Author: Geonn
Rating: NC17
Pairings: Janet/Sam/Jonas
Category: PWP
Disclaimer: These folks don't belong to me. I stole them from MGM's toybox without asking their mommies for permission. I promise to return them more or less unscathed.
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it'll be.
Spoilers: "Meridian"
Summary: Jonas has a good memory. Some things he remembers more than others.
~* Dedicated to Meesh *~
I remember a lot of things.
I remember what I was doing when I learned I had been assigned to work on the
naquadria research. I remember
the middle name of the first girl I kissed. The name of my first pet was Sats. I
remember the first time I met Major Samantha Carter; I was in the main hall of
the Kelownan Center of Science and I was immediately struck by her beauty. The
first time I met Doctor Janet Fraiser (also a Major) was from an observation
deck over the room where Daniel lay dying. She had been so beautiful, but I
couldn't help but notice the blame in her eyes. 'You're one of the aliens that
made this happen. This is your fault,' she screamed without saying a word.
After a while, they both started to warm to me... Janet quicker than Sam. I tried to make myself useful to the good doctor, helping stock things in the infirmary, reaching stuff she couldn't, being an extra set of hands when needed. And for a man who had never before seen a cup of coffee, she told me I made pretty damn good java (she even got me hooked on the stuff). So I was a bit shocked when she kissed me.
Okay. Okay, maybe not... shocked, but surprised. We were in the infirmary, alone. It was extremely late and I felt her hand at the back of my neck. A quick pinch of fingers, a smooth slide up into my short hair and her face appeared over my shoulder. I turned to see what she was doing and she pecked my lips. She smiled and slipped her hand out of my hair and stepped back. "Thanks for all your help today, Jonas."
"It's no problem, Dr. Fraiser," I said, trying to reign in my heart and... other parts of my anatomy that weren't cooperating. I looked at the offending area and scooted my chair forward so I was blocked by the desk. It would be a while before I was ready to leave anyway. I picked up the notes I'd been transcribing for her and moved them aside, concentrating on making my own handwriting legible.
Janet was moving to the filing cabinet, kneeling to put something in the drawer O-Z. Her skirt was pulled tight over her hips, revealing the line of her panties. I licked my lips as I followed the stretch of muscles down her legs, admiring how they folded underneath her. She may be short, one of the shortest people I've ever known, but there was not a wasted inch on her entire body. She stood, her legs extending and unfolding like a ballet. She turned towards me and my eyes caught on the flash of light over her chest. Her stethescope. However, that's not what I focused on. I was focusing on what was underneath the crisp material of her blouse...
I begged myself to turn away. It didn't work.
She sat across from me and I felt her foot brush my leg. "Oop, sorry," she muttered, not bothering to look up from her work. She *did* remember she had just kissed me, right? Or... did I imagine that? I heard the clatter as she dropped her high heels onto the floor, reaching down and massaging the arch of her right foot. "God, that feels good..."
I cleared my throat and looked back at my notes. 'Just forget it happened,' I told myself. 'It's late, she's tired, she didn't mean it.'
Then her foot appeared on the inside of my lower leg. Just a tender, quick brush with her toes... nothing major and it may have been another accident (the table *was* narrow). She didn't show any indication of what she had done. I straightened my shoulders, twisted my head to one side to work a kink out of my neck and looked back at my notes.
Her foot reappeared, this time traveling from my ankle all the way up to my knee before settling on the chair between my legs. I could feel the pressure of her heel against my crotch. I looked up at her and could almost see the hint of a smile on her lips... just the barest upward curve of her thin lips... an angle to that small, tight mouth that...
Not helping not helping not helping shut up, Quinn...
I leaned forward, resting my head on my hand so I could at least partially block my view of her. "Something wrong?" she asked as her foot slipped away.
"Ah, no... just a little headache."
She pushed her chair out and came around behind me. I tensed slightly and she put her hands on either side of my head. "Just relax," she said in that soft, soft, melt-your-knees-and-solidify-other-parts-of-your-body voice. I cleared my throat. She extended two fingers and slowly began to rub my temples in counter-clockwise circles. I instinctively closed my eyes, leaning back and feeling her breasts against the back of my head.
I jerked forward again, separating from her fingers. "Whoa!" she giggled. "Little tense, are we?" She lowered her hands to my shoulders and said, "God, yeah... I think we found the source of that headache." She closed her hands around my shoulders and squeezed, rolling them back as her thumbs pressed against my spine.
That's when I discovered why the Goa'uld wanted Earth so bad. It had Janet Fraiser... and her massages.
