Title: Inching Towards Daybreak
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Rating: PG
Category: Drabble, Drama, Romance
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Summary: Downsides...
Samantha Carter steals the covers.
Oh, she denies it and pretends it's just a coincidence when confronted by the evidence, but I've taken to wearing socks to bed to protect my toes against the cold Colorado night.
She also murmurs in her sleep. "Mm-hm. I don't know. No. Chocolate," and so on. Again, denial when confronted.
On one particularly restless night, she got up nine times. The concept of silently slipping out of bed is lost on her.
I like to read before bed. She prefers to watch Letterman.
In particularly deep sleep, she snores.
It never fails; when I want to sleep, she wants to cuddle. When I want sex, she's exhausted.
She sneaks cookies before bed, leaving crumb evidence in the sheets. Somehow, the crumbs always seem to migrate to my side of the bed.
When she comes home late, she's sometimes so tired she gets into bed fully-dressed with her shoes on. Hello, muddy sheets and blankets. Not to mention the times she's accidentally kicked me with them.
I glance up at the clock - 3:42am - and touch the empty pillow on her side of the bed.
I wish Sam were here.
I can't sleep without her.
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