Title: To Tell or Not to Tell, That is the Question

Author: Carla

Email: cmfloresfd@yahoo.com

A/N: The next installment in my To Tell or Not to Tell series it follows The Runner Stumbles.

Summary: Wherein Jane and Brooke further discuss the matter at hand.

Of Skinned Knees and Broken Laces

"I'm going to head upstairs, Sam must be pretty upset. What exactly happened with you two? How…" Jane interrupted.

"We were talking about college and what happens if you don't end up at the same school or if you don't want to go to the same school. It just sort of slipped out my question and her answer. And then there was silence and that Bambi-in-the-headlights look she gets when she realizes that she's said something she didn't mean to. Next thing I know she's locked in her bedroom."

"She wouldn't let you in?"

"I didn't even try, I couldn't really bring myself to knock. I needed…need time to think. My daughter…my, to my knowledge, previously heterosexual daughter, just came out to me and not only is she a lesbian but she is a lesbian in love with my other daughter. Who loves her back no less."

"Actually I can only speak for myself, I am a lesbian but you'll have to ask Sam if she's gay or bisexual. She's still trying to figure that whole thing out for herself. Sammy loves me I know that but she's having some issues with regards to labeling herself."

"And you're okay with that?"

"I'm patient and frankly I don't care if she labels herself `fungus' as long as she comes home to me. In the end that is all that matters."

"You know Brooke you `are' my daughter too and I'll say the same thing to Sam as I did to you. I would hate to see you two hurt each other, I would hate to see you two hurt."

"Thank you. I…I don't…well it means a lot to me to hear you say that. Moms are the people who raise you and well you haven't raised me for very long but you have raised me very well. You really are my Mom."

Brooke got up from the sofa, sighing as she touched Jane's shoulder "I'd better go up now."

"What about Mike? What do I tell him?"

"I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't say anything to him right away, about me and Sam that is. Let me know when he gets home, it'd probably be best if I told him about me first. Give him some time to digest the news as it were before springing the really big news on him." Brooke's voice trailed off into nervous laughter.

"Brooke he loves you, you are the world to him. He may not be the most `tolerant' person around but he loves you and he'll come around eventually. All he want is for his daughter, all his daughters, to be happy."

Jane watched as Brooke shuffled her feet and wrung her hands nervously; she hardly seemed the self-possessed young woman she had been a few minutes ago. Rising from the sofa she put her hand in the small of Brooke's back and gave her a gentle shove in the direction of the stairs. "Go on, she's waiting for you. She needs you."

"Thanks Mom" and Brooke headed up the stairs.


Sam lay on her bed staring up at the ceiling (( Wow, who would have thought that the paint swirls in the ceiling could make for some interesting images. )) When she was a kid she used to see animals and funny faces in the paint swirls now she saw Brooke. Brooke smiling at her, Brooke's silhouette and Brooke's face as passion overtook her.

(( God I love her, I hope she's not too mad at me for all this. How could I have said anything. We were supposed to tell them together when we were both ready. I'm not ready. Brooke is though. Where are you sweetheart? I need to see you soon, need to explain. Hope mom is okay. Why hasn't she said anything. It's been hours. She's horrified, that's it. Yeah. Mom has gay friends though, she's always been cool with them but I guess it's always different when it's your own child. )) Her thoughts were interrupted by a soft knocking on her door.

"Sam, honey, can I …." The door flew open and before the words were out of her mouth Sam was in her arms, sobbing.

"Shhh! Hey it's okay, it's okay. Sweetheart look at me lets go inside okay." Brooke led Sam in to her room and towards Sam's bed.

"Sam … Sammy, honey it's gonna work out. It's okay this will work out and things will be fine. Please, Sam, don't cry anymore. Your mom told me what happened."

"Oh God" Sam wailed " she hates me doesn't she. She's going to make us stop seeing each other. I don't want to stop being with you. I love you, I need you." Sam sniffled loudly and wiped her nose on her sleeve.

"Hey now none of that. Your mom doesn't hate you, she doesn't hate me. She loves us she just finished telling me that. She doesn't want us to get hurt, she doesn't want us to hurt each other. She's worried and just a `little' shocked is all."

"Your Dad… you know she's going to tell him."

"No she won't not today at any rate. I asked her not to, I think we should tell him about us. Tonight I'll tell him about me. In a way it's a good thing, today you know, now I have no more excuses. Today I have every reason for telling and I'm okay with that. I think it's better if I tell him about me first; then it's not such a big issue when we tell about us. This way when we tell him the only big `issue' will be our relationship and not the fact that his little girl is gay. I think it's for the best this way."

"You sound like your trying to convince yourself that it's for the best. You don't have to, you know."

