Title: Lovers and Friends

Author: Mel M/Misty

Email: SSailorUranuss@aol.com

Meeting the 'Family'

"Buffy's bringing in a new recruit? What, we're not good enough anymore?" Xander whined childishly.

"Xander, you're overreacting. Maybe this new gal, or guy can help with Glory," Willow reasoned. Tara glanced at Willow, her eyes tinted with a subtle hint at the stranger. Willow responded with a broad smile as they waited for Giles to speak.

Giles smiled. "Actually Willow, you're quite right on that note. She was the student of a fellow watcher and good friend of mine Cheryl Adams. She bread that girl like any watcher would a slayer and she always claimed she'd make a perfect slayer. Unfortunately the council didn't agree. She knows far more about slayer business than the majority of the new watchers out there. We're lucky to have her working with us," Giles informed, giving Xander the evil watcher eye.


"Hey guys. This is Sam," Buffy announced as she closed the door behind Sam. Buffy began to point everyone out as she said their names and titles. "This is Rupert Giles, my watcher."

"Pleased to meet you. Cheryl told me a lot about you," Sam greeted with a friendly smile upon her lips.

"Really? We were quite good friends. I saw you in here with Brooke yesterday, are you Jane's daughter?" he asked politely.

"Yeah, we came her for vacation so mom and Mike could have some time alone," she answered.

"That's Willow, my best friend, and her girlfriend Tara," Buffy continued.

"Welcome to the Scoobies," Willow chirped as Tara waved shyly.

An unusual shade of crimson appeared on Sam's cheeks as she spoke, "Hi. Sorry about last night. I was just so upset and I didn't even catch your names. It's good to finally be properly introduced."

"This is Xander, another best friend of mine and his girlfriend Anya," Buffy pointed out, turning Sam's attention to them for a moment before she caught a glimpse of something in the shadows. The silhouette seemed obscure and walked with a majestic, mute beat to each fleeting step. It moved into the light, a harsh but teasing tone thick with a foreign-tongued accent as he spoke, "Forgotten 'bout me already slayer?"

"And last but not alive, Spike," Buffy muttered with a tone that seemed to be stuck somewhere between disgust, anger and a little almost unnoticeable hint of pity.

Sam made a friendly hand gesture at the vampire but kept her mouth shut. She didn't like the vibes she was picking up from him and apparently by his body language he didn't like her either.

"So, what about Glory? That is why we're here, right?" Spike inquired.

"Glory. She's a very mischievous and powerful hell god from another dimension. She was banished for her power and lack of humanity. Her punishment was being placed in the body of a mortal human and being thrown in the human dimension. She needs the key, a collection of very dangerous energy, to open a portal and return home," Sam replied as if the question had been directed toward her.

Everyone, including Spike, metaphorically dropped their jaws to the floor. Here they had know about Glory for weeks and gathered only a minimal amount of information and a stranger shows up and fills in the blanks.

"Where did you read that?" Giles fumbled with his words anxiously as he stared in disbelief.

"Before Cheryl died she had a bad run-in with Glorificus AKA Glory. She managed to get home and wrote down as much as she could. When she died my mom and I boxed up her belongings and she left me all of her watcher materials. Since we move in with Mike they've been piled into storage but I could talk to Brooke about going back to get them," Sam caught her breath, waiting for the watcher's reply.

"Incredible," the watcher uttered, still stunned. "Any other information?"

"No. That's all she was able to write," Sam answered.

"As for your offer, I'd be honored to keep them here for you. They'd be put to good use," Giles said, clearing his throat as his speech returned to him.

Sam smiled. "I'll talk to Brooke tomorrow."


"Ok dad. I know, drive safely. See you soon, Bye." Brooke hung up the phone and groaned angrily. "We have to go home for about a week but we can come back. My dad wants me and Sammy there when Jane has the baby. We have to leave Sunday," Brooke whined to the other three girls. At least it was only a week or so, two at the maximum.

Nicole didn't seem remotely phased by the information. Why would she be? It wasn't like they'd be gone for months. "At least it's not that long," she said, voicing her opinion in a rather careless manor.

Lily and Carmen just nodded. They didn't mind. It would be ok to be home again though they weren't really looking forward to it.


"Yeah, I have to go home tomorrow. Some family stuff but I'll be back," Sam sighed. Buffy frowned and hugged Sam softly. She jerked back when she heard the front door slam shut.

"Buffy, I'm home!" Dawn hollered, taking her bags into her room. She headed to Buffy's room and poked her head in curiously. She raised and eyebrow at the brunette on her sisters bed. Buffy came into her line of vision and smiled softly.

