Title: Old Gals, New Tricks
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Rating: NC17
Pairings: Sam/Janet
Category: PWP
Warnings: Houston, we have passed the kink barrier. I repeat, the kink barrier has been penetrated. Heehee... 'penetrated.'
Disclaimer: These folks don't belong to me. I stole them from MGM's toybox without asking their mommies for permission. I promise to return them more or less unscathed.
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it'll be.
Spoilers: "2010"
Notes: Idea from joran
Summary: Some things are worth the wait.
The infirmary wall was hard, concrete, rough against her back even through the twin barriers of her lab jacket and blouse. Two pipes ran vertically within arm's-reach of her. She stretched her arms out, holding tightly to them. Her blouse was fully-buttoned, proper and right. Her tie was a little scanted, but that could be fixed by a simple twist. Her throat was working overtime, her face flushed and dotted with sweat. Her hair was unbound, hanging loose around her face. Her jacket was swept back around her hips, trailing down like a tail from her hips.
She licked her lips and finally dared to open her eyes, looking down. She drank in the sight below her, then scanned the infirmary. "God," she whispered. "How long did we joke about this?" she asked, voice raspy.
Sam didn't reply. It was impolite to talk with your mouth full.
The lights of the infirmary were dim, had been for years. The equipment that still stood useless next to the beds remained as pieces of a set. Gathering dust. Janet pressed her head against the stone wall, rolling her head from one side to the other. It didn't matter if she didn't have nerves where Sam was touching... she still felt it like electricity. She looked down again.
The narrow straps were tight around Janet's bare hips, just below the bundled material of her skirt and above the tips of her garters. The strap-on base was black and hooked between her legs as well. The thin material moved back and forth if Sam worked the attachment just right. And Sam knew how to work that attachment. Janet resisted the urge to thrust her hips forward and risk choking Sam.
After discovering the security at the base-slash-museum was about as lax as anyplace, Sam had approached Janet with the idea of fulfilling their nearly decade-old fetish. Sex in the infirmary. The strap-on was Janet's idea; it was something they'd never done during their relationship and something she'd always craved to do. The thought of bending Sam over a bed and slamming into her was far too attractive to give up on.
They had waited until the last tour of the day and slipped away from the guide when they passed the infirmary. Sam's recon revealed that they had another hour and forty-five minutes before the tour ended and, since this was the final tour of the day, another two hours before the guide returned to make sure everything was in shape to close down for the night. Almost four hours, thirty minutes of which had already been used solely on oral sex.
Not that Janet was complaining.
She looked back down at Sam, who was still wearing her crisp white blouse under the pale blue blazer. Janet had worn her uniform as an inside joke; Sam had been amazed at the people who went on the tour in costumes. She finally knew how those poor Star Trek actors felt. So Janet had dressed as Dr. Fraiser and had gotten several compliments on her uncanny resemblence to the real person.
Now, in the infirmary, in the shadows where she had once navigated life and death on a daily basis, she watched as her one-time lover sucked a rubber cock that was attached to her waist.
Sam's lips formed a perfect red O around the rubber shaft, rising and falling as she took more into her mouth, the veins etched into the 'skin' shadowed against the rest of the cock. Janet unconsciously began to thrust, bringing her hands up to squeeze her breasts through her uniform top.
Meanwhile, on her knees, Sam took as much of the rubber dick as she could, extending her tongue along the underside and tilting her head in a vain attempt to get more. The toy was equipped, as much for realism as anything else, with a pair of heavy hanging balls on the underside. Sam released the wet cock, stroking it with her hands as if she needed to keep it hard, and ducked down, sucking the balls into her mouth. She could smell Janet's wetness and lifted the apparatus, spying Janet's puffy lips between the middle strap. She moved her head into that dark, musky, moist territory and lapped hungrily, finding wetness that seeped onto her lips.
Janet gasped and her hips moved in seemingly every direction at once, her body shaking. Sam spit Janet's wetness onto the cock, using her fingers to work it in before swallowing the bulbous head once more. Janet groaned and sagged against the cement wall, bringing one hand up and resting the back of it against her forehead. "Ooh, oh, Sam... suck my cock, Sam."
The blonde blushed and did as she was told, sliding her lips all the way down to the base. No gag reflex reared it's ugly head as she swallowed the monster, expertly working her throat to accept the creature before she backed off. Janet's hands were in her hair, twisting and curling and tugging playfully. "Sam, oh, yes, Sam."
Sam cupped the balls in one hand, holding them with the heel as she stretched her fingers back to stroke Janet's sensitive pussy lips. The brunette cried out, bringing a hand to her mouth to cover her cries. Sam pulled back and used her free hand to stroke Janet's cock. "My baby has the prettiest dick," Sam breathed, kissing the rubber toy. "Yes, she does... God, Janet, where did you hide this pretty, pretty penis all those years I fucked you?" She kissed the tip and sucked it back into her mouth.
"Oh, Sam, I wish I could come in your mouth... all over your face, baby, and lick you all up. Would you like that, baby?"
