Title: Intoxicant

Author: Geonn

Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com

Rating: R

Spoilers: None. Well... sort of for "Upgrades," but not really.

Warnings: None

Challenge: Alcohol

Sam had never been much of a drinker. Studying came first. Work came first. The idea of nursing a hangover when she could've been working was unbearable. She preferred diet sodas, she nursed alcohol when it was given to her, but as for purposefully looking for an alcoholic buzz, she wasn't interested.

But being here, nestling her head against the crook of Janet's neck, inhaling the evaporating sweat of the other woman, feeling the tight hold Janet held around her neck, Sam felt a lightheadedness that she'd only imagined in the past.

Kissing Janet, she knew.

This was her intoxicant.

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