Title: Under These Rocks and Stones

Author: Aeryn Sun

Email: willowrose_98@yahoo.com

Chasing Ghosts

Author's Notes: Still here, still writing. Just wishing my RL didn't suck so bad. Could someone write a fic where it didn't?


So their lives settled into a semblence of normalcy for the next two weeks. Jane, along with help from unexpected sources at the high school (who knew Bio Glass could be so helpful) had all the missing work sent to the girls in secret. It had been tricky but then Bio Glass seemed oddly suited to underhanded techniques. As far as the school board was concerned, the four girls were being home schooled at the moment. Mike, Gayle and Maria were clueless, too caught up in their own arguments with each other to notice Jane's actions. It wasn't the best arrangement for the girls, but it kept them from falling further behind in their classes.

Sam and Brooke spoke to Jane almost daily, getting the gossip from home and generally just staying in touch. Having the lifeline to their mother made them both calmer and more at home at Terri's despite their homesickness. According to Jane, things with Mike, Maria and Gayle hadn't improved any, but they hadn't degraded any further either. However, they could hear the strain that the situation was putting on Jane and Mike's relationship and that bothered them. Sam and Brooke agreed that despite the way Mike was acting at the moment, he made Jane happy and that was all they wanted for her. They didn't want to see that relationship fall apart because of their own relationship. But they didn't see a way to fix it at present either.

They had had Jane secretly pass on messages to Harrison and Carmen. Just simple 'Hello's' and 'We're fine'. General stuff and nothing that Mike could use to find them. They knew that they were taking a chance that one of them would go running to Mike to tell him that Jane knew where they were but decided it was worth the risk. They all missed their friends badly. Besides, if one of them did decide to rat them out, then they'd know who their true friends were.

Right now, the four of them knew that they could count on each other. It was a strange arrangement, Sam decided as she listened to the steady thump of her feet on the concrete as she jogged. Brooke had been telling the truth, she did jog every chance she got. But she didn't do it because she was a health nut. Working off the Oreos and other assorted junkfoods was just a side effect of jogging. For Sam running was a form of therapy. It gave her time alone to think and work through her issues. The pounding of her feet on the ground and the rhythm of her heart in her chest served as the soundtrack to which she solved her problems.

A while back before Brooke had confessed her own feelings, running was how Sam dealt with hers. She would pour her hurt, longing, and love for Brooke into her legs and push them harder and faster than they were meant to go. Sometimes she pushed herself to the point of being physically sick. But at the time, she didn't know what else to do with herself. Telling Brooke how she felt had never been an option and the silence was slowly killing her. Thankfully, that wasn't an issue anymore.

She could trace her habit of running back to when her father had died. The house had been full of mourners. The tears and sympathetic looks were suffocating to her and Sam just had to escape. So she'd simply opened the back door and started running. It was the first time in her life when she could remember feeling free. The wind pulled at her hair, brushed at her face and whispered in her ears. She swore that she could hear her father's voice. To Sam, running helped her work through her problems and it also brought her closer to her father.

So she ran down a side street near Terri's searching for a solution to her current problem. How to get Mike, Maria and Gayle to act like civilized 21st century individuals. It was a daunting task and it seemed no matter how many miles she ran or how much she listened to her father's voice on the wind, no answer was going to come to her. This was one problem too big for running to solve. But somehow, Sam thought if she just gave herself enough time and pushed herself hard enough, she'd find the ellusive answer.

"Sammy," Brooke's voice came from somewhere behind her. Without breaking her stride, Sam glanced over her shoulder. Brooke was quickly gaining on her from behind. The blonde's slightly longer stride brought her to Sam's side in moments.

"Hey," Sam said simply in greeting without stopping. Brooke smiled.

"Hey," she responded. "You've been out here a long time, love. How far are you planning on running today?" Sam shrugged.

"Until I get tired, I guess" she answered. Brooke laughed and shook her head.

"Took me a while to find you. Searched the entire neighborhood. Lily's been entertaining the idea that you've been kidnapped or something. She's got a very vivid imagination, that girl," Brooke explained. Sam smiled.

"Sammy, can we stop a sec? I didn't stretch before coming after you and I've got a catch in my side," Brooke panted. Sam slowed to a stop. She watched as Brooke caught her breath.

"What's up?" she asked Brooke. Brooke shrugged.

"Nothing really. You've just been gone a long time and I got kinda worried is all." She stared at Sam's sweat covered countanence for a minute. "What are you running from, Sammy?" Sam frowned at her.

"Nothing. What kind of question is that?"

"A concerned one," Brooke pointed out patiently. "Sam, you never jog for this long. I know you run to think out your problems. So what are you thinking about?" Sam sighed and pushed her damp bangs out of her face.

"This screwy mess we find ourselves in," she said as she set off walking back towards Terri's house. Brooke fell into step beside her.

"What about it? Find any answers 'oh wise one?" Brooke joked. Sam smirked.

"Unfortunately no. God, Brooke, did you ever think we'd find ourselves in such a freaking mess?" Sam asked. Brooke shook her head.

"Honestly? I never thought that the 'we' in question would be you and me," she said quietly. Sam stopped walking and looked at her in silent question, a slight look of hurt on her face. Brooke arched an eyebrow and cupped Sam's face in her palm.

"Remember, Sam, I was so far in denial over how I felt that I couldn't even see daylight," she reminded the brunette. Sam nodded and pulled away.

"I remember," Sam said sardonically. She started walking again. "Now what do we do?" Brooke shrugged.

"Damned if I know, Sammy," she sighed. She wrinkled her nose. "But for right now, you need a shower." Sam stuck out her tongue.

"Har har, McQueen," she said sarcastically. "I happen to think I smell Mountain Fresh."

"Ew, Sam. A mountain in a landfill maybe..."

"Hey!" Sam protested. She smiled devilishly at Brooke. "I might be persuaded to shower if I had, oh say, some company..." she teased. Brooke wagged her eyebrows and smiled back at her.

"Race you!"


Lily lay with her head on Nicole's bare stomach, just enjoying some quiet time with her blonde lover. Nicole was gently running her hands through her hair and making her feel cherished. She wondered if Nic knew what a calming effect such a small action had on her. She started tracing small circles over Nicole's skin and heard her sigh happily.

"You think Brooke found Sam?" Lily asked, breaking the silence that surrounded them.

"Probably," Nicole answered simply. "It's not like there were many places for Spam to go."

"True. But she seemed upset when I saw her this morning. Upset or distracted," she amended. Nicole twirled some of Lily's hair around her fingers.

"Probably both. If there's one thing I know about Spam it's that her mind tends to run two steps ahead of her," Nic pointed out.

"Yeah. I'm worried about her though," Lily shifted to look Nicole in the eye. "I thought once she got to talk to her mother that she'd relax some but I think she's getting wound even tighter but she doesn't want anyone to know." Nicole looked down at her with a slight frown.

"And yet we've all noticed," she remarked. Lily nodded.

"Yes. Even Brooke. She's worried that Sam's making herself sick trying to find a way to solve our problems all by herself. But she can't. Somehow she's taken responsibilty for the whole mess and is trying to fix it. It's not fair to her," Lily complained. Nicole sighed.

"No, it's not. But she's going to do it because it's who she is," she argued softly. "She cares a lot about you guys and feels the need to protect you. Give her time and she'll see that she can't fix the world simply on the strength of her will alone." Lily was quiet for a while after that and Nicole thought she'd fallen back asleep.

"I hear the shower running. Brooke must have found her," Lily giggled softly, startling Nicole.

"Well, I told you she had no where to go," she chuckled. "Lil, how are you doing?" she asked seriously. Lily moved to lay next to her.

"I miss home," Lily confessed honestly. Nicole wrapped her arms around Lily tightly.

"I'm sorry," she whispered to the upset Latina.

"Stop apologizing for what's not your fault, Niki. Please. You make ME feel guilty when you do." Nicole looked at her in confusion.

"How do I do that?" she wondered out loud.

"Niki, you took a chance and confessed your feelings for me. I could have turned away but I didn't. If I had, your mother would have never known that you were gay or in love with me. She never would have hit you," Lily's voice cracked as she spoke and tears cascaded over her cheeks as she remembered the vivid bruise on Nicole's cheek.

"Lily, she used to hit me anyway," Nicole whispered sadly. "Being gay had nothing to do with that."

"Still, she hit you because of ME. When you apologize for loving me, it reminds me of what you've lost and sacrificed to be with me. You pretend not to care but I know you do. You have a heart and emotions, Nic. And I know you hurt," Lily said to her quietly. Nicole nodded relucantly.

"I do, but you're more important," she said simply. Lily sniffed.

"Not to me," she countered.

"Well, we're a sorry pair, aren't we?" Nicole joked to lighten the mood. Lily sighed and then giggled slightly.

"You just can't stand having a sensitive moment last TOO long, can you?" Lily snickered. Nicole shook her head.

"No, I break out in hives. Very ugly visual."


"I hate Calculus," Sam declared as she tossed down her pencil in defeat. "I give up." Brooke looked up from her English assignment and sighed.

"Try again, Sammy," she said patiently. Sam shook her head.

"I've BEEN trying. It makes no sense to me. All the stuff is blending together," she whined. "I think my brain is melting." Nicole snorted. "Quiet Satan."

"Maybe we need a break," Lily suggested from across the table.

"Yeah," Nicole agreed. "We've been at this for hours." Brooke nodded as she closed her notebook.

"All right, any suggestions?" she asked.

"Movies, cards, Monopoly?" Sam rattled off.

"Nah," Lily broke in. "I want to get out of the house. I need some fresh air. Terri's got a beautiful, big back yard. Let's just go for a walk or something."

Lily and Nicole ended up down by the creek that ran through the edge of the property while Sam and Brooke stayed close to the house. They were hoping for a call from Jane who was away from Mike on a business trip. They were walking hand in hand near a flowerbed when they heard the voice call them.

"Sammy! Brooke!" They spun to face the unexpected voice and were shocked to see Jane standing with Terri in the driveway.

"Mom?" Sam gasped. She and Brooke both recovered from their shock and broke out into a run to greet their much missed mother. They engulfed her in tight hugs and didn't let go for several minutes. Lily and Nicole stood with Terri, watching with huge grins on their faces.

"How are you here? Why?" Brooke questioned a few minutes later. Jane smiled.

"There's a real estate workshop being held in downtown Austin. I begged my agency to let me go to represent them," she explained. "I told your father that I needed to get away from the situation for a little while." She looked deep into both her daughter's eyes.

"I missed you both so much," she said quietly.

"We missed you too," Sam whispered.

"Why don't we take this party indoors, folks," Terri broke in. She led the reunited family into the house. Jane, Sam and Brooke sat at th table.

"How long are you here for, Mom?" Sam asked, grinning from ear to ear. She was beyond happy to see her mother. Jane smiled back at her.

"A week at best, Sammy. Any longer than that and Mike will get suspicious," Jane said. Terri snickered.

"Please, that man is clueless," she commented. She then remembered that both Mike's daughter and fiancee were in the room and winced at her words. "Oops, sorry," she apologized sheepishly.

"Don't worry about it," Jane told her. "He is." She turned back to her daughters. "How are you two?"

"We're good, right Sammy?" Brooke asked. Sam nodded but Jane could see that the situation was putting a strain on Sam. Sometimes the girl was too sensitive for her own good.

"Homesick though," Sam ammended. "We miss you and our friends." Jane nodded.

"I miss you too. And your friends miss you. Everyone has asked what's going on and whether the rumors are true. I tell them that your sexual preference, whatever it may be, doesn't effect their lives so they have to wait for you to come home to explain. I hope you don't mind but I didn't feel that it was my place to tell anyone," Jane explained quietly. Sam looked at Brooke who just shrugged back.

