Title: Busted!
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Pairing: Sam/Janet, Jack/Daniel
Spoilers: None
Rating: Mature
one: Janet Fraiser's bedroom...
Sam kissed a trail down Janet's neck, undoing the buttons of her lover's blouse in anticipation of her destination. "Hurry," Janet moaned, pulling one foot up onto the mattress and bending the knee. She spread her legs in a not-so-subtle sign for Sam to get to the damned point.
One of Sam's hands found a soft, moist area and took advantage of it. She moaned, putting a hand to her forehead as Sam's mouth moved down her body, smoothing her hands all over Janet's prone body.
two: Janet Fraiser's Guest Room...
Jack's back was pressed against the wall, his arms out to his sides and pressed back against the sheetrock. His hips rocked forward, his head back and his eyes closed. He licked his lips, resisting the urge to put his hand on Daniel's head. Daniel hated to be guided and, truth be told, he knew exactly what he was doing... down there. Jack licked his lips and hazarded a look down.
Daniel had pushed Jack's shirt up out of the way, lips teasing the muscular flesh of his abdomen. "Daniel, enough with the foreplay, all right? We're on kind of a ticking clock here."
"Patience," Daniel whispered, pulling back slightly. Despite his admonishment, he closed his fingers around Jack's belt and pulled the older man closer.
Lips brushed his erection through denim and Jack hissed through his teeth.
three: Outside Janet Fraiser's House...
Teal'c pulled up into the driveway, easing Jack's truck into its spot with a feeling of success. He'd finally gotten the hang of driving, so Jack had trusted him enough to drive downtown and pick up the Chinese. The irony of the world; the best Chinese restaurant in town refused to deliver.
Teal'c picked up the bags holding the team's dinner and climbed out of the truck. He hoped he hadn't been gone too long.
one: Janet's bedroom...
Janet was wearing a skirt, the front of which was now draped over Sam's head. Janet was sucking on the knuckles of her middle two fingers, eyes closed, trying to keep from keening at what Sam's tongue was doing to her. Sam's hands moved up and down the insides of Janet's thighs, teasing over-stimulated skin.
Sam curled her tongue and thrust it forward. Janet made a sound of utmost approval.
two: Janet Fraiser's Guest Room...
Jack's jaw dropped open and he lost the battle to hold back, one hand moving to the back of Daniel's head and pushing it forward. Daniel moved his own hand, squeezing Jack's balls just tight enough to send a message without stopping what he was doing.
Jack moved his hand away and put it against his forehead, licking his lips and shaking his head. Daniel pulled his head back, making a cup with the tip of his tongue and holding the head of Jack's cock in it. Jack sighed, "Oh, Go-odddd..."
three: Outside Janet's Fraiser's House
Teal'c balanced the two big bags on his thigh, pushing the door open and going inside. Sam, Janet, Jack and Daniel were no longer in the living room where he'd last seen them. As he stepped into the house, he lifted his foot and kicked the door shut. He unintentionally slammed it and winced slightly as the walls shook slightly with the impact.
The slamming of the front door caused a chain reaction throughout the house; every door shook in its jamb, rattling every knob loudly.
one: Janet's bedroom...
"Shit!" Janet gasped, scooting back even as Sam rose up. Her head caught on Janet's skirt and Janet flailed, trying to pull the material up and off her lover's head. Sam fumbled with her own belt, fighting to get her jeans back in place before whoever was at the door came in.
"Just a minute!" Janet called, crawling on all fours across the bed to retrieve her panties from the headboard.
two: Janet Fraiser's Guest Room...
"Fuck," Jack snapped as someone tested the knob on the door. He slipped himself from Daniel's mouth and turned away, tucking his erection back into his pants. He tried to make the bulge less noticeable, but it was - no pun intended - hard. Daniel, meanwhile, stood and quickly crossed the room, grabbing a bottle and spritzing it into his mouth. He cursed, gagged and spit, shaking his head and saying, "Deodorant. Where is the...?"
Jack tossed him the breath spray and Daniel applied it. "We're coming!" Daniel said over his shoulder, smacking his lips together.
"Not anymore," Jack corrected with an irritated grumble.
one, two, three: Janet Fraiser's Upstairs Hallway...
Sam and Janet stepped out of the bedroom to see Jack and Daniel standing at the opposite end of the hallway. All four people present blushed, not one pair of eyes looking into another. Daniel adjusted his glasses while Janet coyly pulled at the hem of her skirt. She felt like her stockings were on wrong, but didn't dare check them right then.
Jack was standing just behind Daniel, hoping his lover's body blocked the bulge in his khakis. Sam looked into the dark bathroom, which was just to her right, and pursed her lips.
Teal'c stepped into the hall from the stairway featured directly between them. He looked at Jack and Daniel, turned and saw Sam and Janet also standing in the hallway. He raised an eyebrow, but merely said, "Dinner has arrived."
"Right," Jack said.
"Ah, Chinese," Janet sighed, rubbing her hands together.
"I'm starving," Daniel said, smacking his lips together.
"We'll be right down," Sam said.
Teal'c looked at each group again, slowly turning and walking back downstairs.
Daniel and Jack moved first, slowly, keeping an eye on Sam and Janet. Sam and Janet eased their way to the stairs as well. When they were halfway down the stairs, Daniel asked Jack, "How much do you think they saw?"
Sam leaned over and asked Janet, "How much do you think they saw?"
Teal'c, in the living room, did not speak his thought: "Who do they think they are fooling?"