Series:  Lovers and Friends

Author:  Melanie M./Shai/Misty


Archive: & Realm of the Shadow. Other then that, please ASK if you want to archive it.

Pairing:  too many to list, trust me.

Rating:  NC-17 or whatever fits!

Disclaimers:  none of the Popular or Buffy chars. belong to me, I'm just borrowing them for my fic so please dun sew me. I'm also making no profit, other than feedback, off of this fic.

Comments:  I really need feedback. My spelling is crap so please forgive me on that note. This chapter will be in pieces so stay tuned.  I'm a slow/busy writer.  Oh the next story will be out ASAP!

Bittersweet Symphony

Latin chanting echoed in this mystical place.  "Come to me," she commanded as the wind thrashed about.

Then she appeared.  Tendrils of blonde fluttering as a smirk played on her lips.  "You called," she purred, overjoyed to be on Earth again.  It had been too long.

"Yes," the other woman answered.

"Why am I here?" the vampire inquired.

"To sire me.  I wish to be immortal and invincible."

"Let me guess, only one person stands in your way?  The slayer?"

The woman laughed.  "Unfortunately but I know how to defeat her.  Tell me Darla, what is the slayer's biggest weakness?"


"No.  Samantha McPherson.  She's dabbling in lesbian escapades as of late.  And what is her second weakness, Killer?"

"Her friends."

"Precisely.  We can easily destroy them if we divide them.  So what do you say sexy, you in?"

"Hmm, sounds like fun.  I love fun.  Count me in."

"Good.  We'd better get things started quickly.  We don't have much time.  Her friends are at their weakest right now so the quicker we put our plans in motion, the sooner we can destroy Buffy.  Come here."

Darla stalked over to the blonde and kissed her neck.  "Slow or fast?"

"Mmmmh, slow."

The vampire equipped her game face and sunk her fangs into the girls neck.  She drank from her slowly, moans of passion echoing in the night.


"Brooke?  Where are you going?" Mike yelled from the kitchen as he heard her shuffling around in her room.

"For a walk," she answered on her way down the stairs.  "I'm meeting Willow for coffee in about an hour.  I don't really feel like driving and a walk sounds refreshing.  Don't worry, I'll be back by 11.30," she informed, leaving the palace.  With a soft sigh she headed to the park.  The night was beautiful and the air was crisp.  She bathed in the feeling of the cold breeze washing over her as she approached her favorite bench.  She sat silently.  The coffee shop was only about five minutes from here so she had plenty of time to mope.

Looking into the darkness her eyes brimmed with tears.  She idly played with her fingers as she tried her hardest to hold back her tears and think about anything but Nicole.  She'd been wondering if the magic was really worth it.  The whole situation just made her want to scream (never thought I'd write this but thank you Michael & Janet Jackson).  She was too lost in her own world to notice the figure that had crept up beside her and taken a seat.  Feeling a cold hand on hers she sighed, opening her eyes.  She was taken back by seeing Shannon there instead of one of her close friends but she didn't pull away.  It felt comforting.

"Hey.  You looked down so I came over.  Figured you might need to talk to someone," Shannon whispered softly.

Brooke again felt like she could burst into tears.  "Thanks."

"This thing with Nic will pass.  If there's anything I can do, I will."

Brooke felt so weak under the other girls stare.  It was so charming and awkwardly enticing as if there was more to that offer than met the eye.  Her guard was down and she didn't realize how defenseless she really was.  With a smile she whispered, "Hold me."

Shannon smirked, taking the feeble girl into her arms and whispering comforts into her ear.  A moment later she touched Brooke's cheek.  "I'd like you to meet a friend of mine."

Brooke nodded, looking around.  Then she saw her.  She was beautiful and mysterious.  Eyeing her cautiously she spoke in a weak tone, "hi."

"Hey.  My name's Darla," the vampire replied wickedly, walking toward them with a predatory pace to her step.

"I'm Brooke."

"Shannon's told me about you."

"What exactly has she told you?" Brooke said, slightly defensive.

"Just that your ex made you choose between her and Buffy's group.  They're really alluring aren't they?  They took my ex from me.  He never came back."

