Title: The Party
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Rating: NC17
Pairings: Janet/Sam
Category: PWP, Holiday-related
Disclaimer: These folks don't belong to me. I stole them from MGM's toybox without asking their mommies for permission. I promise to return them more or less unscathed.
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it'll be.
Spoilers: None
Summary: A Halloween Party
They were out of beer which, at an SGC party, wasn't unheard of but was definitely a party-ender. Janet Fraiser, the hostess of the party, noticed when the beer bottles were all starting to disappear and started to make her way towards the kitchen to replenish the supplies. She paused every few steps to make small-talk, make sure everyone was still enjoying themselves, ask if they were enjoying her pigs-in-a-blanket, and finally stepped into the dark kitchen.
Sam Carter, the secret hostess (no one knew she lived there with Janet and Cassandra) was standing behind the counter. She'd rolled a slice of ham and a slice of cheese and was nibbling on it. The only light came from over the sink. "Hey," Janet said. "We're almost out of beers."
"In here, too," Sam said, indicating the fridge.
Janet opened the door and confirmed Sam's appraisal. Twelve more beers for over two dozen guests. The party was going to end swiftly. Janet closed the fridge and turned to Sam. "Why are you hiding out in here?"
"Besides the costume?" Sam said, backing up and indicating the outfit. A bet with Colonel O'Neill had the Major dressed in a Chicago Cubs uniform, complete with blue baseball cap. He'd wisely kept the bat. "I should never have bet the Cubs would never be in another play-off..."
Janet embraced the blonde and chuckled. "I think you look cute."
"Yeah," Sam scoffed. "You, on the other hand," she stepped back. "Outstanding." Janet was wearing a short black leather skirt, a white blouse undone to reveal just a hint of her upper chest and a two-sizes-too-big leather jacket. Her hair was ruffled and her face was made up to look extremely pale. Sam kissed the corner of Janet's eyebrow and said, "So the party's over soon?"
"Should be," Janet nodded. She kissed Sam's chin. "I know you wanted me all to yourself tonight."
Sam nuzzled the brunette's cheek. "It's not every night Cassie has sleepover parties. I wanted to make you bang the headboard against the wall and cry my name in passion."
"We can still do that," Janet promised.
"Mm-hmm." Janet pressed tighter against Sam's body. "When the MLB's first female pitcher wins the World Series for the Cubs, what else can a grateful lifelong Cubbie fan do?" She looked up and fluttered her eyelashes.
Sam slid her hands down, cupping Janet's ass through her leather miniskirt. "I like the sound of this."
Janet licked her lips. "Party should be over in an hour."
"I cannot wait an hour," Sam breathed, her face extremely close to Janet's.
"What do you suggest?" Janet asked, glancing at the kitchen door. There was no separation between them and the living room. All someone had to do was wander in the right direction, peek into the shadows, and... "We can't exactly go past all those people out there and lock the bedroom door..."
Sam kissed Janet's cheek. "I wasn't suggesting the bedroom."
Janet frowned. "Then whe--" It hit her and she backed out of Sam's embrace. "Oh, no! No! I am *not* doing this in the *kitchen* while there's a party going on five feet away! No, Samantha!"
"Ooh," Sam purred, stepped foward. "'Samantha.' Have I been naughty?"
Janet's smile couldn't help but break free. "Stop it."
"Naughty girls need spankings," Sam said, looping her arms around Janet's waist.
"Stop it." Janet's hands were now on Sam's shoulders. She was feeling the blonde's heat through the material of her baseball uniform. They were now pressed against the wall that the kitchen shared with the living room. "Sam," she whispered. "People could hear!"
Sam kissed Janet's throat, ignoring the possibility of being seen. The thought, truthfully, turned her on a little more. Janet was starting to get into it, too. She brought her hands up, as if showing the universe that she was an unwitting pawn in this seduction. Her eyes drifted shut as Sam nibbled her neck. "You taste so good," Sam whispered. "You want me to stop?"
