Title: Just Like That
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Rating: PG13
Pairings: Sam/Janet
Category: Pre-slash
Disclaimer: These folks don't belong to me. I stole them from MGM's toybox without asking their mommies for permission. I promise to return them more or less unscathed.
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it'll be.
Spoilers: None, I don't think...
Summary: It happened so fast...
I'm in love with Janet Fraiser. I would normally be shocked; I don't fall for people as fast as I did this time. But it's undeniable. What is it about her? The eyes? Dark, wide, brown... They're beautiful. And her smile is second to none. I could lose myself in that smile and never send up a flare.
Maybe it's the self-confidence in her voice.
Or the way she's touching my hand.
I wonder how she kisses. I've spent years hiding my true self, pushing down my true desires. I've never felt the urge to start anything with a co-worker. Someone stationed at the same base. God, imagine the consequences if it got out... but for some reason, I think I'd be willing to risk it for her.
The curve of her neck... I wonder if she's a good lover. If she would hold me, if she preferred to be on top. I'm flexible - in more ways than one - but I bet she'd like to be taken care of. Pampered. Catered to. I think I would really enjoy catering to her.
And her perfume... good Lord, it's making me drunk even at this distance. It would be heavier on her neck. I can picture her on her knees, balancing against the headboard... I can only imagine what her hair would smell like when I buried my face in it from behind.
I picture her naked and it's all I can do to hold my smile in place and stifle my groan. Air Force uniforms are designed to hide, but there's no hiding what she has. Even under her lab jacket, it's apparent that this woman has curves that you could get hung up on for hours.
"Ahem," she says, snapping me back to reality. She's smiling nervously now, our hands still touching. I pull mine back, embarrassed, and release her. "Sorry. Um... Captain Samantha Carter. It's a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Fraiser."
She smiles. "And you, Captain Carter."
The elevator doors open and she says, "Well, this is my stop." Putting a hand on the door, she turns and faces me again. "Look, there aren't very many women in the upper ranks here. What do you say we grab some lunch some time? Get to know each other?"
"Form an alliance against the boys?" I suggest.
Her smile widens. "What do you say? Wanna join my secret society?"
'God, yes,' I want to gasp. "Sure," I grin. "I'll come find you later; set things up."
She nodded and stepped back, letting the doors slide shut. Just like that. Just that quickly. I was lost.
I was in love with Dr. Janet Fraiser. Now what the hell was I going to do about it...?
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