"No I do, he deserves to know his daughter, all of me. You should talk to your mom, she has questions and I didn't think it was appropriate for me to speak on your behalf, to answer her questions for you."

"What do I say to her? What do I tell her?"

"Tell her the truth…"

"What is the truth Brooke? You're sure about yourself but I'm not. I'm sure that I love you, it's all I am sure of. Well that and I want to go to Columbia in NY and I want you to go with me." Sam smiled at Brooke, reaching out to stroke her blonde lover's hair she continued "I want that so bad, I want a life with you."

"Tell her that then. She needs to hear that from you, she's already heard it from me."

The girls sat on the bed, no words passed between them. They held hands and took comfort from each other in that way. After a time they lay down on Sam's bed and moved into each other's arms, slowly their heads came together and their lips met in a gentle kiss.

"I love you Sam."

"Ditto kiddo" Brooke playfully slapped the brunette on the shoulder.

"Seriously though, I love you Brooke McQueen and I really don't care who knows it now; Mom, Mike even Nicole."

"God Sam…just hearing you say that makes me weak" Brooke snuggled closer pressing her lips to Sam's neck she whispered "Makes me want you too."

"Does it now?" Sam breathed across Brooke's ear making the blonde body in her arms tremble. "We should do something about that now don't you think?"

Brooke tightened her arms bringing them even closer still "You know it and I know it and you know I know how to do it, don't you?"

Sam captured Brooke's lips with her own. The kiss deepened became more passionate as the girl's hands began to wander.


"Sam. Brooke. Sam, it's Mom can I come in?"

The Cat's in the Cradle

A/N: I had to split this chapter up in to two parts because I lack the stylistic ability to weave the two stories together into one coherent chapter and also because each parent/child vignette seemed to call out for a name of its own. Each part begins with the same opening scene so I guess you might call that the introduction but what do I know anyway.



"Sam? Brooke? Sam, it's Mom can I come in?"

"Just a minute Mom." The girls straightened themselves up and Brooke wiped the smudged lipsticks off of Sam's mouth."

"Come in" Jane poked her head in and then stepped through the doorway and into the room.

"Brooke your father is home"

"Thanks Jane. I guess this is it huh?" She looked over at her lover and gave her a tight nervous half-smile. Sam grabbed Brooke's hand as the other girl rose up off the bed and brought it to her lips. Her mouth lingered on the blonde's knuckles as she sought to convey love and reassurance.


Sam let go of Brooke's hand; Jane could see the flush creeping up Sam's face. ((Well at least she has the grace to blush surely she must realize that I didn't really want to see that))

"Brooke before you go I'd like to speak to you together." Both girls nodded their heads. "First; I love you both no matter what and second this is going to take some getting use to and well…I really would rather not have to see you two…" she gestured with her hand as she searched for the words "I'd rather not see your little PDAs. Its just a `little too much' right now and frankly if you don't intend to tell your father anytime soon then you need to keep things under wraps as it were. I noticed awhile ago that something was up with you two just by watching you together and granted he is a man and therefor he can be pretty oblivious but give him some credit. Just don't `push' it okay."

"Okay Mom…no PDAs in front of you. We get it don't worry."

"Good. Brooke why don't you go downstairs and see your father, he just came home a few minutes ago and I'd like to talk to Sam."

"Wish me luck"

"You don't have to…"

"No, I`m just a little nervous is all." The girls hugged and Sam whispered in Brooke's ear.

"I love you. I am so proud of you"

"Me too baby me too" Brooke left shutting the door behind her.



Mike McQueen spun around at the sound of his daughter's voice; his pleasure at seeing her was palpable. He was so proud of her, he had done good work and Brooke had grown into a lovely young woman inside and out.

"Hi honey" he reached out and pulled her into his arms. God how he loved this child with every molecule of his being, had from the moment the nurse had put her in his arms 17 years ago. She had been so tiny and he had been awed at her miniature perfection. Until that moment he had never known the overwhelming need to protect and cherish that unconditional love could produce. Perhaps it was a parent thing perhaps not all he knew was that he would do anything for this child always. He could not imagine it any other way. "Jane said you wanted to talk to me. Have a seat"

"I did…I do" Brooke walked towards the window and looked outside ((the night is so deceptively peaceful, so quiet. You can do this Brooke, he loves you and he deserves to know you)) They stayed like that for some time, Mike patiently waiting for Brooke to speak and Brooke lost in thought looking out the window.

((Oh Brooke, sweetie just tell me)) You know Brooke whatever it is you can tell me. That is if you want to." Mike hesitated briefly "it's a beautiful night out isn't it, so cool but not to cool and clear out. Lets go for a walk why don't we?" Brooke continued to stare out the window until finally Mike stood up and walked towards her. He stood behind her and smiled at her reflection in the darkened windowpane.

