Title: Long Arm of the Law
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Rating: NC17
Pairings: Sam/Janet
Category: PWP
Disclaimer: These folks don't belong to me. I stole them from MGM's toybox without asking their mommies for permission. I promise to return them more or less unscathed.
Spoilers: None
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it'll be.
Summary: Sam gets stopped for speeding, but she doesn't get a ticket.
The heat from the shower was still slowly seeping from the bathroom as Sam bent over and spit into the sink, wiping the excess toothpaste from the corners of her mouth. She straightened and looked at her reflection as Janet called from the bedroom, "Did you pick up the dry cleaning?"
"Yeah," she said, grabbing a towel and turning off the light. "The guy said that he couldn't get the stain out of those jeans."
Janet rolled her eyes and marked her place in her book. "I guess I'll have to grab a new pair, then. You ready for bed?"
Sam nodded and climbed under the comforter, taking Janet's book and putting it on the bedside table for her. "What time do you have to be up tomorrow?"
"Um..." Janet closed one eye as she thought. "I'm off. You?"
"Umm... I wanna get in some work on the naquadah reactor before we have to go on our next mission... so I'll be holed up in the base most of tomorrow and Friday. Then, Friday night at, uh, 2100 hours we're heading out for a three day mission."
Janet groaned and rubbed Sam's upper arm. "You gotta do the thing with the reactor?"
"I gotta." She turned off the lamp and laid down, cradling the pillow to her face.
She felt Janet's hand on her back. "We-ell... if you're going to be gone so long, you wanna fool around?"
Sam rolled onto her side. "Um... yeah. Sure." She adjusted herself under the blankets and scooted closer to Janet. The brunette lifted her arms and slipped out of her t-shirt. Sam cleared her throat and asked, "You wearing panties?"
A quick negative shake of her head. Sam moved her thigh between Janet's legs and slipped her hand down through the thick patch of brown hair. Janet bit her lip and looked at the clock. "You think Cassie is asleep?" she asked, pushing her hips down to meet Sam's fingers.
Sam grunted. "Don't know... school night." She looked over her shoulder. "She should be asleep." She kissed Janet's neck and adjusted her hand. "Sorry... that okay?" Janet nodded. Sam slipped a finger into her lover and looked at the wall above Janet's head. "You want me to buy you those jeans next time I'm out?" Her fingers slipped out of Janet and she looked down, slipping them back in. "Sorry."
"No need," she said. "I'll - uhmm - I'll pick them up myself." She closed her eyes and rocked against Sam's hand. "Are you gonna have breakfast with me and Cass tomorrow? S-she has that, ah, that algebra homework that she wanted you to look at..."
"Oh, yeah. Y-yeah," Sam said, pressing herself against Janet's warm thigh. "You close?"
Janet nodded. "Keep it up." She reached up, threading her fingers through her lover's hair. "Play with my breasts."
Sam's hand immediately moved to Janet's chest, the cool palm resting on the brunette's heavy breast. Her nipple was erect and the blonde pinched the nub, closing her eyes. "Are you--"
"I'm cumming," Janet whispered, her hips slowing slightly. She put one hand on Sam's shoulder and whimpered lightly, pushing her head down into the pillow. Sam kept her hand in place until Janet gently pushed her off. They settled in next to each other and Janet sighed lightly, brushing her hair out of her face. She glanced at the clock and then asked, "Oh. Did you cum?"
Sam shook her head, then said, "It's okay, honey. I'm tired... You can take care of me later."
Janet sighed and blew air over her face. 'Well,' she thought. 'That had to be one of the worst sexual experiences of my life.' She looked at Sam's back and shook her head. Now that she was thinking about it, most of her latest 'exploits' with Sam had been entirely lacking. Where had the passion gone? Where had she been when they stopped needing to tear each other's clothes off? She remembered their first few weeks as a couple; the majority of it had either been spent naked or going out for food. Now... now... She closed her eyes.
'Well. It won't be lacking for long,' she promised herself. She smiled and began formulating a plan that was something she would *never* consider doing with anyone but Samantha Carter. She fell asleep with a smile on her face...
One of these days, she was just going to cut her losses and move into the base. It was good enough for Teal'c, right? She adored her little house, but sometimes it wasn't worth it to go all the way home for a clean pair of socks. She glanced at the clock. Between missions and time spent at Janet's house, it had been over six days since she had been home last. A whole weekend had gone by. The neighbors had picked up her Sunday paper for her, because they were good neighbors and knew she kept crazy hours, but sometimes she wondered if it was worth it.