After all the tension had left my upper body (and the majority of it had pooled between my legs), Janet asked, "Good?"
"Uh-huh," I managed. "Thanks."
She walked back to her side of the table and sat down again. "You know, if you want a true massage, you could come to my quarters after I get off-duty tomorrow. I could give you a real rubdown... oils and all that."
Oils. Shirtless. In Janet's quarters. Stop picturing it. Stop! STOP! I slapped the folder shut, trying not to look too harried and smiled. "I think I'm beat for the night," I told her, slipping the files I'd been working on off the table and onto my lap. They landed a bit unevenly, but managed to conceal well enough when I stood up. "I-I will think about that massage, though. It sounds-" Arousing? Enjoyable? Unbelievably erotic? I finally settled on: "--Nice."
"I'd be happy to do it," she said. She looked up, her face illuminated by the desk lamp. It made her look... holy. Like a perfectionist painting brought to life. She smiled, the light dancing in her dark eyes before she lowered her head and returning to her notes, business as usual. "I do it for Sam all the time."
I closed my eyes. Great. Now picturing an oily Janet and a topless Sam rubbing against each other, skin to skin, in a candlelit roo-- "I gotta go," I said, certain my voice cracked as I fled the infirmary.
That night, in the shower, I replayed the entire incident in my head and finally allowed myself some release. I pictured Janet, everything about her and every touch we'd shared that night. I came almost immediately, shooting against the far wall of the stall. I was impressed with my own stamina, using the washcloth to erase the evidence. I wrapped a towel around my waist and stepped out of the stall, glancing at Colonel O'Neill as he entered. He checked his watch. "You're just gettin' out? I thought you were in there when I changed for boxing?" He was now drenched with sweat and pulling towels from his locker. How long had I been fantasizing?
"Yeah, well... ahh..."
He slapped me on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry about it... just, ah, leave some things for the privacy of your own quarters. The ladies sometimes complain if we leave odd smells..."
I blushed from my chest to my forehead and nodded, clutching the towel together in front of me as I padded barefoot to my locker. I turned a corner... and spotted Samantha Carter standing next to her locker with her shirt unbuttoned. She looked up and gasped, eyes wide as she took in my all-but-naked form. "Sam." I managed.
"Jonas!" she gasped. She turned towards me, her shirt flapping open. She was wearing a blue brasierre, her toned stomach and tanned upper chest filling my vision. Her jeans were riding a bit low and I could make out a thin line of lace running around her hips. "Is... is it... God, I didn't even think to check the door!"
"It's okay," I said, although the problem I'd just solved was returning with gusto... and a towel is not a very good blocker. "I just, ah... Give me a second and I'll be out of your way."
"No, let me," she said, stepping back. "I'm sorry. I-I'll come back." She turned and hightailed it out of the locker room. I sighed, leaning against the lockers.
Colonel O'Neill's shower started and he began singing "My Way" in his own special way. I sighed and popped open my locker, grateful the base only had a few attractive women to worry about...
That night, I had dreams of Janet rubbing Sam's naked back, all the while she was touching me in places I never knew were erogenous... I woke up with a tent in bed with me and I rolled onto my side, clutching a pillow. As I started to fall back to sleep, I thought back to the close encounters I'd had that night when it hit me. Sam was off-duty tonight and had no reason to be on-base, let alone in the locker room. I sat up and whispered, "They set me up!" Throwing the covers away, I dressed in a standard blue jumpsuit - not bothering with anything underneath - and headed back to the infirmary.
As I waited for the elevator, I glanced at Siler and hoped I wasn't blushing or showing off my discomfort in any way. He simply turned back, picking up the phone and dialing a number. I stepped inside the car, glad to see it was vacant.
I ran into the office where I'd left Janet, not thinking about a trap because... well... why would I? Janet was still sitting at the table, legs crossed at her ankles and stretched out far enough that I could see her bare feet on my side of the table. "About time," she muttered. "I was afraid we'd have to start without you."
Before I could say anything, the door closed behind me. Sam had been laying in wait and had just locked me in. She smiled mischievously and said, "Boy... he looks excited, doesn't he, Janet?"
The doctor looked up, raising one eyebrow. "He does indeed. Good thing you told Siler to call you if Jonas showed up..."
Sam was still wearing the blouse I'd seen her in earlier; a pale blue shirt with a wide collar and pearl buttons. Her jeans were still way too tight... Janet was still in her uniform, but that woman makes any outfit look sexy. I licked my lips and said, "What's going on?"
"Have a seat," Sam insisted, indicating the chair I'd occupied earlier. So I lowered myself cautiously and looked at the two women. Janet put aside her pen and steepled her hands on the desk. "We can be honest, right? Adult and mature?"
