Title: Replicated Interest
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Pairing: Vala/RepliCarter, Vala/Sam pre-relationship implied
Category: Older Kids
Spoilers: Through "Beachhead." Specific mentions of Prometheus, Prometheus Unbound, Gemini.
Disclaimer: Not mine!
Rating: Older Kids
Summary: Vala has a run-in with another scavenger after escaping the Prometheus.
She ducked her head, scanning the interior of the cargo ship for signs of life. Finding none, she stepped cautiously over the threshold and took a deep breath. There was something familiar in this ship... but what could it be? This planet was at the very outskirts of the Stargate network. As far as she knew, she had never been here in her 'real life.' Maybe it was a memory leftover from the pieces she'd been made up with.
She suppressed that thought... the thought that she was pieces cobbled together. She wasn't the real Sam. No, but she had tricked the real Sam, hadn't she? Teal'c, too. They were on their guard the entire time, but she had done what she needed to do. Fifth was gone. She was free. Free to wreak havoc on the universe.
Opening the cargo hold, she looked again for signs of the owner. What she found instead was positively thrilling; bags of old ship parts, engine parts, jewelry piled on top of credits from worlds she vaguely remembered. With the bounty in his cargo ship, she would be able to--
"Hold it. Right there."
The Replicator closed her eyes, kicking herself for being so damned foolish. The voice was female, with a hint of... what was that, an Australian accent? Stood to reason... they'd run into almost every other accent in the galaxy. Slowly, she turned to face her captor. She had jet black hair, eyes like the darkness between stars and lips curled into a feral grin. She was holding a large, primitive looking weapon that wrapped around her hand and halfway up her arm. "And who might you be?" The Replicator asked, giving her voice the accent of the local villagers. She also added a tremor of fear to her words.
"I am the wrong bitch to try and rob. Will that do?"
"It's all just an honest mistake. I thought the ship was abandoned." She kept her left hand down, against her side, turning her body slightly so the newcomer couldn't see it. "I didn't mean to intrude." Her fingers bled together, forming a pike. "If you'd just allow me to leave..."
The dark-haired woman tilted her head to the side. "Mm, I'm not sure. There's quite a lovely slave trade on Deylark. Maybe they could..."
The Replicator turned away from her captor, hoping the unexpected move would distract her. It did the trick. As the dark-haired woman stepped forward, the Replicator swung her hand back and thrust the pike against her opponent's hand. The gun clattered to the floor and Replicator swarmed. Her body wavered until her face emerged from the back of her head, completing a full turn without ever moving her body.
The dark-haired woman stepped back in shock, but the Replicator was too fast. Her right hand came up, now formed into a club, and bashed the other woman in the face. She fell backward and the Replicator was on top of her. "Any accomplices?" she asked, her face inches from the other woman's.
"Go to hell."
The dark-haired woman's knee came up, impacting the Replicator just below the ribs. The blonde coughed and fell back, swinging her pike-arm to avoid a follow-up punch. The dark-haired woman ducked the blow and thrust herself forward, slamming one fist into the intruder's face.
The Replicator's cheek crumbled, caved in... and then reformed itself perfectly. She spit to one side, a few shattered chips landing on the ground with an almost musical clatter. She turned back to the dark-haired woman and reformed the pike back into her left hand. The dark-haired woman was having none of it; she bit down on the hand, digging her teeth in until the Replicator cried out in pain and frustration. Her hand fell apart - second one in a month, she cursed herself - a wave of chips falling between their bodies.
"Do you want to play rough?" the Replicator spit. "Fine. Let's play rough." She moved quickly, almost too quickly for the other woman to see, and shoved her right hand into the dark-haired woman's forehead. She screamed, but the sound was choked off, her body going limp against the Replicator's.
Her enemy disposed of for the moment, the Replicator closed her eyes and sunk her hand deeper. The rush, the inflow of information, the sheer exhilaration of it... at first, reading people like this had felt wrong. It had felt like a violation. But now... she couldn't get enough of it. She closed her eyes and shoved harder, wondering... seeking...
