Title: Insensate
Pairing: Jack/Sam/Janet
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Category: PWP
Rating: Adult
Disclaimer: Stargate and characters are the property of MGM, Gekko, etc. Mainly you need to know no one with the name of Geonn owns the deed to these people.
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it's gonna go.
Spoilers: None
Summary: Can't see... can't touch... three senses are enough.
Janet was a doctor. She knew all the right places, all the nice places, all the places you could touch and for how long. She knew how to stop, she knew how to start, she knew how to play the human body like a violin. At the moment, she was kissing Sam's shoulder from behind, whispering, "It'll be all right, Sam."
Jack was once in Black Ops. He had been tortured and had administered torture. These skills rarely came in handy in a civilized setting, and even less useful in an intimate setting. But he somehow had adjusted himself... no longer torturing with pain, but rather with the promise of pleasure. At the moment, he was kneeling in front of her, her foot in his hands, massaging the arch and leaning forward to kiss the inside of her knee.
Sam was seated in one of her dining room chairs, which had been relocated to her bedroom. Her wrists were wrapped twice by a silk scarf. These makeshift handcuffs were connected through the bars of the chair back, effectively holding her hands down and to the back. The final touch was the white silk blindfold, loosely looped around her head to cut off her sense of sight as well as touch. She curled her fingers aching for the touch of someone's, anyone's flesh.
Janet kissed from Sam's shoulder, across the wide expanse of her shoulders, pausing to kiss her neck and tickle the hairs with her breath. Sam shuddered.
Releasing her foot, Jack kissed up the inside of her thigh. Her breath caught in her throat as he got closer... closer... she spread her legs apart, letting him know it was all right...
...and he lifted his head up and away, leaving her with just a hint of his breath against her wetness. She groaned in frustration and rolled her head back. Janet rose and put her hands on either side of her lover's head, bending forward and kissing her cheek. "Why are you torturing me?" Sam asked quietly, not wanting to break the atmosphere.
"Because it's fun," Jack said.
She heard a zipper and knew he was getting undressed. She'd been the only one completely naked up to this point. Janet had been clad in an unbuttoned blouse and a black skirt for most of dinner, teasing both Sam and Jack with hints of her nipples as she reached for salt or her drink.
Jack, on the other hand, had spent the night stubbornly fully-dressed. That seemed to be changing now that Sam couldn't appreciate it. Next to her ear, she heard Janet purr, "Ooh, Sam, you should see him..."
She had seen him, on numerous occasions... both with Janet and alone, in bed and out. But there was a sense of being left out that made her tug fruitlessly at her bonds. "Now, now," Janet said softly. "This is all part of the game, remember."
Sam groaned.
Something blunt brushed against her bottom lip and she eagerly accepted it, disappointed when she discovered it was just Jack's thumb. Still, she sucked it hungrily and took it completely into her mouth. "She's so oral," Jack chuckled.
"Are you complaining?" Janet asked.
"Hell, no," Jack said, a smile in his voice.
Sam let his thumb fall out of her mouth and felt it almost immediately replaced by his lips. It was a slight touch, his mouth closing around her bottom lip and pulling slightly. She pressed her tongue insistently forward and he took it, cupping her face and letting her deepen the kiss. Janet moaned and Sam heard the sound of another kiss. Janet was kissing Jack, probably on his shoulders or chest. Jack loved it when they kissed his nipples.
He pulled back from Sam's mouth and she heard him whisper, "C'mere." Janet moaned and Sam knew they were kissing. She pictured Jack, standing above Janet, cock twitching as she worked her tongue inside of his mouth. Knowing his erection was so close, Sam ached to stroke him. The damn scarves weren't allowing her any leeway, however.
There was a sudden weight on her lap and she sat up, trying to get past her shock to focus on who it was. Smooth thighs on her own; Janet. She leaned forward as far as she could, pressing her face against the hollow of her lover's throat. She smelled Janet's perfume and licked her there, drawing a moan that she could feel against her lips.
"Hold it there," Jack said softly. He pushed Sam back against the chair, making her whimper. Janet followed, however, her breasts pillowing against Sam's. "There," Jack said.
"Mm, yes," Janet whispered, kissing Sam's throat. "He's stroking me, Sam. I think he wants inside of me."
Sam licked her lips, incapable of a coherent answer. "He's putting his hands on my hips... oh, Sam, sweetheart..."
Something brushed past Sam's lips and she lashed out, pressing her lips hungrily to it. It was Janet's shoulder, sweet and soft and round. Sam bit it gently, working her teeth against the tanned skin and Janet said, "Ohh."
Working downward, her sense of direction unaffected by her restraints, Sam worked her lips until she reached the warm swell of Janet's right breast. Janet's body was rocking against her in the unmistakable way that told her Jack was busily at work. Sam found the tight bud of Janet's nipple and closed her lips around it, sucking hungrily.