"Brooke, Princess, I want you to listen carefully. I love you there is nothing you could do to change that, ever. Whatever is bothering you, whatever is going on, I'll support you and stand by you" he reached out and lightly squeezed Brooke's shoulder.

"I'm gay"

"Thank God!" Brooked quirked an eyebrow at him.

"Not quite the response I though I'd get Daddy"

"I thought for sure you were pregnant"

"Why on earth would you think that?"

"Why on earth would I think you were gay?" Father and daughter stared at each other. "C'mon sweetheart lets go for that walk.


Fifteen minutes later Brooke and Mike were out the door and walking around the neighborhood at a leisurely pace.

"How long have you known?"

"About a year, year and a half"

"Oh" They walked on a little further and then Brooke slipped her hand in Mike's.

"Daddy?" He could hear the apprehension the fear in her voice and I broke his heart.

"I am so proud of you Brooke, you are a good person, inside and out. You're kind and careful. I have loved you, unconditionally, since the first time I held you. I loved the very thought of you. You will always be my little girl and I am so sorry that you thought you had to go through this by yourself, that you thought you couldn't come to me." Brooke looked at her father and saw his tears in the moonlight.

"I was scared. At first I denied how I felt inside and then when I was okay with it …then I was scared you'd hate me or be disappointed in me"

"Never Brooke. Not about this…other things sure, but not because your gay. How could I be disappointed in `who' you are it just is and sure there may come a time when I am disappointed in what you are doing or maybe even who you are dating but that will never mean that I don't love you. Just that I am disappointed with some of your choices is all."

They continued walking in silence till they reached the Palace and were standing outside the front door. "I always wondered why you didn't date after Josh. I thought you just needed time or that you had your own reasons for not bringing you new boyfriend around…" Mike's voice trailed off.

"Now you know"

"Your friends are always welcome in my home…"

"I never thought they weren't" Brooke teased.

"No I mean your, you know, `friend'…I want you to feel free to bring your … I guess `girlfriend' is the term I am looking for. That is if you want to …or have a girlfriend… or want to have a girlfriend…you get my point right? Do you have a girlfriend? ((God please not that little bitch Nicole or worse still that lunatic Mary Cherry))


"Then bring her around some time soon. I'd like to meet her or do I already know her?"

"Well we're not at that point yet I don't think. I'll talk to her about it okay?"

"Okay sweetheart"

"Thank you Daddy"

"For what?"

"For being so understanding, for being a great dad and for everything you said to me tonight."

"You don't ever have to thank me for being your father, for loving you. Even if you didn't want me to do it I would."


The N.E.F.A.R.I.O.U.S. M.O.M.

The title was inspired by Biggie Small's album The N.O.T.O.R.I.O.U.S. B.I.G.




"Sam? Brooke? Sam, it's Mom can I come in?"

"Just a minute Mom." The girls straightened themselves up and Brooke wiped the smudged lipsticks off of Sam's mouth."

"Come in" Jane poked her head in and then stepped through the doorway and into the room.

"Brooke your father is home"

"Thanks Jane. I guess this is it huh?" She looked over at her lover and gave her a tight nervous half-smile. Sam grabbed Brooke's hand as the other girl rose up off the bed and brought it to her lips. Her mouth lingered on the blonde's knuckles as she sought to convey love and reassurance.


Sam let go of Brooke's hand; Jane could see the flush creeping up Sam's face. ((Well at least she has the grace to blush surely she must realize that I didn't really want to see that))

"Brooke before you go I'd like to speak to you together." Both girls nodded their heads. "First; I love you both no matter what and second this is going to take some getting use to and well…I really would rather not have to see you two…" she gestured with her hand as she searched for the words "I'd rather not see your little PDAs. Its just a `little too much' right now and frankly if you don't intend to tell your father anytime soon then you need to keep things under wraps as it were. I noticed awhile ago that something was up with you two just by watching you together and granted he is a man and therefor he can be pretty oblivious but give him some credit. Just don't `push' it okay."

"Okay Mom…no PDAs in front of you. We get it don't worry."

"Good. Brooke why don't you go downstairs and see your father, he just came home a few minutes ago and I'd like to talk to Sam."

"Wish me luck"

"You don't have to…"

"No, I`m just a little nervous is all." The girls hugged and Sam whispered in Brooke's ear.

"I love you. I am so proud of you"

"Me too baby me too" Brooke left shutting the door behind her.