"It's OK with us, Mom. You're right, it isn't their business anyway," Sam said. "At least until we chose to tell them."

"So, where are you staying?" Brooke asked.

"I have a room at the hotel next to the convention center," Jane said handing Brooke the phone number to her room.

"You can stay here," Terri said.

"Yeah," Sam agreed with her eyes lighting up. Jane shook her head.

"I'd love to but I need to stay at the hotel in case Mike calls." Sam nodded at the logic in that.

"OK," Sam said a little disappointed.

"So," Jane said, "tell me everything I've missed."


"Terri, I can't thank you enough for taking the girls in. It was above and beyond what you were obligated to do," Jane said later after the girls went to bed. Terri waved her off.

"My pleasure, Jane. I love my Pumpkin-nose too much to just turn her away, no matter what the reason. Mike's being an ass. Nicole and Lily are her friends so they're more than welcome. And as for your girl, Jane, well, Sam is certainly something special from what I've seen," she said. Jane smiled and nodded.

"I like to think so. God, I betrayed them both so badly," she complained.

"And yet they don't hold it against you so you shouldn't either. Don't let it eat at you, Jane. Let it go and work on fixing things. Sam's driving herself nuts trying to find a way to get everyone home," Terri explained. Jane frowned.

"That's my Sam, trying to change the world before she hits twenty," she sighed. Terri tilted her head as she thought of her next question.

"Has she always been like that? Taking things so personal and behaving like everything is her fault?" Terri asked. Jane nodded slowly.

"Unfortunately," she said. "Sam may act tough and like she's strong but she's not. She has always taken things to heart. I think she even blamed herself for her father Joe's death."

"Poor kid," Terri breathed. "She's sweet though. They're all good kids. This is an unfair mess they're in."

"I know. And I've been racking my brain trying to find a way to clean it up, but I've come up empty."

"Give it time, Jane. Eventually an answer will present itself," Terri reassured her.

"I hope so."

Stirring the Pot

Author's Notes: Egad, I reverted to Samabusage. Shame on me. *sigh* I think I need help. My name is Aeryn Sun and I'm a Samabusage-aholic. (Dang, that was a mouthful). But, I kinda had to for story purposes. Please don't hate me.


It stands to reason that if you wait for a problem to sort itself out, one of two things can happen: 1) the problem will eventually sort itself out or; 2) the problem will grow 1000x times worse. Also, according to some wise ass named Murphy, 'whatever can go wrong will go wrong'. Nicole realized all of these facts as she watched events unfold with a feeling of complete and utter horror.

The morning had started innocently enough. She and Lily had gone for a walk at a nearby park not far from Terri's house. Despite her 'bitch' image, Nic really was a quiet and romantic person. She loved to take quiet walks with Lily and just hold her hand, talking about nothing and everything and passing the time feeling loved and accepted. It was something she never got at home, unconditional love, but it was something Lily gave her without reservation. Nicole still wondered what she did to deserve someone as special and wonderful as Lily.

They walked all that morning talking about what they wanted to do after high school. Nicole was relieved to hear that all of Lily's plans included her in some way. Lily wanted Nic in her life for the foreseeable future and for the first time in her life Nicole felt like she really belonged with and to someone. She never wanted that whole and complete feeling to end. And Nicole had shared Lily's sentiment about sharing a life together. Over all, they were both very happy when they'd arrived back at Terri's.

That was until they saw the strange car in the driveway. The black sedan sent chills down Nicole's spine and made the hair on the back of her neck stand up. She didn't know how she knew but she just knew that that car meant trouble. Her suspicions were confirmed a few minutes later by loud angry shouts coming from the house.

"Stop it! You can't do this, Dad! I won't let you!" It was clearly Brooke in near hysterics. The mention of the word 'Dad' brought Lily and Nicole running to the door.

"Shit, Mike," Nicole swore. They opened the door to a scene that would haunt them both. Mike stood in the middle of the room with an almost wild look in his eyes. Brooke was standing in front of Sam who was sprawled on the floor at her mother's feet with Terri and Jane checking on her. It was obvious that Mike's anger had gotten the better of him and he'd taken it out on Sam. She was staring back up at him with a look of complete terror on her face that neither Lily or Nicole could remember seeing before. It was shocking to see the normally calm Sam looking so scared.

"What the Hell is going on here?" Nicole yelled, drawing Mike's attention from Sam to her. He glared at her.

"Family business, go away. Your parents will be here shortly," he snarled. Lily crossed the room to help Sam and Brooke, heedless of Mike while Nic crossed her arms and arched an eyebrow at the maniac male.

"Family business, huh? I know all about family business that involves hitting. Lay a hand on Sam OR Brooke again and I'll break every bone in your body, understand?" she growled refusing to back down. If there was one thing Nicole was familiar with handling, it was a bullying parent. Mike advanced slowly on her.

"Who are you to tell me what I can or can't do? Brooke is MY daughter, and I'll do as I see fit!" he bellowed.

"Leave her alone and get out of my house, Mike!" Terri yelled from where Lily and Brooke held Sam up by her arms. Jane was crying and examining Sam carefully.

"Not without my daughter," he spat turning his attention to Terri and Jane. "And you," he hissed at Jane. "Knew all this time where they were. If I hadn't flown out here to surprise you I never would have known you'd been lying to me. How could you?"

"How could YOU?" Jane shot back beyond angry. "You just beat the crap out of Sam because she tried to protect me and Brooke from you. What does that say about you? You beat a 17 year old girl who was trying to protect her mother and the girl she loves from an insanely angry man!"

"Brooke?" Sam whispered quietly. "You OK?" Brooke wiped at Sam's face and managed to spare the girl a smile.

"Yes, Sammy, I'm fine," she said placing a gentle kiss to Sam's forehead.

"Get out of my house before I call the cops, Mike. Or take care of you myself. I have a gun permit, you know," Terri threatened lowly. Mike huffed and glared.

"Fine, but I'll be back for my daughter. You have no legal right to her, she's mine," he declared.

"I belong to NO ONE," Brooke ground out as she held onto Sam. "Least of all an abusive, homophobic asshole. You told me that if I didn't end things with Sam that I had to leave. Well, I left. Deal with it."

"You're too young to make such decisions, that's what you need me for," Mike told her condecendingly as he headed for the door. "I WILL be back. Be packed and ready to go, Brooke. I mean it."

"Get lost, Mike," Brooke spat, her voice dripping with venom. Mike slammed the door behind him leaving the six women in silence.

"Here, Sammy, sit on the couch," Jane said leading Lily and Brooke to set their precious cargo down on the sofa. Sam sat with a groan and closed her eyes.

"What the hell happened here?" Lily asked finally.

"I'll get the first aid kit and some ice, be right back," Terri said leaving the room. Brooke sat down next to Sam as the brunette leaned into her. Jane shook her head.

"I'm not exactly sure but that was NOT the man I was going to marry," she muttered as she went back to looking over Sam's injuries.

"Can someone please tell us what the hell is going on?" Nicole asked walking up behind Lily to wrap her arms around her for comfort. Brooke continued to hold Sam silently so Jane took it upon herself to explain.

"Mike came to surprise me and when I wasn't at the hotel, he found out where the taxi's had been taking me, I guess. He pulled up and caught Sam and Brooke out front. They tried to talk to him and brought him inside but he just went ballistic."

"After we argued for a few minutes, he went to slap me and Sam stopped him. The next thing either Brooke or I knew, he was just beating her and ranting that it was all her fault. When Brooke went to stop him, he shoved her and Sam got in his way again. She let him know that he was never laying a hand on Brooke, ever," despite the dire situation, a hint of pride creeped into Jane's voice as she spoke about Sam's actions.

"He started to hit her again until Terri dragged him off of her. He then demanded that Brooke go home with him and he was taking her whether she liked it or not. That's about when you two arrived."

"Jesus," Nicole swore as she looked at the damage done to Sam. She had some cuts and bruises on her face and a dazed expression on her face. Her eyes were glassy and she didn't seem to be looking at anything in particular.

"You OK there, Spam?" Nic asked softly. Sam blinked a few times and tried to focus on Nicole. She frowned.

"Yeah," she sighed but said nothing else. Nicole looked at Brooke in worry. It was unlike Sam to be so quiet. Brooke looked close to tears and bit her lip.

"Here's the first aid kit," Terri announced walking back into the room. "Let's take a look at you, kiddo." She gently wiped some blood away from Sam's face with a gauze pad as Sam stared blankly at her.

"You OK, Sam?" Terri asked concerned. Sam closed her eyes and leaned further into Brooke's arms.

"Yeah," Sam repeated.

"Maybe we should take her to the hospital," Lily suggested. Sam shook her head.

"'M OK," she said. "I just hurt," she explained.

"Where Sammy?" Jane asked. Sam opened her eyes for a second and looked at her mother.

"Everywhere," she admitted. "Is everyone OK?"

"Sam, worry about yourself," Brooke told her. "We're fine."

"Sam, where are you hurt?" Jane asked again, growing aggitated. Sam sighed. She hated it when her mother was in overprotective mode.

"My head and ribs mostly," she replied. "I'm fine, really."

"Liar," Brooke accused playfully. She could feel Sam shaking from pain and fear in her arms. She knew she was going to have nightmares about her father beating Sam for a long time to come. And she was never going to forgive him for it either.

Jane and Terri examined Sam's face as she squirmed slightly and Jane checked her ribs. Satisfied that she was badly bruised but not broken, they left her alone a few minutes later. She snuggled back into Brooke's warm embrace and sighed.

"Can we not ever do that again?" she asked pitifully. Brooke hugged her gently.

"I'm so very very sorry, Sammy," Brooke apologized, her voice thick with unshead tears.

"Not your fault, Brooke," she reassured the blonde. "But what are we going to do when he comes back?" Brooke shrugged.

"I dunno, Sammy. We'll deal when it happens. Let's take care of you for now and put you to bed."

"'Kay," Sam agreed. A nap sounded really good to her right now. She kind of hoped that when she woke up this entire day would turn out to be nothing more than a horrible nightmare. But somehow, she knew that wasn't going to be the case.


Sam was asleep in the bed she shared with Brooke, finally having settled down after a doctor friend of Terri's came by and looked her over. He would have rathered that Sam went to the hospital but she refused so he was forced to evaluate her there. Mike had banged her up pretty bad but she'd be all right with a few days rest. The doctor wrote a prescription for some pain medication and antibiotics and left her to rest. Brooke was laying in the bed beside her when Jane looked in to check on her.

"How she doing?" Jane asked. Brooke lovingly brushed some hair out of Sam's bruised face and sighed.

"She's asleep but she had trouble getting comfortable. God, Mom, I can't believe that that man was my father," she said in shock. Jane nodded.

"I know, I can't believe it was him either. Brooke, I'm sorry but I don't think I can marry your father after what he's done," Jane said sadly. Brooke shook her head.

"I don't want you to," Brooke admitted. Jane looked at her in surprise. "Mom, and you'll always be my mom," she smiled at Jane, "you deserve better than him. I know he's my Dad but I don't know who he is anymore. I want to see you happy and he won't make you happy in the long run. Plus, if he'll hit Sam like this, what will he eventually do to you or me or Mac?" Jane nodded.

"Good points all," she agreed. "I'm glad you understand."

"I wouldn't have let you marry him after this," Brooke said firmly. She looked back at Sam's sleeping face and sighed.

"I love her so much, Mom," she said as she started to cry, the days events catching up with her. Jane moved closer to hug the crying blonde.

"I know you do, honey," Jane soothed.

"I just don't understand why I should be forced to choose between my father and my very heart and soul. It's not fair," Brooke wept.

"No, it's not. I am so sorry," Jane whispered.

