Author: Geonn
Rating: NC17
Pairings: Sam/Janet, Sam/Sarah MacKenzie, Janet/Sarah MacKenzie
Category: PWP
Warnings: Light, consensual bondage. All in good fun!
Sequel To: Mac For The Defense
Crossover: With "JAG"
Disclaimer: These folks don't belong to me. I stole them from MGM's toybox without asking their mommies for permission. I promise to return them more or less unscathed.
Notes: You know all that deep, meaningful, soul-searching stuff I've been writing lately? Well, this is the total opposite :-D Enjoy! BE SURE NOT TO READ THIS AT WORK AND BE SURE TO CHECK SOON TO SEE THE PRETTY BANNER SUPPLIED BY THE MULTI-TALENTED MESH FELVEGI!!!!!!
Dedicated to: Hl. Whose whips, screams, chains and threats made this fic possible. (Notice I didn't say monetary donations? Hmmm...)
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it'll be.
Summary: Sam has a surprise for her lover...
Special Thanks to purple_shoes for the cover.
The entry table in Sam's house had been pushed back about four feet, it's contents knocked to the floor. Two pairs of shoes were lying in the kitchen under the table, forgotten by their wearers. A blouse hung on the doorknob of the hallway closet. Three paces away, a pair of denim jeans were strewn, the left leg pulled inside-out and pointing towards their wearer. Sam was still wearing her panties and had her shirt pulled over her head, her arms still trapped in the sleeves. She collapsed next to Janet and looked at the brunette's body as they took in the aftermath of their lovemaking. Sam exhaled and said, "So... Is that a yes?"
Janet laughed, her bare breasts swaying with the movement. Sam licked her lips, unable to ignore such blatant seduction and rolled over to claim Janet once more. It was turning out to be a great day.
Two Years Later,
The music was nearly deafening, the lights causing everyone's movements to be transformed into herky-jerky stop-action moves. Sam led Janet through the crowd, their fingers laced tightly together. Sam turned every now and then to make sure the brunette was still in tow and managed a beautiful smile when they got to the center of the dance floor. "Nervous?" Sam asked above the pulsing beat.
"Yes!" Janet replied, pressing herself against Sam's body. All Sam had told her was that they were going dancing and there'd be a surprise at the end of the night. She swung her hips forward and planted her left foot between both of Sam's feet. The blonde spread her legs and lowered her body, riding the brunette's thigh. Janet grinned and wrapped her arms around Sam's waist, leaning her head against her lover's shoulder.
For this evening, Sam had chosen a pair of tight blue jeans, a white t-shirt and a leather jacket. Janet loved the smell of the leather, burying her face in the material and inhaling the scent. To her, it smelled like danger. Excitement. Like... Sam. The brunette was a bit more conservative in her skirt and pink blouse, but her figure was dangerous enough even with her white-bread outfit. She sighed against her lover's shoulder as they swayed to the music.
Sam released Janet with one arm and slipped the hand between their bodies. She pressed her lips to Janet's ear and softly whispered, "Have you ever come in public, Doctor?"
Janet jerked slightly at that, then shook her head no. Sam kissed Janet's temple and said, "What's about to happen... it can stop at any time if you just say the word."
"Okay," Janet said, her voice shaky.
Sam lifted Janet's dress, using her other hand to smooth the material against the diminutive brunette's ass. She nipped at the shorter woman's throat, then said, "Okay, now."
Janet was shocked to feel someone else press up against her back. Her eyes flew open and she turned, quickly moving to cover her exposed panties. Sam grinned and said, "Shh, Janet. It's okay. This is my surprise."
The 'surprise' was a woman a bit taller than Sam, her black hair pulled tight against her skull. She was wearing a heavy wool coat, the fur lining rising up and around her head like a halo. "Hello," the woman said, her voice a quiet purr. "My name's Sarah." She kissed Janet's ear and cupped the doctor's breasts.
Janet looked to Sam and saw nothing but 'TRUST ME' reflected in them. Sam then tilted her head and kissed Sarah passionately, her tongue visible as it flickered against the other woman's soft lips. Sarah moaned and twisted her neck, reluctant to break the kiss for anything, even oxygen.