"Dawn, this is Sam. I met her the other day at the Bronze," Buffy fibbed.

"Hi, I've heard a lot about you," Sam greeted.

"Hi. Listen, I just came home to get some clothes. Melissa's taking me to a hockey game tonight with her family," Dawn informed before leaving the other two females alone again.

"That was. . .interesting," Sam whispered as she rose and placed a soft kiss on Buffy's lips.

"She's just uncomfortable about strangers. After her encounter with Faith, I wouldn't be surprised," Buffy whispered back, her body shivering at the mere thought of the raven haired slayer. "I'll tell you all about Faith when you come back," she added, seeing the baffled look on Sam's face at the mention of the dark slayer.


"Time goes by so fast," Buffy whispered as she hugged Sam goodbye. The others were bidding their farewells with heavy hearts and teary eyes.

Carmen and Lily were already in the back seat and Brooke waited in the drivers seat. Nicole stood tapping her designer heel on the sidewalk, impatiently waiting for Sam.

"I'll be back as soon as I can," Sam reassured as she hesitantly let go and got into the car.

As the car sped off Willow noticed a tear winding its way down Buffy's cheek and she smiled. Her best friend was finally happy and this time she had a very good feeling about it.


"So how was your trip?" Mike asked, eyeing his daughter with soft inquiring eyes that wondered what kind of mischief they had found themselves in.

"Good enough to go back," Brooke stated, not giving any detail like her father was hoping.

"And what did you think of it Sam?" Jane questioned.

All three of them were staring at Sam, which made her a little uncomfortable but she answered anyway, "Let's just say it was like a dream come true."

Silent Faith

"Angel, can I ask you somethin?"

"Yeah, anything"

"Do you think I should return to Sunnydale to help battle Glory?"

"It's your duty, even if the council and every other being despises you for it."

Angel let a grin slide across his sideways smile as he imagined the look on Buffy's face when she saw the dark slayer once more. He'd always thought that the two slayers were made for each other. If he couldn't have Buffy, at least a worthy mortal should be able to.

"So when do I leave?"

"Tomorrow morning," Wess informed from his office.

"I'm driving!" Cordi put in from her desk.

"Yo Faith, be good. Don't wanna see you locked up again, right?" Gunn advised as he walked in.

"I'll miss you guys. I mean it," Faith whispered softly. Since she'd come to them almost a month ago they'd become her family. Angel was her watcher, Wess was like her father and Cordelia and Gunn were like her siblings. One big dysfunctional family. Well, it was more than Faith had ever dreamed of and far more than she'd ever had.


Sam smiled softly as she stared down at her newborn sister. They'd named her Mackenzie. Brooke was already loading the car while she was bidding her farewells to the little one. It had only been a few days since they'd left Sunnydale yet Sam missed Buffy more than ever.

Brooke peeked in the door, whispering softly, "time to go." Sam nodded and they headed off to the car. Carmen, Lily and Nicole were waiting patiently as they approached.

"Took you long enough Spam," Nicole teased playfully. She'd become softer around that small clique out of school but she'd already warned them that once school came back, so did her attitude.

Brooke started the car and they were off, Sunnydale bound.


"Buffy, are you sure now's a good time for them to come back?"

"Will, we need them. They can help with Dawn. After all that's happened we could use backup. Spike's still healing, Dawn's gone and Tara. . ."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. We do need help."

Buffy sighed deeply. She didn't want to drag Sam into this crazy, dangerous mess but she was her only hope. What a time for disaster to strike.


The doorbell rang and Buffy leapt to her feet, darting toward the door. She opened it to reveal Sam standing there with her bags. The slayer tightly hugged the journalist and whispered, "Thank god your back Sam."

Sam dropped her bags and hugged back tightly. "Buffy, what's wrong?"

"Spike's hurt, Tara got brain sucked and Dawn's gone," the slayer nearly sobbed.

The journalists eyes became wide with realization as the sound of the phone ringing broke up the touching scene. Buffy answered the phone then hung up and looked at Sam, quietly whispering, "Giles wants us at the Magic Box ASAP."

"Brooke can drive us."


"What's up Giles?" Buffy panted, trying to catch her breath.

"I've found out some new information. It appears we only have one day before the sacrifice is to be done so we need to start planning," the watcher informed, pulling a chair out for the slayer.

Sam looked up with a half smile. "Well, if it helps any I've got four friends that can help," she replied. As soon as she saw them look at her she nodded in a silent agreement and headed outside.

Sam returned with her friends and sat them down. "Ok guys, this is gonna seem really weird but I need your help with something," Sam began.

"Giles, while she's explaining the situation to them I can go get supplies for tomorrow night," Willow offered.