Jane sighed heavily and ran her hands through her hair ((what do I say now? My little girl is in love)) "Sam…this is … this is oh I don't know awkward… different…a surprise, I don't know what to say. I always dreamed of the day that you would come home and tell me about the boys you were dating, the boy you were in love with."

"Well there was George"

"Yes there was George and now there is Brooke"

"I love her"


"NO Mom `I Love Her" and you can't change that. you don't want to see it fine I can respect that for now but that doesn't change the fact that I love her"

"When I was your age I had a friend, Sonia, I thought… I had dreams about kissing her. I thought maybe that I was you know"

"Gay, bisexual?"

"Yeah but after a little while I stopped having those dreams. It was just a crush a phase I was going through"

"Brooke, what I feel for her is not a phase. Yes I am attracted to guys but that doesn't mean that I would or will stop being with Brooke. It doesn't change what I feel for Brooke please don't diminish or trivialize that."

"So you're a lesbian now is that it?" Jane sneered.

"I didn't say that. I don't like having to label myself maybe I am gay maybe I'm bi, I don't know does it really matter? I fell in love with the person and that person happens to be a girl"

"It's not that easy Sam. That `person' happens to be your `sister' and as much as you might want me to think of it as just happenstance I can't do that so easily. Your sister Sam what the hell were the two of you thinking? Did you really think it wouldn't be a big deal?"

"You think I don't know that? Do you really think that we entered into this lightly? `Cause **NEWSFLASH** We didn't. We talked long and hard about what it would mean to people, to you and Mike and Mac even when she was old enough to understand. We fought it for a long time Mom, we ignored our real feelings for each other or tried to anyway but in the end we only made ourselves miserable. And by extension we made you and Mike miserable too with all of our fighting. That's how we interacted with each other we fought all the time remember, it seemed like it was the only acceptable way to be with each other."

"The other side of hate is love"

"Passion Mom. Brooke is my passion"

"I thought journalism was your `passion' Sam?"

"I am passionate about journalism but I could live without it if I had to. Yes, it would be hard, yes it would suck to be kept from doing it for some reason but I could live with that; I could live without being a journalist. But the passion I have for Brooke, for our relationship I couldn't live without that. I don't want to. It enervates me and elevates me above the mundane that's what I mean by `passion' that's what loving Brooke and being loved by her means to me. It's both visceral and ethereal at the same time; as much a part of me and as automatic as breathing." Sam snapped her fingers "I know. You once told me that you knew my father was `The One' almost from the moment you met him and once you knew he was the one for you, you could not fathom his not being a part of your life. A big part the biggest part."

"You can't possibly be comparing what your father and I had, what I felt for your father with this…this `thing' you have going with Brooke. Be reasonable you've never even had a serious relationship with a boy. I mean really did you even sleep with George?"

"Mother don't be crass it doesn't suit you. But if you must know the answer is `No I never slept with George.' I've never slept with anyone okay. I wanted…I want my first time to be with the right one like dad was for you."

"See what I mean you don't even know if Brooke is the right one. I know that this has been going on behind my back for some time now at least three or four months and you're saying that you want to save yourself for the right one. Obviously you have doubts about Brooke being `the one'" ((well at least there is hope yet. This whole fiasco can be headed off at the pass))

"I don't have any doubts Mom Brooke is `the one' I'm just nervous and scared is all"

"Well sex can be scary and lord knows it can make a person nervous as all out but honey if you feel this way then maybe Brooke really isn't the right person."

"Brooke's never seen me completely naked Mom. Not even by accident in the bathroom. I don't even change in front of people in the locker room at school. I can't."

"Why not? Sam you are a beautiful young woman you have nothing to be ashamed about."

"How do I explain about my back?"

"Oh God Sam, Sam honey listen to me the only person who should be ashamed here is me. For how I was and what I did to you."

Jane thought about the scars on Sam's back, scars she had put there. She thought back to that time. Her husband, Sam's father, had been dead less than a month. Sam had been nine almost ten and she had taken to wearing an old work shirt of Joe's. It was filthy and once again Sam had refused to let Jane wash it. Jane had grabbed at the shirt and tried to forcibly get it off of Sam's back. Somewhere in the ensuing screaming and pulling match Jane had struck Sam, not once but twice. Then she had dragged the child down the hallway, by her hair, into the bathroom and thrown her into the tub. She had been enraged shouting that the damn shirt was getting washed whether Sam was in it or not. Turning the shower on to hot she had ordered Sam not to move. She went into the kitchen where she got a pot scrubber, the kind of wire brush used to clean grills and non-stick cast iron pans. An hour later Sam sat huddled in the far corner of the shower, the shirt on her back was in tatters. The water slowly swirling down the drain was pink with blood and Sam's back was raw particularly between her shoulder blades. The scars were still noticeable years later.