"Brooke?" Sam's sleepy voice carried over to them both. She frowned when she saw Brooke's tears. "Aw, baby don't cry," she implored. Brooke buried her face in Sam shoulder as sobs shook her frame. Seeing that the girls needed each other more than her right now, Jane stood up and quietly left the room.


"This is just freaking great. For all we know, Mike and our mothers are going to appear on the front doorstep with the Army in tow at any second," Nicole ranted. Lily gently rubbed Nicole's shoulders.

"Relax, Niki, it can't be that bad," she looked up at Terri. "Can it?"

"I'm afraid it's probably going to get pretty bad," Terri conceeded. "And unfortunately there's nothing I can really do to help."

"You've already done so much by letting us stay here in the first place, Terri. I don't know if we've thanked you enough," Lily said. Terri shrugged her off.

"No thanks is necessary. I was happy to help," she told them. "I really wish there was more I could do."

"It's better you not get any further dragged in," Nicole broke in. "No one should have to deal with my mother if they can avoid it."

"That bad, huh?" Terri asked.

"You know Joan Crawford?" Nic asked. Terri nodded. "Donna Reed compared to my mom."

"Yeesh," Terri groaned. "My condolences."

"Thanks," Nicole snickered. She hugged Lily tightly. "So, what do we do now?"

"We could leave again," Lily suggested. Nicole shook her head.

"We can't spend our lives running, Lil. That's not the life I want for you."

"But I don't want to be seperated from you," Lily complained sadly.

"You won't be, ever, Lil. Even if they send me away, I'll come back. I promise," Nicole vowed. Lily smiled at her.

"I know you will," she said. "I just wish it didn't have to be this way."

"Unfortunately, this is the way it is right now. Lily, we WILL find a way through this," Nicole told her worried lover confidently. "I don't know how but someday this will all just be a bad memory that we can overlook together."

"I hope so, Niki," Lily sighed. Unseen by Lily, Nicole bit her lip and sent up a silent prayer to whoever was listening that one day she would be right. She wasn't so sure and being optomistic was a new role for her. But for Lily, she would try.

They were still standing in the kitchen with Terri when Jane walked in and joined them.

"How's Sam?" Lily asked. Jane shook her head.

"Hurt and tired," she lamented. "I swear I should call the cops on Mike for what he did to her," she said angrily. She was so mad at Mike that she wanted to wrap her hands around his throat and squeeze. But for Brooke's sake, and Mac's, she swallowed her urge for revenge.

"You should," Nicole spat harshly. "Asshole deserves to be arrested for hurting her like that. And if he does it once, Jane, he'll do it again. Next time it could be you, or Brooke, or God forbid, little Mac."

"I know," Jane admitted sadly. "That's why I just told Brooke I can't marry him now. Not after this. Our relationship is over."

"In a way I'm sorry," Lily said quietly. "You two were happy for awhile. And this is such a stupid thing to lose your engagement over but in a way it's good that you got to see what he was really like BEFORE you married him."

"I guess," Jane shrugged. She looked up at Terri. "Was he ever like this with Kelly?" Terri frowned.

"Not that I really know of, at least not physically. Kelly did complain from time to time that his mood swings were extreme. One second he was fine and then enraged the next. It was one of the contributing factors to her leaving him. Among her 'other' problems. She never would have left Brooke with him if she thought he'd ever hit her though."

"He always struck me as so calm and quiet," Lily spoke up. Nicole snorted.

"Yeah, and it's always the quiet ones you have to watch out for," she remarked.


They were quietly eating dinner, except for Brooke and Sam who were still sleeping in their room when the doorbell rang. With a look of dread and resignation, Terri rose to answer the door. Upon opening it, she was immediately faced with several police officers as well as Mike, Gayle Julian and Maria Esposito.

"We're here for our daughters," Gayle announced snottily. "Unless you want to spend time in jail, I suggest you hand them over." Knowing that she had no choice but hating it, Terri opened the door all the way and let the stampede into her house.

Free Fall

Author's Notes: I have no idea what Sam's middle name is, if she even had one so I gave her the feminine form of her father's name. It seemed to fit. =)


The entire incident at Terri's had been a screaming shouting fest. Despite the police presence, none of the girls were cooperative. First Nicole and her mother had gotten into a rout worthy of any WWF wrestler when Gayle had informed Nicole that she was enrolled in a private boarding school overseas. Apparently Gayle felt that the more miles she put between Nicole and Lily the better. The police had to pry Nicole off of her mother. Nicole then grabbed on to Lily and refused to set foot outside the house. She was not leaving Lily without a fight. Of course, then Maria had to get involved and she and Lily got into a shouting match. Nicole and Lily were eventually placed in seperate cars under guard when they refused to leave quietly.

All the shouting brought Brooke out from the room she shared with the still groggy Sam. She knew what was going on but ventured out to see for herself. Mike and Terri were having a face off over her and Sam while Jane was speaking to a few of the officers. Brooke hoped that she was telling them how Mike had assaulted Sam. Upon seeing her, Mike immediately turned his attention from Terri to Brooke.

"Get your stuff and get in the car, Brooke," he ordered. Brooke scowled at him.

"Not in this lifetime," she scoffed at him. She looked at Jane and the cops. "Did you tell them what he did to Sam?" Jane nodded.

"Yes, honey, but..."

"But WHAT?" Brooke shouted. "There are three witnesses that saw him beat on a 17 year old girl! Why aren't you taking him away?" she demanded to know from the closest officer.

"It was on private property and Mrs. McPherson isn't pressing charges," the officer told her calmly. Brooke turned bright red with anger.

"WHAT?" she seethed. Jane looked away unable to keep Brooke's angry gaze.

"Brooke, if I press charges on that, he'll claim Sam kidnapped you and that this whole thing is her fault. She could get into a lot of trouble, Brooke," Jane explained quietly. Brooke turned to her father.

"You asshole!" she shouted. "I left of my own free will. So did Nicole and Lily. Sam didn't kidnap anyone. We left because you, our PARENTS made us. We weren't left a choice so we took the only option available to us. You're just looking for someone to blame. I got news for you, MIKE," she spat his name in a mocking tone. "The only person here that should be blamed is YOU. Not Sam, but you, Mike McQueen, homophobe extrordinaire."

"Don't you speak to me that way, young lady," Mike warned lowly.

"Or what? You'll hit me too? I dare you because guess what? I WILL press charges against you," Brooke informed him firmly. Mike walked up so that he was face to face with his daughter.

"Now you listen to me, little girl, and you listen good. Don't threaten me, I am STILL your father whether you like it or not. You get your stuff and get in the car because we are going home. When we get there, you are to have NO contact whatsoever with Sam. You are not to speak to her or of her. You are not to be in the same building she's in at anytime. As far as your life is concerned, Samantha McPherson does not exist," he spoke in a deadly calm voice that actually scared Brooke on some level although she wasn't going to let it show.

"That's going to be awfully hard since a) I love her; b) we live in the same house; and c) go to the same school. Oh and did I mention I LOVE HER?" Brooke shouted at her father.

"You will NEVER speak that way to me again!" Mike bellowed. "You know nothing about love and this...'thing' between you two is not love, it's sick! Sam is no longer welcome in my home. Where she lives is no concern of mine. Jane is still welcome at the Palace, as is my other daughter Mac, but Sam is NOT. And I'll transfer you to another school if I have to."

"Mike," Jane broke in. "Mac and I will never be living under the same roof as you. You DARED raise a hand in anger to my daughter. How could you even THINK that I'd still marry you, let alone let you raise Mac in an atmosphere like that?" she sneered. Mike sputtered at her.

"You can't take Mackenzie away from me!" he declared. Jane's eyes narrowed and she smirked a very Sam-like devilish smirk.

"Watch me," she challenged. Just then Sam emerged unsteadily in the doorway.

"Brooke? Mom? What's going on?" she asked confused. Brooke walked over and gathered Sam into her arms.

"It's falling apart, Sammy," she whispered in Sam's ear. "They've taken Nicole and Lily away and now Dad is trying to take me." Tears welled up in Sam's eyes.

"No," she whimpered clinging tightly to Brooke. "I won't let him." Mike rushed over and abruptly forced the girls apart.

"Stay away from my daughter!" he screamed as Sam stumbled a few feet away.

"Mr. McQueen," an officer warned stepping closer to intervene so that Mike couldn't go after Sam again. Mike managed to look contrite.

"You can't do this, Mike," Sam argued softly, still tired and weak from her last altercation with him.

"Yes, I can, Sam. She is still my daughter and I know what's best for her."

"How can you know what's in her heart?" Sam asked, still calm. "You haven't taken the time to talk to her. How can you know how she feels and therefore what's best for her if you won't take the time to get to know her?"

"You have already ruined my engagement to your mother, Samantha. I will not let you further corrupt my daughter!" He turned to Brooke. "Get your things we are leaving now!"

There was nothing more Sam or Brooke could do to stop the inevitable. Crying heavily Brooke packed up her things and had a heart wrenching goodbye with Sam while Terri and Jane kept Mike occupied.

"This doesn't change how I feel for you. You know that, right, Sam? He can't make me stop loving you," Brooke stroked the side of Sam's bruised face lovingly, wiping the tears as they fell down the brunettes cheeks.

"I'm so sorry. This is all my fault," Sam cried.

"Aww, Sammy, why?" Brooke wondered.

"You're relationship with your Dad is destroyed, Mom lost her fiancee, Mac lost her dad, Nic and Lily's family's are in shambles all cuz I couldn't keep my feelings to myself. I ruined five lives," Sam explained through her tears. Brooke sighed. There was Sam, taking responsibility for all that went wrong around her.

"You ruined nothing, Sam," she said softly but firmly, making Sam look her in the eye. "You have made everything better. I've never felt more alive, more loved than I do when I'm in your arms. Mike isn't going to change that. We'll find a way around him to be together, I promise." Sam sniffled.


"With all my heart and soul, Sammy. I love you too much to let go of you now," Brooke leaned in and kissed her soundly and deeply feeling Sam melt against her.

"I love you, I need you, Brooke," Sam responded. Brooke held her tight.

"I know, Sammy. I know."


Jane watched as Sam sat curled up on the bed in the motel room they were staying in, watching the raging thunderstorm outside the window. The teen had barely spoken two words to anyone since they'd returned from Texas a week earlier and Jane was beginning to worry. Sam wasn't eating, wasn't sleeping and her wounds from Mike were healing slower than they should have. It was like she simply stopped the second Brooke was lead away from her into the waiting car. When the car had driven out of sight, Sam had collapsed and ended up overnight in the hospital for exhaustion and trauma. Now that she was home, she was doing no better.

Nicole was in Europe at a boarding school; Lily still went to Kennedy but her mother dropped her off in the morning and picked her up right after the bell rang. She wasn't allowed to talk to anyone outside of school and was forced to stay away from Brooke. Brooke was still at Kennedy trying to clean up the mess Mary Cherry had created in her and Nicole's absence and Sam was being home schooled. Aside from Brooke and Lily occasionally speaking during school hours, the foursome no longer had contact with each other.

Terri had returned to L.A. with Jane and Sam and helped them move their stuff from the Palace to the motel. She was staying in the next room trying to offer emotional and moral support to Sam and Jane as well as Brooke. She was the only one who could see Brooke and Sam and therefore communicate between the two. But Jane could see that the notes and little messages were not enough for her oldest daughter. Sam was slowly dying inside and Jane could see it.

But there was nothing she could think to do to help. Mike had gone so far as to get restraining orders. Even she could no longer go near the Palace or Brooke. The whole thing was way out of control.

"Sam, honey, you have to eat," she spoke gently to the form huddled on the bed in the dark.

"Not hungry," Sam mumbled without uncurling from the ball she was hunched in. Jane sighed.

"Getting sick won't help things," she pointed out. She heard Sam sigh heavily.