Giles nodded and whispered, "we'll take care of Tara for you." These were the times he wished Faith was around. From what he'd heard from Angel she was a brand new slayer in and out of the councils mind. She would be greatly needed in this battle but would she be there?


(Flashback to before Dawn was kidnapped by Glory)

"Hey kid, long time no see!"

Dawn looked up from her English book and smiled. "Hey. Does Buffy know you're here? Last time you showed up publicly you didn't really hit it off with her."

Faith sat beside the younger female and smiled wryly. "You know me better than that squirt. I came to help this time. Unlike B you gave me a chance and forgave me. No, she doesn't know I'm here and it's gonna stay that way, just like she doesn't know that we've been hanging out."

Dawn nodded and hugged Faith tightly. "Tell me you're staying Faith. It's kinda nice to have a big sis I can actually hang with. I miss you when your gone," Dawn whispered as she hugged tighter.

"If B doesn't mind I'd love to stay for a while but first we need to get rid of Glory."

(End flashback)

Faith sighed deeply. How could she let that evil bitch take Dawn? It was simple, she wasn't there. She had been lurking in the shadows since she'd gotten there and the only one who'd seen her had been Dawn. She'd been tracking all of Buffy's friends, watching them carefully and she'd even tried to stop Glory from hurting Spike and Tara but it hadn't worked. She had to keep a low profile from Glory and the Scoobies but she still blamed herself for Spike's beating and Tara's incident.

Now she was following Willow. She was going to let the Wiccan catch a glimpse of her then disappear again. That would raise questions in Willow about the what ifs of the dark slayers return and maybe put Faith on the redhead's good side. At least that's what Faith hoped to accomplish.

Faith stepped into the light of a local book store she knew Willow was headed for and waited silently.

As Willow approached the book store she did a double take. Was that Faith? It couldn't be. What if the dark slayer had returned? 'I hate to say it but if that is you Faith, for once I'm glad to see you. We really need you right now,' Willow thought as she walked toward the figure faster.

Before Willow could reach her, Faith was gone. The Wiccan sighed and entered the shop with a sad feeling. She actually wished it was Faith. Right now they needed all the help they could get and after all, two slayers was better than one.


By the time Willow returned everybody was informed and a debate was taking place.

"I'm sorry Brookie but if you wanna tuck tail and run go right ahead, I won't. This young girls life is in jeopardy and we have the opportunity to actually help save her. If this Glory chick wants to fight, she'll get a fight. She'd thinks she's a bitch, well she hasn't met me yet," Nicole fumed. The whole situation severely upset her. How could a god be so cruel as to take its vengeance out on a teenage girl. So what is she was "the key", she was still a human being.

"I hate to say this, and you know I'm strongly against violence, but if Dawn needs our help then we should help her. I may not be the strongest person on this planet but I'm willing to try for the sake of the worlds well being. Think about all of the helpless people and animals that will suffer if we decide to look the other way," Lily added, eyeing Carmen and Brooke angrily.

Carmen listened intently then nodded. "Lily's right. Even if we don't live to see tomorrow, there are billions of people worldwide that will. I'm willing to sacrifice my life if thousands are able to live theirs."

Brooke thought for a moment then gave in. So she was being a little selfish, she had the right but she knew inside that by fighting she could make a difference. "Count me in. If I'm gonna die young, it might as well be for a good cause."

Sam smiled proudly. "Thanks guys. I know this is asking a lot but thank you."

"Now we have to start planning," Buffy interrupted.

Final Battle

"Ok, so how do we find Glory?" Xander proposed. The day had flown by and they found themselves hours from the fight. The only puzzle piece they hadn't put in was finding Glory.

"The time is near," Tara murmured, her eyes darting about aimlessly.

"That's it!" Willow shouted, a light bulb appearing above her head.

The others stared at Willow as if she'd gone mad or grown another head.

"Tara. She is our map to Glory. When Glory summons her minions Tara will have the urge to follow and all we have to do is let her guide us," Willow pointed out, also concocting a plan to get Tara back to normal.

"Will, you're a genius," Buffy praised, clutching Olaf's Hammer in her right hand.

"Buffy, could you, Sam and her friends go back to your house and grab the rest of the supplies? We'll need them. Everybody else stays here. Come back as soon as you can," Giles instructed.

The slayer instantly gathered the small group of people and left.


This was it. Faith had to do it now or never. She had watched Buffy leave with Sam and her friends so she knew it was time to reveal herself. She sighed deeply. She hadn't really come back to fight Glory, she'd come back for Buffy. Glory was just a complication that needed to be eliminated.