She stroked the deepness of Vala Mal Doran, sought the deepest, darkest secrets... saw death and famine, saw a Goa'uld reveling in it all. She saw sadness, saw sorrow and loss, and oh! Oh! She convulsed, having an orgasm as she took everything Vala had to give. She cried out, wrapping her stub of a left arm around Vala's waist as she withdrew her hand slowly. She was almost completely out when...
She left her hand where it was, certain she was merely imaging things...
She stepped back, realizing why the cargo ship felt so familiar... so much like home. That face, in Vala's memory. It couldn't be. It couldn't have been.
She let Vala fall to the floor, staring at her hand as if the memories were written on the palm. She would wait for Vala to awaken and then she would ask what the memories meant. In the meantime... she walked to the wall and placed her intact hand against it. She took as little as necessary to avoid compromising the hull, looking down and watching her truncated arm mend itself.
Vala's eyes fluttered open and she scanned the floor immediately in front of her. No sign of her intruder. She lifted her head wearily, licking her lips and waiting to hear the tell-tale sound of boots on the floor. Nothing. She tried to move, found her hands bound behind her back. Not only that... her wrists were tied to her ankles! That explained her o-shaped position on the floor.
"Great," she muttered. "If Daniel could see me now..."
"How do you know that name?"
Vala jerked away from the voice, rolling over and looking behind herself. The blonde woman was seated against the wall, her hands... God, her hands were buried in the wall! What sort of creature was this? "What name?"
"Daniel," the creature said, withdrawing its hands and standing. "I peered into your mind. Daniel Jackson, General George Hammond, Prometheus, Earth... how do you know these names?"
"Why should I tell you?"
The blonde chewed her lip, pacing angrily.
"Untie me and I'll answer all of your questions." She rolled over, reaching her hands out. "Come on. Let me go."
The blonde sat and looked into Vala's eyes. Then she did something totally unexpected.
Vala's eyes nearly rolled back into her head as the Replicator sank her fingers in once more. "What are you doing?" she asked, almost without a voice.
The Replicator closed her eyes and saw an image... Daniel. Oh, Daniel, she'd missed him so much! Nostalgia turned to anger; what had he done to save her? What had any of them done? She pushed any thoughts of friendship from her mind and dug deeper. "You know," Vala said in her mind, "We could just have sex instead."
She saw Daniel distracted and then saw Vala kick his ass all over the Prometheus.
The Replicator withdrew her hand and glared at Vala. "We're not having sex."
"Ooh, more's the pity," Vala said, thrusting her hips at the Replicator in a suggestive manner.
The Replicator slid her hand through Vala's bonds, freeing her and then shoving her aside. "Stand up. Go across the room."
Vala did as instructed and turned, rubbing her wrists. "Do you have a name? Or should I just call you Blondie Bondage?" She tilted her head and arched an eyebrow. "Although, actually..."
"You can call me..." she hesitated, just for a millisecond as he mind processed the consequences of giving the Carter name. Then, she said, "You can call me Janet."
"Janet," Vala said, apparently rolling the name around her mouth. "What kind of name is that?"
"A name you will respect," the Replicator said with gravity even Vala couldn't ignore.
"Right, right," Vala sighed. "I know about your precious Daniel and Hammond and that shoddy piece of crap Prometheus because I stole it."
The Replicator scoffed. "Right, you stole Prometheus."
"They made me give it back," Vala said, almost pouting. "That Daniel is a nasty little bugger. He didn't have these rules about sex... Give back the ship and I could shag him to my heart's desire." She clasped her fingers behind her head and rolled her hips again. "And boy, did that young man deliver."
"Daniel kicked your ass. They sent you running with your tail between your shapely legs." She smiled, almost proud of them. "They have a habit of doing that."
"They?" Vala asked. She then said, "Shapely?"
"Does the name Samantha Carter mean anything to you?"
"Have you ever been to Earth?"
Vala sighed. "If the boys there are all like Daniel Jackson, it doesn't sound like my kind of haunt."
"Keep it that way. Now get out."
Vala smirked. "You've got to be kidding."
The Replicator tilted her head to the side. "I bested you. Took you out, could have killed you. Why don't you just leave with your life and count this ship as... as an acceptable loss?"
