Title: The M Word
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Rating: NC17
Pairings: Sam/Janet
Category: PWP
Warning: Ummm... kink? Seriously-hot-fic-that-isnt-advisible-to-r
Disclaimer: These folks don't belong to me. I stole them from MGM's toybox without asking their mommies for permission. I promise to return them more or less unscathed.
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it'll be.
Spoilers: None
Notes: Written in conjunction with joran, who will have the companion piece - "The D Word" - up on her own journal ASAP ;-D
Summary: Janet's new pet name...
It started innocently enough. Cassandra was on the way out the door to school and Janet was gathering her things to head to work. Sam came into the entry hall, smiling at them both. Janet leaned to Cassie and said, "Give momma a kiss." Cassandra complied and slipped out the door to meet her carpool.
Sam had slid up to Janet and pressed her forehead to the shorter woman's. "Can I give momma a kiss?" Sam asked, pouting a bit.
Janet smiled. "Momma would like that very much, baby." She kissed Sam's pouting lip, then angled her head and let her tongue slid into the other woman's mouth. They parted and Janet slid her hand from Sam's shoulder to her elbow. "See you tonight?"
"Yeah, dinner."
And that had been that. Until that night.
That night, in bed, Janet's pajama shirt was unbuttoned, pushed back to expose her breasts to Sam's caresses. Janet panted, fingering Sam's hair as the blonde's lips and tongue worked Janet's navel. "Come on," Janet breathed, "come on, baby, suck momma's breasts."
Sam looked up, eyes wide at what Janet had said. She lifted her lips and Janet, blushing, asked, "Too much?"
"No," Sam said. She rose up, brushing her lips over Janet's nipple, and whispered, "More."
"Put Momma's nipple in your mouth, baby."
Sam moaned, sucking Janet's nipple like an infant, straddling Janet's thigh and pressing herself against the warm flesh. Janet moaned and breathed, "Yes, baby, just like that. Yes, sweetheart, yes..."
Sam switched nipples, using her hands to mold Janet's breast. "Oh, momma," Sam whispered, ringing Janet's dark nipple with the tip of her tongue. "Do you like that, momma?" Sam whispered. "Am I doing good?"
"Yes, darling, so good... you're making your mommy feel so good..."
Sam dropped her fingers down, scraping Janet's thigh before moving up and around the folds of Janet's pussy. The petite woman moaned and lifted her hips off the bed, looking down at Sam. "Such a good baby, yes, sweetie..."
"I love you, momma."
"Momma loves you, too sweetheart," Janet breathed. She reached down and touched Sam. "My baby is so wet. You're so wet for your momma."
Sam moaned, her lips fastened to Janet's breast. Janet moved Sam around, forcing the blonde's mouth off her nipple. Sam griped and allowed Janet to move her into a 69-position. Sam buried her head between the other woman's legs, eagerly tasting her as Janet took advantage of her newfound angle. She used her tongue to part Sam's lips, inhaling the other woman's wetness, sweat beading on her upper lip as she extended her tongue. She dug her fingers into the back of Sam's thighs, pulling her down against her face. She felt her tongue swallowed by the sweet flesh of Sam's most private flesh and moaned.
"Do you like that momma?" Sam whispered, rolling her hips against Janet's face. "Momma like?"
Janet moaned, her lips vibrating against Sam's pussylips. The blonde moaned and lowered her head, suckling on Janet's clitoris. The brunette bucked, thrashing against Sam's assault. Janet felt the wetness beginning to seep onto her tongue and she thrust further, whimpering as Sam fed her. She rocked her hips and gave Sam as good as she got.
When they finally disengaged from each other, Sam flipped herself around and laid next to Janet, breathing heavily and pressing the sheet against her upper chest and throat. "Wow," Sam whispered.
Janet giggled. "Yeah. That was... fun."
"Fun?" Sam snapped. Janet jerked at the sharpness of Sam's tone and looked curiously at the blonde. Sam sat up, on her elbows, glaring down at Janet. "Do you think that was *fun*?"
Janet didn't know what to say, so she went with the truth. "Uh... y-yes?"
Sam shook her head and tsked. "Unbelievable. Ms. Fraiser, you will be staying after class this afternoon."
Janet lowered her head and looked at her feet and coyly said, "Yes, ma'am. Will I be getting detention?"
"Detention is for first-time offenders," Sam said, her voice still firm. "You're a repeat offender. You're going to get a spanking."
Janet shivered.
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