Title: The Name Game

Author: Geonn

Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com

Pairing: Sam/Janet

Rating: NC17

Category: Adult

Content Warnings: Tooooys!

Spoilers: None

Challenge: Thor

"I do not understand."

Sam blushed deep red and turned to Janet for an explanation. "Well... uh, Thor... you see, we just... When Sam said that she wanted Thor, she didn't mean... uh, she wasn't asking for... how did you even hear us?"

"Highly sensitive Asguard monitoring equipment monitors--"

"Right," Sam interrupted. "It was a mistake. Wrong Thor."

"To which Thor were you referring?"

"It... doesn't matter," Janet insisted.

Thor tilted his bulbous head to the side. "I see." He lifted the long, thick, vibrating wand Janet had been holding when he beamed in. "Your device seems to have sprung a leak. It is extremely wet..."

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