Sam nodded.
"I thought you would," Janet breathed, throwing her head back. "Yeah, baby, I know you..."
Sam released Janet's balls and rolled her tongue all around the head, tugging on the strap-on as if she were jerking it off. "Come on, Janet. Come for me. Come on."
Janet's breathing grew more and more ragged, her skin flushed and her body quaking. Sam knew what was coming, so to speak, and increased her actions accordingly. Janet began to chant her name, loosing more control with each repetition. Janet thrust her cock forward as she came, her juices gathering along the edges of the strap-on and leaking down her thighs. Sam held the dildo out of the way and eagerly lapped up the escaping come. Her repeated tongue-lashings of such sensitive skin caused Janet's libido to rise once more.
The brunette pulled Sam to her feet, pressing bruising kisses the the blonde's face as she pushed her backwards towards a bed. Sam giggled as she was guided, grabbing and vainly attempting to hold Janet's hands. The backs of her legs hit the edge of a bed and Sam slumped backwards, falling onto the mattress. Janet rose, fumbling with the catch of Sam's slacks and working it loose. "You gonna fuck me?" Sam breathed huskily.
"You want me to?" Janet said. "You want me to fuck you?"
"Oh, yeah," Sam said, "Yeah, take me, Janet."
Janet flipped Sam onto her stomach and forced her panties down. She bared Sam's ass, a magnificent double-arc of pale pink flesh that Janet couldn't resist slapping twice with her fingertips. Sam 'ooohed,' and Janet slipped her fingers down to feel how wet the other woman was. Her fingers came back glistening and Janet stroked her temporary cock with the wetness. Janet held Sam's hip with one hand, positioning herself with the other. "Say it," the brunette demanded.
"Fuck me," Sam said through grit teeth. "Put that cock in my pussy."
Janet thrust forward, the tip disappearing into Sam too quickly. She arched her back and watched more of herself be swallowed, enveloped by Sam's silky inviting lips. Sam moaned and pressed her upper body into the mattress. Janet reveled in being the dominant one, being the one 'on top' so to speak. She toed apart Sam's feet, spreading her legs and opening Sam even wider as she pushed ever onward, ever deeper. She bit her lip and wondered how guys managed to last as long as they did during sex... she didn't even have nerves in the thing and she was about to blow her top.
Sam moaned into the mattress and bit her lip, making fists with both hands and threatening to rip the sheets with her fingernails. Janet was entirely seated within Sam, their hips together, her hands on Sam's waist, simply enjoying their connection. Finally, Janet began to pull out, shaking at the thought of fucking Sam hard. The blonde tightened her grip and cried out as Janet suddenly began to rock against her, their hips making loud slapping noises as they came forcefully together.
Janet's rubber balls slapped Sam's upper thighs. Sam's asscheeks slapped against Janet's hips. Janet reached up and clung to Sam's breasts through the other woman's blouse, feeling the hard nipples beneath the crisp material. Sam moved back, matching Janet thrust-for-thrust. Sam began panting Janet's name, her eyes squeezed shut as her muscles contracted around the insensate flesh of the dildo. She cried out Janet's name as she came, her body tensing, her back arched, her hips pressed tightly to Janet's body.
When the tremors subsided, Janet slipped the toy out and slipped the catches free. The strap-on slipped down her legs and she lifted it from the ground. She and Sam kissed, each of them taking care to adjust the other's clothing. They kissed softly; long, lingering kisses that were interrupted for giggles as much as they were for air. When they made sure they looked acceptible (and the strap-on was safely stowed away in Janet's purse), they took a seat on one of the beds and waited to be rescued.
The insanely peppy tour guide finally arrived, fixing them with the evil eye before she asked them what they were doing in the infirmary. "Well," Sam said, adding a valley-girl lilt to her speech. "My friend here, she, like, totally loved Dr. Fraiser..."
"Yeah," Janet added, her accent Southern. "Ah just loved her. Have tons of clippings and, like, when she was on Letterman? Ah got that on tape."
Sam nodded. "So, she totally wanted to get some pictures of herself in the infirmary as like, you know... a gag or something."
"Christmas card," Janet suggested.
"Totally!" Sam said. "But we waited too long and couldn't catch up with the tour and... well... you know... we didn't wanna wander off and get lost. This place is totally confusing."
"Yeah," Janet agreed.
The girl sighed and said, "Fine. I'll show you two the way out."
Sam winked at Janet behind the girl's back and mouthed, "Easy as cake."
The girl turned suddenly, walking back into the infirmary. "Almost forgot." She walked into a corner and fiddled with something. Sam and Janet glanced at each other, then looked wide-eyed at what the guide was bringing back. A videotape. "Security really kicks my ass if I forget to turn these tapes in. The exits are this way."
Janet looked mortified, but Sam whispered, "Hey... look at it this way. It'll be one hell of a lunch break for those security guards..."
They both laughed, causing the guide to eye them warily. This tour attracted some of the weirdest people...
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