Brooke was shocked.  Magic and being a part of Buffy's group had been very alluring but would that cause her to lose Nic forever?  Who had the Scoobies taken from Darla?  "Your ex?"

"Angel.  Buffy trapped him with her promises of adventure, love and pleasure.  He couldn't resist.  Then she broke his heart and threw him away like trash."

This information infuriated Brooke.  How could Buffy do that?  Did the others know about this?  She gritted her teeth.  "I'm sorry.  Is there anything I can do?"

Darla sighed.  "Get away from them.  Willow and Faith aren't vindictive like the others.  They're good people but the others are spiteful beasts.  Shannon and I are banning together to face Buffy and her cruel retinue but there are only two of us."

"Make that three.  I won't let her hurt Sammy.  Sam's too weak to see that malicious slut for what she really is but I'll be there to protect her," Brooke vowed, honestly believing she'd made the right decision.  Glancing at her watch, she smiled.  "Can I meet you guys in about half an hour?  I have to meet Willow for coffee in about ten."

Shannon smiled.  "Of course.  We'll meet you here in half.  Don't tell Willow what we talked about.  She's in denial.  It's going to take all three of us to make her realize who her "friends" really are."

Brooke nodded.  "See ya," she hollered as she ran toward the cafè.

Once she was out of ear shot Darla laughed softly.  "That was easier than I thought."

"She's hurting.  Say the right things and you have her eating out of your hand.  We've completed the first stage of brain washing on her and we may even get Willow by the end of the night.  That will make it twice as easy to convince the others.  Once we have at least three of them, we'll move on to stage two.  Once they're at that level they'll be so enraged and doubtful of trusting anyone but us and their fellow comrades that luring  the other two will be like taking candy from a preemie," Shannon snickered.

A few minutes later. . .

"Hey Will.  How are you?" Brooke asked chipperly, sitting in the booth in front of the other Wiccan.

"Could be better," Willow sighed deeply, sipping her cappuccino.

"What's wrong?  What happened?" Brooke asked worriedly as she set her purse next to her on the plush, cushiony booth.  Could it be Buffy?

"Me and Tara got into a fight," Willow mumbled.


"Buffy.  She's getting out of control.  She's working a new job but she's overworking.  When she slays it's like she's a black panther out for the kill.  She starting to scare me Brooke."

"Have you talked to her?"  Brooke was putting on her best calm face but there was still a feeling inside of her that felt like ripping Buffy, and anyone who stood in her way, apart with her bare hands.

"I thought it would be better to talk to Tara first. . ."

"Oh. . ."


"Why don't we go for a walk in the park?" Brooke asked, smiling softly.  Maybe Shannon could help Willow see what was really going on.

"Sure," Willow replied, getting up and following Brooke outside after throwing the empty cappuccino cup away.

They walked for about ten minutes, then stopped to sit on a bench.  Shannon joined them with a smile.  "Hey."

"Hey," Willow whispered, slightly uncomfortable.

Shannon gave Willow a soft, gentle hug.  "What's wrong sweetie?"

Willow mumbled the whole story over again as Shannon rubbed her back.  She began to relax under the girls touch, sighing and closing her eyes on occasion.  Shannon bent down, whispering in the redheads ear, "wouldn't it be great to just let go?  Relax hun, I won't hurt you."

As she continued easing Willow's tense muscles she continued to whisper, "I've noticed Buffy isn't hanging around with you much anymore.  Even Tara and Xander are drifting.  Is there anything I can do?  I mean, I feel bad seeing you suffer.  I know it's hurting you cause I can see it."

Willow's shoulders sank as she took a deep breath.  It felt like all of her friends were turning on her and that uneasy feeling she had around the others was unbearable.  "Listen.  I just need somebody to talk to."

"I'm all ears."

Willow swallowed hard.  "I feel like they're pushing me away, like I'm this virus that'll infect them if they touch me.  Even Tara.  I've been using a little more magik but it's not fair that they're treating me like trash.  I just. . ."

"Feel trapped?  I know how that feels.  Me and Brooke were talking about the way Buffy's been acting and we're afraid she might hurt Sam like she and Angel hurt each other."