I nodded slowly. "I... guess so," I said, thinking 'honest and mature' was a big request from a woman who had apparently been playing games with me all night...
Sam sat on the edge of the desk. "Janet and I both like you. A lot. We're very career-oriented and we sometimes have needs that we can't address... what with not being in steady relationships."
"We're horny," Janet said, pinching the bridge of her nose.
Sam lowered her head and glanced at Janet out of the corner of her eye. "We're... in need of a little help. We were talking recently--"
"You talk about this?"
"--and we realized that we both share feelings we'd like very much to explore."
I put my hands on my forehead and leaned forward. This was too much. I felt Sam's hand on my back. "Jonas... please, understand, this isn't something we'd discuss or ask of just anyone."
"You want me to have sex with both of you?" I said, my voice cracking a good three times. I stood up. "This is... incredibly strange. And odd. And... and wrong!"
Sam slid off the desk and walked around me, blocking the door. Janet also stood. Sam said, "In other cultures, female warriors often have sex with their fellow fighters. If I'm offworld next week and I start thinking about how long it's been since I've been laid... I might make a mistake. Or, God forbid, get someone killed. I just need to clear my head a little bit. And with the feelings I've been feeling towards you--"
I closed my eyes and she stepped forward, close enough so I could smell... soap. She didn't smell like exotic shampoos or body washes or anything I might've expected. She smelled like soap. Don't ask me why, but the thought made me hard. She put her hands on my chest and whispered, "Please, Jonas."
I groaned and felt a pair of hands sliding up my back. Janet. I turned my head, opening my eyes. "Wait... b-both of you at once?"
"It's called a threesome," Janet said with a coy smile. "You've never heard of them?"
"N-no," I admitted.
"See, Sam," Janet said. "I'm not the only one."
Sam leaned forward, pressing her lips to my cheek. My heart was slamming against my chest. "He's been living on an alien world his whole life... what's your excuse, convent?"
"I'll show you convent," Janet said, her hands moving under my arms and across my chest. Sam was nibbling on my earlobe now, twisting it with her teeth, lips and tongue. Janet unzipped my jumpsuit and her hands slithered inside. I felt her warm fingers splayed on my bare chest and leaned back against her. Sam moved her attention to my throat, gently kissing my pulse and using her hands to spread the front halves of my clothes. She worked the top down around my shoulders and Janet abandoned my nipples to tug it down to my waist.
Sam immediately stepped back, her hands trailing over my chest to make the infinity symbol. "God... you look so good wet, but this is not bad at all."
"You saw him wet and topless?" Janet asked, pausing in her blind exploration of my chest from behind.
"Mm-hmm," Sam said. "When I snuck into the locker room." She kissed my chin
and tilted my head down to
capture my lips. Her tongue rolled into my mouth and rested on top of mine. I
countered, pinning the intruder to the top of my mouth and she swirled. "Mmm,"
she moaned, her body sagging against mine. I hooked my hands under her arms,
deciding to go with the fantasy of every male on the base.
Janet was kneeling behind me, tugging on the crisp material of my jumpsuit pants. I was suddenly very happy I had decided to go without underwear. My erection popped out, hitting Sam in the belt. I yelped, twisting my hips to keep from getting anything caught anywhere bad. Sam reached down and wrapped one warm hand around me, squeezing tightly. "Mmm, Janet," she whispered against my lips, her tongue retreating just long enough to form the words. "He's so hard..."
I stepped out of my jumpsuit, wearing only my shoes in the presence of two drop-dead gorgeous women. Time to forget about propriety...
Sam hopped up onto the desk, spreading her legs. She left one arm hooked around my neck and was using the other to frantically undo the button of her incredibly tight jeans. Janet was kissing my neck from behind, her hands toying with my pecs and nipples. "God," I whispered hoarsely, rolling my head back. Janet's hand came around, pressing against my cheek and angling my head towards hers. We kissed passionately as Sam pulled my hips forward against hers.
My cock was pressing against the seam between Sam's legs, rubbing against the coarse material. I grit my teeth against the discomfort and rocked my hips against her body. God, I could feel the heat pooling underneath her clothes. I pulled back from Janet's mouth and kissed Sam as I thrust against her. Her pants were open now, her hands furiously working the zipper. As she tugged the denim away from her sweat-beaded flesh, I heard something tear behind me.
