Title: Quarantine
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Category: PWP
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: Stargate and characters are the property of MGM, Gekko, etc. Mainly you need to know no one with the name of Geonn owns the deed to these people.
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it's gonna be.
Notes: I believe my whining of yesterday was a bit premature...
Dedicated: To joran. Sorry it took so long to come through on my promise!
Summary: Sam rushes home for a birthday surprise... but Murphy's Law is a bitch.
Sam smiled at Colonel O'Neill, unsure of what she'd just heard. "Are you sure, Sir?" she asked.
"Sure, Carter," he said, kicking at the low, stone wall that surrounded the ruins. "Head on back. We have SG-7 here, plus there's absolutely zero sign of Jaffa activity or that the Goa'uld have been here since my granddad was born. Besides, it's not often you ask for leave."
"Well, to be honest Sir, it's a little different to ask for leave in the middle of a mission."
"Semantics," O'Neill said. "Just tell Hammond you have a note to get out of gym and," he waved his hands. "Go find a playground somewhere."
"Yes, Sir," Sam said, eager to leave before anything life-threatening kept her on this planet. She saluted her CO and turned, moving through the forest as quickly as she could. On Earth, it was 6:43 PM on Janet's birthday and Sam was not going to let the night go by without a 'special celebration.' She smiled, knowing how surprised Janet would be, knowing how grarteful Janet would be that Sam came so far just to be with her. She giggled, looking around to make sure no one had heard her, and continued on.
As she neared the Stargate, she discovered a lush, overgrown garden. She managed to sidestep the thorny bushes, but the red roses on an overgrown bush were far too enticing to pass up.
She slowed her run, brushing her fingers over the petals and touching the yellow stamen that extended from the center of the flower. It was absolutely beautiful and would, of course, have to pass through quarantine before Janet could put it in a vase in her office, but it was the thought that counted. Sam picked the biggest flower, the one with the widest-reaching petals, and brought it to her nose for a sniff.
As she brought it to her nose, the stamen blossomed open and with a quiet poof!, filled her face with a fine, powdery substance. She dropped the flower and backed up a few steps, eyes wide, nostrils flaring. After a few seconds, she sneezed with such violence she was knocked off her feet. The cloud of pollen rose around her, clouding her throat and making her eyes water. She closed her eyes and fell back, laying flat on the ground. "Shit," she sighed.
Sam laid back and stared at the ceiling of the isolation room. "All-ll by myse-eelf," she whispered out of tune.
"You're not all by yourself," Janet said, on the other side of the glass in the observation room. She held a clipboard, making notations on Sam's condition. She smiled at the blonde and reported on her findings. "The flower wasn't toxic, just... annoying. We're going to keep you in isolation for tonight, just to be on the cautious side to make sure nothing starts to grow on you."
Sam sat up. "Wait. All night?"
"'Fraid so," Janet said, meeting Sam's eyes.
"Great," Sam groaned, laying back on the bed. "I try to get home early and end up locked in an iso-room. Murphy's Law sucks."
Janet smiled and said, "I know how you feel, trust me." She glanced to one side, making sure the nurse had vacated the room, and leaned into the mic. "You should've seen the teddy I bought for tonight."
"Oh, Janet, stop..." Sam groaned.
"Shut up."
"Lacy bra cups..."
Sam cupped her hands over her ears. "Stop, please, oooh, Janet, stop..."
"Cut very high on the hips... and we'll keep running those, maybe once an hour for the rest of the night." Sam sat up and saw that the nurse had returned. Janet was looking down at her clipboard, trying to hide the blush creeping up her cheeks. "Should be fine."
Sam smiled, glad Janet had gotten just as caught up in the game. She stuck her tongue out at the brunette, who flipped her off in return. Sam looked at the extended middle finger and said, "Promises, promises, Doc."
The nurse looked up at Sam, then at Janet. She couldn't figure out what the two women found so funny about a possible contaminate coming through the Stargate...
After midnight, the flow of nurses stopped. Janet sat in the lone chair of the observation deck, working on her paperwork. Sam didn't need the constant attention; it was more of a kindness to Sam that she remained. Sam stretched out on the bed as comfortably as she could, the head of it raised so she could see Janet without straining to hard. She'd changed to a hospital gown and was toying with the hem, trying not to stare through the glass at her lover.
Janet was sitting in a wheeled chair, her skirt riding just barely higher than her knees. As she worked on someone's file, she would twist the chair first one way, then the other. With each twist, her skirt would mimic the movement. It rode across her thighs in a way that made Sam jealous. Janet paused, sliding her left foot forward and absently scratching at something on her thigh, pulling the skirt just a little bit higher. There was a dark shadow between Janet's legs that made Sam turn her attention quickly to the ceiling.
"Um... Janet?"
"Could you, uh..." She closed her eyes. "Could you maybe close y-your legs?"