After a moment, Janet decided to interrupt. She managed to say, "Hello, Sarah. My name is Janet."
"Hi, Janet," Sarah said, pulling away from Sam and sliding her hands lower. She kissed Janet's cheek and said, "Sam told me you like to come in public places. Is that true, you naughty girl?"
Janet blushed and Sam said, "It must be true, Sarah. Look how red she is."
'Enough of this,' Janet decided. 'They're having their fun... it's my turn.' Janet turned and looked over her shoulder directly into Sarah's eyes. "Yeah," she whispered. "I love cumming for strangers. It makes me so hot..." She extended her tongue and Sarah caught it, sucking it into her mouth. Janet moaned and craned her head, angling to get a better shot at Sarah's luscious mouth. As they kissed, Sam pulled up the brunette's skirt and Sarah found the wet spot on Janet's panties. She pressed two fingers against the warmth and began rubbing in slow circles.
Janet broke the kiss long enough to say, "Under my panties. Put your fingers inside of me."
Sarah actually blushed and Janet smiled. 'Who's top dog now?'
"Do it, Sarah," Sam said, her voice firm. "Make my girl cum."
'Damn,' Janet thought. 'Sam won that one...'
Sarah did as commanded and slipped her hand under the waistband of Janet's panties. The brunette gasped and looked around, trying to see if anyone had noticed their little intimate tangle. So far, so good... everyone else was so entranced with their own partner, they didn't have time to notice anyone else. She began to thrust her hips against Sarah's intruding hands, her eyes drifting closed as her breasts rubbed against Sam's. The blonde cupped the mounds and massaged them lovingly, taking her time until she felt the pebbles of Janet's nipples rise.
Undoing one button, she slipped her hand into Janet's blouse and gently pinched the bud between two fingers. Janet gasped and opened her eyes, her body rocking between the two women holding her. From what she could tell, Sarah was just as - or more - developed than Sam. And the muscles! Oh, this woman was buff! She leaned forward and kissed Sam's lips as she said, "Is she coming home with us?"
"If you want," Sam whispered.
"I want," Janet said. "I want badly. Let's get the hell outta here."
Sam smiled and said, "Let's call a cab."
Contrary to popular belief, not every cab driver in America was named Mohammed or Abdul. Jamal Sanford was drumming his fingers on the steering wheel, waiting for whoever had called him to show up. He hated calls like this; odds were it was a prank and no one would show up, which meant he went back without a fare, which meant he was wasting time and money sitting here. He was about to pull away when the back door opened and three women rushed into the backseat. He turned and said, "Where you headin'?"
He managed to maintain his calm when the dark-haired one turned and kissed the blonde, their tongues flicking out occasionally. Finally, the brunette - who was sitting in the middle of this kiss-fest - gave him an address. He turned, making sure the rearview was angled right, and pulled out of the parking lot.
"So sweet," he heard one of the woman murmur between kisses. He craned his neck slightly and saw that both the woman on the outside had their hands on the thighs of the woman in the middle. The woman in the middle seemed decidedly uncomfortable. Jamal focused his attention on the road... he'd had lots of stuff happen in the back of his cab and he'd never been in an accident. Of course... this was three women. Wouldn't that be worth the cost of repairs?
"Guys," the woman in the middle implored. "We're kind of making a scene..."
The blonde, sitting on the driver's side, broke the kiss and straightened. She smiled at the black-haired woman and said, "I think Janet's a little jealous." She stroked the petite brunette's face.
"Not jealous," Janet said. "Just... shouldn't we wait?"
The blonde pushed Janet back so that she was laying on the chest of the black-haired woman. "Hold her arms, Sarah," the blonde said. Janet reached up and Sarah wove their arms together. The blonde spread Janet's leg, propping one up on the seat and leaving the other on the floor. Her hand then disappeared under the material of the dress and Janet's eyes closed.
"Uhhh," she moaned. Jamal swerved to avoid what turned out to be a reflection on his windshield. "Oh, God, right there... yes, Sam, yes... Oh, my God, right there... keep touching me. Put your fingers inside of me." Jamal thanked the traffic gods for the red light and turned his attention back to the rearview. Sam had taken her fingers away and was calmly licking them, her tongue extending and flicking like a cat drinking from a bowl of milk. Sarah was massaging Janet's breasts through her blouse.