Sam's voice interrupted her thoughts. "How do I explain? I don't want her to think you're a monster"

"But what I did was monstrous. How I was then, there's no excuse for it. For what I did to you."

"What if she thinks I'm ugly"

"Oh honey I don't think you have to worry about that. The way she looks at you, how she talks about you and the way her face lights up … you could have a camel's hump on your back and she would think you were beautiful. I can see that much."

"She's going to ask. What do I say?"

"The truth is always best"

"She'll tell Mike don't you think?"

"Sam I told Mike all about it, about how I was then, before we even moved in. it was only fair after all he was trusting me with his daughter and look how I fucked up with you. We went to a lot of therapy before we decided to have Mac."

"I love you Mom"

"Lord knows why"

"Because you did the best you could with what you had. I understand where it came from"

"That doesn't excuse it"

"No you're right it doesn't but it is why I can forgive"

Significant Acts

Warning: If the title didn't clue you in already then consider this fair warning. Someone dies.

Note: This takes place in my To Tell or Not To Tell universe and follows Of Skinned Knees and Broken Laces. For those who asked about the sex…Don't rush me I'm getting there I promise.


"Brooke" Mike called softly from the hallway as he tapped on the door to his daughter's bedroom "Can I come in?"

"Sure Dad" Brooke looked up as her father opened the door "What's up?"

"Honey I wanted to talk to you…" He shuffled his feet nervously and looked around the room. Mike scratched his head cleared his throat "Ahhmm… I was wondering …it's been a few weeks since and well you said you were seeing someone…" His voice trailed off.


"I...well I was wondering when you were going to bring her around. I want to meet her? Soon before Jane and I go on that 2 week trip."

"What's the rush?" Brooke felt her heart race. She and Sam still had not revealed to Mike the nature of their relationship and Jane had respected their request to not tell him. It was true that the girls wanted to tell him at some point but they had not yet discussed just when that point would be.

"Look I'm not a fool, I'm not blind and I remember what it was like to be 17 and to have a girlfriend. I would have killed to have the house to myself then and I KNOW what I would have been doing. What I'm trying to say is... I trust you, I trust that you will behave appropriately while Jane and I are away but I am also a realist. I don't want to know if you are having sex with this girl but if you are...well I want to meet her before I go away I want to know who you are bringing into my house."

"Okay" Brooke gave him a tight smile.

"If you don't want to do the whole family dinner thing I can understand that. How about coffee and dessert we can go to Figaro's you just tell me when. I promise I won't bite. I just want to meet her the same way I would want to meet any boy you might date. Same as I would want to meet any boy Sam was seriously dating. You're my daughter, the most precious thing in the world to me and I want you to be safe. Part of that means meeting the girls you date." He walked over to where Brooke was sitting at her desk and kissed the top of her head. As he opened the door he turned towards Brooke "I love you"

"I'm not you know" Mike stopped at the sound of Brooke's voice.

"Not what?"

"Sleeping with her" Mike closed the door again and took a seat on the bed.

"But you want to?" Brooke blushed ducking her head down so that her fine blond hair covered her face.

"Yes" she whispered.

"But you haven't because…?"

"We weren't ready and now I'm ready" the blonde sat back in her chair and looked at her father trying to gauge his reaction to her statement. Mike sat on the bed his right leg bouncing up and down as he nodded his head slowly.

"Is she?"

"I think so, we haven't talked about it lately. But some of the things she's said...it's gotten harder to stop you know, when we're kissing and..."

"I think I understand... well... *sigh* at least you...at least you haven't rushed into anything." He reached over and patted Brooke's knee "Why don't we, the three of us, get together at Figaro's next week okay?"

"Okay Daddy?" Brooke stood up and walked toward the door "Wednesday"

"Shouldn't you check with her...what's her name by the way?"

"Sa...Save that for Wednesday why don't you?" Mike gave her a bewildered look he could have sworn Brooke was about to say Sam but that made no sense. Shaking his head to rid himself of the thought he hugged his daughter and left the room.

Brooke closed the door behind her father and leaned against it trying to slow her racing heart and catch her breath. She had almost told Mike the truth about her and Sam without even talking to the other girl. They needed to talk about this latest turn of events. Now all she had to do was find Sam and break the news to her about Wednesday.