Seeing the way Sam and Buffy looked at each other hurt Faith, it even made her jealous but she had already discussed this with herself. When she first noticed it she denied her own instinct and swore to herself it wasn't happening but then she'd decided to get over it. She wasn't over it but she focused now on her new objective. She couldn't have Buffy's heart but her mission was to keep that heart beating. She was hell bent on keeping both Buffy and Dawn safe, even if that meant sacrificing her own life. Dawn was like her little sister and she couldn't bare to lose her. Not now, not ever. As far as Buffy went, she had Faith's heart and that was one thing nobody else could ever have.

Faith shook her head of those bothersome thoughts and padded softly into the Magic box. "Back up has arrived."

Giles turned to the raven haired slayer and a beaming smile of joy stuck his face. Angel had done the right thing in sending Faith and for the first time Giles was confident in the battle with Glory. "Faith?" he muttered unbelievingly.

"That's me."

Willow's eyes filled briefly with anger but knowing Faith was there to help calmed her for the moment. "I thought I never say this but I'm glad you're here."

"Thanks Red. It's good to be back. Where's B?"

"S-she'll be right back," Xander stammered, angry and grateful at the same time.

"Can I wait here? What's the plan for Glory's demise?"

"Sure, I don't mind. We'll go over the plan when Buffy gets back," Anya answered, trying to figure out why everybody seemed so surprised. She herself knew Faith would return she just hadn't figured it would be so soon.


"Guy's we're back," Buffy announced as they walked in with the supplies. Seeing the looks on everyone's faces worried her. Something was up. They all looked like they'd rehearsed their game faces for a play or something.

"Buffy, we have something to show you," Xander cleared his throat as he stared at the floor.

"Please don't overreact," Willow pled as Giles opened the door to the training room.

As soon as Faith stepped into the room Buffy nearly had heart failure. It was like having one foot in the past and the other in the present. She could feel anger flowing through her veins but what really confused her was the relief she felt at seeing the other slayer standing strong and proud. That was one thing she never remembered seeing in Faith. Pride.

Sam could tell by the look on Buffy's face that the other woman was Faith. Buffy had told her all about Faith on the phone but it wasn't her place to tell Faith to get lost. Especially right now. They actually needed her at this point in time.

"Hey B," Faith whispered. She looked at the other curious faces and introduced herself softly, "for those of you who don't know me, the name's Faith."

Brooke, Carmen and Lily didn't really know what to say. They'd heard about Faith but they never imagined they'd meet the dark slayer. It felt weird.

Nicole grinned. "Nice to meet you Faith. My name's Nicole. That's Brookie, Carmen, Lily, and Spam," she pointed out.

Faith raised a brow. "Brookie? Spam? Those nick names?"

Nicole nodded proudly yet the flicker in her eyes let Faith know she wasn't the type to be mocked.

"I like. So, how do you know Spam?" Faith replied with a light chuckle.

Nicole's grin grew wider. "She's Brookie's soon to be step sister. As you can tell she's on the opposite end of the popular spectrum as Brookie and I."

"Why are you here?" Buffy demanded, interrupting their conversation.

"It's my duty as a slayer to battle Glory, that's why B."

Buffy sighed heavily. She was gonna regret saying this but she had to put Dawn's safety first. "We better go over the plan again so we can fill her in."


Tara roamed aimlessly, following the voice that beckoned her.

"You! What are you doing here?" Glory hissed as she approached the blonde.

"She's with me!" Willow growled, placing one hand on Glory's head and the other on Tara's. She muttered softly as bolts of lightning flowed from Glory into Tara. Suddenly all three of them flew in different directions.

Glory sat up dizzily, muttering as she stood, "What the fuckin' hell did that bitch do to me? She made a little ... she made a hole. Uh, I need a brain to eat." Glory clutched her head in pain.

"Oh, take mine, oh groove-tastic one!" one of her minions offered with a bow.

"I said a brain, you worthless dirt," the infuriated god screamed as she stumbled forward hazily. "Big day. I got places to be, big day. Need a brain," Glory muttered, raising her eyes to look in front of her. "Suppose I could always use yours."

"Okay then. Come and get it," Buffy mocked, her hands clasped behind her back.

Glory stumbled forward, anger glowing in her eyes.

"You don't seem very well," Buffy mocked.

Glory threw her ceremonial robe to the side as she spoke, "Your little witch bitch. . .gave me kind of a headache but if you think this is gonna last more than eight seconds. . ."

"I noticed you're talking, whereas in your position, I would attack me," Buffy interrupted.

"Go guard the girl. This is a . . .this is a, a.. . ." Glory instructed, a bit disoriented.