Willow looked petrified.  She would not let that happen.  She didn't want Sam or Buffy to get hurt and she just couldn't handle another fiasco like the one with Angel.  "So what are you two gonna do about it?  You can't tell Sam."

"I know.  We're starting a group to confront her about her problems.  Talk things over.  We think it's better if we have a group in case she goes wicked slayer bitch on us."

Willow pondered this for a moment.  Then a thought sprang to her mind.  "I wonder how Angel's doing anyway."  So she was changing the subject, but it was kinda on the same topic.

"From what I hear he's doing fine.  A friend of his is in town."

"Friend?"  Willow became tense again.  The only friends Angel ever had were Spike, Drusilla and Darla.  Any of them being in town couldn't be good.

"Yeah.  Darla.  She came here looking for Buffy.  She's human now and really sees no point in holding a grudge.  She wants to make amends."

Willow nearly jumped from the bench.  "She's human?" she whispered, trying to relax again as her heart tried to beat normally.

Darla walked over quietly, sitting beside Brooke.  "Yeah, I'm human now.  Willow, I'm sorry for all I did to you and your friends.  If you're wondering how I came back I can explain.  This agency called Wolfram & Hart brought me back to use against Angel but it didn't work.  I was only luring to him as a vampire and when they brought me back I turned out to be human.  After that I left LA and came here," she whispered deeply.  She sounded sincere.  She was in a way.  She reflected on that time and since then she'd grown and let go of most of her past, except for Angel. . .and Buffy.  She hadn't become one of the good gals but she'd actually started feeling things since she'd come back.

Willow smiled briefly.  "Well, since we'll be spending more time together you can prove that to me.  I want to be a part of your group, for Buffy's sake.  I don't want to see anyone get hurt."

Shannon nodded.  "Well, we'd better be going.  Curfew and all but I'll see you guys later. 

Maybe we could meet tomorrow or something."

Both Brooke & Willow nodded as Darla followed Shannon away from their newest recruits.

"We'd better get to your house.  We both need some sleep," Willow whispered.  Brooke nodded as they set off toward the palace.

Moments after they arrive at the palace. . .

Mike came strutting into the living room where Brooke and Willow sat listening to music and talking.  "Girls, guess what!"  They both looked up at him with tired, inquiring eyes.

"Sammy's coming home tomorrow instead of on Valentine's Day.  Dr. Simmons says that he's helped all he can and the best thing for her now is to be home," he beamed happily.

This was the first time Brooke had seen her father happy since Sam had been in the hospital and it caused her to smile.  "Are we ready?  We're still having the party right?"

Mike nodded.  "Yeah.  We just need to tell everyone tomorrow that the date's changed.  Do you think you could tell everyone at school?  I have to pick her up at three."

"Sure Dad.  Will can tell all of Buffy's gang while I'm at school."

Mike looked at Willow.  "How is it that you girls can take so much time off school?"

Willow held back laughter.  UC Sunnydale had been closed for about a week now due to the recent administrative death rate but she couldn't tell Mike that.  "Well, there was a mercury spill and they don't know how long it'll take to clean it up.  They're re-carpeting the whole campus just in case."

Mike nodded.  Weird things always seemed to happen to Buffy and her friends when they were in Sunnydale but he never questioned it.  He had a feeling these girls were on the good side.  With one last radiant smile he headed upstairs to tell Jane.

Brooke let out the breathe she'd been holding.  "I don't think he heard us. . ."

"No.  He'd probably have freaked when he walked in.  I mean, we were talking about witchcraft and slayer stuff."

"Yeah.  Hey Will, do you think I made the right choice with Nic?"

Willow gulped.  She couldn't honestly answer that question without hurting her friend and that was the last thing she wanted to do.  "I dunno.  You shouldn't have been forced to choose.  It was unfair."

Brooke gave a weak half smile.  "Thanks."

Bittersweet Symphony 2

"Is everything ready?" Jane panted, rushing from the kitchen to the living room.

"Jane, everything's done. We just need to wait," Nic said in a failed attempt to calm the frantic parental.

"Waiting is always the hard part," Lily added into the conversation.

