Title: Janet's Heart
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Category: Romance, Drama, PWP
Rating: Maybe NC17, just to be safe.
Series: Sequel to "The Song Remains the Same" in an untitled series
Disclaimer: Stargate and characters are the property of MGM, Gekko, etc. Mainly you need to know no one with the name of Geonn owns the deed to these people.
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it's gonna be.
Dedicated to: joran, without whom it wouldn't have been written. Honestly. I was only able to write it thanks to her gift. *G*
Spoilers: None
Summary: Samantha Carter returns from the sea.
The Seagate had just come into port not half an hour ago and the town was in celebration. Captain O'Neill had allowed himself to be carried off immediately to an alehouse, with his friends. Tara Mullen had watched as they hurried off, her own boss invisible among the throng of adorers. She stood near the back of the crowd, catching sight of the local schoolteacher rising on her toes to see the adventurers.
She made her way over, shyly bowing her head and finally bringing herself up to saying, "Miss Fraiser?"
The brunette turned reluctantly from the sight of the returning sailors. "Yes?"
"I-I am Tara Mullen."
The teacher beamed. "Yes! I taught you... God, my first year! How are you?"
"I am working in the stables with Samantha Carter. I have been tending the horses in her absense. Hopefully one day I will be able to take over for her."
"That's remarkable! I hope you achieve your goal."
Tara nodded, then turned to the procession. "I can hardly believe they're back."
"Yes," the teacher said breathlessly, smoothing her dress against her stomach.
"Was your husband aboard?"
"What?" Janet said, her head snapping around. "No. Uh... no, he wasn't."
"I am sorry. I just hadn't seen him about for--"
"My husband is no longer... we're separated."
Tara nearly dropped the bundle she was carrying. "What?" she breathed.
"He lives in Etherbrook."
"I am terribly sorry. Had I known, had I suspected that..."
"No, it's no problem," Janet sighed, bringing a hand up to tuck an errant hair behind her ear. "I've come to terms with it and most of the town has stopped averting their gaze."
Tara smiled. "May I ask why you..."
"No," Miss Fraiser said. "I'd prefer if you didn't."
Tara was a little surprised by this, but nodded and looked back to the parade. "Have you been teaching the children of the Seagate's adventures?"
"Oh, yes," the teacher said, smiling. "Even if I didn't want to, it's all they seem to be able to talk about."
Tara smiled back. "Well, I have to get back to work... if Miss Carter returns and I'm not there..."
"Right," Miss Fraiser said, nodding. "I hope to see you later."
"And I, you, Miss Fraiser."
She shook her head. "Ooh, you're out of my class. Call me Janet."
Tara paused. Janet? 'Janet's Heart' was Miss Carter's prized stallion. Could it be a coincidence? After a moment, Tara nodded and said, "Yes'm. Janet. I'll see you soon." She turned and scurried away from the crowd, pondering the name shared between the horse Samantha loved and the name of the local schoolteacher. Why would Samantha name anything after a woman it seemed she had never even met?
A few hours after the celebratory dinner in honor of the crew, the town had dispersed in time for dusk to settle throughout it's cobblestone streets. Tara had given Samantha the tour of the stables, showing her what had been changed and explaining why, showing her all of the horses had been well-taken care of. At the end of the tour, the blonde smiled at the younger girl and said, "It looks as though I chose well. You ran this place well in my absense. Perhaps too well." When Tara's face fell, Samantha smiled. "I simply mean I will have to watch my step or else you will have my job sooner than I anticipate."
Tara smiled. "Yes'm."
"Why don't you run on home and get some sleep? I can finish up here tonight." She hugged the girl, then smoothed down her long, dark curls. "You did a fantastic job, Tara. I'm proud of you."
Tara felt a blush spreading over her face and quickly ducked her head. "Thank you, ma'am. I'll see you tomorrow." She turned and hurried away, hoping Samantha didn't think anything about her behavior. A few drunken remnants of the party were still straggling through the streets, singing off-key and off-color songs and leaning on each other for support.
As she approached her house, she realized something. During Miss Carter's time away at sea, a group of local dogs had gotten into the stable and had found their way into the feed. To deter them from causing any further mischief, Tara had moved the feed to a shelf high on the loft. If Samantha tried to look in the old place, she would find nothing but a few brooms and some horseshoes. She cursed herself for having forgotten and turned, moving quickly back towards the stables.
"Are you alone?"
Samantha turned, heart slamming against her chest as she made out the silhouette in the corner. "Yes," she said. "I sent Tara home for the night."