Night of the Comet

Note: Well folks here it is the moment we've all been waiting for :::drum roll::: This story takes place the same night as Significant Acts


Chapter One

The Palace: 2:30 AM

Brooke sat at the kitchen table listlessly playing with the blueberry yogurt she was supposed to be eating. Her mind kept going in circles she dreaded the idea of forcing Sam's hand about coming out to Mike. Yes it was true that Mike had been surprisingly supportive and accepting when Brooke had come out to him a few weeks ago. Yes he would probably be okay with learning that Sam was bisexual but anything else was up in the air. How would he react to the news that his daughter and stepdaughter were lovers? Especially since he thought of Sam as his daughter in all but biology and on top of that there was the small matter of Jane already knowing of the girls' relationship and not saying anything to Mike. Oh yes this next week was going to be an interesting one to say the least.

She pushed the chair back slowly, stood up and stretched her hands towards the ceiling loosening the stiff muscles in her back. God she was tense she really needed to speak with Sam to tell her what had happened. Brooke put the bowl of yogurt in the sink and gripped the edge of the counter as if to steady herself. Suddenly the lights went on and Sam was there behind her, wrapping her arms around Brooke pulling the willowy blonde closer to her.

"Hey love what's up? I went into your room but you weren't there, what's wrong can't sleep? Come to bed I'll hold you all night. You need your sleep. I need my sleep. We sleep better together so let's do that hmm...?"

Brooke turned in the circle of Sam's embrace to face the brunette. She trailed a hand up Sam's arm, over her shoulder and tangled her hand in the thick hair at the base of Sam's skull. Slowly she pulled the other girl's head to her and kissed her. It was a gentle kiss full of love and affection and, unbeknown to Sam, apology. Brooke felt Sam's tongue seeking entrance to her mouth and moaned her acceptance as she drew Sam into her mouth. Sam pulled Brooke even closer to her, the space between them almost nonexistent now as Sam's hands slid from Brooke's waist to her ass, gently cupping.

Brooke's breath caught and she broke the kiss with a gasp burying her head in the crook of Sam's neck.


Suddenly Sam found herself with her back pressed to the counter. The hand buried in Sam's hair tightened its grip forcing the brunette to bare the pale skin of her neck to Brooke's eager mouth. Brooke immediately began to lick and kiss her way up the smooth column of flesh till she reached Sam's ear. She gently blew into the shorter girl's ear, feeling her shiver in response. Shivering turned to trembling, as Brooke's other hand reached under Sam's T-shirt to caress the firm toned stomach.

"Is this okay?" Brooke whispered.

"Uh-huh...very...very okay" Sam swallowed convulsively her mouth suddenly dry though the same could not be said about other parts of her anatomy. Brooke kissed her way across Sam's jaw line till she reached Sam's lips.

"I want..." the rest of her words were lost as Sam's lips claimed her own in a heated kiss that left Brooke breathless and limp with desire.

"Upstairs...now" Sam's voice was hoarse with desire.

"Sammy?" chocolate brown eyes locked with hazel ones and Brooke could feel her scalp tightening and her skin tingle in anticipation of the answer to her unasked question.

"Yes" kiss "Yes" kiss "Yes" and then Sam was tugging Brooke up the stairs.


Chapter 2

The Palace – Brooke's Room

The door closed softly behind Brooke and she reached behind her to thumb the lock. It wouldn't do for someone to walk in on them. The blonde cheerleader walked toward Sam who stood in the center of the room bathed in the silvery moonlight that filtered in through the curtains. Brooke's breath caught Sam was so beautiful her long hair almost ebon black in the dim light. Brooke could hear Sam breathing it was so quiet, so quiet that when her lover spoke the blonde was barely able to hear her.

"Kiss me" it was a command not a request and in 3 short steps Brooke was in front of Sam, her arms wrapped around the girl ravishing her lips with months of pent up desire.

The kiss was almost violent in its intensity and when at last they parted they stood arms around each other foreheads touching panting slightly from their exertions.

"I love you Brooke, I love you sooo much I can't even find the words to tell you how much I love you. I want to show you. Can I do that? please…I want to touch you learn you feel you" As she talked Sam began unbuttoning Brooke's nightshirt finally slipping it off the blonde cheerleader's shoulders.

She moved behind Brooke running her hands over her lover's body as she did so noting the tremors running through the blonde's body. Sam began planting little kisses on Brooke's shoulders as her hands stroked lazy circles on the other girl's flat toned stomach, her nails leaving a scorching trail of desire in their wake.

"So beautiful…you are so beautiful an angel…my angel"

Sam's hands had found their way to Brooke's hips and the scraps of fabric that held up the lace panties the cheerleader wore. Long fingers slipped under the waistband and then stopped seeking silent permission to go further.

"Oh God Sam…don't tease" Brooke pushed Sam's right hand lower while simultaneously placing the brunette's left hand on her breast. She arched her back pressing her already aching nipple into Sam's palm.

