Title: The Phone Call
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Category: Romance
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Stargate and characters are the property of MGM, Gekko, etc. Mainly you need to know no one with the name of Geonn owns the deed to these people.
Spoilers: "2010"
Notes: Dedicated to purple_shoes and teryl_brat42
Summary: Midnight caller...
Janet sat in her easy chair, wearing her pajama pants and a baggy white t-shirt. She had one leg propped up on the chair, carefully painting her toenails as she held the phone captive between her head and shoulder. She was painfully aware that she had adopted a pose that, when Cassandra did it, made her roll her eyes in frustration. It just happened to be the most comfortable position to do what needed done. "So the mission is a go?"
"Yeah. 0400," Sam groaned at the other end of the line. "I wish I could be home with you..."
Janet glanced at the clock. "Well, let's see. You'd have to get dressed, get out of the base, drive all the way here, get undressed--"
"Make love," Sam interjected.
"Make love," Janet chuckled. "By the time you did all that, it would be three in the morning and you'd have to jump up and run back to the base. You'd probably even be late."
Sam sighed. "You know, the Aschen had these little stands that could teleport you wherever you wanted to go in the blink of an eye."
"The Aschen would have sterilized our population, hon."
"So I'd never get to knock you up," Sam said.
Janet smiled. "You'd risk humanity for a quick lay?"
"A quick, fantastic lay."
Janet giggled. She was about to reply when Sam let loose a monstrous yawn. "Oh, wow, honey. You must be exhausted."
"Daniel's report on tomorrow's planet actually bored me. Seriously, how much can rocks mean to someone?"
"You'd be singing a different tune if it was something in outer space to look at; a nebula, or maybe a meteor shower."
"Those are different."
"Meteors are just rocks, too, you know."
"Point ma--" She interrupted herself by yawning.
"Poor baby," Janet said. "Do you want to hang up?"
Sam answered too quickly, "No! Come on, I haven't talked to you all day. I miss you."
Janet felt herself blush and sat back, switching the phone to the other ear. "So, if you were bored, I can only imagine how Colonel O'Neill reacted."
"You should've seen the doodle he came up with after the briefing was over. Batman, Homer Simpson, Spider-Man and a Smurf, all in SGC gear, all stomping on Apophis's head."
Janet laughed out loud. "Ooh, I hope he saved it!"
"You know all about the binder he keeps in his locker."
Janet grinned.
"So what are you doing?"
"You'd actually be glad you're not here," Janet said. "I'm painting my toes. I know how much you hate the smell of the polish."
"Mm," Sam said softly. "I don't hate it. I love how the smell reminds me of you now."
Janet felt a shudder and smiled. "I love you."
"Mmm," Sam said.
She waited, then said, "Sam? Aren't you going to say it back?"
"Say what back?"
"I said I love you," Janet said, feeling a little silly.
"God, I'm sorry, baby!" Sam said. "I love you, too. I guess I dozed off there for a second. I love you, too, baby."
Janet laughed. "Do you want to hang up?"
"No, I'm... I'm awake. I just," she yawned. "I need to hear your voice a little more. 'Kay? How was Cassandra's science fair?"
Janet smiled. "That science experiment you didn't help her with? She got First at the fair. She was pretty excited about that; wanted to know if we could put the award on the mantle." She looked up at the framed certificate, already on the mantle. "What do you think?" Nothing. "Sam? Honey?"
Sam murmured quietly, her lips smacking as she licked her lips.
"Sam, did you fall asleep?" Janet asked, smiling into the phone. No response.
Janet hugged her knees and stared at the ceiling as the sounds of her lover sleeping passed through the phone. Mostly, there was silence. A ruffle of the sheets as Sam moved, a quiet whisper as she talked to a dream figure. Janet curled a finger through her hair, knowing she should just hang up but unable to stop listening. Sam spoke aloud, in a sleep-drenched voice, "Janet," and the doctor felt her eyes water.
Sam sighed. She rolled away from the phone and the sounds diminished. She rolled back and her breathing became louder. Janet was about to doze off herself when she heard the tinny beeping of an alarm through the phone. "Mm, damn it," Sam muttered, the sheets and mattress moving as she sat up, the blankets being tossed aside. She groaned and, from experience, Janet knew she was rubbing her face. Then, the phone was shifted and picked up. "Hello?" Sam said.
"Hi," Janet replied.
There was a startled silence, then, "Janet. You didn't hang up?"
"Mm-mm," the brunette whispered. "I was listening to you sleep for over an hour and a half." She realized how psychotic that probably sounded and said, "I'm sorry. I probably shouldn't have, but--"
"No," Sam interrupted. "No, Janet, that's... probably the sweetest thing I've ever heard. I didn't say anything incriminating, did I?"
Janet smiled. "You said my name."
"Uh-oh, now you know I dream about you."
Janet brought a hand to her cheek, burning with embarrassment. She laughed nervously, then said, "You should probably get going," she said. "It's almost three."
"Right," Sam said. "Have to go get prepped." She sighed. "I love you, Janet."
"Love you, too, Sam."
Janet hung up and hugged herself, smiling at herself. Then, without warning, she yawned and shook her head. She suddenly realized it was three in the morning and she hadn't been to bed yet. Putting the phone back into the charger, she stood and stretched her arms above her head as she headed upstairs.
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