Vala sighed and pushed her hands to her forehead, threading her hair through her fingers. "Fine. You want the ship? You want the loot? It's yours. To the victor go..." She kicked suddenly, a bag that she'd worked her foot under flying into the air. The Replicator lunged forward just as Vala kicked the bag, sending it flying into her opponent's face. The Replicator turned away, just for a moment, but Vala was on top of her.
They fell to the floor, a mass of limbs and hissing curses. The Replicator brought both hands up, pressing her thumbs into Vala's eye sockets as Vala dug her fingers into the Replicator's side. Hopefully, this machine bitch's kidneys were in approximately the right spot. If she had kidneys...
Replicator's sides became soft, thick, like taffy or tar and Vala felt her hands sinking into the liquid. Before she could pull them out, the flesh hardened once more, trapping her. The being calling herself Janet pulled one hand from Vala's face and punched her in the throat, cutting off her air.
They twisted and Janet was on top, straddling Vala's leather corset and wrapping both hands around her throat... literally. Her fingers blended, her hands becoming a collar that was growing ever-tighter. She tightened her thighs, squeezing Vala tightly and forcing all the air in her lungs to try to escape... she couldn't even hold her breath.
Janet's eyes were insane blue orbs, swimming in dark shadows under her blonde bangs. Her lips were pulled back in a feral snarl and... and oh, God, there was white dots swimming everywhere and she was going to pass out and she was going to die and this bitch was going to get the better of her twice and, please, there has to be a way out, it can't end like this, she can't die like this, please, please, please...
The Replicator paused and rose up slightly. She'd seen inside of this woman's mind. Had seen everything there was to see. 'Please' was not a word in her repertoire. Perhaps it was a human weakening that was still left in her system, maybe a flaw leftover from Fifth's design. Whatever it was, she would seek it out and destroy it before she had to face her duplicate or any of her former teammates. Pity was a useless emotion.
Unfortunately, for now... she felt her hands weakening and withdrawing from Vala's throat. She stood, keeping her feet planted on either side of Vala's prone body. Vala looked up at her, half-expecting a fatal blow. When nothing came, Vala sat up, her face directly in front of the Replicator's crotch. She turned her head, resting her cheek against the warm wool material of the blonde's pants.
The Replicator felt a hitch and looked down, smoothing her palm against Vala's hair. 'Janet used to do this to me.'
"Janet," Vala whispered, and the Replicator jerked back as if she'd been prodded. For a moment, she wondered if Vala had read her mind... and then remembered the alias she'd used. Vala rose onto one knee, looking grateful. Without thinking about it, the Replicator stepped forward and dropped to her knees, grabbing Vala by the shoulders and pulling her in for a passionate kiss.
The Replicator was on top the majority of the time. Occasionally, she seemed to vanish and Vala appeared to be writhing on the floor for no reason. The Replicator's hand and fingers mutated into a variety of useful shapes, some mobile and some not. She shed her clothing and added a certain attribute to her anatomy; she understood men a little better as she slid her new erection into Vala. No wonder men wanted it all the time. If it felt like this, how could they think of anything else?
Vala climaxed, followed soon after by the Replicator. When Vala fell asleep, the Replicator dressed and wandered to the back of the cargo hold. She lifted three bags which seemed to be the most full and tied them together, slinging them over her shoulder. She fabricated a new outfit over her body, turning her blonde hair red just in case anyone she'd pissed off in the next town was still looking for her.
She stepped around Vala's unconscious body and left the cargo ship.
Six Months Later,
Vala followed Daniel down the corridor. He, Mitchell and Teal'c all seemed
rather excited about something. How important could this Carter woman be? She'd
been gone all this time, she'd never been mentioned during the incident last
year on the Prometheus... why were they all acting as if she was the Be-All and
They rounded the corner to General Landry's office, entering without knocking. At first, all Vala saw was a mess of blonde hair and a crisp Air Force uniform (which, she had to admit, was mighty attractive on every single person she'd seen so far. Why didn't they wear those into space?)
Then the woman turned and it was all she could do to stifle a gasp. Colonel Samantha Carter or, as she had called herself on that cargo ship half a year ago... Janet.
As they all said hello, hugged and shook hands and welcomed her back, she turned to Vala. No recognition; none whatsoever. "Oh, uh," Cameron waved a finger in the air. "Colonel Samantha Carter, meet Vala Mal Doran. Vala... Sam."