"Whatever. Nothing I do will help things. Might as well fade away."

"SAMANTHA JOSEPHINE MCPHERSON!" Jane scolded. "Don't talk like that. Brooke wouldn't want to hear that and neither do I." Sam finally tore her gaze away from the storm and looked at her mother. The lost and hopeless look in Sam's deep brown eyes scared her mother. She hadn't seen such a look of desperate agony on her daughter's face since Joe had died. She moved to sit with Sam on the bed and enveloped her in a loving hug.

"Oh honey, we'll find a way to fix this, I promise," she told Sam, praying that she wasn't lying to her. She really did want to find a way to bring Sam and Brooke back together but couldn't see how to get past Mike.

"I'm tired of empty promises, Mom," Sam confessed. "I'm just tired of everything. The fighting, the running. Why does it have to be so hard?" She pulled away from her mother and curled up under the covers.

"I wish I knew, Sammy. But try to have faith that things will work out," she advised. Sam said nothing but closed her eyes and drifted off.


Sam was upset. Brooke could feel it across town as she watched the rain lash against her windows. She didn't know why but it was almost like the weather was reflecting how Sam felt and was letting Brooke know. Not that Brooke needed anyone to tell her. She felt the same way. She was literally locked in the house with nothing but her feelings and anger festering inside of her. Mike had laid down the rules when they had returned home, letting Brooke know on no uncertain terms that Sam was off limits. If she broke that rule, she'd be sent to live with her grandparents in Michigan and that was WAY too far from Sam for Brooke to bear.

Returning to school had been horrible. The rumors and innuendo about the four of them was rabid and there was no escaping it. So Brooke chose not to address it. Lily had followed her example. Without Sam or Nicole there, neither girl felt it was their place to 'out' them without consent. So they let the rumors fly and did their best to ignore them. Getting Mary Cherry off the 'throne' was a chore. The hick had nearly super glued herself to it and was fanatic about retaining her status. But it was clear the second Brooke returned that the Southerner was simply an interim 'queen' and she was quickly returned to her place by the masses. She wasn't terribly happy about the situation but there wasn't much she could do.

"Oh Sammy," Brooke sighed as she looked out the window and a flash of lightening lit up the sky. "I miss you."

And she did. She missed Sam's very presence. In a way, Brooke couldn't believe how much she'd come to rely on just Sam being there; hearing her breathe, inhaling her scent. The subtle things she never gave much notice to until they weren't there anymore. Sam was her comfort, her safety and her very own father had taken that away from her.

Brooke was insanely angry with her father. She never thought herself capable of hating anyone but the moment he had hit Sam, she learned to hate him. She was still having trouble sleeping because that image continued to play in her minds eye. And here she was stuck in the same house with him. What angered her more was the fact that Mike now acted like Sam never existed. He spoke to Brooke like the past few months never happened and his engagement to Jane was simply a bad mistake. Although he had expressed to Brooke that he was pretty sure Jane would come back soon. She had laughed at that. She knew there was no way Jane was ever coming back to him and as much as she missed Jane and loved her, Brooke was glad for that.

Sitting down at her computer, she reached out to Sam the only way she had left, e-mail. Sam was only able to check her mail on her laptop periodically but Brooke made sure there was always a letter or two from her for Sam to read. She smiled as she saw that Sam had written her back.

Subj: I love you
Date: 03/15/02 3:29:29 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: WannaBWrtr
To: QueenMcQn
Sent on: AOL 7.0 for Windows

God, I miss you so much. I love you. I feel like I'm dying without you, Brooke. I know that sounds melodramatic but it's true. I can't eat or sleep or function without you here with me. I loved you for so long and then to have you love me back, have all that blissful wonderful time together, and then lose you because of Mike...it's destroying me, Brooke. I don't know what to do with myself. Neither does Mom or Terri. They try but, I don't know...I need YOU, Brooke. I'm not strong enough for this. We have to find a way out of this mess before there's nothing left. I hope you're OK.

Please remember how much I love you.



Brooke frowned. She was happy to hear from Sam but upset to 'hear' how bad Sam was feeling. But it confirmed her suspicions about her feelings and the storm.

Subj: Re: I love you
Date: 03/15/02 7:42:03 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: QueenMcQn
To: WannaBWrtr
Sent on: AOL 7.0 for Windows

I miss you too and love you so much that there's nothing else I can think of. But Sammy, you have to hold on. For me. I know how you feel, I feel the same way and hate that my father has done this to us. But we will be together again. He will NOT keep me from you forever. He can't. Stay with Mom and Terri, listen to them, they're trying to help. Remember that I love you and hold on to that as tight as you can when you feel your worst. It will never change, it will never waver. Time won't change it and neither will my father's ignorance.

I'm so sorry I wasted so much time ignoring my feelings for you. If I had just been honest all along, with you and myself, we could have had so much more time together so far. But you can't spend your time wishing about what might have been. Focus on the now, Sammy, and know that I'm with you. Always.




Nicole always wanted to see Switzerland. Only, this was not how she wanted to do it. Locked up in a boarding school that could double for a convent, she was not a happy camper. And she was horribly worried about Lily. She was concerned about Brooke and Sam too but moreso for Lily. She knew that Maria was not going to be treating Lily well and hoped that things didn't degrade too far. It was bad enough her own mother had given her a hell of a whumping on the private flight overseas but the mere thought of Lily being hurt by Maria turned Nic's stomach.

She wondered how Sam was doing. That girl was more fragile than the rest of them and she really hoped Brooke knew that. What had started as a simple confession to a friend had spiraled into a full-blown relationship with the girl of her dreams and then fallen into an abusive situation with that girl's father, Sam's own 'stepfather'. The poor girl was bound to snap eventually and Nic was worried that there'd be no one there to help her.

(Bet you wish you had a parachute, huh Spam?) she thought to herself while lying on her bed in her room. (Cuz this free fall sucks)

Nicole was already working on a plan to 'leave' Sister Bridget's School for Girls. And she had enlisted the help of some of her more unsavory classmates. It was amazing what a little intimidation and money could do.

"Lil, I miss you," she whispered to the darkness before falling asleep.


Lily threw her bookbag at her bedroom door as it shut behind her mother. Using a few choice words in Spanish she let her mother know exactly what she thought of the situation. Maria, however, was unswayed. She had her daughter back and as long as she lived under her roof, there would be no more 'Nicole Julian' business. Lily had tried to explain that THAT was why she had left but the logic was for some reason lost on Maria Esposito.

"It's not fair!" Lily shouted, voicing what all four girls thought at some point. "It's my life, not yours!"

"You're too young to make such decisions, therefore I have to make the correct ones for you until you are," Maria yelled though the door. "Someday you'll thank me."

"HA!" Lily mocked. "When will I be old enough, Mama? When I'm FIFTY?"

"When you stop acting like a petulant child," Maria informed her.

"I'm not the one acting like a child, Mama, you are. I'm not what YOU want so you're trying to force me to change. THAT is childish!"

"We're through talking. When you can speak to me like a civilized person, then you can come out of your room," and with that, Maria walked away.

"And I will forever be stuck in my room," Lily muttered. She put her head in her hands and sighed. "Well, this is one HELL of a mess." And unfortunately, Lily saw no way of cleaning it right now.

Stealing Time

Sam sat quietly on the park bench, her notebook and sketch pad lying idle beside her. She just wasn't feeling creative. Her mother and Terri had finally convinced her to go outside for some fresh air and she'd complied, if only to get out from under their watchful eyes. She knew that they were only concerned about her but their constant overprotectiveness was wearing thin on her nerves. Nothing they did or said helped to make her feel better or reunite her with Brooke. And that was all she really wanted.

She had started by trying to write something, anything to get her mind off the situation. But all she'd ended up writing were letters to Brooke and that only made her miss the blonde more. So she tried to sketch her surroundings at the park but quickly lost interest. She did, however, manage to finish two sketches of Brooke. So she gave that up too. So now she sat with her earphones on trying not to cry.

Her ribs were still tender, her split lip was still purple and stung, and the hairline fracture they'd discovered in her cheekbone sometimes throbbed. But none of it meant anything to her. She didn't even bother to hate Mike for beating her. She did, however, despise him for trying to hurt her mother and Brooke. That was inexcusable in her opinion. She would have never believed that Mike would go so far but experience had sadly taught her otherwise. It made Sam wonder, in the back of her mind, if Mike had ever abused Brooke growing up. The mere thought made her blood boil But she hoped Brooke would have trusted her enough after all this time to have told her if he had.

She was broken from her thoughts by a gentle tug on her earphones. She followed the familiar hand on her shoulder to its owners face and saw Brooke smiling sweetly at her.

"You look so beautiful sitting there," Brooke whispered. "But so sad." Sam stared at her as tears sprung to her eyes.

"I miss you so much," Sam sobbed leaping up into Brooke's open and waiting arms. Brooke wrapped her arms tightly around Sam and tried to calm her.

"I miss you too, Sammy," she told the crying brunette. "So much so it hurts." She brought her lips to Sam's and poured all her love, longing, and need into the embrace. Sam relaxed into her and slowly stopped crying.

"How did you find me?" Sam asked through her sniffles as Brooke sat them both down on the bench.

"Aunt Terri knew where you were. Dad won't let me have my car because he knows I'll take off again," Brooke explained with a ruefull laugh. "And since he's working late, Terri picked me up at school. She's really worried about you and she knew that you needed to see me. I can't stay long, but I'm here," Sam burrowed herself into Brooke's side.

"I love you," Sam said softly. "In case I didn't say it enough." Brooke hugged her again.

"I love you too, Sammy," she responded. She pulled away slightly to get a better look at her love. Sam was bruised and pale, her normally luminous brown eyes were dull and rimmed in red. She was obviously not coping well.

"How are you doing, baby?" Brooke asked gently. Sam sighed.

"'M OK," she mumbled.

"Liar," Brooke teased lightly. "Talk to me, Sammy. Your letters tell me otherwise." Sam shifted slightly before settling down in Brooke's lap.

"I'm lost. I don't know what to do," Sam admitted. "I'm trying but I can't find a way to put things back the way they were. I don't know how to fix this awful mess."

"Sammy," Brooke started softly. "It isn't your responsibility to fix all this. It isn't your fault and you need to realize that."

"But..." Sam began to protest. Brooke shook her head.

"No Sam," Brooke broke in. "It's not your fault. The only thing you did was love me. You didn't make me love you back. You didn't make Lily and Nic fall for each other. And you didn't make my Dad an abusive, homophobic asshole." She paused as the image of Mike beating Sam flashed through her mind and she shuddered.

"I am SO sorry he hurt you," she apologized near tears.

"Not your fault, Brooke," Sam assured her as she stroked some blonde hair away from Brooke's eyes.

"I shouldn't have let him hurt you," Brooke explained.

"You didn't let him do anything. I was defending you and Mom and well, shit happens," Sam told her.

"I still can't believe that was my father," Brooke sighed. Sam stared directly into Brooke's remorseful hazel eyes.

"He never...did he...growing up was he..." Sam stumbled. Brooke knew what she was trying to ask and shook her head.

"No, he wasn't, I swear," she promised Sam who let out a relieved breath. "I've never known him to be violent, Sam. Loud on occasion when he was really angry but he never hit me."

"Thank God," Sam breathed. She hated the thought of Brooke suffering like that. "And thank God Mom's not going to marry him."

"Yeah, I know," Brooke agreed.

"Brooke, time to go," Terri walked up behind them. "You know your father is going to call the house to make sure you're there. And if you're not..." she let the statement hang. Brooke nodded.

"OK. I know," she sighed. "That man missed his calling as a stalker," she muttered. She looked back into Sam's face.

"I have to go now, love," she said quietly as tears fell down both their faces. "But I'll make sure that we see each other again soon. Only for much longer next time." Brooke kissed Sam deeply to seal the promise.