"You can't ask me that," Janet hissed. She turned and looked at the doorway. "But hurry. And all clothes *stay on.*"
"I love a challenge," Sam said. She kissed Janet's lips, the brunette pulling her close and deepening their liplock. As Janet brought one hand down to wrap around Sam's shoulders, Sam slipped a hand up Janet's inner thigh and found the center of her panties. Janet moaned into Sam's mouth, then bit her bottom lip. 'As quiet as possible... as quiet as possible,' she chanted to herself. She kissed Sam again to give her mouth something besides moaning to do.
Her tongue quickly found more appealing things to do than speak.
She found the catch of Sam's trousers and tugged, feeling them loosen. She slid her hand inside, feeling the blonde's freshly shaved pubic mound (she'd *really* been anticipating a night alone with Janet) and felt the wetness between the other woman's legs. She broke the kiss and whispered, "How long have you been thinking about this?"
"I was a heartbeat away from masturbating when you walked in," Sam admitted.
Janet's knees went weak. She loved hearing Sam talk like that. She hooked one leg over Sam's hip and thrust forward. "Touch me," she whispered. "Hurry..."
Sam's fingers easily found their target, a heated mound hidden beneath cheetah-print panties (Janet had wanted a night alone, too). Sam slipped underneath the silky fabric and touched her lover, two fingerstips gliding expertly over the silky flesh. Janet made a quiet whimpering sound and Sam used her free hand to cover the brunette's mouth. Janet turned her head and saw shadows moving precariously close to the kitchen door. She could hear Jonas Quinn's voice:
"...given out during the day on Kelowna. Office workers were given the opportunity to stay home to hand it out, however they..."
Sam licked a taut muscle in Janet's neck and the petite woman turned to Jello in her arms. They clung to each other as their fingers worked in concert; a silent, desperate, well-rehearsed ballet of instinctive moves. Janet slid against the wall a little, angling her body so Sam's hand could hit just right, so her fingertips could graze that bundle of nerves that was... right... there... next... to...
"Oooh," Janet groaned.
"Did you hear something?" Jonas asked.
Sam's heart was racing. Janet was panting. Their fingers pumped wildly to finish before they were found out.
Teal'c spoke, his voice far too close to comfort. "I believe Doctor Fraiser has a compact disc of Halloween sound effects on the stereo." He sounded like he was directly opposite the two lovers.
"Oh, I see."
Sam kissed Janet, smiling at their luck. Janet sucked Sam's tongue and in her lowest voice, demanded, "Make me cum. Please, Sam, hurry..."
Clutching in the shadows, communication devolving into a series of pants and moans, Sam and Janet loved each other. When both had climaxed, they straightened their costumes and kissed a few more times before untangling themselves. Sam straightened Janet's hair and Janet tucked a few strands back under Sam's cap. They both wiped the sweat from their foreheads and kissed a final time. Janet retrieved a handful of beers from the fridge, Sam got the rest. They were at the door when O'Neill appeared, startling them both. If he'd been a few seconds earlier...
"Beer me," he said, scratching his cheek. He'd grown a beard for two days to match the silver mane pasted around his face. He had another patch of hair peeking from each of the sleeves of his coat. He was a werewolf, but he looked more like an aging goat. He took a beer from Sam's hand and looked at them. "What's wrong with you two?"
"Wrong?" Janet asked, heart beating in her throat.
"You look pale," he said, pointing at the doctor.
"Oh, uh, Sam jumped out and scared me."
Jack smirked and said, "Ah, all right." He glanced at Sam and said, "Great party, Doc."
When he was gone, Janet sniffed the hand Sam had been holding O'Neill's beer in. "Is this the hand you fingered me with?" she asked, sniffing the index and middle fingers.
"No," Sam said, holding up the other and wiggling the fingers.
Janet sniffed the air. "Does it smell like sex in here?"
"I don't think so." She brushed a hair behind Janet's ear. "I think you're being paranoid."
"Seeing your CO five seconds after coming on your hand will do that," she scoffed. "I think we're safe, though." She smiled and said, "The beers are still going to run out soon. And that means this party is as good as dead."
"Yeah?" Sam said. "So..."
"So the Cubbies will be celebrating their World Series win," she checked her watch, "by midnight tonight."
Sam grinned. "Excellent." They kissed once more before rejoining the party.
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