Janet's hands found each other behind Sam's head, holding it against her chest. "Yes, baby... oh, Sam, my baby, yes... Jack, oh, Sam..."
Jack was grunting, Janet's movements growing more erratic. Sam fought once again against the scarves. Janet was whispering to Jack over her shoulder as she usually did in this position. "Are you going to come... huh? Need some help, baby?"
And suddenly, the weight was gone. Janet's smell vanished, the room feeling monumentally empty. A few moments later, Jack groaned and Sam heard a soft, "Tell her," from Janet.
"Ngg, uh..."
Sam smiled in spite of herself. Asking Jack to speak during sex was one of their games. The poor man just had so little focus... Sam wondered if he could walk and chew gun at the same time. He cleared his throat and said, "She's, ah... on her knees... Got, uh... got, uh... my cock in her mouth..."
"Her tongue?" Sam asked quietly.
"Flicking... the head..."
"Hands?" Sam asked.
"Rolling... my balls." He cleared his throat again and said, "The other one... well..."
Sam could feel the other one; it was stroking the inside of her thigh.
Jack continued, "Oh, sh... oh, God, she's... uh, s-squeezing the b-base of my cock..." There was a low chuckling noise and Jack gasped, "Don't laugh, for God's sake... vibrations, good Lord..."
Sam, in her dark world, could picture Janet on her knees, sucking Jack's beautiful erection, her fingers working his tight ball sac.
"Are you going to come?" Janet asked, her voice no longer muffled.
He coughed. "Uh, it's... not past the point of no return."
Janet chuckled and there was a shuffling sound. Then, two hands gently pushed Sam's knees apart. She eagerly assisted, spreading her feet as far apart as she could in the chair. "My, oh, my," Janet said.
"What?" Jack asked. He was now behind her. Sam turned her head slightly, as if trying to see what he was up to. He put a hand on the back of her neck, gently squeezing with his fingers in a slow massage. Sam felt what little tension she had float from her; it felt as if her head was about ten feet away from her body already.
"She's so wet, Jack."
Two fingers brushed her slit and Sam nearly launched herself out of the chair at the surprising caress. She was grateful to the bonds holding her down for the first and only time. She licked her lips and Janet said, "See how wet?"
"Oh, wow," Jack said. She felt his weight against the back of the chair and knew he was leaning down. "Let me see that hand..."
Janet giggled and said, "How does she taste?"
There was a sucking sound, followed by a smacking of lips before Jack kissed her neck. She shuddered. "Delicious. She tastes wonderful on you, Janet."
Sam took a shaky breath and shifted her ass in her chair. Janet leaned forward and kissed Sam's stomach, a quick fluttering of her lips against the warm flesh. She licked her way over to the navel, dipping her tongue inside, toying with Sam. Sam groaned and bit her lip. "I hate you both," she sighed.
"You hate us?" Janet said, pulling back in shock. "Well... if that's the thanks we get, maybe we'll just go back to the living room and--"
"No, I love you!" Sam recanted. "I love you both, please don't leave me."
Janet laughed and rose, moving closer, pressing her stomach against the edge of the chair. She cupped Sam's face, kissing her passionately. Behind her, Sam heard Jack moan; he never got tired of watching them together. "We won't leave you, Sam. Do you want me to stop teasing?"
"Yes, please, Janet, just fuck me."
Janet kissed her way back down Sam's body, taking her position between Sam's legs again. Sam cried out as she felt Janet's tongue on her for the first time that night, the feel of her breath against her crotch. Janet had soft lips, her tongue adept at finding just the right spot.
Sam had once made the other woman laugh until she cried by saying she had a "mouth made for cunnilingus." She'd then turned to Jack and clarified, "That means eating my pussy."
This time, Janet's work was already half-done. A few strokes with the flat of her tongue, only one or two penetrations by the rounded tip and Sam was gasping. Janet held Sam's hips in place, holding her face tight against the other woman's warm skin. Her lips and tongue continued to work, as if drawing more of the juices forward.
When Sam came down, a panting, shuddering, sighing and groaning mess, Janet said, "Now."
Something tugged sharply at Sam's wrists and she pulled them away, hoping she wasn't about to get hurt. Her hands came up to her sides until they were even with her breasts, and she realized she'd been released from her bonds. She immediately rose from the chair, not bothering with the blindfold at the moment, and forced Janet to her feet.
They fell to the floor together, lips meeting in an impatient kiss. She felt Jack straddle their bodies, felt his fingers in her hair as he undid the knot on her blindfold. She saved him the trouble, yanking it off without worrying about the knot. Her hair stood out as she tossed it across the room, her focus entirely on Janet at the moment.
"Ladies..." Jack said, his voice pleading and half-groaned.
Sam broke the kiss and looked over her shoulder. Jack was half-kneeling beside her, his cock looking painfully hard in his hand, his thumb and forefinger tightly wrapped around the base. Sam smiled, glad to see she hadn't been the only one suffering. She kissed Janet once more and turned, whispering, "Let me help you, Jack." She took his balls in one hand and closing her mouth around his head, looking up at him as she did so.