"Diversionary tactic?" he questioned.

"Shut up and go guard!" she commanded, irritated.

Her minions obeyed, creating a human barrier around the tower.

"It's strange, you're not as blurry with speed as usual either," Buffy jeered.

"The witch. . ."

"It's not her," Buffy said as she contrived the Dagon sphere from behind her. "Might be this. I heard it's supposed to repel you. So my guess is. . .you probably shouldn't touch it, either," the slayer proposed innocently, tossing the sphere at Glory.

Glory caught instinctively causing the sphere to light up and warp the air around it when it touched her hand. She made a pained face, dropped her hand to her side, then slowly crushed the sphere, its beaming rays dwindling as it crumbled. "You're gonna wish you. . ."

Buffy threw a strong punch, striking Glory's face.

"Stand fast! Kill anyone who dares approach! This will be our day of glory!" one of the minions shouted. His face twisted in pain as he fell forward, an arrow stemming out of his back.

Spike smirked proudly, gripping his trusty crossbow. Anya and Giles stood beside him, Brooke, Sam and Lily to his left, Nicole, Carmen and Faith to his right . They all rushed forward, fighting the minions with all of their might.

Giles blocked a minion's staff, grabbing it and ramming it into the grotesque creature while Carmen and Lily fought bravely with their axes. Anya, Brooke and Sam swung fiercely at another group of minions with her bats, beating them senseless.

Spike gave a loud battle cry, jumping on two minions at once, bearing them to the ground. Faith and Nicole gave each other a wink then charged in, slicing and dicing the minions that stood in their way.

Willow sat up among the broken pieces of wood that lay around her. Her eyes darted toward Buffy fighting Glory then to her left. "Tara!" Willow gasped, crawling and stumbling over to her unconscious lover that lie in a heap of rubble. "Tara?" Willow whispered as the blonde's eyes slowly slid open. "Tara?"

"W. . .Willow?"


"Willow ... I got so lost."

"I found you."

Willow kissed Tara all over her face, hugging her tightly as they both smiled happily.

"I will always find you."

"You know what?" Glory growled, catching Buffy's fist as soon as it was thrown. "I'm feeling a little better. And now I'm a little bored."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Cause you're about. . ."

Before Buffy could finish her sentence Glory kicked her angrily in the face. Buffy's head went flying off, leaving her body standing and exposed wires crackling. The body fell lifelessly to the ground as Glory stared in bewilderment.

"Hey, wow, the Slayer's a robot. Did everybody else know the Slayer was a robot?" Glory triumphantly announced, looking around with a grin as the real Buffy appeared behind her.

"Glory?" the slayer called out. As soon as Glory turned toward the voice, Buffy whacked her with Olaf's hammer. "You're not the brightest god in the heavens, are you?"

"Buffy! I'm up here!" Dawn screamed from atop the tower.

Buffy made a beeline for the tower.

"Oh no you don't!" the frustrated hell god screamed, chasing the slayer.

Buffy hurried up the tower, Glory at her heels. The angry hell god finally grabbed Buffy by the arm and threw her into one of the metal supports that held the tower up causing Buffy to drop the hammer. They exchanged blows, hitting, punching and kicking fiercely. Buffy lost her balance, grabbing Glory as she descended from the tower, taking the hell god with her.

They both hit the concrete below, a few feet away from each other. They both got to their feet dizzily, the hammer clinking as it hit the concrete nearby. Buffy rammed her palm into Glory's chest, throwing her a few dozen feet. Glory made it to her feet once more, steadying herself on the nearby wall.

"You lost your hammer, sweet cheeks. What are you gonna hit me with now?"

Buffy looked at the wall with a grin as a huge wrecking-ball crashed through it and into Glory. The ball continued on its path, crashing the hell god through a second wall.

"Whatever's handy," Buffy chuckled.

"The glorified bricklayer picks up a spare," Xander bellowed as he turned the engine of the wrecking ball machine off.

"Has anyone noticed we're going backwards?" Carmen inquired, annoyed.

Spike peeked over the top of the machine, a brick clocking him in the forehead. He ducked down again, looking annoyed. "It's crossed my mind."

"As long as. . .Buffy can keep Glory down. . .long enough, it doesn't matter. There's only a few minutes left to start the ritual," Sam panted.

Buffy continued beating the tar out of the weak, worn down Glory as the others looked up at the tower.

Dawn looked down at the fight. She close her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them again she gasped. Doc stood before her, slowly walking toward her.

"You. You can help me. Untie me. Please. Help me, she's coming," Dawn begged.

"Well, it seems she's running a bit late, is the thing. And, uh, if her Splendidness can't be here in time to bleed you. . ."