Janet Fraiser stepped out of the shadows, eyes wet with tears. "You were gone so long."
"It's a big world."
"When you were gone, I thought that not seeing you every day... not teasing myself... I thought it would make it easier to not love you. It only made it worse. My husband left me and the children because he knew my heart was elsewhere. Here. In this stable." She forced a smile. "And I don't mean the horse."
Sam laughed and walked to Janet. "I have been across the ocean and stepped on islands that no man has ever seen. I've encountered animals I couldn't have dreamed up. I have ridden on endless expanses of blue sea that the wisest men claimed could not be crossed safely. And with all of these wonders in front of me, why could I think only of your kiss? The taste of your lips on mine, the feel of your tongue against my mouth... it was all I could think of during the entire expedition."
Janet reached up and touched Samantha's blonde hair. It had been cut drastically short, almost as short as Captain O'Neill's. She looked like a man, her features roughened by her experiences. But there was no mistaking the femininity in her eyes. The soft curve of her bottom lip. The way her clothing wrinkled around curves they weren't designed to conceal. Janet blinked back tears and said, "I've wanted you for so long."
"We cannot."
"We can," Janet insisted.
"We could not live in this town if we were discovered."
"We could not live *period* if we did not admit this. I feel like I have been dying since I watched you sail away. When you walked down the dock this afternoon, I took my first breath of new life."
"It is a life we can't have." Samantha insisted, walking past Janet. The brunette grabbed her arm, pulling her back around. "Let me go, Janet," Samantha said, trying to sound forceful. The tears in her eyes betrayed her true feelings. "You must... let me go."
Janet rose onto her toes and softly kissed Samantha's lips. The blonde moaned, a line forming between her eyebrows as she tilted her head slightly to deepen the kiss. Janet pulled back and said, "I kissed my husband hundreds of times. Never did it feel a fraction as good as that."
Samantha now had tears streaming down her face. She pressed her cheek to Janet's, letting the wetness smear across the other woman's cheek as well. "I'm so terrified."
"Sam," Janet said.
The blonde lifted her head, frowning.
"Sam is a man's name. W-would you feel more comfortable if... we... I mean, we could imagine you as a man. Then we would merely be two lovers having a tryst."
"No pretending," Samantha said. "I do not want fantasy to play a part in what will happen tonight."
Janet's heart skipped a beat. "Tonight?"
Samantha took Janet's hand, biting her bottom lip as she guided the schoolteacher through the gate of the one empty stable.
Tara hurried into the stable, looking around for any sign of her boss. She should have been immediately visible, going about her evening rituals. Something kept her from calling out, something telling her that she should remain as quiet as possible. She slowly moved towards the opposite end of the stable, turning her eyes to the loft to see if Samantha was possibly moving around up there. No sign of movement in those shadows.
She was about to leave when she heard a quiet gasp, a subtle moan, coming from her right. She frowned, wondering if maybe Miss Carter had been injured. She stepped towards the gate, leaning forward and immediately jerking her head back and bringing a hand to her mouth to cover her gasp. She flattened her back against the wall, finding herself completely enveloped in shadows. A wide support brace stood next to her, hopefully blocking the sight of her from the inside of the empty stable.
Or, to be a little more accurate, the stable that should have been empty. Knee-high stacks of hay had filled the empty space, ready to be distributed to the horses the next day. When she was certain she hadn't been discovered, she craned her neck a little until she could see again.
Samantha Carter was laying on her back, cushioned by a pad of hay. Tara knew that it couldn't be terribly comfortable, but Samantha didn't seem to notice too much. She seemed to be too focused on the woman between her legs. All Tara could see of the kneeling woman was a mess of untied brown hair and the red-and-white checkered dress she wore.
A dress that looked exactly like the one Miss Fraiser had been wearing earlier.
Samantha was wearing the brown trousers she generally wore to work. At the moment, they were pushed down around her knees. The men's underwear that her outfit demanded she wear was also visible around the blonde's thighs. It appeared she had lifted both legs and rested them on Miss Fraiser's shoulders, capturing the other woman's head between her soft, white thighs.
Miss Fraiser - Janet - had her hands underneath Samantha's shirt, doing something to the other woman's breasts. Judging by the way Samantha was clutching Janet's hands through her shirt, it was highly enjoyable. Tara watched as Sam threw her head back, one hand moving down to stroke Janet's hair as she muttered, "Yes, I love that."