Janet looked down and pressed her knees together. "God... Sorry. I'm not used to being on stage." She smiled sweetly and leaned forward. "Didn't get a show, did you?"
"I came very close."
"And that's a bad thing?"
"In our current situation?" Sam said. "It's dire."
Sam sighed. "Don't tease, Janet."
The brunette capped her pen and pushed aside her paperwork. She stood and walked to the door, peering outside and speaking to someone. Sam couldn't hear what she said, but when she returned to her chair the door was closed and locked. "The poor airman outside thinks I have to run some kind of sensitive tests on you."
"Why would he think that?"
Janet shrugged. "I told him so."
"I never finished telling you about the teddy I bought."
Sam closed her eyes and forced herself to swallow. "I, uh... Janet? If you tell me any more about it, I may have to take matters into my own hands."
Sam looked at Janet and saw the other woman was sitting down in her chair, legs slightly spread and hands resting on her thighs. "Let's see... I told you it was red, right?"
Sam spread her own legs, tugging her gown up to her mid-thigh and letting her feet dangle over the sides of the bed. "Yeah. With, ah, lacy bra cups."
"Mm-hmm," Janet said, drawing circles on the insides of her thighs. "See-through."
Sam slipped a hand under the taut hem of her gown, gently probing her panties. "Uh-huh?"
Janet sighed and slid a little lower in her chair. "I was going to put it on underneath my clothes before you got back from the mission. Cook you a nice dinner, candlelight. Then, when we were done eating, I would've gotten up from my seat and walked to you. I would've sat in your lap, one leg on either side of you, and I would've kissed you."
Sam moaned and brought her legs back together just long enough to doff her panties. She let them dangle from one foot as she spread her legs again, pulling the gown up to give herself unimpeded access.
"Ooh, Sam, I like the view," Janet said. "I would kiss you for ages. Letting your hands grope my sides and my ass... letting you unbutton my shirt and see the brand-new underwear I bought just for you, Sam."
"I'd kiss your breasts through it..."
"My nipples would already be hard for you."
"God, Janet..."
Janet opened her eyes, watching the blonde squirm in the room below her. She touched herself, watching Sam's fingers dip in and out of her pussy as she imagined their aborted night together. "It's my birthday, Sam," Janet said softly, leaning in to make sure the microphone caught her words. "What are you going to give me for my birthday?"
"I'd pick you up... lay you on the table... would you wrap your legs around me?"
"Yes, Sam..."
"I love it when you do that," Sam said, licking her lips and resting her free hand on her thigh. "I'd, ah... I'd lay you back and pull your clothes off. I'd want to see every inch of that sweet teddy... see how it fit you."
"Your shirt would be open by now, too," Janet pointed out. "I can't resist your breasts."
"I know you can't," Sam breathed.
They were silent for a while after that; simply pleasuring themselves and taking the opportunity to watch each other at play. Janet's legs were spread, her dress tugged up almost to her waist and her panties pushed aside to grant two of her fingers access. She strummed her clit with her other hand, panting hard as she watched Sam mimic her movements. "You're so beautiful," Sam whispered.
"Shh, Sam," Janet breathed. It wasn't picked up by the mic, but Sam conceded just the same.
Sam pressed the heels of her feet into the bed, thrusting her hips against her hand. She could hear Janet whispering in the other room, knew the brunette was whispering for her to let go and Sam began to pant. She added a third finger, panting loudly, panting Janet's name, leaning forward as she came. She cried out, trying to keep as quiet as possible, eventually sagging against the hard mattress of the bed. "God," she panted. She looked up and met Janet's eyes, bringing her hand to her lips and slowly licking each finger in turn.
"How do you taste," Janet asked, leaning against the table as her fingers pressed insistently between her legs.
"You know how I taste," Sam breathed, sliding off the bed.
"Sweet," Janet nodded. "So sweet... like..."
"Mmm," Sam interrupted, pressing against the glass. "I want you to come, Janet. I want you to taste yourself and know why I can't get enough of you." Janet reached out with one hand, pressing it against the glass. Sam covered it with her hand on the other side. "You're so beautiful when you come, Janet. I wish you could see yourself."
"Samantha," Janet breathed.
"Yes, Janet..."
"Ahhhh, Goddddd..." Janet grit her teeth, leaning forward and pressing her forehead against the glass separating them. She came, panting, her voice squeaking slightly as she opened her eyes and focused fully on Sam. They smiled at each other through the glass and, as Sam requested, Janet tasted herself off her fingers. She kissed her hand and pressed it to the glass, Sam doing the same. "I love you, Samantha."
"I love you, too, Janet."
"When you get out of there..."
"I couldn't be at your house faster if I had naquadah-powered roller skates."
Janet grinned. "Excellent."
It wouldn't be her birthday, technically. But what did it matter? The red teddy would still be there... and she was looking forward to getting Sam's present...
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