"They're here," Brooke whispered, signaling for the others to hide in their respective areas.

Mike and Sam approached the door. "You know Mike, I'm actually starting to like you."

Mike smiled. "Just open the door," he said with a grin.

As Sam opened the door, friends and family jumped out of hidden places screaming "surprise". She was genuinely surprised. Her heart was swelling with joy. Everyone had come. Even Nicole was there. The only one she couldn't see was Buffy. Her heart dropped as she scanned the area.

Buffy smiled. Being short was a privilege sometimes. She crept through the crowd of taller people and threw herself at Sam, embracing her tightly. "God Sam, don't scare me like that again. I've missed you so much." She was nearly in tears but she wouldn't let herself cry right now, she just wouldn't.

Sam embraced her lover firmly. "Never again Buffy, I promise," she whispered, burying her face in the crook of the slayer's neck.

"Enough mushy stuff. Let's party!" Nicole announced with a grin.

About an hour later. . .

Faith kissed Lily on the cheek. "I'll be right back." She headed for the punch bowl to get her and her girlfriend refills. Moving quickly she didn't see the form in front of her. Bumping into her she backed up a little. "Watch it!"

"Sorry," the blonde replied, capturing Faith's eyes with her own. She hypnotized the slayer, forcing thoughts into her head that had been long forgotten. Once she knew it was working she spoke again, "meet me after the party in the park."

Faith nodded obediently, not realizing the vampire had just brainwashed her. Spells could be a great tool but they could also be harmful and deceitful. She got the refills and returned to

Lily's side. The look in her eyes was as if she were lost but the Latina didn't seen to notice.

Brooke stared at Sam, wondering if she knew what kind of person she'd fallen in love with. She saw Xander whisper to Buffy. The blonde nodded, kissed Sam on the cheek and left. This was her chance. Shannon touched her shoulder and she turned around. Staring into the girls eyes she fell deep into the spell.

"Go," Shannon whispered cryptically.

Brooke obeyed, sauntering over to Sam and taking a seat. "Hey."


Brooke stared into Sam's eyes. "So how are you and Buffy?"

"We could be better. She's acting weird."


"Yeah. She's been kinda pushing me away. And she's really edgy. I dunno, maybe it's me," Sam sighed.

"No. She's probably going through something. Hey, I know a few people who know Buffy and we have this support group thing. We're meeting after the party, you wanna come?"

"A Buffy support group? Sounds interesting. Sure. Who's in it?"

"Willow, Shannon, Darla and me."


"Yeah, she's there for support."


"We'll talk about that later."

After the party. . .

Sam walked out back for some fresh air when she heard sobbing. She could tell it wasn't a woman. It sounded more choked back, more masculine. She snuck around a corner and stared in shock. "Josh?"

Josh wiped his tears away quickly. "Hey Sam," he said coolly.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"Uh, it's nothing. Really, I'm fine."

"Josh. . ." Sam sat next to the jock and hugged him gently. "You're a horrible liar. You can trust me. What's up?"

"Kain. We had a fight cause he's doing patrols and stuff with Buffy & I'm afraid he's gonna get hurt."

"Oh." Sam frowned. Everybody seemed to be having problems related to Buffy which made her wonder if her girlfriend was really the right one or some evil clone replacement. It was very possible.


"Hey Josh, I'm meeting Brooke and a few friends. You wanna come with? It's a support group."

Josh smiled. "Sure."


Two days later. . .

"Are we ready?"

"Brooke and Josh need a little more practice but we're doing great."

"Excellent. Faith, gather the others from the training grounds. We need to have a meeting. Tomorrow is the day. Valentine's Day."

"Sure thing."

Shannon looked down at Darla as Faith walked off. "They're strong. Willow and Brooke have become mystical wonders with their magiks. The others have built physical strength most could only dream of. We have a chance pet."

"Mmmmh, I can taste victory already."

"Tomorrow will be our finest day."

Bittersweet Symphony 3

"So what the deal with our new big bad?  Demon?  Warlock?  Horde of sword wielding vamps who worship some almighty God of who cares what?"