She had spent two full days in her lab going over the schematics of the naquadah reactor and attempting to make sure it wouldn't blow up in their faces whenever they needed to use it. Then, she had headed out on a mission with SG-1, a boring meet-and-greet that had basically eaten up three days. Add to that one more day in the lab with the naquadah reactor and she was in desperate need of new socks and underwear. The socks she was wearing could no longer be considered white and had started emitting a subtle but deadly funk. It was best not to dwell on the status of her underwear... Her locker had been bare, even though she was certain she'd put some back-up pairs in there.
She drummed her fingers on the steering wheel and thought, 'Could my week get any worse?'
And of course, the chorus to the verse of 'Could this be any worse' soon rang out. Well, not exactly rang out... Sam looked in her rearview mirror at the red light strobing on the dashboard of the car behind her. No siren? On this deserted stretch of highway? Deep inside, Sam knew that this was dangerous; probably some creep who had picked up a strobe light at a discount store and painted it red. It wasn't rocket science. She popped open her glove compartment and pulled out her service revolver. 'Thank you for the advice, Daddy.'
She was going to stop, even if it wasn't the brightest idea in the world. If it *was* a cop, it would benefit her to be cooperative. Maybe he would overlook the two or three or seven unpaid parking tickets in her glove box. She slowed her car and pulled to the shoulder, watching as the strobe light shut off and the driver shoved the door open. Her pulse was racing as she waited to see who had stopped her. Her hand tightened on the butt of her gun.
Finally, the driver climbed out of the car and slammed the door shut. Crisp black uniform; a good sign. Badge shining on the left side of the shirt... it was a woman. Her hat was covering her face, but with that figure it was definitely a woman cop. She smirked, remembering Janet's comments a month or so back about a cop fantasy. 'She's going to be so jealous when I tell her that I got stopped by a woman cop.'
That is, if it actually *was* a cop. Sam scanned the rearview mirror again. Whoever this woman was... something seemed fishy. Deciding to cut her losses, Sam pressed the gun between her thigh and the seat, watching as the petite officer came even with the window.
Sam thumbed the control on her arm rest and the window whirred loudly as it rolled down. "Ah, is something wrong, officer?" The cop looked up from the book and Sam gasped in recognition. "Janet?!"
The brunette looked back down, her face obscured by the brim of her cap. She lifted one slender finger and tapped her name badge. Sam could see the bottom half of her lover's face; her cheeks were fighting to contain their dimples. Janet was trying her best not to laugh. "Name's Officer Fraiser, ma'am. License and registration." Sam eyed the brunette as she pulled the requested slips from her wallet and handed them over. 'Officer Fraiser' clipped them to her book and began writing. "Do you know why I pulled you over?"
Sam glanced in the rearview. That wasn't Janet's car... "Um... no. W-was I speeding?" What the hell *was* this?!
"As a matter of fact, you were. 80 in a 65."
"Eighty?! No way was I doing--" She paused and sat back. Janet's cop fantasy. Might as well play along. "Oh. Well, I don't know what to tell you, Officer. I apologize."
The 'cop' scrawled her name across the bottom of the ticket and handed it to Sam. "Speeding may seem like a victimless crime, ma'am, but I've seen the damage it can do. Try to take it a little slower from here on in, okay? You can pay that ticket at the courthouse."
Sam looked at the ticket. It was a generic stub that anyone could buy from any stationary store. Written on the green paper in Janet's unmistakable doctor's scrawl, was a message: "Safe word is 'rascal.' Tear up this ticket and throw it out the window." The note was signed with a crudely drawn happy face winking at her. Sam looked in the mirror and saw Janet making her way slowly back to her car. Sam smiled and ripped up the ticket. The pieces flew out of the window.
Officer Fraiser turned and stormed back to the window. "Ms. Carter? What do you think you're doing?"
"I'm not paying that," Sam said, petulantly shaking her head. "I wasn't going eighty. No way, no how. You're just trying to reach your quota."
The ticket book came out again. "You're going to pay for that. You just made a very unwise choice, Carter."
Sam flung the door of the car open and climbed out. "Stop writing that ticket."
Janet's left hand went to her nightstick. "Get back in the vehicle, ma'am. I don't want to have to hurt you."
Sam paused. She was new to this kind of game... would Janet really crack her with that nightstick? God, that would hurt... would anyone find that kind of violence arousing? She swallowed and said, "I'll get back in the car when you stop writing. I'm not paying for a ticket."