"'kay," Sam whispered not wanting to let Brooke go but knowing that she had to. "I love you."

"I love you too, Sam. With all my heart and soul."


Lily smiled. She had spoken to Brooke during English class and was beyond happy to hear that the cheerleader had had the chance to see and talk to Sam. Brooke even looked a little better than she had in recent days. A little bit of her shine and energy had returned.

(Now) Lily thought. (If I could only talk to Niki)

But an ocean and a few thousand miles seperated her from her blonde lover. It was going to take more than a helpful aunt to make Lily's dream come true.

"Hey, Lil' Lily," Mary Cherry chirped, plunking herself right down next to Lily in the lunchroom. A move that was odd in itself but make stranger by the fact that Mary Cherry was talking to her politely.

"Mary Cherry," Lily responded rolling her eyes. She really wasn't in the mood for a go-round with the off-balance and flighty Texan at the moment.

"Jus' cawl me yer lil' ol' Fairy Godmother, y'all," Mary Cherry continued excitedly. "Cuz thanks ta me an' mah superior brilliance an' dasterdly underhandedness (courtesy of Nic's trainin' o' course) Ah have th' solution to yer heartfelt an' soap opera worthy problems." Lily sighed. She felt a migraine coming on fast.

"What are you babbling about, Mary Cherry?"

"Ah'm sayin' that thanks tah me an' my quick thinkin', you will no longer haf ta pine away fer yer lady love-locked away in a tower fah fah away from yer warm and ample bossom," Mary Cherry explained.

"You just like to talk to hear yourself, don't you?" Lily asked sarcastically.

"Not even yoah sour mood, cause no doubt, by a lack of your illicit carnal adventures..."

"Mary Cherry!" Lily hissed. "Your point?" Mary Cherry smirked.

"Thanks tah me, Mama's platinum card and those oh-so-intellegent and sexy mens at Cingular Wireless, you now have a di-rect line to yer long-lost, convent bound lover." Mary Cherry whipped out a brand new cell phone with an electric blue case decorated with lightening bolts and handed it to Lily.

"What?" Lily asked confused.

"Nic cawled me an' asked me ta git this fer ya. Only she has th' number to it and the number for her at that Hell-Spawn school she's at is awlready programmed into it. Y'all may still be seperated by miles, Lil' Lily, but now ya cin reach out and touch someone."

Lily, despite her personal aversion to and dislike for the wacky Texan, engulfed Mary Cherry in a huge hug.

"Thank you SO much, Mary Cherry!" she squealed in delight. "What can I do to repay you for this?"

"Yer welcome, Lil' Lily. Ah did the favor fer Nic so no need tah repay me. She's the one ya ought ta repay. 'Sides, Ah don't swing that way," Mary Cherry laughed and walked away. Lily shook her head and turned on the phone. It almost immediately rang.

"Hello?" Lily said warily into the phone. She was still a tad suspicious of Mary Cherry.

"Whatcha wearing there, Hot Stuff?" Nicole's voice drawled back. Lily laughed in relief and joy.

"Niki," she breathed happily.

"Satan herself," Nic joked lightly. "I miss you, Lil," she added softly.

"I miss you too. This is a terrific idea," Lily pointed out. She heard Nicole laugh.

"Yeah. I'm surprised Hayseed got it right, though. I wonder about her sometimes."

"Me too," Lily cradled the phone gently. "How are you doing?" Nicole sighed.

"Switzerland is nice, but I wish I was with you," she said softly. "The school's not so bad, especially since I'm practically running the place."

"Finally the queen of your domain, huh?" Lily teased. Nicole let out a hearty laugh.

"You could say that. It's nice but..." she paused for a second and Lily thought the phone had cut off.

"The price is too high, Lily. Even for finally having what I thought it was I wanted. Now that I have it, I realize that it doesn't mean jack shit. All I want, all I need is you, Lily. Not some stupid label. You make me happy. This stupid game of social chess doesn't."

"Aw, Nic," Lily sighed. "That means a lot to me."

"I knew it would, Lil. And it's the truth. I mean, after high school, what good is a stupid 'popular' label going to do me? It's not like I can change it in for instant credit," Nicole explained. "Especially when all I want in my life, my future is you." Lily felt the tears rolling down her face but ignored him.

"I love you," she wept.

"Love you too, Angel. Don't cry," Nicole implored. "It'll give you crow's feet," she joked. Lily giggled.

You'd still love me, right?" she asked through her giggles. Of that, she really had no doubt.

"Of course," Nic assured her. "Besides, I know a fantastic plastic surgeon."

"Oh, you're funny," Lily chided loving the familiarity of the much missed banter she shared with Nicole.

"Any ideas on how you'll get home? You promised that you'd be back," Lily reminded her. Nicole thought a minute.

"I'm working on it," she said cryptically and Lily could hear the smile in Nic's voice. She knew that if it was humanly possible, Nicole would find a way. Nothing could stop Nicole once she set her mind to something.


"So, you OK, Lil?" Nic asked lovingly.

"Not without you here but I'm hanging in," she said.

"You keep doing that and I'll be home before you know it," Nicole promised. "How are Spam and Brooke?" Lily sighed.

"That bad?" Nic asked after hearing the sigh.

"Brooke's OK. Her Dad is being a total Nazi though. She can't do anything without his direct permission," Lily informed her blonde lover.

"Jesus, that man is a prize," Nicole growled. "I still can't believe he went after Sam like that."

"Me either," Lily concurred. It still gave her chills to think about. "She's not doing too well from what I hear."

"Damn, I was afraid she wouldn't hold up well," Nicole swore.

"Niki, she's doing the best she can under the circumstances," Lily defended Sam.

"I know, Lil. I didn't mean anything bad. I just meant that she was bound to break eventually. She was so stressed," she clarified to Lily.

"Yeah, you're right. Brooke snuck a visit to her yesterday and I guess Sam is really out of it. And still feeling guilty about the whole thing. I just don't understand why she feels so responsible. It doesn't make sense."

"It does if you're Spam. Someone has to take the blame and since Mike is so fond of blaming her, she does too. But, we'll work on helping her see that it's not her fault and put the blame where it belongs, on Mike, when I get home," Nic said firmly. Lily smiled.

"Careful, Nic. You almost sound like you care about Sam," she teased.

"God forbid!" Nic gasped dramatically. "I'm just concerned about her for Brooke's sake. That's all."

"Sure, Niki, sure," Lily laughed. "You keep telling yourself that."


Jane watched as Sam tossed fitfully on her bed. She was asleep but obviously haunted by something. Every whimper and mumbled cry for Brooke broke Jane's heart a little more.

"I'm so worried about her," she sighed to Terri as they drank a late night cup of coffee.

"I know you are, Jane. We all are. But the visit with Brooke seems to have done her some good. At least she's sleeping some," Terri replied.

"I guess. But I haven't seen her this upset since Joe died. She still carries that with her. It's an awful lot for such a young set of shoulders to bear."

"She's a tough kid, though. Especially given the way she stood up to Mike when he tried to hurt you and Brooke. That took guts. You have to remember that and have faith in her to handle this. Help her if she needs it, yes, but trust her to work through it," Terri advised. Jane just sighed again.

"Look, Brooke loves her desperately. She will be there for her and won't let her go, despite her father. Believe that," Terri tried again to reassure her friend.

"Thanks Terri," Jane said with a slight smile. "I can't thank you enough for all your help. I'm really glad you're here to help the girls." Terri smiled.

"You're welcome. There's no where I'd rather be if Pumpkin-nose needs me. You and Sam too, Jane. I'm here if you need anything," Terri reminded her softly.

"I know. You've been terrific throughout this whole thing. I guess Brooke got her kind and compassionate nature from your side of the family," Jane said. Terri laughed quietly.

"Well, she obviously didn't get it from Mike," she grumbled.

"I never knew he got that angry. We always got along so well. And now we have Mac together...It's just unbelievable," Jane rambled.

"You know, as much as I always disliked the man, I never thought he'd go that far. I'm glad Kelly got away when she did. I only wish she'd taken Brooke with her," Terri lamented.

"I really loved him. Or at least thought I did," Jane said regretfully.

"He could be charming and likeable when he wanted, Jane," Terri said, covering Jane's hand with her own in a show of support. "But he wasn't right for you. From what I know of you, and Sam, you deserve better. Don't worry, eventually the right person will come along."

"I hope so. It's going to be tough raising Mac on my own. I mean, I did it after Joe died and Sam was young, but it was hard," Jane sighed.

"But you're not alone, Jane. You have Sam and Brooke. Mac is their baby sister. You know they'll do what they can to help. And you've got your friends, including me. Whatever you need, just ask," Terri told her. Jane smiled.


Points of Authority

Author's Notes: Yes, it still goes on, the never ending saga. And I don't think it'll ever BE done now cuz my brain is laying out a future (or not) for some of our girls within this universe. Stay tuned. LOL The Evil Queen of Angst strikes again! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA


"You have GOT to be freaking kidding me!" Brooke screeched as she flung her backpack across the living room. It impacted with the wall with a sharp bang. She whirled around to face her father, her face a contorted mask of barely controlled rage.

"Brooke, calm down," Mike ordered calmly. Brooke's glare intensified.

"I will NOT! How DARE you! How could you even THINK that I'd go along with it?" she ranted absolutely outraged.

"Tyler is a nice young man. He has a good head on his shoulders. I work with his father and have met Tyler a few times. And he'd be delighted to go out with you," Mike explained as if Brooke hadn't spoken at all. The more he went on, the redder her face got with anger.

"How dare you?" she repeated in a growl. "How dare you decide who I'm going to date!"

"I'm your father and as such I will make the right decisions concerning your life," he informed her sternly. Brooke put her hands on her hips and stared at Mike incredulously.

"OK, tell me something; exactly which part of 'I'm GAY and deeply in love with SAM' is SO hard for you to follow?" she asked sarcastically. "Because I'll be glad to go over it again for you if you missed any of it the first ten thousand times!" Mike's face flushed purple as he glowered at his daughter.

"You are NOT to speak about 'that' again in my presence. As long as you live under MY roof, there is to be no mention of _HER_," he spat the word, unable to even say Sam's name out loud.

"Uhm, hello? Reality check? That's why I left in the first place, you idiot! You said the exact same thing months ago, so I left. I did as you requested. YOU'RE the one who decided to hunt me down and drag me back here against my will. I don't want to live here. I'm nothing more than your prisoner, not your daughter. I HATE it here!"

"Don't you speak to me that way, young lady. I'm your father and you WILL respect me," Mike demanded. Brooke laughed bitterly.

"Respect you? RESPECT YOU? Respect is something that has to be earned, not taken. You haven't earned my respect; you've earned my contempt and hatred. Not only have you treated me like I was some sort of freak or evil, but you BEAT the girl that I love. You beat her, hurt her! Do you even understand what you did?" she raged.

"You hit her! Raised your hands against her, DAD!" she said the title sourly and dripping with scorn and contempt. "You bruised and bloodied her. A seventeen year old girl against a forty year old grown man. That was fair," she added sarcastically. "And why? Because she did nothing but love me with her whole heart. She was keeping you from hurting me or Jane. Do you even realize that?" Brooke wanted her father to understand the scope of what he did. He didn't just hit Sam, he had tried to attack his daughter and fiancee. She wasn't sure he was even aware of those facts.

"You are going out with Tyler and THAT is final!" Mike screamed ignoring Brooke's whole indignant speech. Apparently, Brooke realized, he couldn't care less.

"Oh yeah? How do you plan to make me? Are you going to beat me into submission too?" she asked sarcastically. A look of shock and hurt flashed across Mike's face but was quickly replaced by anger.

"Seems to me a spanking might do you some good," he snapped.