Sam pressed her hand to Sarah's lips and the black-haired woman sucked the fingers in, sucking them hungrily. Sam smiled and lowered her head to the darkness between Janet's legs. Jamal swallowed, his throat suddenly very, very dry. A horn behind him blared and he jumped, noticing that the light was green. He slammed his foot down on the gas and lurched forward, cursing himself for being so distracted.
"Godddd," Janet moaned. "Yes, Sam, yes, kiss me... God, Sam, I love this..."
He glanced back at the trio. Sarah was kissing Janet and Sam's blonde head was still buried between Janet's legs. All three women were absolutely gorgeous, the stuff fantasies were made of. He licked his lips and shook his head, then realized he'd missed the turnoff to their destination. 'Might as well take the scenic route,' he said.
Another look and he saw something new added to the equation. Something white was tangled around Janet's knees. What could-- 'Oh, my God! Her panties!' He exhaled sharply and shook his head. 'Dear Penthouse Forum. I never thought this would happen to me...'
"GOD!" one woman he thought was Janet said. "God, Sam, God!"
Who knew she was so religious?
Janet then released an inhuman sound, half-moan and half-whimper, both of them rising into a crescendo that sounded like a full orchestra. He looked back and saw that she had arched her back, her impressive breasts straining against the material of her blouse. Sarah had released Janet's hands and was busy trying to fondle the doctor's chest as she formed a hickey on the brunette's neck. Sam's head was working furiously under the skirt. Janet put her hands on Sam's head and pressed her forward, panting. "I'm cumming..."
Jamal blinked and focused on the road. He was almost where they had said. He slowed a bit, not wanting to interrupt Janet's completion. He was considerate like that.
Sam finally spoke, "Oh, she's cumming, Sarah. She's coming so hard..."
"Save some for me," Sarah said, licking Janet's ear. "I want some of that sweet stuff, too."
Jamal swallowed sharply and reluctantly pulled to a stop outside of the house indicated. "W-we're here," he said, his voice cracking.
"Excellent," Sam said. Sam and Sarah got out and Janet handed Jamal a twenty.
"Keep it," the cabbie said, shaking his head with a smile. "Man, just keep it."
Janet blushed deep crimson and slid out of the cab with a hushed 'thank you.' She slammed the door and Jamal pulled away, chuckling quietly to himself. "Man, Yates... you ain't goin' to believe this one!"
'Damn that jacket,' Janet thought as she followed Sam and Sarah up the walkway. The coat that Sarah was wearing reached to her knees, blocking any view Janet could have gotten of the other woman's figure. Although judging from the contact she'd had with the woman... her body would be outstanding. Sarah kissed Sam as the blonde unlocked the door of her house and Janet felt a twinge of jealousy. Who was this woman? How did she know Sam? Had they been sleeping together on the side? At the moment... none of it really mattered. Janet just wanted them. Both of them. She shuddered and went into the house with them.
Sarah asked where the bathroom was and Sam directed her. Sarah smiled and said, "I'll be right back."
Once she was gone, Janet pressed her lips to Sam's in a furious kiss. When they broke, Janet gasped, "Who is that woman?"
"Two years ago," Sam explained, unbuttoning Janet's blouse, "I went to D.C. for Makepeace's trial. Mac - Sarah - was his defense lawyer. We had a one-night stand and she convinced me to take a chance with you."
Janet glanced at the closed bathroom door as Sam freed her of her blouse. "This is Mac? *The* Mac? Oh, I owe her for bringing you to me," she said, pulling Sam down for another kiss.
"Well," Sam said between kisses. "This... is your... chance."
The door to the bathroom opened and they both turned, eyes wide at the sight before them. The jacket had disappeared. Underneath it, Sarah had been wearing a red lace nightie, cut high to show off her muscular thighs and low to reveal as much of her cleavage as possible. Red nylons clung to her toned legs up to her mid-thigh, connected to the outfit by two thin garters. A sheer skirt was draped around her waist, giving her a modicum of decency.
She shrugged and nervously asked, "Well? L-like it?"