"Ma'am, I'm not warning you again. Don't make me take you downtown."
'Downtown? Does Janet watch Starsky & Hutch when I'm not home?' Sam took a chance and lunged forward, grabbing the ticket book from her lover's hands. Janet cried out and managed to turn away from Sam. She grabbed one of Sam's wrists and violently turned the other woman around, pressing her against the cold side of the car. Her right hand closed around Sam's shoulder and squeezed, more of a massage than an attack. "You're going to regret that, sweety. You carrying any weapons?"
"Get lost," Sam growled, pushing away from the car.
"Hands on top of the vehicle NOW, Carter!" She felt Janet pressing against her body and relaxed. "Now, be a good girl while I look for anything dangerous. You have anything in your pockets that'll stick me?" Sam reluctantly shook her head and planted her hands on top of the car.
Janet hissed, "Now I'll ask you again. Do. You. Have. Any. Weapons?"
"N-no. Not on me," Sam managed, genuinely a little afraid. "T-there's a gun on the driver's seat, b-but I have a permit."
Janet peered through the window and sighed. "Now I have to search you. Rules, you know." She used her hip to hold Sam against the car again and spread the blonde's legs with her foot. She slipped her hands under Sam's armpits and pressed them to the blonde's full breasts. She squeezed a few times, making sure there were no weapons hanging from Sam's nipples, then slid down her stomach and around to her back.
She cupped the globes of Sam's ass through her blue jeans and then traced her fingers down the blonde's legs. On the upward journey, she snaked her hand forward and cupped the mound of Sam's sex. Sam gasped and jerked involuntarily. Leaving her hand where it was, Janet leaned forward and whispered, "You hidin' something in there, sweetheart? Y'know, I've heard of women slipping little baggies of drugs into places they think cops won't look. You think I won't look, precious?"
"I-isn't there some way we ca-can work this out? I mean, c'mon... I could make it worth your while."
"Are you bribing me? You arrogant little bitch..."
Sam was confused at this point... wasn't sex what Janet was after? Sam looked over her shoulder at the brunette and pondered saying the safe word. Finally, she decided to keep the game going. "No! I'm-I'm not trying to bribe you. But... the way you were touching me just now, I assumed... that you wanted..."
Janet stepped back and looked both ways down the street. She licked her lips, then trailed her eyes over the Major's body. Finally, she hooked her hand under Sam's armpit and pulled her towards the car she had arrived in. She considered asking Janet where this car had come from, but didn't know if that would violate the spirit of the game. Janet opened the back door and said, "Get in. Hurry."
Sam scrambled into the backseat of the car and turned onto her back, propping herself up on her elbows. "What're you gonna do?"
Janet climbed in, maneuvering herself over Sam's body. "Give me your hands, bitch."
Sam winced at the insult, but lifted her hands over her head. Janet grabbed the blonde's wrists and slapped the handcuffs down on one, securing the teeth. She slipped the chain around the armrest of the door and then fastened the other wrist. Rather than cold metal, the inside of the cuffs had apparently been covered with some kind of soft material; cotton or fur maybe... so it was confining, but not painful. Still, as Sam tugged on the restraints, she felt a moment's uncertainty. But one look into Janet's wide, beautiful eyes almost screamed "TRUST ME." Sam stopped struggling and said, "This... will get me out of the ticket?"
"Yeah, whatever," Janet mumbled, working at the belt of her uniform pants. She finally got it undone and she went to work on Sam's blue jeans. Sam licked her lips. She'd never been much for role-play, bondage or public settings, but she was definitely feeling a thrill. Janet pulled the pants down, taking the several-day-old panties down with them. "Don't you ever change clothes, Carter?" Janet asked, a lilt to her voice.
"I've been holed up in-- at work... lately..."
Janet, Officer Fraiser, tsked and said, "Dumb move. Your significant other might start getting suspicious."
"She trusts me..." Sam managed.
Tossing the pants and underwear into the front seat, Janet leaned forward and pushed Sam's shirt up. "Very nice, Carter." She kissed the swell of Sam's breast just above the cup of her bra. "You said there was a 'she' waiting for you at home?"
Her vocal abilities all but destroyed, Sam just nodded.
"She... I bet she's waiting at home for you right now... just wondering where you are... never considering that you might be doing *this*!" Janet slipped her hand between Sam's legs and pressed her palm against the blonde's mound. "Very wet. Are you excited by this, Carter?"