"Spanking? Is that what you call what you did to Sam? Jesus, Dad, I've seen boxers take less blows than she did. Get a grip!"

"Now you listen to me, young lady," Mike began in a low dangerous voice. Brooke raised a brow as she focused her disinterested attention on him. "You WILL be going out with Tyler Ross tomorrow night. You WILL behave and make sure that Tyler has a nice time." Brooke smirked.

"Want me to fuck him too? So that you can keep pretending that I'm straight?" She flinched as Mike raised his hand to slap her. They stood there staring each other down for several tense minutes as Mike's hand hovered threateningly in the air above them. Finally, he lowered it.

"Don't you EVER speak to me like that again. Do you hear me?" Mike warned, enraged and barely in control. Brooke stared at him in badly disguised shock.

"You were going to hit me," she gasped with the realization. Mike just kept glaring at her. Brooke blinked in stunned shock as she tried to wrap her mind around the fact that her father had almost hit her and this time, Sam wasn't there to stop him. She didn't know who he was anymore and she was scared. As her shock wore off, her anger returned and she returned her father's glare with a fiery gaze of her own. If that was how he wanted it to be, Brooke was more than prepared to play dirty.

"You had your say, Mike. My turn. You will never, EVER raise your hand to me again. Get that?" she hissed. "I can and will report you for abuse, emotional and physical. And I'm absolutely sure the local gay right's groups would LOVE to get involved in this whole situation. You would be ruined if this hit the papers," she threatened gleefully.

"Don't threaten me," Mike shot back.

"Consider it a promise, Warden Jailer, sir!" Brooke saluted. She started up the stairs to her room.

"Be ready at 7 tomorrow, Brooke. Or else," Mike called up after her.

"Bite me!" she screamed back and then slammed her bedroom door shut.


"Lily Esposito, you put those things right back where they belong," Maria ordered gruffly as Lily quietly continued packing her suitcase. She shook her head at her mother sadly.

"No, Mama, I won't," she said calmly. Maria stepped closer to her daughter in an effort to intimidate her.

"You are not leaving this house without my permission," she informed Lily, her voice taking on a hard edge." Lily still didn't look up from her packing. She really wished Nicole was there for moral and emotional support. She always felt more sure of herself, stronger when Nicole was nearby. But Nicole was in Switzerland so Lily was going to have to do this alone.

"That's where you're wrong, Mama," she sighed. "I am leaving and there's nothing you can do to stop me."

"You are a child! You will do as I say!" Maria ranted loudly. Lily closed her eyes a second and took a deep breath.

"I'm not the one acting unreasonable and childish," she said opening her eyes. The more irritated Maria got, the calmer Lily felt.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Maria demanded to know, insulted.

"Mama, you're the one who can't deal with who I am. I accept and love myself. I have no reason not to. But you insist on trying to make me feel bad, like I've done something wrong. And I won't give into that. It's my life, not yours."

"And you want to be gay?" Maria asked sarcastically.

"I want to be happy. Nicole makes me happy and she happens to be a woman. So, I guess in your narrow-minded way of thinking, yes, I do," Maria grabbed the suitcase off the bed and flung its contents across the room. Lily sighed again and started picking up the fallen items and repacking the bag, undisturbed by the outburst.

"That was mature, Mother," she said snidely.

"You are NOT leaving!" Maria repeated.

"Yes, I am. Uncle Alberto offered me a place to stay because he thinks you're being unreasonable and unfair. That's where I'm going."

"To live with your gay uncle. I should have seen that one coming. Your kind stick together," her mother said nastily. Lily frowned.

"I'm going to ignore that last comment. But at least there I'll be accepted and loved." Maria gasped.

"You think I don't love you?" she asked in shock. Lily finally looked at her mother. And for the first time since the whole mess started, she didn't see the uncaring monster who separated her from her lover. She saw a confused and frightened woman who didn't understand what was going on with someone she loved. She also saw a mother concerned and worried about her daughter's choices. Lily's heart softened a little towards her mother and some of her hurt and anger faded. Maria was only trying to do what she thought was right, in her own misguided way.

"I know you love me, Mama. I just don't always feel it anymore. You're always yelling at me, ordering me around. You don't talk to me anymore or try to understand who I am. That's why I can't stay here right now, Mama. You're killing me," Lily whispered.

"Oh Lily, I want what's right for you."

"Nic is what's right for me and you refuse to accept that," Lily pointed out softly.

"That isn't God's way," Maria countered. Lily rolled her eyes.

"Love is love, Mama, regardless of the gender it comes in," Lily explained her philosophy. "Would you rather see me miserable for the rest of my life pretending to be what I'm not? Because I will never be happy with a man, Mama."

"I can't accept that, Lily," Maria wept.

"I know, Mama. That's why I'm gonna go. And you can sent the police after me as many times as you want. I'll just keep leaving. There's nothing you can do to make me stay here."

"If you leave, you can never come back," Maria threatened with the only card she had left to play. Lily shrugged. She had hoped her mother wouldn't pull that one.

"I know," she said flatly. "I don't plan to."


"Wow, you moved out, Lily? Good for you," Brooke said happily the next day at lunch. She and Lily were sitting together despite their parents orders not to. It was their only real chance to talk anymore.

"Yeah," Lily nodded, proud of herself. "Walking away from my mother wasn't easy but I had to do it. Thank God for Uncle Alberto. I just wish Niki could have seen it."

"Lucky you," Brooke sighed. Lily tilted her head and looked at the blonde.

"Can't you just walk out too?" she asked. Brooke shook her head.

"And go where? To Aunt Terri? Dad almost had her locked up the last time she helped us out. I'm not going to get her into more trouble. Jane and Sam? God, I'd love to but they're cramped in a motel room with Mac now, adding me will only make it worse. Besides, my Dad has already made it clear that if I try to leave, I'll be spending the rest of my teen years at Stansfield boarding school in Canada. Or someplace equally as far from Sam and I don't want that. So, I have to grin and bare it," she grumbled.

"Oh, and get this: Dad has set me up on a blind date with the son of some guy that he works with!"

"Oh geeze," Lily mumbled exasperated. "When?"

"Tonight at 7," Brooke answered sarcastically. She decided not to mention the fact that Mike had nearly hit her as they'd argued. "You WILL go out with Tyler Ross tomorrow night and you will behave and make sure Tyler has a nice time!" she imitated her father. Lily giggled.

"Oh joy."

"Tell me about it. Y'know, it isn't even so much the date that bothers me. I can see where my dad is coming from. He's trying real hard to stay on Denial Isle. What bothers me, Lil, is that I can't even mention Sam's name. He goes ballistic. I'm talking SCARY ballistic. But how are we supposed to work through this if I can't even mention her?" Brooke wondered. Lily shrugged.

"I haven't a clue, Brooke. I wish I could help," she said wistfully. "How is Sam anyway?" Brooke sighed.

"I don't know. I haven't really seen or heard from her since that day in the park. Her e-mails have kinda stopped and I'm worried. Aunt Terri says she's healing still and managing to sleep but getting very withdrawn." She turned and looked Lily in the eye. Lily could see the traces of fear and worry in Brooke's hazel eyes.

"Lily, I'm worried that if I wait too long, I'll never be able to draw her out again. You know how Sam can be."

"Stubborn as Hell?" Lily provided helpfully. Brooke snickered and nodded.

"Among other things," she ran a hand through her blonde hair. "I'm just afraid I'm going to lose her during all this. That her pain and fear will make her close up and she'll slip through my fingers before I can stop her."

"You can't let that happen, Brooke," Lily advised. "No matter what else happens."

"I know, Lily. I just don't know how to stop it."


"Brooke, Tyler's here!" Mike called up the stairs. "And you'd better be dressed correctly this time."

Brooke grinned to herself as she smoothed her hands over her maroon skirt. She knew she looked decent this time.

(Third try's the charm) she smirked into the mirror. Her first two attempts at dressing had not gone over well. Outfit #1 was ratty sweats, a torn T-shirt and muddy sneakers with her hair pulled back in a ponytail and no makeup. Her father had insisted on something more appropriate. So Brooke returned over the stairs in a black, barely there mini skirt that left nothing to the imagination and a matching bra. That's it, along with black strap stiletto sandals. She looked like an extra dancer from a Britney Spears video. Mike was not amused and told her to try again and to get it right or he would chose the outfit for her. So now she stood in a tasteful, non-revealing silk white blouse and a mid-length maroon skirt. It would have to do because she was out of time.

She walked over the stairs and saw whom she assumed was Tyler standing in the living room talking to her father. She had to admit, the guy was cute. Tall, muscular, with short black hair and bright sparkling green eyes. He smiled a nearly perfect smile when he saw Brooke and she noticed the deep dimples in both his cheeks. He was simply male model material.

"Hi, you must be Brooke," he greeted her politely, extending his hand.

"Must be," Brooke mumbled under her breath.

"I'm Tyler, pleased to meet you." Brooke shook his hand, slightly disappointed that both men missed her comment.

"Hey," she responded boredly. Mike smiled at what he obviously saw as a perfect match. Brooke had no doubt that the man was already picturing his grandchildren.

(Not in THIS lifetime) she scoffed silently.

"Well, you two go and have fun. Have her home by 2 or so, Tyler," Mike said happily. Brooke stared shocked at her father. Her curfew had always been midnight, even on weekends.

"I will, sir, thank you," Tyler said respectfully as he and Brooke exited the Palace.

"Behave, Brooke," Mike whispered lowly in his daughter's ear as she passed. She rolled her eyes at him.

Tyler and Brooke walked to the car without saying a word as he held the door for her. After they pulled away, a deafening silence overpowered them for several miles.

"I...uh...I thought dinner at La Mirage and then a movie. If that's OK with you," Tyler spoke, breaking the oppressive silence. Brooke sighed.


"You look really nice," he tried again to stimulate conversation.

"Thank you," Brooke said flatly while drumming her fingers on the side of the door.

"You're welcome. I think we could really have a good time tonight..." Tyler started. Brooke turned to face him from her seat.

"Look, Tyler, no offense because I'm sure you're a really sweet guy and all. But this whole 'date' thing wasn't even my idea. I'm opposed to it. In fact, I'll be honest with you. Just so you know, I happen to be gay," she informed him.

"So, whatever you thought might come from this little version of 'The Dating Game' my father is playing, it won't. I'm sorry but, I'm not interested," she finished. Tyler let out a rush of air that sounded vaguely like a laugh.

"Just so you know, Brooke, we're even. No offense to you either, but I don't want to be here anymore than you do," he glanced at her and smiled. "I have a girlfriend whom I happen to love very much." Brooke frowned in confusion for a moment but then smiled.

"So do I. I love her very much. So what's going on here?"

"My dad doesn't approve of Catherine, she's African-American. He doesn't believe in mixing the races and is rather animate about it," Tyler explained sadly.

"Ah, I see," Brooke said. "So my father's a homophobe and yours is a racist. No wonder they get along so well, they probably went for sheet fittings together." They both laughed.

"So, since we would both rather be with someone else, how about we agree to make the most of the situation?" Tyler suggested. Brooke smirked devilishly as a purely evil, Nicole worthy thought sprang to mind.

"Actually, Tyler, I have a better idea," she said with a giggle that piqued Tyler's interest. "How are you at subterfuge?"

Double Date

Brooke bounced excitedly on the balls of her feet as she knocked on the door of the motel room. She and Tyler had picked up Catherine ten minutes earlier and she'd been delighted with the idea of a double date with Sam and Brooke. She thought it was a great way for everyone to get what they wanted. Now the trick was to drag Sam out of the house on such short notice.

Brooke held her breath as Jane opened the door and gasped in surprise.

"Brooke, sweetheart, it's so good to see you!" she exclaimed hugging the blonde tightly. "What are you doing here?"