Sam and Janet both descended on the woman, apparently attempting to see who could kiss her more. Sam latched onto the other woman, her mouth lowering to her throat as her hands caressed the full and barely covered breasts. Janet moved behind Sarah, pressing her lips to the other woman's shoulders. Sarah moaned as she felt two fingers between her legs, rubbing insistently at the mound beneath the thin strip of red cloth.
"Bedroom," Sarah managed. Sam stepped back and led Sarah to the bedroom, smiling the entire way. Janet took a moment to remove her skirt before following them. Sarah kissed Sam passionately, then licked the blonde's cheek in a way that made all three women tremble. Sarah then turned, pressing herself against Sam, and said, "Take off the bra and give it to me, Janet."
Janet did as she was told, not the least bit apprehensive about being topless in front of a nearly total stranger. She handed the underwear to Sarah and the Marine grinned. "Sam, sit on the bed."
Sam did as commanded. MacKenzie was, after all, a Colonel. Sarah wrapped the bra around Sam's head, using the cups to cover her eyes. "Don't let this fall away," Sarah said. "If you do, Janet and I will have to punish you. Understand?"
"Yes," Sam said.
Janet smiled and adjusted the bra slightly on Sam's head. She laughed and, at Sam's quizzical frown, said, "You look like a big bug." She was about to expand on it when she was distracted by Sarah's long, thin, gorgeous leg right in front of her.
Sarah had propped one leg up on the edge of the bed next to Sam and then unhooked her garter. She rolled the nylon slowly down her thigh and pulled it off her foot. Using the legging as a rope, she bound Sam's hands together in front of her, letting them rest in her lap. She then looked at Janet. "Help me with the other one, beautiful."
Janet swallowed and stepped forward, kneeling in front of Sarah. She unhooked the garter with trembling fingers, gasping when she felt Sarah's fingers in her hair. "So beautiful," Sarah whispered. Janet trailed her fingers along Sarah's thighs, trying to avoid the temptation to touch between them. Finally, she pulled down the nylon and freed it from Sarah's foot. She gave Mac's toes a friendly kiss before handing her the nylon.
Taking the other legging, she looped it through Sam's bindings and attached the end to the headboard. Sam was stretched out, her arms above her head, helpless and blind. Janet licked her lips and said, "N-now what?"
Sarah kissed her hard, her tongue invading her mouth. "Now you and I get to have fun."
Sam couldn't see a thing, but her body was alive with sensations. Her other senses seemed to be coming to life to make up for the loss of sight. She felt the blankets underneath her, felt the cool air of the bedroom and heard the quiet hum of the air conditioner. "Did you follow my instructions about clothes?" Sarah asked.
"Yes," Sam said, regretting that she was still fully dressed. "I... these barely even fit me anymore."
"Mmm, I noticed," Sarah said, trailing her fingers from Sam's throat, over her breasts and to the crotch of her jeans. "So you're getting rid of them?"
Sam frowned. "No, I-I guess not."
She gasped when she felt the cold steel against her leg, inside her pants, but she heard Janet shushing her and telling her it'd be all right. She relaxed and let them do what they wanted to do. She heard an odd sound - "thhhpp-chntz. thhhpp-chntz" - and realized what they were doing. They were cutting her clothes off! She squirmed and smiled. "I don't like the bra or panties, either."
They methodically freed her of her clothing, tossing the scraps aside before climbing off the bed. After a moment, she heard soft murmurs and the unmistakable sounds of kissing. Something ripped and she heard Janet giggle and say, "Sorry." For a moment, everything was silent. Then, in a rush, she was assaulted from all sides. In the flurry of motion, she couldn't tell who was who. She tried to touch them, but her hands were firmly bound. She felt hot breath on her face and extended her tongue, hoping for a kiss. She got more than she bargained for...
Both women kissed her at once, two tongues invading her mouth as one of them accepted hers. Sam moaned as she closed her lips around both intruders, hoping to trap them for a moment. She felt a hand between her legs and one tongue broke free, it's owner sliding away. Sam twisted her head and cheated a bit. The bra slipped aside and she was able to see her surroundings. And oh, what surroundings they were...