"Well, I'm not quite sure.  Apparently there is a force the council is very worried about and it's here in Santa Monica.  They haven't been able to investigate the situation and they felt they should inform us of what is to come.  This force is stronger than anything you have faced Buffy.  We all have to be alert.  They could strike at any time," Giles explained, cleaning his glasses.

"You've said the "stronger than anything. . ." line over and over Giles.  I think we can handle it."

"I'm not sure all of us can.  Willow's been gone a lot lately.  She's been hanging out with Brooke but that's not what bothers me.  She's been acting strange.  And every time she leaves to meet Brooke I get this sinking feeling," Tara replied with her head bowed.

Buffy raised a brow.  Looking around she noticed that nearly half of their group was gone.  "Really?" she asked softly.  "Sam's been acting a little weird too."

Nicole looked at Lily and nodded.  "Faith and Brookie have too.  You think they have something to do with it?"

Xander shook his head.  "I think they just need to get away.  You know, all the slayer stuff is kinda stressful.  Sam just got out of rehab, Brooke's dealing with heartache and Will & Faith know about these things.  Maybe they're just helping each other out."

"Maybe Xander's right.  Why expect the worst?" Buffy agreed.

"When are they suppose to execute their plan?  I mean, we do know that much right?" Anya asked.

"Today."  Giles sighed, focusing on the distorted looks he received.

"Valentine's Day?" Buffy grumbled.


"We'd better get ready.  I have a feeling this isn't gonna be easy," Buffy sighed, heading for the training room.

"I think I should go.  You guys kinda need help."

"Dawn. . ."

Giles hushed Buffy and nodded.  "I think Dawn should go.  She could be of some use."

"B-But. . ."

"Tara, how is your magik coming along?" the ex watcher asked, cutting the slayer off.

"Better than I expected, why?"

"You may need to use it.  Dawn, you will help Xander and Anya in whatever task they must perform."

Dawn nodded eagerly.  "I'll call Kain.  He can help too."

"Buffy, you're in charge as usual.  I suggest you take plenty of supplies."

Buffy nodded.  "Right"


That evening. . .

"Let's go," Buffy commanded, leading her troops to this new apocalyptic gangs lair.  They'd gotten a "tip" from a "source" though Buffy could sense it was a setup.  They cautiously entered the empty courtyard.  This was creepy.

"Glad you could join us," a voice said.  They drew closer to the thrown near the entrance to the mansion.  "That's far enough.  My house, my rules."  The figure spun around in her thrown and faced the warriors.  "Well, well, well.  If it isn't the guest of honor and her friends.  Pleasure seeing you again Buffy."

"Shannon.  You bitch," Buffy growled, moving forward. 

Xander pulled her back.  "Remember Buff, her turf."

"Don't even try slayer, I've got you beat.  Before the fun begins I'd like you to meet a few of my friends.  Babies, come here," she purred cockily.

Brooke did a runway walk, her black leather bodysuit clinging tightly to her.  Her eyes were completely black, the Shadow Slayer dagger ( firmly attached to her side.  The blade stirred fear in the Scoobies.  Could Brooke actually us it? 

They didn't have time to ponder that.  The next to appear was Willow.  Her eyes were also black as night.  Her shirt and pants were a deep forest green and the Medusa Dagger ( was clipped to her side.

Then came Sam and Josh.  Sam wore midnight purple silk pants and a matching shirt, the Valdris ( within her grip.  Josh wore black jeans and a midnight blue T-shirt, wielding the Morthoseth (Sword of Shadows

Faith sauntered forth, the Anathros (Sword of the Earth sheathed along her back.  She wore her normal attire and stood defiantly as the final member of their squad revealed herself.

Darla stalked out in a blood red getup, the Ra Dagger  ( gripped tightly in her hand.  "Hello Buffy.  Long time no see."

Shannon pulled out the Dragon Flame dagger and played with it idly.  "I'll give you a minute to converse before you die.  Prepare wisely."

Buffy flinched.  "Darla," she growled.  Looking back at her group she took a deep breath.  Turning to her friends she frowned.  "Ok, here's the plan.  Xander, Anya, Dawn, you guys take out Darla.  The rest of us will hold off the other.  Try not to hurt anyone.  They're probably under a spell so defense only.  Once Darla and Shannon are out of the picture the others should be ok."