"Can Sammy come out and play?" she asked cheekily. Jane laughed and then sighed.

"Come in, Brooke," she said. "She needs you." Brooke followed Jane in, a frown marring her delicate features. Worry radiated from every pore.

"What's wrong, Mom? Is she OK?" she asked.

"I've never seen her this bad, Brooke. And I don't know how to help her anymore. She won't talk or open up to me. She barely speaks or sleeps and I'm scared."

Brooke found Sam lying on her back on the bed, Mac sound asleep on her chest. It would have been a precious picture if not for the faded bruises on Sam's face and the cold, dull, unblinking stare. It sent chills of fear down Brooke's spine.

"Sammy?" she called out tentatively. Sam seemed to blink and return to herself at the sound of Brooke's voice. She turned to face Brooke and gave her a genuine and wide smile.

"Brooke, baby," she said softly as not to wake Mac. She watched Brooke intently at the door. Brooke loved those eyes. They normally said so much but right now, they were missing something. Something important and Brooke couldn't quite place what it was.

"Miss you," Brooke whispered back.

"You too," Sam answered.

"Oh thank God," Jane breathed as she left the two girls and baby alone. It was the most life she'd seen from Sam in quite a while and she was relieved to see it. Brooke sat down on the bed next to Sam and stroked the baby's hair.

"Whatcha doin'?" Brooke asked with a smirk. Sam smiled again.

"Thinking," she answered. Brooke nodded and reached up to touch Sam's cheek. She didn't like that Sam's skin seemed cooler than it should but she was glad that Sam seemed to lean into the warmth of her hand.

"About what?" Sam shrugged slightly with the baby on her chest. Mac snuggled closer to her brunette sister, still comfortably asleep.

"Nothing important," Sam said quietly but Brooke could see it wasn't the truth. She watched haunted shadows chase themselves across Sam's brown eyes and it hurt her to see that pain and fear in Sam. Sam was supposed to be the strong one, the confident one. But she simply seemed broken at the moment. Like her springs popped and her battery had run down. Brooke knew she needed to find a way to respark Sam.

"Wanna go out?" Brooke offered. Sam arched an eyebrow in question.

"What about your Dad?" Sam asked, a tinge of fear coloring her voice. It made Brooke's heart ache to hear.

"Technically, I'm supposed to be out on a date with some guy he set me up with," Brooke explained with a wry grin.

"Technically?" Sam echoed for clarification.

"Well, it turns out he would rather be out with his girlfriend and I would rather be out with mine. So we figured, why not double up since we were stuck together anyway?" she giggled. "So we were thinking mini golf, a movie, dinner...that sort of thing. What say you, Gorgeous?" Sam laughed, waking Mac up. The baby blinked fuzzily at Brooke and then yawned. Then recognizing the blonde, she held out her arms and Brooke gladly scooped her up.

"Hello, little one. How are you? I miss you," she cooed as Mac played with her hair and nose. At hearing Brooke's voice, Mac laughed and clapped happily.

"Looks like she missed you too," Sam pointed out. Brooke smiled broadly.

"I'm glad," she sighed. She turned back to Sam as Mac played happily in her arms. "So Sam, what do you say? Would you like to go out with me?" Sam seemed to think for a minute and Brooke was afraid that she was going to say 'no'. Then a slow smile spread across Sam's face.

"I'd love to."


As promised there was a round of mini golf, won by Tyler and Catherine because Brooke and Sam were too occupied with each other to pay close enough attention. A quiet dinner followed and then they went to a late movie. An enjoyable time was had by all but although Brooke could see that Sam was having fun, she could also see a distinct lack of energy about the girl too. Her smiles didn't reach her eyes, her laugh wasn't as deep and there wasn't as much bounce to her step. To a casual observer it would have gone mostly unnoticed, but not to Brooke. Brooke had every one of Sam's nuances memorized. She knew when something wasn't right.

She decided to ask Sam about it as they sat a few rows away from Tyler and Catherine in the movie theater.

"Sammy," she whispered to the head nestled on her shoulder. "Are you OK?" She felt Sam nod.

"Mmmm hmmmm."

"Are you sure? I don't mean to be a nag or anything but you seem a little, I don't know...off," she tried again. Sam sighed, a heavy sound that made a lump form in Brooke's throat. She lifted her head so that her chin rested on Brooke's shoulder and she could look the blonde in the eyes.

"I'm tired, Brooke. And still a little sore," Sam explained. "I'm fine, don't worry about it."

"I can't help it, Sammy. I love you and I can tell something more is bothering you. You're getting so far away from me," Brooke tried to get her thoughts across to Sam. Sam leaned up and gave her a gentle kiss.

"I love you too. And I'm right here. Just enjoy the movie, Brooke. I'm not going anywhere." She put her head back down, signaling the end of the conversation. Brooke swallowed her frustrated sigh and turned back to the movie. She knew there was more going on than Sam was saying. She would just have to try to reach the distant brunette another time.


Brooke buried her hands in Sam's curly hair as Sam slept against her side in the back-seat of Tyler's car on the way home. She loved the girl with all her heart but she was afraid that she was losing her. She wondered if she held on tight enough physically she could prevent it. But it was Sam's mind that seemed to be drifting further and further away. That brilliant mind that sparkled from behind clear, lucid brown eyes seemed clouded and mired in doubt and fear. And Brooke knew that her father was to blame for most of that.

As far as Brooke knew, such hatred and violence was foreign to Sam. From what she knew of Joe McPherson, he had been a loving and compassionate man, not a violent, close-minded monster like Mike McQueen. Brooke figured some of Sam's withdrawal had to stem from an absolute lack of experience in dealing with a loud, threatening father figure. And when confronted with it, Sam had no way of knowing how to cope with both Mike's anger or his violence so she was shutting down to protect herself. As Brooke thought about it and held the deceptively fragile girl closer in her arms, she realized that it made a lot of sense. But what didn't make sense was Sam shutting her out as well. That bothered her.

"You two are a sweet couple," Catherine said quietly from the front seat. Brooke gave her a small smile. She liked the girl. Catherine was nice, generous, and funny. She thought she and Tyler made a great couple and it was disappointing that something as asinine as racism was getting in the way of their happiness.

"Thanks," Brooke said.

"I think what's been done to the two of you is horrible," Catherine added. Brooke frowned in confusion. She hadn't said anything to her about the situation. Noticing the blonde's confusion, Catherine continued.

"Sam mentioned a little bit to me while you and Tyler were getting the popcorn and stuff. I asked about the bruises. I know, I'm a bit nosey. Tyler scolds me for it all the time," she said sheepishly. "She said she'd been beaten recently."

"My dad," Brooke sighed, trying not to let the guilty tears win. She still felt incredibly guilty that her father had hurt Sam so badly.

"Yeah, she said something about that. She wasn't too specific though. Just that he went for you and her Mom and she got in the way," Catherine explained. Brooke nodded.

"That's one way of putting it," she said sadly.

(Leave it to Sammy to make sure she doesn't seem heroic) she sighed internally.

"Cath, leave poor Brooke alone. It's none of our business," Tyler said softly.

"Sorry," Catherine apologized. Brooke shook her head as Sam shifted to be impossibly closer in Brooke's lap as she slept.

"It's OK. I need to talk to someone. I don't know how to help her. She seems like she's getting so far away from me and I can't hold on tight enough. Her mother says she's not sleeping, she's moody and irritable. And she HATES the motel, according to my aunt who's staying next to them. I wish my father had never found us after we left. Everything was fine then."

"You left?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah," Brooke quickly explained the situation up to the point they were at now while Tyler and Catherine listened intently. It felt good to talk to someone outside of the situation, especially given that Catherine was a Psych major.

"Sounds like she's lacking in a stable environment," Catherine piped up. "That can cause all sorts of problems on top of what's already bothering her. I'm not trying to diagnose her, Brooke, but she might need professional help." Brooke snorted in a very unladylike fashion.

"No offense, but like I've told you, we've had some bad experiences with therapists. I doubt she'd be all that up for it."

"Well, if you change your mind, or hers, there's a place on Hilltop that I think you'd both like. It's called the St. Franscisan Life Center. It sounds religious, but it's not," Catherine explained. "It's run by nuns who are licensed therapists. It's a very relaxed atmosphere and from what I hear, it seems to work for people who don't like or respond well to conventional treatment."

"I'll think about it," Brooke said as they pulled up in front of a house a few doors down from Catherine's. "Thanks."

"No problem. Let's do this again sometime," Catherine said as Tyler opened her door to let her out. They shared a kiss as Brooke stroked a faded bruise on Sam's cheek with the tip of her finger.

"Oh, my Sammy, let me help you," she whispered to the still sleeping form. She thought it was great that Sam was still asleep but worried that without her there, Sam wouldn't sleep at all. And she HAD to go home or her father would flip.

"Time to go home, Brooke," Tyler whispered. He looked at the two girls in the back seat. "I hope Cath didn't offend you or anything with something she said."

"Nah," Brooke smiled. "She's trying to help and believe me, I appreciate it."

"So, we going to do this again?" Tyler asked with a wide grin. Brooke grinned back.

"Tyler Ross, are you asking me out on a second date?" she asked with a giggle.

"Yes, Brooke. I must say this has been one of the best dates I've had in a while," he joked.

"Me too. Well, in that case, count me in."

Home is Where the Heart Is

Author's Notes: Ah, actually moving forward as opposed to staying in one place. I'm proud of myself. Eh, the simple things keep me amused. Beep, beep, beep ;-) I hope you enjoy reading it, because I actually enjoyed writing it. Well, I always do, but still. OK, firmly entrenched in babble mode. Shutting up now.


"Come on, Sam, try and show a little energy," Jane cajoled as Sam lagged behind. Sam rolled her eyes as she lifted another box and carried it into their new home. It was a nice house, more than large enough for Sam, Jane, and Mac. It had a spacious backyard for Mac to play in and came with a large swingset for her as well. The house itself was two floors, had cathedral ceilings and had a light airy feel to it. As an added bonus, it was only two miles from the Palace, a fact that Jane found very important not only for Sam but for Mac as well.

As much as Jane resented and nearly hated Mike for everything he'd done thus far, he was still Mac's father. And until Mac was old enough to decide for herself what she wanted, Jane wasn't going to deprive her daughter of her own father. Unless, of course, his violent streak appeared again. Then, all bets were off.

"It really is a beautiful home, Jane," Terri said as she helped bring a few things in. Jane smiled. She'd spent the past few weeks looking for just the right place. It became especially important after Brooke had come by and explained her theory of how getting Sam out of the motel and into a more stable environment might help her. The more Jane thought about it, the more she realized that Brooke was right. Sam and Mac both needed a home, not a rented motel room. Now, three weeks later and thanks to her friends in the real estate industry, they had one.

"Thanks," Jane said, turning to Sam who was standing nearby looking bored. "You like it, don't you, Sam?" Sam scowled.

"Whatever," she sighed. "It's not like it matters what I want anyway. Besides, any place is better than that damn motel."

Jane frowned. In recent weeks, Sam's attitude had turned from sullen and withdrawn to angry and snappish. Jane wasn't sure if it was a positive change or not. Brooke was still 'seeing' Tyler as a cover to see Sam as Tyler used it to see Catherine. It was an amicable agreement between the four that seemed to be working. It also seemed to be drawing Sam out more, which Jane was thankful for. But aside from that, Sam was growing increasingly hostile and Jane couldn't figure out why.

"Sam, it does matter what you want..." she started only to be cut off by a hot glare from her oldest daughter.

"Mom, reality check. If it DID matter what I wanted, we would still be at the Palace and I would still be with Brooke. So don't stand there and sugar coat the situation like I'm some sort of baby," Sam ranted angrily. "This isn't the life I want so stop expecting me to be thankful that I have it, OK?"