Tara licked her lips and smoothed her dress, slowly lifting the hem and pressing one hand to the inside of her thigh. It was warm, moist. She looked towards the open door of the stable. What if someone wanted a midnight ride? What if someone, losing track of the time due to the festivities, came in to check on their horse?
She touched herself gently, a brief brush of her fingertips against her pussylips, and decided that she didn't care if anyone came in. It added to the thrill.
Janet moaned loud enough for Tara to hear, Samantha's thighs trembling in rhythm with the sound. With shaking hands, Samantha began frantically working the buttons of her blouse. She shed it and quickly made her brassiere a memory. Tara brought her free hand up to cover her mouth again. She had long imagined what Samantha looked like, hiding the thought and letting it out only in the darkness of night when she was alone in her bed.
Women were not to think of what other women looked like naked. Women were also not supposed to touch themselves while watching two other woman make love. And yet...
She slipped two fingers over her lips, feeling the wetness and gathering the courage to slip them inside. Janet lifted her head, kissing Samantha's now-bare breasts and suckling the nipples like a newborn. Her hands caressed and massaged the breast, lovingly and adoringly and oh-so-gently. She scooted forward, spreading Samantha's legs farther apart as she ran her fingers down the blonde's cheek.
They leaned in, moving close, lips just a hair apart, and then Janet's tongue bridged the distance. It was immediately consumed by Samantha, but the flicker of pink was enough to make Tara bridge her own gap. Two fingers slid inside of her and she sagged against the wall, hoping the wood was strong enough to survive the weight her shoulders were putting on it.
Samantha's hands were busy on the bodice of Janet's dress, squeezing her breasts through the stiff material and making Janet moan into her mouth. They separated long enough to tear at each other's clothing, pulling and unfastening and tossing and sliding. Janet knelt naked in front of Samantha, the sight of her bare ass making Tara's fingers move faster. She was gorgeous.
Samantha picked Janet up and guided the brunette onto her lap. Janet wrapped her legs around the other woman, throwing her head back and letting Samantha explore her upper chest. The long, dark locks tumbled down Janet's bare back like a wave, reaching almost to the cleft of her ass and swaying as she rocked on Samantha's thighs.
As her lips found Janet's pink nipple, Samantha's other hand disappeared between their bodies. Janet said, "Ohm, GOD," and Tara knew what the blonde was doing. She mimicked it on herself and forced herself to not make the same noise Janet had. It felt divine... she could only imagine how it would feel to have another woman do it. A woman like Samantha.
She pictured herself spread out on Samantha's bed, naked, wet and wanton. She imagined herself calling out "Miss Carter!" as she was brought to orgasm, wondered what it would feel like to have her tongue inside another woman's pussy. She looked into the stable and saw they were kissing again. Janet's breasts were glistening with saliva. Samantha's arm was pumping rapidly, Janet's entire body shaking as she was... what would be a good word for what was happening? Good Lord, the word couldn't have been invented yet!
Samantha was using her fingers to... to f-f... girls didn't use that language. But what else could you call this? Samantha and Janet were fucking, right in front of her. She increased the speed of her own fingers, wishing she could join or at least make her presence known. Her knees trembled as she felt her orgasm approaching. She bit her lip and threw her head back, hearing the sounds of Janet's breathing increase. She was panting, crying out with every exhale. It sounded like she was in pain, also like she never wanted that pain to stop.
When Tara opened her eyes to look again, Janet was sucking three of Samantha's fingers. Wait... weren't those the fingers that had just been... so was Janet tasting...
That pushed her over the edge. She came, every synapse in her brain telling her not to make a sound, to stay absolutely silent, but she couldn't help releasing a high-pitched keening whistle. When she came down from her high, she mimicked the ladies again and sucked her fingers into her mouth.
When her breathing had returned to normal, she straightened her dress and ran, blushing, from the stable.
Samantha lay on top of Janet, stroking her lover's bare stomach and making pictures with her fingernails. "Stop it," Janet said. "That tickles."
"Oh, sorry," Samantha said. She brought her face down and nuzzled the peach fuzz just above Janet's pubic patch.
The brunette bent her knees and spread her legs, nudging Samantha with one knee. "Lower," she said.
Samantha looked up at Janet, smiling. "How long can we do this?"
"Until someone tells us to stop," Janet said, propping her head up with one arm. "Are you asking to stop?"
"No," Samantha chuckled.
"Then keep going." She laid back down and smiled, hoping there were years and years of this waiting for them.
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