"B-But. . ."

Buffy stared at Anya.  "What?"

"Those weapons they're using."

"What about them?" Buffy whispered, trying to force the ex demon to answer her.

"An honey, what do you know?" Xander pried.

"They're all mystical and legendary.  Especially the one Brooke has.  It's called the Shadow Slayer.  It was used by the first slayer.  The very powerful demon that destroyed the first slayer used that dagger.  The Medusa, Ra and Dragon Flame were all used by very stalwart demons and gods.  The last time the Valdris was seen was when Groth, an insane warlock, killed the king of demons.  That was back in the 1600's.  What scares me the most is Anathros and Morthoseth.  The only beings that have possessed those swords have been infamous demons who still roam the underworld."

"What's your point?"

"Put it this way.  The only way to get a demons weapon is to kill him."

They all became pale.  These weapons were mystical and now Buffy really wondered if they had a chance in Hades.  Looking around she sighed.  "Ok, we need to pass out appropriate weapons."

"Buffy, I can't fight her," Lily whispered, speaking of Faith.

"Lily, you have to.  All you have to do is keep her away from the other.  Just distract her.  Defense, remember?"

Lily nodded.  "Let's do it then."


All heads turned toward the voice.  Mel panted as she ran toward Buffy's group with Kain.  "Calvary is here."

Buffy smiled.  Now the odds were a little better.  "Good.  Ok people, grab your weapon of choice."

Shannon laughed.  "Welcome Mel.  It'll be fun watching you die."

Mel glared at her ex friend as Kain eyed Josh.  This was not good.

"Ok, I've been generous enough.  Time to die," Shannon sighed boredly.  With the wave of her hand her minions spread out into a formation, inching closer to the Scoobies.

Buffy glanced at Faith.  That sword scared the shit outta her.  The position the hand guards were in made her blood run cold.  Her group spread out, each facing a person they knew all too well.

All hell broke loose.  Energy balls were flying everywhere, people were dodging, blocking and swinging at each other.  Metal met metal, crying out in the night like thunder.  Xander managed to get to Darla.  Face to face with the vampire he charged her.  Her dagger sliced his arm seconds before his stake plunged into her.  Dust flew everywhere and the others fell to the ground.

Shannon stood, facing Mel.  She thrust her dagger into the witch's stomach.  Mel doubled over, screaming in pain.  With tears streaming down her cheeks she yanked the dagger out and slashed the blonde's chest.  Stumbling backward she landed in Xander's arms.

Brook stood dizzily.  She could barely remember her name but one thing came to her mind.  She took Willow's hand and they began to chant.  Mel joined the chanting though it was muffled and weak.

The thrown behind Shannon flashed and a portal tore through space an time to appear here.  "NOOOOOOOO!" the blonde screamed as this force sucked her into the portal.  The glowing sphere contracted until it was no more.

The spell was broken.  "Let's head to the palace to recoup," Buffy panted.

Mel closed her eyes and tilted her head back.  She was numb now.  She couldn't feel a thing.  Sam regained her senses and knelt beside her friend.  "Mel?  Oh god, you need to get to a hospital.  Xander?  C-Can you. . ."

Xander nodded.  "Yeah.  We better get going."


At the hospital hours later. . .

"I'm glad she's ok.  She saved the world you know."

"I thought that was your job," Sam joked.

"It was but I. . ."

"I was joking."

Buffy blushed slightly at her stupidity.  "Oh, right.  Sorry, still a little weirded out about what happened."

"I know."

Buffy pulled out a small box.  "Sammy, I wanted to give this to you.  Just to remind you that I love you and that I'll always be here when you need me."

Sam took a small white gold ring out of the box and smiled.  Kissing Buffy on the cheek she put it on.  "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Excuse me ladies, are you the ones who brought Melanie in?"

Sam looked up.  "Yeah.  Her mom's outta town.  Is she gonna be ok?"

"She'll be fine.  Thankfully no vital organs were punctured.  Are you sure she fell on a knife?"

"Uh. . .yeah.  Can we see her?"