I half-turned, my motion stopped by Sam's hands. "Just relax," she told me. Janet looped her hands back around my waist, this time carrying a small round object. She presses it against the tip of my erection, her slender fingers pushing it down. The object stretched as she slid down my cock, covering it completely. "Condom," Sam explained. "For protection... when you fuck the hell out of me." She smiled mischievously, her pants down to her hips. I looked down and took a moment to take in the sight of her warm, wet, glistening pussy. I touched it with one hand and she gasped, arching towards my hand.
"How long has it been since someone else touched you there?" Janet whispered over my shoulder.
"So long," Sam gasped. I slipped a finger inside and closed my eyes. She pushed my hand away and said, "No fingers. I've had enough finger-fucking. I want you inside of me. Now."
I worked her pants down a bit further, then kissed her lips as I moved closer to the desk. She hitched her body forward and came down on me hard, her full weight burying me inside of her. We both gasped at the invasion and her eyes fluttered open, finding mine. "So big," she managed, bringing both hands up and wrapping them around my neck. We kissed as Janet's hands worked their way between us. I felt her grabbing my chest, riding my thrusts as I pounded into Sam.
Janet licked the skin behind my ear. "When you fuck me, I want you to bend me over the desk," she said. "Slam into me. Make the entire fucking room shake..."
I grit my teeth and focused on Sam.
Janet's hands slid down and cupped my balls, squeezing them roughly. Her hands trailed up, her index and middle finger splitting and guiding my cock into Sam's body. She caressed me on my outward strokes, squeezing and spreading Sam's juices over the condom I wore. She brought her hand up then, her thumb pressing into Sam's body. She hissed, "Want me to rub your clit?"
"Yes," Sam breathed more than said.
"Rub your little clitty, right, Sam? You like having me suck your clit, don't you?" She turned her head and licked my cheek. "Did you know Sam and I were lovers, Jonas?" She giggled and increased the tempo of her thumb. "But we like a little variety now and then, don't we, Sam? God, baby, you're so wet..."
My mind was reeling at the image of Sam and Janet as lovers. Janet leaned forward and kissed the blonde, cementing the image for me. She then turned and said, "Hurry up and get her off, Quinn... I can't wait for my turn..."
I grit my teeth and Sam whispered, "I'm close, Jonas. I'm going to come..." Her forehead was dotted with sweat, her short bangs slapping against her forehead and flicking sweat at me. I blinked it out of my eyes and leaned down, kissing her all over her face as I came.
Janet laughed and said, "Oooh, Sam, his legs press together and his ass clenches when he comes..." She slapped my ass and said, "Sexy little Jonas ass... God, if all Kelownans are like you I'm going there tonight and I'm never coming home..."
Sam rolled her head back and began panting loudly. I felt a warm flush from her body and then her juices spilled out. I reached down, gathering what I could on my fingers and offering it to her. She greedily ate herself from my hand. Janet took her own share of licks, then shared her tongue with Sam.
I backed up, panting with exhaustion. I collapsed into the chair, my dick softening against my thigh. The condom was loose around my limp erection now and I peeled it off, tossing it in the garbage.
"Jonas needs a breather," Janet said, lifting Sam off the table. Sam wrapped her legs around the petite doctor's hips and Janet cupped her hands under Sam's ass. I was amazed at the doctor's show of strength. "Why don't we let him recuperate and we'll get a little headstart?" She nipped at Sam's throat and the blonde moaned, capturing Janet's mouth with her own.
Janet lowered Sam onto the floor and the blonde looked at me as she unbuttoned Janet's uniform blouse. "Touch yourself," she ordered, her voice soft. Janet turned and they both looked at me as Sam worked the buttons. I gently looped my hand around my erection, stroking upward. Janet reached under her skirt, looping her fingers in her underwear and tugging the material down. They curled into a ribbon around her knees. Sam knelt and pulled them the rest of the way down and Janet stepped out of them. As Janet removed her blouse, Sam tugged the doctor's skirt down.
I was already hard again, my limp grip turning into a fist. I scooted up in the chair, sitting straighter as I watched Sam kiss the inside of Janet's thighs. "Mmm," the doctor moaned, cupping her bra-clad breasts. Her dogtags hung between the two mounds. I brought my hand up, licking my fingers and again gripping my cock. "Oooh, he licks himself..." Janet managed. "Are you ready for Round Two, Mr. Quinn?"
I nodded eagerly. Janet reached towards the table, stretching as far as she could with Sam still between her legs, and grabbed another foil-wrapped condom. She tossed it to me and I ripped the packaging with my teeth. I licked my hand, covering it all and tasting a bit of myself, then rolled my palm over the tip of my cock to add to the moisture there. I pressed the condom to the tip and carefully, slowly, rolled it down my entire length. Janet moaned as I stroked up and down, making sure it was completely smooth against my skin.