She replaced his fingers with her own, stroking slowly up his cock as her mouth descended. Janet rearranged herself to one side, watching with utter fascination, licking her lips and keeping her fingers busy between her thighs.
Sam murmured and flicked her tongue against the eye of Jack's cock. He growled, putting one hand on her shoulder - she'd dissuaded him from trying to guide her head during oral sex - and thrust forward. Sam moaned and felt his warm seed fill her mouth. She groaned, swallowing what she could but holding as much as possible. When Jack slid from her mouth, Janet moved forward and traced her tongue up and down its length a few times before turning to Sam.
They kissed, sharing him, tongues flickering against each other. "Did you come?" Sam asked against Janet's lips. The brunette shook her head and Sam kissed her way down. She ignored the tanned, full breasts, passed the toned belly and prompted Janet to sit back.
Janet lay down, propping herself up on her elbows and looking down as Sam lowered her head. "Oooh, mm-hmm... right there."
Jack rested against the edge of the bed, lazily stroking his cock as he watched them. Janet split her attention between watching him and watching what Sam was doing to her. She bit her bottom lip, lifting her hips and rolling them to guide Sam. "Oh, that's good... right there."
"Mm?" Sam murmured.
"Uh-uh," Janet breathed, eyelids dropping. "Uh-uh... y-yeah." She was trembling, moving one hand to Sam's head and toying with the strands. Her upper body was shaking uncontrollably now, her breasts shaking with the motion. Jack bit his lip, cursing his age for the limp cock still resting against his palm.
Janet moaned loudly, rocking her hips up against Sam's mouth before throwing her head back. "Oh! Oh, Sam, yes, that's good..." She panted her orgasm, her face flushed, her nipples standing out against her breasts, sweat shining on her face. She trembled once more with the last wave of her orgasm and let herself lay down on the floor.
Jack sighed and lay back as well. If that didn't get him hard, he'd just have to accept the fact that he was out of the game for a good hour or so. He closed the distance between himself and the ladies, stroking Sam's cheek before pulling her in for a kiss. Janet's taste in Sam's mouth. There's something he wouldn't mind tasting every day of his life. "Hi," he said.
"Nice to see you again," she said.
Janet kissed Sam's shoulder. "Did we do a good job?" she asked quietly. "Was that your fantasy?"
"Yeah, babe," Sam said, kissing Janet's cheek. "But I did find a flaw."
"I'm just one man!" Jack cried out.
Sam laughed and wrapped an arm around Janet's shoulders. "Not that. You were... more than fine. It's just that... I thought the teasing would make it more erotic. Instead, I couldn't stop wishing I could just see what the two of you were doing."
"You felt a little left out?" Janet asked, resting her head on Sam's shoulder.
Sam shrugged. "Not left out. You both did a superb job of including me." She kissed Janet's lips as a thank-you, then said, "Just... maybe a little... cheated. You two are so beautiful together."
Jack rolled over so that he could stand up, moving across the room. "Well, then," he said. "Looks like you were right, Janet."
"What?" Sam asked.
"Well, I've done the blindfold thing before. It was an issue then, so I decided better safe than sorry."
"What are you guys talking about?"
Jack returned and extended a small gray box to Sam. She took it, turning it over in her hands. "A digital..." Her eyes brightened. "A digital camera?"
"We'll, of course, have to be careful with the photos," Janet said, taking the camera from Sam and toying with the buttons on the back. "Air Force and all of that... can't exactly have pictures of Colonel Jack O'Neill fucking two of his subordinates."
She handed Sam the camera, showing her the display on the back. Sam was naked in the chair, hands curled into frustrated fists, as Janet knelt in front of her. Jack had his head thrown back, his cock buried deep in Janet's mouth. One of Janet's hands was between her own legs, the other on Sam's thigh.
"How many pictures did it take?" Sam asked.
"Well... it was set to take one every fifteen seconds..."
"Fifteen seconds?" Jack said. "Thanks for the vote of confidence."
Janet smiled playfully. "And we set it up about... oh, twenty minutes ago. That's about eighty pictures, if my math is right."
Sam's eyes widened slightly. "Eighty pictures. Of us..."
"Some are just of you," Janet said, nuzzling Sam's cheek. "While I was occupied, Jack was standing over you holding the camera."
Sam dialed the photos forward and found one that had been taken over her shoulder. Janet was kneeling in front of her, tongue extended, lips wet, eyes on the camera. Sam swallowed sharply. "How much memory does this thing have? How many photos are left?"
"Hundred and twenty," Janet said, smirking.
"Hundred and twenty," Sam repeated.
"Our photo album is going to be awesome," Jack said, pumping his fist in the air. Jack quickly discovered that the only problem with having two lovers was that it was very hard to avoid two pillows being thrown at your head.
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