The young male doctor smiled.  "We're keeping her overnight for observation.  Visiting hours end at 9 & only two at a time.  She's gonna be fine."

Sam smiled.  "Thank you."

Prom Night

"Nic, I love you.  I never meant to hurt you, I. . .I was confused.  I need you!"

"Brookie, I love and need you too.  I'm nothing without you.  I shouldn't have made you choose.  I was afraid you would hurt yourself."

"I know.  Willow told me what you did.  Thank you.  If you hadn't asked them to help me I probably would have hurt myself or somebody else."

Nicole took Brooke in her arms and held her close.  She had missed this.  Being able to hold the woman she loved and being so content.  "You're welcome."  After an intimate moment of silence all had been forgiven.  "So, are you going to Prom?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world."

Meanwhile in the next room,

"I get to wear the tux!  I wore a dress to my prom so it's only fair!"

"Ok.  I'll tell you this however, the dress I'm gonna wear will make your heart skip a beat.  Brooke's taking me shopping later and she has a few idea on what I should wear."

"Cool.  I'm going with Kain and Josh later.  I'm so glad they made up."

"Me too.  And from the sounds of it so did Nic and Brooke.  I wonder who's wearing the dress."

"I'm sure Nicole has some sort of plan."

Lily poked her head into Sam's room.  "Hey Sam, just stopped by to see if I could go shopping with you later.  Faith's decided to go with Buffy and the guys and I need a second opinion on the dress I picked out."

"Sure Lil.  This is gonna be great."

Moments later. . .

"I'm wearing the tux."

"No you're not!  I am!"

"Brookie, don't argue with me.  I'll look better in it!"

Kain smiled.  "Ladies, calm down.  I've got an idea."

Josh, Brooke and Nicole all stared at him as he grinned.


Prom night, at the palace. . .

Sam stood straight, smoothing her black satin formal.  Brooke had been right, she looked absolutely stunning.  She had her hair up, done to perfection with beautiful shades of makeup making her face even more gorgeous.  She couldn't wait for Buffy to see her.  She opened the door and met her date at the steps.

Buffy gasped.  Sam took her breathe away.  She looked wonderful.  Taking Sam's hand, they slowly walked down the stairs.  Mike and Jane were staring in amazement.  When they reached the bottom of the stairs Jane hugged Sam and told her to have fun.  Mike gave Buffy "the talk" and told her to make sure Sam was home by 1.  Buffy agreed to this and they left the palace to meet up with Faith and Lily in their limo.

Brooke and Nicole both walked down the stairs clad in shimmering, top notch silk dresses, Brooke in blue and Nic in red.  They both looked drop dead gorgeous and this was only the beginning of their plan.  Going through the same routine Sam & Buffy had gone through, they waited for Kain and Josh to arrive.


The music was loud and all were at ease until Kennedy High's most well known journalist sauntered in with a cute little blonde number none of them knew.  The whole senior class was speechless as they watched the two head for the punch bowl.  They also noticed the schools head activist arm in arm with a hansom brunette who was apparently female.  It shocked the hell out of them.  Now they waited for the two most infamous people in Kennedy High to make their appearance.

Moments later the head cheerleader and her demonic counterpart made their way into the noisy room.  All eyes were on them as they walked in, arm in arm with the two hottest jocks the school had ever seen.  Stage two of the plan had been completed.  They walked toward the "popular" crowd, getting ooohs and ahhhs.




"I have a bad feeling about this."

"You think we should look some stuff up?"

"Maybe.  We could meet up with Giles and the others.  They could help."

"Yeah.  I think that's a good idea."


Bobbi Glass stood on stage with surprised look.  "Well, it looks like we have a tie on both prom Queen and King.  The winners are Brooke McQueen, Samantha McPherson, Joshua Ford and Kain Gray."  The named persons were crowned as the last song of the night began.

The last faze of their plan began.  Nicole took Brooke's hand as Kain led Josh to the dance floor.  All in that room were shocked at the site before them as the two couples glided along the dance floor in bliss.  The night would soon end and memories would be all that remained.

As the dance ended they headed home to fulfil the prom rituals we all know too well.  This night had been wonderful and nothing could ruin it.