"He's ready," Janet whispered, reluctantly pushing Sam's head out of her lap.
Sam abandoned Janet, kissing the doctor's lips once more before walking to the desk. She climbed on top and leaned back, supporting her weight on her elbows. Janet walked over, bending over and situating her head between the blonde's spread thighs. She looked over her shoulder and said, "Get over here, lover boy."
I walked over, my cock throbbing as I stood behind Janet and ran my hand up her back. I popped the catch of her bra and she worked her way out of it, allowing me to run my fingers over her bare back. I massaged her shoulders as she leaned down, her tongue breezing over Sam's whispy pubic hair. I moved my hand down to Janet's ass, giving it one sound smack (illiciting a knee-melting 'ooop!' from the doctor). Janet languidly brushed her tongue over the swollen lips of Sam's pussy as I ran my fingers over her folds. Janet's tongue entered Sam as my cock entered Janet.
We took a moment, adjusting to our chain, before I put my hands on Janet's hips and held tight. Remembering her earlier order, I seated myself until I felt my balls resting against her thighs. I smoothed my hands over her hips and butt, then slid almost entirely out. Only my mushroom-shaped head remained inside of her tight body. I held that position for a moment, waiting until she turned her head to see where I'd gone, then slammed forward with all my might.
"Oooo-Oooooooh," Janet moaned, dropping her head. Her cheek rested on Sam's pussy, smearing the moisture there along Janet's cheek. I continued my piston-motion, riding her hard and fast as she had requested. I slapped her ass once or twice more, making her shout loudly into Sam's flesh. She bit Sam once, twice, three times on the inside of her thigh, leaving a mark each time. Finally, she focused on the glowing pink flesh below her lips and dove into Sam like a starving man into a last meal. Sam's arms gave out and she dropped onto the table, her body convulsing like a fish out of water.
I moved my hands to Janet's shoulders, holding tight as I continued to fuck her hard. She reached back and spanked herself, her chants of "More more more more more" muffled by Sam's tight pussy. Sam held Janet's head against her crotch to avoid any more interruptions. I reached around Janet's hips with one hand, searching the apex of her pussy for the clitoris. I knew the moment I brushed it, because Janet began wailing like a woman possessed. I gently twisted the small bud between my fingertips.
Janet's entire body became a solid plane of steel as she came, bellowing into Sam. Sam's body - her shoulders, stomach and face predominantly - were beet red. Sweat poured off of her in buckets, actually dripping from painfully erect nipples. Her ass was sliding back and forth on the surface of the desk, leaving a slick trail of sweat in it's wake. Janet's body went limp and I slid out, still holding myself back from completion.
Sam rolled off the table, a few papers Janet had neglected to clear sticking to her back. She dropped to her knees and peeled the condom away, dropping it to the floor. She cupped my balls and did something that completely knocked me out. She swallowed my cock. I'd never had oral sex; never even heard of the practice. But her mouth and tongue worked magic on me. Janet recovered and joined her sometimes-lover on the floor, licking spaces that had just been in Sam's mouth. Together, they managed to sweep every conceivable angle of my penis.
Through some fluke of physics, I remained standing through this amazing experience.
I came when inside of Sam's mouth. She lifted her shoulders, taking as much as she could. I craned my head so I could see her throat work as she swallowed my seed. Unbe-fucking-lievable. When I was sucked dry, I fell, landing with a thud on my ass. Sam turned to Janet and they kissed deeply and passionately, sharing my come between them like the last swig of a soda. When they finished, I was sprawled on the floor, completely drenched in sweat, my cock laying to the left like an abandoned refugee from a forgotten war...
With a moan, I rolled onto my side and saw Sam and Janet cuddling a few feet away. Janet motioned to me and I crawled over, letting the two women embrace me. I kissed them both, tasting myself on both of their tongues, and whispered, "I guess I can forgive you for tricking me..."
Sam giggled and Janet tickled my ballsac. Sam's hand covered hers, then slid up and gripped my limp cock. "No," I insisted, shaking my head. "NO. I... No more."
"He said no more, Janet," Sam said in a decidedly evil tone.
Janet sat up. "We decide when it's no more, Mr. Quinn. On your back."
I rolled onto my back as they went back to work on me.
When we finally stopped, it was only because I physically needed liquids. Janet and Sam helped me dress, then helped each other dress. I kissed them both and stumbled out of the office, trying to organize my thoughts in my brain. When I got to the locker rooms, one thing was definitely crystal clear.
I was going to help Janet out with the filing a lot more often.
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