YES! YES! YES! Sam cleared her throat and shut up the voice in her head. "I'm practically being raped by a cop. Do you *think* I'm enjoying it?!"
A finger slipped into the blonde, causing her to gasp. Janet said, "Your lips say no, but *these* lips say oooooh, yeah..." She leaned down and pressed her lips against the bra catch between Sam's breasts. She opened her mouth wide, her warm breath washing over Sam's excited skin as her tongue danced over the hook of the blonde's underwear. Somehow, Janet managed to maneuver her tongue like a gymnast, freeing the catch and letting the material sag slightly.
'How long did you practice *that* move,' Sam wondered, adding it to the multitude of questions she had for her lover after their game ended.
"Tell me what you like, Carter," Janet demaned, pulling Sam up so that her buttocks rested on the brunette's bare thighs. Janet began unbuttoning the uniform shirt. About halfway down, Sam realized the other woman wasn't wearing a bra. "Do you like it rough? You want me to fuck you with my baton? You want it in the ass, spanking... c'mon, I wanna get you off."
Sam licked her lips. "S-spank me..."
Janet finished unbuttoning her blouse and let it hand open over her bare chest. She reached down and slipped her hand around Sam's hips, lovingly caressing the globe of Sam's ass. Suddenly, she cupped her hand and smacked it against the blonde's creamy white flesh. "Naughty girl. You need a good spanking?"
Sam could only nod.
Janet flipped Sam over violently, the blonde's arms twisted and tangled by the cuffs. Janet rearranged herself on the seat and looked down at Sam's bare posterior. "Oh, yeah," she whispered. "Ooh, yeah..." She brought her cupped hand down again, watching as the flesh of the blonde's bottom shook with the impact. "Say thank you, Carter."
"Thank you, Officer Fraiser... M-more," Sam managed, her mouth pressed against her arm. "Spank me again..."
Janet complied. After every swat, Sam was forced to thank the brunette and ask for more. When her ass was red, Janet gently massaged the sore cheeks and flipped Sam onto her back again. Sam looked up at Janet and licked her lips. "Can you get me out of these handcuffs?"
Janet lowered herself until her face was directly over Sam's. "What's the magic word?"
The brunette grinned. "If I let you out... will you cuff me?"
Sam's blue eyes sparkled. "That depends on how naughty you are."
Janet licked her lips. "Then prepare to lock me up, copper..." She pressed her lips to Sam's and reached up, releasing the catch on the cuffs and freeing Sam's hands. Sam immediately cupped her lover's head and held her close, slipping her hands down to squeeze the brunette's own asscheeks. As Janet slipped her tongue into Sam's mouth, the blonde raised her hand and brought it down with a healthy "SMACK!"
"OW!" Janet squealed, pulling up and looking down at Sam. She shook her head and said, "You're gonna pay for that, missy."
Sam managed to mutter, "Promises, promises," before succumbing to another kiss.
Janet adjusted her fake badge and made sure her hair was up before she let Sam out of the backseat of the car. "Now... will you be sure to observe the speed limit on this road?"
"If that's the punishment? Hell no."
Janet smirked and swatted Sam's ass once more. "Excuse me?"
Sam bowed her head, but only to hide her smirk. "Yes, Officer Fraiser. I apologize for endangering the lives of other motorists."
"Good. Now, go grab a cup of coffee or something. Get yourself together before you head home to the missus." She kissed Sam softly, resting her hands on the taller woman's breasts. "Don't make me have to write you a *real* ticket."
The two women parted ways. Sam climbed behind the wheel of her car and watched as Janet pulled the mysterious sedan away from the side of the road. She smiled and took 'the officers' advice, heading for the nearest coffeeshop.
Janet was sitting in bed, reading "The Lovely Bones" when Sam finally entered the bedroom. "Hi," the blonde whispered.
"Hello," the brunette said, without looking up. "Gonna stay the night?"
Sam crawled into bed next to her lover and kissed her softly, plucking the novel out of her hands. "I want you," she whispered. She kissed the brunette's neck, just behind her ear where she knew her lover was especially sensitive. "I want *you*, not a cop, no handcuffs, no spanking... just you. Just me... us. Together."
"Are you sure you want that?" Janet asked, thinking back to the night before. "I mean, we're really just going through the motions."
Sam kissed Janet's lips and said, "I do mean it. Here... let me show you."
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