Janet straddled Sam's stomach and deepened their kiss, forcing her tongue deeper into the blonde's mouth as Sarah worked her way between Sam's long legs. Sarah lifted Sam's left leg and rested it on her shoulder, lowering her head and pressing her mouth against her blonde lover's full, wet lips. Sam moaned into Janet's mouth and again tugged on her restraints. With one hand, Sarah spread Sam's lips and inserted a finger into the blonde's sex. With her other hand, she reached up and mimicked the move on Janet. The brunette lifted her hips at the unexpected intrusion, but only moaned around Sam's tongue.
Sarah worked her fingers deeper in both women, feeling them both contract around her. She raised her head and kissed one firm globe of Janet's asscheek. 'I wonder if either of them is into anal,' she thought. 'I wonder if they have a toy or something to...' She discarded the thought. 'Maybe if there's a next time,' she smiled. She kissed Janet's ass again and slipped her mouth lower. "Tell me what you want, Janet," she breathed. "This is all your show."
Janet lifted her head and Sam moaned at the loss of their kiss. She got over it, however, by lowering her head to Janet's nipple and laving it with her tongue. She licked twice, then suckled... lick twice, suckle. Janet moaned and looked over her shoulder at Sarah's bare back. "Put your mouth on me," she told the dark-haired woman.
Janet was squirming under their dual care. Sarah's tongue was longer than humanly possible and Sam was switching breasts with every other breath. The saliva left on her breasts combined with the cool room led to Janet's nipples standing extremely erect. Sam bit down on one and Janet pulled the blindfold away. She was unconsciously rising and falling on Sarah's lips, her breath coming in starts and gasps. She ran her hands through Sam's hair and closed her eyes. "Saaaaaaam," she moaned, her thighs closing around Sarah's head.
Sarah thrust her fingers deeper into Sam and felt the blonde's dam break. "Janet," she whispered into the brunette's sex, the vibrations causing a domino effect inside the petite woman's body. Janet threw her head back, holding onto Sam's head and cradling it to her breasts as she came. The juices that weren't captured by Sarah's hungry mouth glistened on Sam's stomach. Sarah freed her hand and licked the juices from her fingers, the taste of Sam mixing with that of Janet.
The two women then kissed Sarah, taking turns experiencing their mixed taste. Janet pulled a knot and Sam's hands easily came free. Her hands immediately went to Janet's breasts, squeezing and pinching the painfully erect nipples. They folded into each other for a moment, Sarah content to watch as they loved each other. She touched herself lightly, leaning against the headboard as they loved. She had dipped two fingers in when the hostesses decided they were being rude and began to tend to their guest.
Sarah moaned primally as both women descended between her legs; two tongues lapping at her juices, four lips rolling along her lips, twenty fingers begging for entrance, Sarah closed her eyes and pressed her head into the pillow. She spread her legs and brought both feet up, planting them in the center of Sam and Janet's backs. She felt them sneaking kisses down there and didn't mind... they loved each other and they were sharing her. It was bliss...
With a primeval yell, Sarah came into her new lovers' mouths. They hungrily took what she had to give, then shared it with each other. Sam and Janet kissed passionately, entwined between Sarah's legs. Sarah watched them, lazily tracing circles on her thighs. Sam moved to Sarah's right, Janet to the left, and they lay together, holding each other in the aftermath.
Sam brushed Mac's hair and softly kissed her lips. "Do you have to go?" she asked quietly.
"Yeah," Mac sighed. "Work beckons. The safety of the free world depends on me."
They kissed again and Sam stepped aside. Janet stood on her tiptoes and kissed her as well. "It was great meeting you," the brunette said. "Come back again any time."
Sarah smiled. "I just might take you up on that offer," she said. "Major. Doctor." She saluted.
"Colonel," both women replied, returning the salute with a smile. They all kissed one more time before Sarah MacKenzie stepped out of the house. Sam closed the door and Janet snuggled against the taller woman, resting her head on the blonde's breast. "Hey," she said suddenly. "Have I ever told you about my friend Dana Scully? In the FBI?"
"Mmm," Sam said, running her hands down Janet's back. "I don't believe you have..."
Sarah got into the cab and crossed her legs, looking one last time at the house where her two new lovers were waiting. She brushed her hair out of her face and said, "Denver Airport, please."
Jamal Sanford smirked and said, "Yes, ma'am." He chuckled as he pulled away from the curb.