Title: Overdue
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Spoilers: Foothold, Smoke & Mirrors, Heroes
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Rating: All Ages
Notes: It's short, it's veeery short, but it's what I've managed to write for tonight. Enjoy!
Summary: Sam takes the time to take care of something long overdue.
The redhead glanced up as the door opened, actually doing a double-take and jumping from her stool. "Sam!" she said, breaking into a wide smile before remembering herself. She straightened her posture, focusing on a spot just above Sam's head. "Lieutenant Colonel Carter."
Sam smiled and snapped a salute to the younger woman. "At ease, Doctor Lewis." When the other woman relaxed, Sam said, "How are you, Andrea?"
"Can't complain. Your letter said you'd be coming by soon, but I never imagined..."
"Well, I had some unexpected downtime. And knowing SG-1..."
"Right... take it where you can get it."
Sam nodded. "Does... this mean you're not ready?"
"No, I'm ready. I went down and got it as soon as I read your letter. Are you sure about this, Colonel?"
"Positive. Does anyone know why you requisitioned it?"
Andrea shook her head. "Things get passed around for poking and prodding all the time. As long as everything is documented, no one seems to care too much."
"That's surprising," Sam said. "Considering the recent scrutiny of this specific technology, you'd think that--"
"You're stalling," Andrea said softly.
Sam smiled, embarrassed that she was acting so transparently. "I'm nervous. I've been playing this in my head so many times, that... Well, I'm still a little surprised you agreed to it. I'm surprised I'm actually here, going through with this stupid idea."
"It's not stupid," Andrea said, walking around the table. "Look, I was friends with both you and Janet. I'd love an opportunity like this. And knowing your relationship with her... I'm surprised it's taken you this long to set this up."
"Just because it's the chance of a lifetime doesn't mean I'm not terrified."
Andrea took Sam's hand and said, "Do you want it to be activated before or after I return?"
Andrea nodded and said, "I'll be right... I mean, I'll send her in."
Sam smiled knowingly and released Andrea's hand. The doctor left the room and Sam stepped to the window, peering out at the courtyard. After a few moments, a familiar voice said, "Hello, Sam."
She turned, unable to hold back the gasp at the woman standing in the room with her. It was Janet Fraiser, all right. She looked different than the last time Sam had seen her; the image used to create the technology had been created over four years ago. Her hair was darker, for one. The rest, Sam was unable to put her finger on. "Hello, Janet."
"Colonel Carter," Janet said, smiling proudly. "I am so proud of you, Samantha."
"You would've been Colonel by now," Sam said. "If you hadn't..." She took a deep breath and said, "There have been nights I haven't slept. Mornings I didn't want to get up. I miss you, Janet. So much."
Janet smiled sadly and stepped forward. "Sam, with all that you have seen and all you've done in the past seven years... do you honestly believe our existence is book-ended by birth and death? That that's all there is? Daniel Jackson should've been ample proof that it isn't so."
"There's life after death?"
"There's... a place where I am. I can see you, and Cassandra, and those close to my heart are never far away."
Sam smiled. She stroked Janet's cheek and said, "I wanted to do this so... I could say good-bye. I didn't get a chance to..." She stepped in, embracing Janet with as much strength as she could muster. "Good-bye, Janet. I'll think of you every day."
"Live, Sam," Janet breathed into Sam's ear. "It wouldn't be right for both of us to have died that day. Live... Colonel Carter."
Sam stepped back and lightly brushed her lips against Janet's. Janet kept her eyes closed, even after Sam pulled back and ran her fingers over the other woman's bottom lip. "Wow," Sam breathed. "That was..." She cleared her throat and said, "Good-bye, Janet."
"Good-bye, Sam," Janet said quietly, her eyes welling with tears. "I'll be near. Always."
Sam brushed her tears away with the back of her hand and started to back out of the room. "Stay... until I leave. Please?"
"Yes, I'll stay," Janet said.
Sam pressed against the door, holding her hand out in farewell as she stepped into the hallway. "I love you," she said softly.
"And I, you," Janet replied.
The door shut behind Sam, leaving the office empty. Andrea walked in from the storage section, holding a mimic device in her hands. "Colonel, I'm sorry. I accidentally grabbed the Jackson device. I can run down to..." She looked up, realizing the room was empty. "Colonel? Colonel Carter?"
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