Dawn realized he wasn't there to help and she became petrified.

"Hey! Kid. Wanna see a trick?" he whispered as her revealed a large shiny knife. He grinned daggers as he saw the fear in Dawn's eyes.

"How we doing?" Xander questioned as he leapt behind the barrier the others were behind.

"So far it's a tie," Brooke whispered.

"We haven't got up to Dawn, but then neither has anyone else," Nicole informed, hopeful.

"Someone's up there," Faith grumbled.

"Okay, we gotta charge or something," Xander mumbled.

"We tried that," Sam pouted.

Faith made up her mind. She was going up there to save Dawn and nobody was going to stop her. She leapt onto a platform, then onto the tower. Glory's minions began to chase the slayer as she raced up the tower but were stopped when Spike and the gang attacked again.

Buffy dropped the hammer then leapt on Glory, beating her ferociously. Glory morphed into Ben and Buffy instantly stopped. "Tell her it's over, she missed her shot."

"I guess we're stuck wit each other, huh baby?" Ben muttered, breathing painfully as Buffy walked off.

"Can you move?" Giles whispered.

"Need a ... a minute. She could've killed me," Ben replied.

"No she couldn't. Never. And sooner or later Glory will re-emerge, and. . .make Buffy pay for that mercy. And the world with her. Buffy even knows that and still she couldn't take a human life. She's a hero, you see. She's not like us," Giles whispered.

"Us?" Ben echoed.

Giles calmly covered Ben's nose and mouth, keeping him still as he tried to struggle.

Faith made it to the top, angry as hell when she found Doc there. "Hey! Leave her alone!" Faith growled, charging at him. He rammed the blade into the slayers stomach as she stabbed the sword through his chest. They both flew off of the metal beam, flailing in the air.

Buffy ran up the tower and untied Dawn. She pulled her close, hugging her tight. It was finally over.

Spike saw the slayer fall and caught her as she plummeted toward the ground. "Spike," she gasped hoarsely.

"Shhh, don't speak slayer," the vampire advised as he knelt, setting her on an assortment of debris.

"Spike, take care of her (cough). Nothin like an undead bodyguard," Faith whispered as the Willow and Tara trudged nearer. "T-tell Angel thank you, he really helped me. Tell them goodbye. I'll really miss (cough) Gunn's sense of humor, Wess' bad jokes (cough) and catching Cordi's fat ass."

Willow knelt by the fallen slayer with tears filling her eyes.

"Red (cough) be strong. She needs you and I don't mean (cough) B. You've found the one, never let her go. Ever (cough). Protect each other."

Willow took Tara's hand and stepped back. Tara pulled Willow close as the redhead began to cry.

The others, minus Buffy and Dawn who were still making their way down the tower, closed in around Faith.

"Spam," the slayer coughed then spit a mouthful of blood onto the debris next to her.

Sam stepped forward as if it were an honor.

"D-don't you dare break her heart. There are thing far (cough) worse than (cough) death. Nicole, k-keep an eye on h-her," the slayer gasped, writhing in agony. She could feel her life slipping away. There were still two people she had to say goodbye to and she wouldn't leave until she did.

Dawn descended from the tower and the crowd divided to unveil the fallen slayer. "Faith!" Dawn shrieked ruefully. She ran to the slayers side and carefully took her in her arms. "Faith, hold on. Please don't go," she wept.

"Dawna, be s-strong (cough) for me. Take care of B (cough). Don't l-let the f-fire die. L-live for (cough) me. Keep writing D-Dawna, remember Rose and Eve. T-they (cough) made it. S-so will (cough) you."

Tears rained down the young girls cheeks when she heard that name. It was Faith's name for her. They had little nicknames like that because Dawn had always hated her name. She called Faith Eve and she had even written a story about her, for her. Dawna was unique and that's what Faith had renamed her. They'd only been friends for three weeks but it seemed like forever and Dawn refused to let go. She'd already lost her mom, she couldn't lose Faith.

As Dawn held Faith Buffy approached. She knelt beside her rival and met her eyes.

"B," Faith coughed as Buffy touched her cheek. "I love you B. I wish (cough) you could have seen that. You w-were (cough) the only thing t-that could have (cough) saved me b-but you gave up on me. Couldn't love a-and heal the (cough) hurt little girl inside. I'm s-sorry B, for (cough) everything." With all she had left Faith sat up, placing a ghastly kiss on the blonde's lips. She jolted back to the ground in pain, gasping before she spoke again. "Don't let our memories (cough), my memories die and follow me to hell. I'll always love you (cough), remember t-that and I'll be (cough) watching over y-you. Goodbye B, d-don't (cough) forget me." Faith met Buffy's eyes once more before she gasped once more then let go of the life she'd tried so hard to make right.