As they walked out of the huge hotel where the prom had taken place Buffy noticed a shadow and automatically went into slayer mode.  Following the form she pounced it only to find it was Mary Cherry.  But there was something different.  Her eyes were red and she had fangs.  Not a vampire but something else.  She threw Buffy off as calvary appeared.  They wrestled her down, trying to keep their tux and formals in mint condition at the same time.

Giles approached, chanting something in Latin.  A cloud of black smoke rose from the Glamazon's body, leaving her unconscious.  Kain volunteered to take her home as the others headed to the palace.  The night had gone well but there were still worries stirring within the group.

Comments:  This chapter is extremely short but it's the last one in this series.  Shout outs to all Seniors who know what this will be like come graduation day.  I've been writing this fic for nearly a year now and now it's time to let it rest.  I feel like a piece of me goes with this sweet story so read it and remember how it felt or how it will feel.  I'd appreciate feedback though I know I probably won't get any -.-  Hope this ending appeases my readers and thank you all for everything.



The day had come.  Brooke sat reading over her speech as Sam and the others gave her feedback.  "So, you guys think it's ok?"

"Brooke, it's wonderful," Josh replied.

Sam smiled.  "It really is.  I'm glad you got valedictorian.  I'm sure Mike'll love the speech too."

Brooke sighed nervously.  "Lets do this."

Standing tall, they all walked proudly on stage as their names were called.  They all received their diplomas and sat quietly as Brooke began her speech.  "Is never seemed to cross my mind.  Being here with the people I've spent the last four years with and having to say goodbye.  For all of us it gives us these mixed emotions.  Happy to have achieved what many don't yet sad to see these days of innocence and joy fade to memory.  We've all been through the toughest of times, together and apart.  I'm honored to be the class of 2002's valedictorian but I feel all of us have earned our place in Kennedy High history.  So, class of 2002, join me in a moment of silence.  A moment to reflect on the past four year.  One last moment as Kennedy High Seniors."

All stood silent as they reflected.  Memories flooded back to all of them.  Their first encounters, their first spats, their first bonds, their first loves, their true loves and many other memories of what they'd been through and who they'd become.  After that moment passed Brooke wiped a tear away.  "With that said, I wish you all luck for the future.  Thank you."  She received a standing ovation as she walked off the stage and sat beside her friends.  A few other people spoke but none as beautifully as Brooke had.  They threw their hats in the air and said a final farewell to their old stomping grounds.  They were all headed in different directions but they would all be friends forever.


"Sammy, I. . ."

"I know."

"At least you'll still be within driving distance."

"Yeah."  Sam held back her tears as she embraced her mom tightly.  "I'll come visit."

"You'd better," Jane sobbed.  She was letting her baby go and it was the hardest thing she'd ever had to do.  Letting go was never easy.  "I'm gonna miss you Sam."

Mike swallowed hard.  "Sam."

Sam let her mom go and stared at Mike.  "Yeah dad?"

Mike let a tear slide down his cheek.  She'd called him dad.  "Come here," he said, hugging her gently.  "Call us."

"I will.  I'd better go.  Giles drives really slow in the dark."

Mike nodded.  "Be safe."

Brooke kissed Sam on the cheek, tears flowing from her eyes.  "Hey sis, tell Buffy she'd better take good care of you or else."

Nic smiled.  "Sam, make a difference out there.  You'll be a wonderful journalist."

Sam hugged Brooke then turned to Nicole.  They'd been through hell and back.  "Thank you Nicole," she whispered as they hugged each other gently.  Breaking away she met Lily and the others in front of Giles' car.  With tears in her eyes she curled up next to Buffy in the back seat and let herself cry.  Buffy held her and caressed her hair.

"It's ok baby, it's not forever."

"I know but it's still hard."

"Yeah, it is."

As they drive away the song "Graduation" by Vitamin C played as the screen sorrowfully fades to black.

~<>~ The End ~<>~

What did you think?  I know it's short but I'm kinda running on empty fb wise.  Drop me a line if you think it's worth it (which it is to me!)

~<>~ Mel ~<>~

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