Title: Lunchtime
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Note: My grand total for the month... this is fic #56 for the community. I wrote three stories that weren't for challenges. So just shy of 60 stories in one month. *takes a nap*
Rating: Mature
Chief Medical Officer was not a title that afforded a lot of free time. Neither did Janet Fraiser's other occupation of 'single mother to a teenaged girl.' It didn't help that her new lover, Samantha Carter, was also a dedicated career woman whose job took her to other planets for days at a time. It was a frustrating way to begin a relationship, to say the least.
At 11:30, Janet headed for her office, sighing wearily. She had a grand total of twenty minutes for lunch before a new series of briefings and meetings with the orderlies were under way. Fortunately, she had brought a sack lunch and wouldn't have to waste time getting back and forth to the commissary.
She stepped into her office, locking the door to ensure there'd be no interruptions during her private time. She pulled her brown sack lunch out of the top drawer of her desk. She was about to open it when she noticed a new Post-It affixed to the bag. All it said was "Don't Scream." She frowned and said, "What the--"
A strong arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her back against a firm body. She yelped in surprise, her mouth covered by her attacker's other hand. "Shh," a familiar voice admonished. "I told you not to scream."
Sam kissed Janet's ear and moved her hand away when she felt Janet's lips curl into a smile. "What is this?" Janet asked.
"Quickie, I believe the term is," Sam said. She used her lips to pull back the collar of Janet's uniform shirt, giving herself more room to explore. Janet closed her eyes and pressed back against Sam's inviting body.
"Yeah," she whispered. "That sounds familiar." She licked her lips as she felt Sam's hands move down to her thighs. Slowly, Sam bunched the material of Janet's skirt and lifted it ever-so-slowly. Janet leaned forward, resting her hands on the desk and keeping her eyes closed.
She was wearing a slip, which Sam quickly made her way around. "Wait, wait," Janet whispered, instantly stopping Sam's wanderings. She stepped out of her high heels, pushing them out of the way with her foot. "Okay," she whispered.
Sam's fingers resumed their wanderings. Janet bit her bottom lip, moving her lower body in time to Sam's touch. She wished she had packed some chocolate pudding, maybe a strawberry or two, in her lunch. But no, she'd gone for simple, boring and non-erotic tuna fish sandwich.
"Right there?" Sam whispered, her breath hot against Janet's neck.
"Uh-huh," Janet breathed, unable to elaborate.
"Oh, I've missed you..."
"You...," Janet said, hoping Sam picked up the subtle message hidden in the single syllable.
She gasped, shuddered and dropped to her elbows, turning and looking at Sam over her shoulder. "Thank you," Janet said, readjusting her skirt. "Do I have time to... repay the favor?"
"Not today," Sam said, making a show of licking her fingers. "But don't worry... I have lunch free tomorrow. We can... eat out."
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