leeta kissed Kira's lips softly and dipped her tongue into the other woman's mouth. As they kissed, Leeta reached under the pillow and brought back a lime-green-colored tube. She broke the kiss and rose over Kira, her knees on either side of the Major's breasts. She presented the bottle and Kira's eyes widened. "Ridge oil," she breathed. "You have some? You... y-you got some?"
Leeta chuckled and popped the top. "I did ask when they were *properly* tended to..." She turned the bottle over and smeared some green goo onto three fingers.
"W-wait," Kira said, sitting up, her eyes still wide. "I'm not sure..."
"Shh," Leeta whispered. "It's all right. I've done this before." She pecked Kira on the lips and gently pushed her back onto the bed. "Just relax, sweetheart. Let Leeta take care of you..."
Kira reluctantly lay down, watching as Leeta covered her fingers with the green goop. Finally, she lowered herself and steadied her hand over Kira's face. Leeta whispered, "Are you ready?" Kira replied with a quick nod and Leeta pressed her fingers to the primary ridge between the Major's eyebrows. Kira's back arched off the bed, her jaw dropping. Leeta's expert fingers worked the gel into the first ridge, and she leaned forward and blew across the thin wet mark she'd left. The gel immediately began to melt and run down the rest of her ridges.
Leeta ran her fingers down Kira's nose, following the trail and making sure the ridges all got their share of gel. Kira's lower body was tingling from the gel. Leeta moved to one side and said, "Massage it in gently, Nerys." Kira brought her trembling hands up and worked the gel into her own ridges. Leeta, meanwhile, undid the fastenings on the Major's trousers and tugged them down her lover's legs. Kira bent her knees, kicking to help the younger girl remove the confining garment. 'Don't rip them,' Kira thought with the small part of her brain still thinking rationally. 'I'd hate to explain to Garak how I ripped another pair of uniform trousers...'
Once her pants were across the room, Leeta began kissing the insides of Kira's thighs. The Major groaned, the sound muffled by the cup her hands had formed over her mouth. Her nose now glistened, the gel hardening around her ridges. She lowered her hands, gripping the sheets with both hands before hoarsely informing Leeta, "It's ready."
Leeta straightened and peeled the shell from her lover's nose, leaving a faint sheen where it had once been. She licked the underside of the shell, then crawled down between Kira's legs. "Are you ready?"
"God, just do it," the Major hissed.
Leeta held the ridge mold between her thumb and forefinger, using her free hand to push aside Kira's underwear and reveal the pink flesh of her pussy to the cold air of the room. Leeta's heart skipped a beat and she longed to taste the Major's sweet juices, but that would have to wait. Holding the plaster form of Kira's ridges so that the concave side was pointed up, she pressed the narrowest point against Kira's lips. The Major groaned and rolled her shoulders, eager to have the new toy inside of her.
To Kira's delight, Leeta pushed the cast as deep as it would go, the tips of her own fingers disappearing inside of Kira's body. The Major whimpered and lifted her back off the bed and Leeta began to pump the ridges in and out of her pussy. Leeta felt the juices beginning to flow and smiled when Kira cried out, her juices coating the ridge cast. Leeta increased her speed, smiling up at her lover. "Yes, baby... feels good, doesn't it?"
"Yes," Kira hissed. "So good..."
As her orgasm subsided, Leeta withdrew the cast, careful not to spill anything that had gathered inside as she rolled up Kira's sweaty body. She pressed the tip against Kira's lips and tilted, letting the Major taste herself. Kira reached up, holding onto Leeta's wrist so she wouldn't unexpectedly pull away. Leeta grinned and pushed forward instead, filling Kira's mouth with the come-coated shell of her own ridges. Leeta wrapped her own lips around the other end and snapped it with her teeth. Together, she and Kira ate the cast down to where their lips met.
They kissed passionately, Kira's leg moving up between Leeta's thighs. The young girl moaned, rubbing herself against Kira's warm flesh. With one swift motion, Kira spun the petite Dabo girl and pinned her against the mattress. She reached between their connected bodies and found her lover's panties. With a feral look in her eyes, Kira tore the thin material away. Leeta gasped, eyes wide in shock as Kira dipped three fingers into her. "Oooh," Leeta moaned, eyes rolling back into her head as her upper body turned to jelly and she collapsed onto the mattress.
Kira used one hand to pump into Leeta, bringing the other up to play with the young girl's large breasts. Leeta giggled, then sighed and she rocked herself against the other woman's invading fingers. Leeta forced herself upright and pressed her lips against Kira's throat, tasting her pulse as she finger-fucked her. "Yes, Nerys, love, yes... make me come..."
That pushed Kira over the edge. She moaned, increased her tempo, and felt the warmness flow over her fingers and palm. Leeta leaned back, throwing her head back and... whistled. It was a quick, sudden noise that Kira couldn't identify, but it had definitely been part of a song. Kira leaned forward and bit into Leeta's exposed neck, her tongue immediately seeking out her teeth marks and soothing them.
The two Bajorans fell onto the mattress, clinging to each other as they softly kissed, their bodies winding down from their experience. After a while, Leeta fell asleep and Kira stood, walking to the door. She glanced back once more before gathering her clothing. She dressed quickly and quietly before slipping out of the room and...
... and stepping back onto the catwalk above the promenade. She removed her holo-suite chip and stuck it into her belt. Self-consciousness made her look around to see if anyone had spotted her leaving the room, but the few remaining Klingons seemed to be attracting everyone's attention. Kira straightened her tunic and headed towards the doors of Quark's before anyone could question why she was there so late.
Jadzia Dax collected her winnings from Leeta and glanced at the door. "How long was she here?" the Trill asked, indicating the retreating back of Kira Nerys.
Leeta glanced back. "I saw her come in about an hour ago. Why?"
Dax shrugged. "I saw her leaving the holo-suites twice last week. It looks like she's become a regular customer." She shook her head and chuckled. "I just never thought of her as being addicted to those things."
The Dabo girl looked around, then leaned forward and whispered, "I shouldn't be telling you this, but I have a way of finding out the programs people run in the holo-suites."
"Really?" Dax said, her smile faltering a bit. "Y-you do?"
Leeta chuckled. "Don't worry. I never actually use it. It's just... I'm curious what she'd be doing in there, too, knowing how she seems to look down her nose at the whole thing..."
The Trill smiled and said, "Think we should check it out?"
"Just for fun?"
"Just to ease our minds, right?"
"Right," Leeta nodded. "After work. We'll see what the Major's been up to while locked in those holo-suites..."
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