"Touch me…Sammy please" the last word almost a whimper as Sam's fingers teased her nipple rolling it between thumb and forefinger. Brooke could feel the moisture between her legs increase even more. Her hips jerked spasmodically as she sagged backwards into Sam's embrace.

Somehow they made it to the bed without falling and Sam pressed Brooke onto the mattress crawling up the lithe tanned body till she was straddling the other girl's waist. She looked down at Brooke noting the rapid rise and fall of her chest and parted kiss, swollen lips. Brooke reached up to begin unbuttoning Sam's nightshirt only to have her hands brushed away.

"Sammy…you okay?…we could stop…"

"Shh" Sam silenced her with a fingertip on her lips "Watch"

Slowly she undid the buttons on the sleeping shirt, letting it fall open when she had finished and lowered herself onto Brooke. Both of them groaned at the first touch of skin on skin, soft breasts pushing into each other as Sam began kissing her way across Brooke's clavicle stopping to suck lightly at the pulse point where clavicle and neck met.

"Oh God Sam…this feels so good you feel so good" Brooke's hands fluttered on Sam's back idly noting the difference in skin texture between the brunette's shoulder blades.

Feeling Brooke's hands on the scars on her back made Sam stiffen and raise herself up away from Brooke but all fear and apprehension fled at the first touch of Brooke's mouth on her breast. Then the world was spinning and Sam was on her back with Brooke above her, lips still wrapped around one aching nipple while her fingers played with the other. With her other hand Brooke began to stroke her lover's thigh, running her hand lightly over the sodden crotch of Sam's panties she moaned at the copious wetness she found there, a testament to how turned on Sam was. She made her way down Sam's chest and belly kissing and nipping as she went along, all the while the girl beneath her moaning and writhing at her touch. Using her teeth to grab the elastic of Sam's panties she began crawling backwards off the bed dragging the sodden scrap of cloth off of her lover as she did so.

"Brooke…hold me…I…I just want to feel you"

"Sure of course, baby" Brooke moved up the bed, took Sam into her arms and resigned herself to another night of sexual frustration.


Chapter 3

They lay in bed intertwined for some time, kissing and gently caressing each other until it finally became too much for Brooke and she pulled away from Sam. The blonde cheerleader sat on the edge of her bed and reached for her nightshirt which was lying in a heap on the floor.

"Hey what's going on? Brooke, sweetie" Sam reached out and touched Brooke's shoulder only to have her hand shrugged off.


"Don't what?"

"I…don't touch me right now please…I...*sigh* … I think maybe it would be better if you just went back to your own room tonight okay?"

"I don't want to, I want to stay here with you. I want to sleep with you, wake up next to you. I thought you wanted that too."

"I do Sam you don't know…but Sam" Brooke turned to face the other girl and now Sam could see the tears threatening to spill over in Brooke's eyes.

"Then…I don't understand why are you crying"

"I want to make love with you, to you, so much…and you're not ready and I don't want to push things, push you and…"

"You don't think you could stop if things got any further than they already have?" Brooke nodded.

Sam sat up on her knees behind Brooke and began to run her hands through the fine blonde hair. Exposing one side of Brooke's neck she leaned over and placed a kiss just below the other girl's ear.

"You don't have to stop…I just…before I just needed you to slow down. I needed to see you and I needed you to hold me. And you did that you did just what I needed, you take such good care of me Brooke. I love you."

"I love you too Sammy…I would wait as long as you wanted"

"I know you would" the lanky brunette got off the bed and stood in front of Brooke, naked except for the open nightshirt she still wore.

"I want to show you something" Sam slid the shirt off of her shoulders and slowly turned around to stand with her back to Brooke. The scars were faintly visible in the moonlight as Brooke reached out to touch them, gently tracing the pattern of ridges under her fingertips.

"Oh Sammy…you are so…you take my breath away." She covered the scars with the palm of her hand feeling the heat coming off of Sam's back. "What happened?"

The question hung in the air, unanswered as Sam tried to formulate an answer. Then she felt Brooke's lips against her back, kissing the area in question as strong tanned arms slid around her waist and pulled her deeper into her lover's embrace. They stayed like that for some time and Brooke, with her face pressed to Sam's back, continued to kiss and lick at the scars she found until Sam began to tremble in the cheerleader's arms.

"I thought…I thought you would think I was ugly that you wouldn't want me"

"God no Sam" Brooke stepped in front of the other girl and cupped her face. "Sammy look at me. Listen to me love, you, Samantha McPhearson, are without a doubt the most gorgeous most perfect most beautiful person I have ever met. Inside and out. There is no other person I would want to be with in every way. You are `it' for me Sam, no one else and if I have to spend my life proving to you just how wonderful and beautiful you are to me then that's just the way it will have to be."