"No! Faith, don't go! Please! I need you!" Dawn wailed, holding the cold, lifeless corps to her body as she sobbed onto the dead slayer's shoulder.

Buffy trembled slightly. Faith's last kiss, last words, last fleeting moments of life had been spent on her. She could still feel those cold lips on hers, those stinging words soaring through her scattered thoughts. She'd lost her mom, the woman who gave her life and now she'd lost Faith, the one person she though she could never help or heal. Now she knew what Faith had needed but it was too late. Buffy finally admitted to herself for the first time that she could have helped a lost soul but she hadn't and now she would never get the chance.

Tara looked at the corps painfully and turned away. "We're going home," she whispered, leading the shaky, sobbing redhead off the depressing scene.

Xander put his hand on Buffy's shoulder and whispered, "it'll all be ok." He silently left, dragging a very shaken Anya behind him.

Nicole, Carmen and Sam were in complete shock. Nothing like this ever happened in real life, right? But it had and that had left the soldiers of good weeping. Brooke and Lily were attached to their significant others, sobbing like lost children without their mothers.

Spike looked down at the renegade slayer's corps and frowned. She was so beautiful, so soft, so human. What he wouldn't give to hear and feel his own heart beat again. He slide his hand over Faith's eyes, closing them, then touched her cheek as he whispered mournfully, "rest in peace slayer." He rose from his kneeling position with a sullen face. Why did all the good ones have to die so terribly? He turned his back to leave, telling himself he would never look back and maybe he would never come back. After all, what did Buffy need him for? And what was the sense in staying in Sunnydale when he could buddy up with his old mate Angel?

"Where a-are y-you g-g-going?" Buffy stammered slowly.

"I 'ave some business to 'tend to. Promise I made or somethin," he answered. Then he was gone.

Sam knelt by Buffy and wrapped her arms around her gently. The slayer turned and cried on her lover's shoulder, mourning the death of a friend and the loss of another piece of her tattered soul.


(In LA)

Angel and the gang had just return from their adventure, happy as could be. It had been one hell of a ride. Angel smiled as he opened the double doors to their office building. "Let me be the first to say. . ." He stopped mid-sentence when he saw his old partner in crime stand to greet them. "Spike? What's wrong?" he question worriedly. If Spike was here something was definitely wrong.

Spike rubbed the back of his neck as he spoke, "Hey mate. Sorry to be the barer of bad new an' all but I guess it comes with the territory. Faith wanted me to tell you all thank you, yah know, for helpin' her an' all. She mentioned missin Gunn's sense of humor, Wess' bad jokes and catchin Cordi's fat arse or somethin."

Angel sat down and bowed his head. "How is everyone else?"

"A bit shaken, but not hurt too badly."

Cordi, Gunn and Wess bowed their heads and also sat down. Faith had changed so much and it had all gone down the drain.

Spike bid them farewell then headed back to his crypt to wallow in his sorrows. The time of mourning had begun.

Coming Out

Terms: Just so I don't completely lose you all I have a few terms I wanna define for you, or at least explain what they are.

Riedel Bordeaux: a type of expensive Italian glassware ( at $50 a glass I'd say it's expensive). Riedel is a brand and Bordeaux is the type of glass.

1997 Merlot: A red wine that's soft, smooth and has a lot of fruit.

Assai grazioso: In English it means "very charming". I apologize, I'm in an Italian mood.


It had been two month's yet it seemed longer. Everybody was still getting over Faith's death and moving on was harder than it seemed. Sam had stood by Buffy through it all. It made her feel good, taking care of the slayer, sleeping next to her at night. They'd grown so close that leaving in two weeks would be the hardest thing Sam thought she'd ever have to do. She knew everybody so well, especially Willow and Tara.

Willow, with the assistance of Tara, was teaching Sam magik. Sam had also been helping Dawn cook and clean the Summer's home. At the Magic Box, Sam helped when she could and as far a slayer business went, things had been rather slow.

Brooke and the others were still staying in the rented house but the Magic Box had become their home away from home these days. Giles had hired them as temporary help, making his job nearly nonexistent.

Spike hadn't been seen since Faith's funeral. The day had been stormy and gray so both Spike and Angel were there. Angel and his gang had gone back to LA and as far as Spike went, he had vanished.

Buffy still thought about Faith and every night she hoped she was in a better place. Sam had guided the slayer back to reality and breathed life into her again. The d-word was still a tender subject but time was all that could heal the wounds of the past.