"I'm sorry, Sam," Jane whispered trying not to cry at the hurt and anger in her daughter's voice. She knew the situation was bad and hated seeing how it was tearing at Sam. "I'll go get some more boxes."

"Sam," Terri said patiently when Jane walked out of earshot. "Give your mother a break. She's doing the best she can for you." Sam shot the blonde an irritated look.

"I know that," she said, barely keeping herself from snapping. "I just...I miss Brooke, OK?" Terri nodded.

"I know you do, hon. But it's not Jane's fault. And honestly Sam, you're blaming her for something that's beyond her control. You're being unfair." Sam reached up and rubbed the bridge of her nose. She knew Terri was right. It just didn't make her any less angry. Actually, it made her angrier.

"You know what's 'unfair'?" she growled at Terri, who listened glad to see some of Sam's spark returning. "The fact that I have had to move, not once, but twice because of Mike McQueen. First from the home I grew up in to the Palace and now from the Palace to here. When did HE suddenly start ruling my life? Fuck him! THAT'S unfair! I want my life back," Sam declared. Terri smiled. There was the Sam everyone told her about.

"Furthermore," Sam continued, her eyes lighting up as she vented. "I want my Brooke back, damn it. Father or no, he has no right to do what he's done. It's HER life, not his. He is NOT God."

"So what do you plan on doing about it, Sam?" Jane asked quietly from the doorway. Sam let out a long sigh, some of the wind being sucked from her sails at the question.

"I don't know," she shrugged. "I can't exactly pound on the door and demand that Mike let me see Brooke. It might end up detrimental to my health," she pointed out. Terri nodded.

"True. Mike is a tad unpredictable these days."

"And it's not just that," Sam continued. "I worry about what he might do to Brooke if he gets that angry again. I will not see her hurt." Just the thought of Mike harming Brooke was enough to make Sam sick.

"Sam, he never showed any violent tendencies towards her before," Jane reminded her.

"He never did to me either, Mom. Or you. But that day at Terri's, it wasn't me he went for. It was you and Brooke. I'm scared of what might happen if no one else is there and he's pushed too far."

"I see your point," Jane reluctantly conceded.

"So what now?" Terri asked while sitting down at the kitchen table. "Because as much as I hate to admit it, things can't stay the way they are."

"No, you're right. Mike's bound to figure out that Brooke's been seeing Sam and not Tyler," Jane added. "And when he does..."

"Exactly," Sam finished for her mother. She didn't want anyone to voice the rest of that thought.

"That's exactly what I'm worried about."


Lily moped down the hallway of the school. She didn't have enough energy to even try to put any effort into anything she was doing. She hadn't heard from Nicole in two days and she was worried sick despite reassurances from Carmen and Mary Cherry that everything was likely fine. She couldn't help worrying about her wayward lover. She missed Nicole so much.

(Where are you, Niki?) she wondered longingly. She'd tried calling the school Nicole was at but was only given the run around because she wasn't a family member. They wouldn't let her know where Nicole was and it annoyed her. She was getting really concerned that something bad had happened because Nicole always found a way to call her at least once a day. Lily missed hearing her voice and biting humor.

She walked out into the sunshine towards her car, a used 1996 Mazda that her uncle had given her to lift her spirits. She loved the car. It gave her a long overdue sense of independence and freedom. She couldn't wait to show it to Nicole and take the blonde for a drive in it.

"My Nana used to have a saying: If you're not careful, your face might freeze like that,'" a silky purr shook Lily from her daze. She looked up from her feet to see Nicole standing by the car, leaning casually against it, smirking from behind her sunglasses. Lily dropped her book bag in shock.

"Am I dreaming?" she whispered. One pale brow rose from behind the glasses as Nicole's smirk became a full-blown smile.

"Ooo, if you are, I hope it's an erotic one," she teased. She unfolded her arms and walked a few feet closer to Lily.

"Niki?" Lily asked, still not quite believing her eyes. Nicole removed her glasses and stared directly into Lily's eyes.

"It's really me, Lil. And I am VERY real," she promised, wrapping her arms around Lily's neck and pulling her in for a scorching but loving kiss. Lily melted into her and after a few moments, Nicole could feel Lily's hot tears staining her own cheeks.

"Don't cry, baby," she soothed as she gathered Lily close and rubbed her back. Lily quietly cried into her chest.

"I've missed you, Lily. Missed holding you, being near you," Nicole whispered as she nuzzled Lily's hair.

"Missed you too," Lily sobbed softly.

"Please don't cry. You're breaking my heart," Nicole choked out. Lily pulled away and saw the telltale tear tracks on Nicole's face and reached up to wipe them away.

"You're crying too," she pointed out lovingly. Nicole sniffled.

"Good Lord, don't tell anyone," she joked. "I'll deny it if you do. Allergies. I suffer from allergies." Lily laughed.

"Sure, good one. I believe you," she hugged Nicole again. "So when did you get home? HOW did you get home? I mean...I'm confused."

"Mary Cherry in the dining room with the candlestick," Nicole said cryptically. Lily stared at her blankly.

"Mary Cherry called the boarding school and pretended to be a relative or something. Don't ask, I have NO idea how she hid that accent. Anyway, she fed them this whole line of BS about my Mom being sick and in the hospital and how I was needed at home. She even got a lawyer friend of her mother's to fax some phony paperwork over. I mean, I asked her for help but girlfriend went all out. I think she's missing her calling as a spy or something," Nicole explained.

"God, I never thought I'd be thankful to Mary Cherry for anything, never mind so much," Lily said. She stopped to think about that for a minute.

"You know, I'm not sure I like the idea of being indebted to Mary Cherry," she added warily. Nicole laughed.

"Yeah, me either. It's a scary thought."

"So where are you staying?" Lily asked as she rested her head on Nicole's chest and Nicole ran her hands through the Latina's hair. "There's no room at my uncle's or I'd suggest there."

"It's OK. That's the cool part I haven't told you about. My eighteenth birthday is in two weeks. On that day I stand to inherit a rather substantial trust fund that my Nana left me. She figured I'd need it before my twenties given the way my mother is. So, I just have to stay under my mother's radar until then. Once I have the money, I'll start looking at buying a place for us. Because when I say substantial, Lil, I mean SUBSTANTIAL."

"A place for us?" Lily echoed in a small voice. Nicole stroked the side of Lily's face.

"If you want that," she said, hooding her eyes and waiting for rejection. She was suddenly very insecure and Lily found it endearing.

"Of course I want that, Niki. I was just surprised," Lily clarified. Nicole's face lit up.

"Then we'll get a place, just us," the blonde declared happily.

"What about until then?" Lily asked. Nicole sighed.

"I guess I could stay at Mary Cherry's," she said, her voice betraying how she really felt about that. As thankful as she was to the Texan for all her help, she still didn't want to live with the slightly off balance girl. Lily's eyes lit up as another idea occurred to her.

"I think the McPherson's have a couch with your name on it."


"So you and Brooke have secretly been seeing each other? You sneaky little bitches," Nicole teased Sam at the McPherson's kitchen table later that day. Jane had been more than willing to lend Nicole one of the spare rooms for the time being. Sam was rather indifferent to the idea but she was glad that Lily was so happy.

Nicole immediately noticed Sam's attitude. The girl was a walking storm cloud, scowl firmly in place. There was no denying that Sam was one angry young woman. And while Nicole was in no way intimidated by her, she didn't want to set her off either. She actually wanted to help find a way to ease Sam's anger and straighten out the whole mess.

"Whatever works," Sam said with a shrug as she absently picked at her dinner. The brunette was thinner too, Nicole noticed. Another sign that things were not going well for her.

(Damn you Mike McQueen) Nicole swore. (You've caused more than your fair share of hurt and heartache. I hope you get exactly what you deserve)

"Hey guys!" Brooke chirped as she and Terri walked through the door.

"Brookie!" Nicole hugged her best friend tightly. "God, it's good to see you."

"I'm glad you're finally home," Brooke said.

"Me too."

"Brooke, does your dad know where you are?" Lily asked a tad fearfully. Brooke shook her head.

"No. He thinks I'm out to dinner with Terri," she explained as she walked over to Sam. "Hello Beautiful," she purred, her voice dropping an octave.

Nicole watched amazed as Sam's dark mood lifted the moment Brooke stepped into the room. And the kiss the two shared was fiery and passionate.

(Those two are perfectly matched) Nic decided. (And incomplete without the other. Who would have thought?)

Brooke helped herself to a seat on Sam's lap and then proceeded to start eating Sam's dinner. Sam wrapped her arms around the lanky blonde's waist and sighed contentedly.

"Sammy, you've hardly touched your meal," Brooke scolded. Sam shrugged behind her.

"Not hungry," she said simply. Brooke looked at Nicole, her expression conveying her concern. Nicole nodded her agreement.

"Eat," Brooke ordered while bringing a piece of chicken up to Sam's mouth. Sam reluctantly did as she was told.

"Well, we'll leave you four to catch up. Terri and I rented 'Shakespeare in Love.' We'll be in the den watching it if you need us," Jane said.

"Behave yourselves," Terri added with a lopsided grin and a wink as she left the room.

"Please, it's not even six o'clock. How much trouble could we possibly get into?" Nicole asked innocently. Sam snorted.

"Oh, enough," she pointed out as the others giggled.

"So, Nic, how was Switzerland?" Brooke asked while she continued to try and get Sam to eat something. She finally understood what everyone else went through with her and her eating disorders. While Sam wasn't that bad, Brooke was still beside herself with worry over how the other girl was doing and wanted to keep her healthy.

"Beautiful...but boring," Nicole said. "The country itself is breathtaking but it's not where I wanted to be."

"Now you're home," Lily sighed happily taking Nicole's hand into her own and squeezing.

"Yes, I am. And happy to be so. It's funny but I have to wonder about my mother's rational for sending me there in the first place."

"How so?" Brooke wondered.

"Well, think about it: she sent her openly gay daughter away from her lover. OK, I can understand that. But she sent me to an ALL GIRL'S BOARDING SCHOOL. Uh, hello, Hon? NOT exactly the most logical move." They all giggled again at the obvious truth.

"Now, granted I only have eyes for Lily here, but HEL-LO! Mother of God, some of those girls! How does one concentrate on school with that sort of distraction? It was like English class, math...oh look shiny. I was suddenly Rainman at inopportune moments," she joked.

"Hmmm, a fox in the hen house, eh?" Sam cracked. Nicole arched an eyebrow at her.

"Are you calling me a 'fox,' Spam?" she teased. Sam crinkled her nose.

"As if. The only 'fox' I see here is Brooke," Sam responded, sneaking her hands under Brooke's shirt and teasing the surprised cheerleader's skin.

"Saaaaaam," Brooke chastised. Nicole rolled her eyes.

"God, nothing changed. Sex crazed weasels," she sighed. Lily leaned over and nibbled on the shorter blonde's ear.

"Rainman, huh?" Lily whispered. Nicole shivered.

"Yeah, yeah definitely," she gasped.

"So," Brooke's voice broke them all from their less than pure thoughts as she batted Sam's hands away. Sam huffed at her annoyed. "Now that we're all back on the same continent, what now?"

Silence hung over the four as they thought about their situation. Lily and Nicole would be on their own in a matter of weeks, free from their overbearing parents trying to run their lives. But Sam and Brooke weren't so lucky. Brooke was still trapped by Mike and no where near her eighteenth birthday.

"I haven't a clue, B," Nicole admitted. "I wish I knew how to help."

"Well, let's get the two of you straightened out and then we'll worry about Sam and me," Brooke suggested. "Maybe by then, an answer will present itself."

"Either that," Sam started, her voice dark and laced with bitterness. "Or things will get even worse."

Section 5

Aeryn Sun

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