Title: Out of Body

Author: Geonn

Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com

Rating: PG

Spoilers: None

Pairing: Sam/Janet implied

Challenge: Screencap

Cap from Episode 7-10, "Birthright"

It hurts for a moment, and then I am free. Outside, above, to one side. Dead, but not gone. Alive, but not living. You cannot see me, but I see you, standing over my lifeless shell. I see the infinite sadness in your eyes, I see your pain at watching my monitor flatline. The defeat weighing down your shoulders, the way your entire body seems moments from crumbling.

White light, afterlife, the answers to mysteries untold await. Your tears are enough to entice me back into my body.

Your smile is the first thing I see when I wake up.

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