Title: Protection
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Category: Angst, Drama
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Stargate and characters are the property of MGM, Gekko, etc. Mainly you need to know no one with the name of Geonn owns the deed to these ladies.
Spoilers: "Redemption"
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it's gonna be.
Notes: Takes place during Season 6 opener "Redemption."
Summary: Safe and warm, that's what she promised.
Janet stops slicing the tomato halfway through, leaving the knife on the counter and crossing the kitchen. She sucks the juice from her thumb as she answers the phone, muttering a hello. She hears her lover's voice and smiles, immediately asking when she'll be home. From the first word, however, it's clear something is on Sam's mind. Something that she can't go into on the phone. The receiver switches hands as Janet lowers herself to the kitchen stool and listens to Sam's frantic-but-under-control voice. She asks if Janet remembers their first night. Of course. She asks if Janet remembers the promises they made to each other. A tear in Janet's eye as she says yes again.
Sam asks if Janet remembers the trip they planned. The trip to Italy. Janet does, very clearly.
Sam tells her to go. Now.
Janet protests, but Sam insists. Janet has three more days of leave, she has a little more vacation coming up. Sam demands that she take Cassandra out of school, buy an airplane ticket and go to Italy as soon as possible.
Janet asks if Sam realizes how much three last-minute tickets to Italy will cost.
Sam admits she's not going.
Janet is crying now, her from-scratch salad forgotten on the counter as she demands answers that Sam can't give over the phone. Something happened. Something terrible was happening and Sam wanted her lover and daughter on the other side of the planet as soon as humanly possible. Janet refuses - flat out refuses to leave Sam behind - planning to head to the base as soon as she hangs up. Sam stops her by reminding her of Cassandra. Their responsibilities as parents. Janet sobs. Sam is silent, obviously torn between staying to find a solution she fears won't come and wanting to be by Janet's side when the end does come.
But if there's a chance that part of the world could be saved, Sam knows - just knows that Colorado is doomed. The other side of the world would be safer. Much safer.
After a few minutes of crying, Janet promises to make the arrangements. To get Cassie out of school, to pack a bag, take out some life savings and head overseas. She's about to hang up when Sam says her name with a desperation Janet has never heard before.
"I'm here, Sam."
"Janet, I love you." No hesitation. No pause to see if anyone was overhearing. Just simple. Straightforward. Truth.
"I love you, too," Janet replies. "Find the answer."
"I'm afraid I won't," Sam says. Her voice is so soft it's as if the words merely escaped on an exhale. "I'm so scared, Janet."
"You'll have me in your heart the entire time," Janet said. She knew it was true. "Take your strength from me. I love you so much, Sam. I have no doubt you'll do your best."
Silence. Finally, Sam repeated, "I love you, Janet. But I-I have to go."
"I'll get out of the country, Sam. I want you to join me when you do figure this out."
"I'd like that."
They sat in silence for a long time. Finally, Sam said, "Good-bye, Janet."
"Good-bye, Sam."
They disconnected. Janet prayed to a God she was no longer sure she believed in to make Sam safe. To give her the inspiration she needed to solve this thing. To bring her back to fight another day. With a trembling hand, she picked up the phone to begin making her travel arrangements.
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