Chapter 4

Brooke slowly pulled Sam's face to hers only stopping when their lips were millimeters apart, almost but not quite touching. Sam bridged the distance between, the tip of her tongue tracing full soft lips in an unhurried caress that Brooke felt throughout her body. Strong hands buried themselves in thick dark tresses as Sam's hands on Brooke's hips pressed the taller girl closer to her. The kiss deepened and became more primal in its urgency, less about emotional connections and more about the physical connection they both desired.

Without breaking the kiss Sam began moving backwards till she felt the edge of the bed behind her. She sat on the edge of the bed and pulled Brooke to stand between her spread legs. Sam's leaned forward and began to lick and nuzzle the cheerleader's flat solid abdomen paying particular attention to her belly button and the involuntary twitch of muscles that told her just how much Brooke loved what she was doing. Sam rolled lace panties down incredibly long tanned legs kissing her way down her lover's body as she went. Sam leaned back on her elbows her eyes drinking in the perfection that was a naked Brooke McQueen. She reached up and taking one of Brooke's hands in her own she yanked the other girl so that she fell on top of Sam her rock hard thigh trapped between the brunette runner's legs.

They kissed again and now both girls explored each other. Touching gently, reverently they set about learning how to please each other. There was no hurry, no rush or urgency in their touch as each caress, each pass of hand over flesh slowly stoked the fire within them. Then Brooke's hand slid down and cupped Sam's mound; fingers gently parted the soft curls and slid between the brunette's nether lips.

"Oh God Brooke…yes don't stop" Sam opened her legs further and her hips thrust upward trying to increase the pressure of Brooke's palm on her mound.

"Never…as long as you want me to Sammy…I love you …thank you thank you thank you" the last came out a sob as Brooke felt Sam's fingers slip between her legs lightly stroking as full red lips closed around one taut nipple.

Brooke's head dropped to Sam's shoulder as her hips ground down onto Sam's hand and thigh, her voice in Sam's ear was hoarse tight with lust.

"Can I be inside you…please?"

"Anything…anything you want"

Slowly Brooke slid long fingers into Sam's tight virginal channel, giving the girl time to adjust to the feel of fingers deep inside of her before beginning to thrust in and out.

"Oh…ooooohhhh…better this is better than I dreamed even…oh god oh god" Sam's head jerked up then slammed back down onto the bed. Brooke's mouth on hers swallowed Sam's screams as orgasm swept through her.


Chapter 5

Brooke continued kissing Sam, caressing her till the tremors coursing through the brunette subsided. With a soft moan she released Sam's lips burying her head in the crook of her lover's neck pressing the flat of her tongue against the rapidly beating pulse point she found there. She gently sucked as her hips continued moving riding Sam's thigh as she sought her own release. Slowly Sam's hips picked up the rhythm of Brooke's body rising up to meet the blonde cheerleader increasing the pressure on Brooke's clit while her hands on Brooke's hips held the now frantically bucking girl to her.

"Sam… Sam… Sam" Brooke panted.

Sam rolled them over so that now Brooke was on the bed as Sam held herself above the blonde. Then she covered Brooke's body with her own, one leg between the cheerleader's thighs continued to apply pressure to Brooke's aching clit. With her left hand Sam held Brooke's arms above her head causing the cheerleader to arch her back and offer her breasts to Sam's eager mouth. Long dark hair tickled Brooke's abdomen providing an almost silken contrast to the slightly rough feel of Sam's tongue as she lapped at the sweat and salt in the valley between Brooke's breasts. Sam kissed and licked in ever-smaller circles till she reached one puckered nipple and stopped her lips almost but not quite closing around the stiff peak. Brooke arched her back further desperately trying to bridge the distance between her body and Sam's mouth.

"Patience love" Sam murmured as the tip of her tongue finally touched Brooke's nipple eliciting a deep-throated groan of pleasure

"I've been patient …very patient" the cheerleader growled out "Touch me"

Sam's right hand swept over Brooke's body from wrist to thigh and then back up to cup rounded softness as she took the girl's other rock hard nipple in her mouth. Brooke writhed underneath the brunette, every nerve ending on fire.

One long tanned leg wrapped itself around Sam's waist as her hand roamed down Brooke's side to her ass in a languorous caress. Long fingers parted Brooke gliding between slick wet folds to touch her clit gently teasing.

"Stop teasing me…oooohhhh" Brooke's breath was ragged, harsh in the other girl's ear as Sam slid one finger deep inside her lover.

"Oh God…so wet you are so wet…feels so good"

"For you…it's you…just you…aaghh" then there were no more words, only pleasure and the sounds of Brooke's long awaited release.

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