"We've met." Vala said.
Daniel glanced at Sam, then at Teal'c, finally back to Vala. "No... I don't think you have."
Sam looked at Daniel and said, "Vala... the one who..."
"Vala, the one who," Daniel nodded.
"Ah," Sam said. "Well. Nice to finally meet the person who managed to steal the Prometheus."
"What, like it's hard? Cam here told me it had been stolen before."
Landry joined in with the others, who turned to look questioningly at Colonel Mitchell. He scoffed, shrugged, motioned at her and said, "We were... it was small-talk..."
"Uh-huh," Landry said. "Well, if the family reunion is over for the moment, perhaps it would be wise to begin suiting up? I think time may be of the essence."
"Right! To the lockers!" He patted Sam on the back and said, "I'll even let the ladies have it first."
Vala sat on the bench, legs crossed, waiting patiently for the act to drop. Sam kept her eyes forward, undressing with just a hint of hesitation and then quickly donning the black uniform of the SGC. As she pulled on her black t-shirt, she glanced over at Vala and said, "General Landry has really let you been running around the base like that?"
Vala looked down at her artfully torn t-shirt and held her hands out in a 'so what?' gesture. Sam shrugged and went back to getting dressed. Vala stood, leaning against the lockers and thrusting her chest out just-so. Making sure the torn t-shirt stretched in just the right place. Sam glanced over, eyebrows raised, looking Vala up and down once before closing her locker door. "Yes?"
"Who is Janet?" Vala asked.
Sam looked as if she'd touched a live wire, flinching and drawing her hands back. She closed her eyes and turned, looking at Vala straight-on. "Who told you about her?"
"You did. When you tried to steal my cargo ship." She stepped forward and put her fingers against Sam's chest, just above her cleavage, and pushed. Nothing. She pushed again. Nothing. Sam reached up and with the calm of a person that could break every bone in her wrist, moved the hand. "I don't understand."
"The woman you encountered... looked like me, but could change form at will. Right?"
"She was..."
"A replicator."
Vala shook her head. "I've seen replicators. They're... buggies, they're small. Like spiders or something."
"These are the next evolution... We call them human form replicators because... well, the obvious reasons. For reasons too complicated to get into, one of them made a duplicate of me."
"I can see why," Vala muttered.
Sam looked a little harder and stepped forward, her brow furrowing as she searched Vala's face. "What did she do? What did you do?"
Vala smirked.
"Daniel said you tried to seduce him... when you stole Prometheus. Did you... I mean, you didn't..."
Vala's grin widened. "Would you have been receptive if I had?" She cupped her hand on Sam's hip and slid it up, under her arm, feeling the familiar-yet-strange swell of Sam's breast. Sam drew in a sharp breath, but her eyes never wavered from Vala's. "Ooh, that is a large yes from the blonde named Sam."
Sam looked down, realized she was caressing Vala's hand, and dropped it. Vala stepped forward and said, "I look forward to exploring this when we return from this mission." She rolled her eyes and corrected herself. "If we return from this mission. It hardly seems to be a given."
Sam cleared her throat and said, "When we get back."
"Right," Vala winked. "And in case we don't..." She grabbed Sam's shirt, just above the waistband of her pants, and pulled her close. Their lips crashed together, Vala's tongue pressing against the slit of Sam's lips before retreating in defeat. Once her tongue was gone, Sam closed her eyes and invaded Vala's mouth. Vala smirked around the kiss, sliding her hands down to cup Sam's ass, pulling her closer. Sam gripped Vala's scarf hard, finally pulling back and looking into her dark eyes.
Vala stepped back, running her finger along her lip and smiling evilly at Sam. "Yes, well then... when we get back."
"Right," Sam breathed.
Vala spun on her heel, sashaying out of the room with a flip of her dark hair over her shoulder.
As she swept a long scarf around her neck, Sam couldn't help but admire how Vala filled out the uniform. "I'll say one thing for my replicator double," she muttered. "She has excellent taste." Rubbing her neck, unable to believe she'd actually just said that, she followed her erstwhile lover out of the locker room.
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