Everything between Buffy and Sam had been perfect. Yeah, they had their disagreements but they got over it. The next task at hand, however, was far deeper than any quarrel they'd ever overcome. They had to stay together while physically being miles apart. Staying together was no problem at all but the miles apart thing would be a killer.

Buffy entered the kitchen where Sam was preparing dinner. The slayer wound her arms around the journalists waist, whispering, "I thought it was Dawn's turn to cook."

"It was but she was feeling down so I gave her the day off."

"Where'd she run off to?"

"The cemetery. She's staying at Melissa's for the next few days."

Buffy smiled weakly. "Will wants to have a girls night tonight."

"Are you gonna tell them?"



"All of them?"

"Every single one."

Buffy pouted. Telling Willow would be a breeze, it was the other's she was worried about. What would they say? What would they do? What about Sam's friends? "You have to tell your people tonight too."

"I know, I invited them here for dinner."

Buffy's face faltered. Why was this so easy for Sam? Maybe it was because she'd already told her family and friends. The only one that really knew about their romance was Dawn and that was due to the fact that they slept in the same bed all the time.


Dawn stared down at the grave before her. She took a seat and pulled a folder out from her bag. "I finally finished the story. I came by to read it to you." Dawn stopped when she noticed the soil she was sitting on was fresh. She quirked a brow and then it clicked. She looked around then began digging a small hole in the ground.


Dinner was set neatly on the table when Brooke, Nicole, Lily and Carmen arrived. "Is this the right house?" Carmen joked softly.

"Hey guys. Welcome! If you're wondering what all the glitz and glamour is about, you'll find out soon enough. Have a seat," Sam welcomed as she set the white gold trimmed Riedel Bordeaux glasses neatly on the table, one in front of each plate.

Each of them sat at the seat that had their name in front of it. Nicole gently swept her index finger over the rim of the glass. She let out a sharp whistle, and with a smile she spoke, "Assai grazioso Spam, I'm impressed."

Everybody looked at Nicole in confusion.

Nicole chuckled. "Sorry, it's the Italiano in me. I had a teacher from Italy and she taught me how to speak the language. Anyway, it means very charming."

"Thank you, I think. You were talking about the glasses right?" Sam teased.

"Of course! Riedel Bordeaux is one of the best red wine glasses ever produced. Not to mention they're absolutely ravishing."

Sam chuckled, eyeing Brooke who looked like she needed some affection. "Brooke, you look jealous."

"Shut up Sam. I am not jealous of an expensive Italian glass."

Nicole whispered into Brooke's ear and kissed her cheek softly. She pulled away then looked at Sam. "Spam, can I ask you something?"


"Did you rob a rich Italian guy and steal his wine glasses or did you knock off a bank?"

"Neither. If you're wondering how I got them, keep wondering. I've got connections."

Buffy silently walked down the stairs, unaware that their guests had arrived. "How do I look?" the slayer inquired, posing in her black leather skirt and tight black silk shirt.

"Stunning. Now have a seat. We can't start without the guest of honor," Sam stated as she headed into the kitchen.

Buffy was turning a million different shades of red as she sat at the head of the table.

Sam returned bearing a bottle of 1997 Merlot and a clever grin. She walked to the head of the table where Buffy sat and filled her glass with the rich, garnet colored wine. She filled all of the glasses up then stood at the foot of the table where her own seat was. "I brought you all here this evening for two reasons. The first isn't all that important but I need to address it just the same. For the past two months Buffy and I have been an item."

Nicole was the first to begin clapping and the others joined in.

"Congrats Sammy," Brooke said as the clapping died down.

Sam smiled a "thank you" then began to speak again. "What's the main reason for this congregation you ask. Tonight we celebrate because Buffy Summers is coming out of the closet."

There was a moment of silence then Nicole raised her glass elegantly, "to Buffy." The others raised their glasses in a toast to the slayer.

"Let's eat," Sam said as she sat.


"Is she here?" Dawn demanded.

"How'd you find out anyway? Grave diggin?" the vampire grumbled.

"Look, all I want to know is if she's here or not."

"What's it matter?"

"Your life, now spill," Dawn threatened, grabbing the vampire by his collar and pushing him into the wall behind him.

"She stopped by but she's not here."

Dawn let him go. "Tell me everything."

"Right. Well, she dropped in an' if I was human she'd 'ave given me a heart attack. She was absolutely pissed and she wanted to know if I was the one that, you know," he nodded then continued, "I reminded her of this blasted chip and she left."

"Did she say where she was going?"


Dawn frowned. "Thanks Spike." With that she left, running to Melissa's house so she wouldn't miss the movie.


Dinner had ended on an encouraging note. Brooke and the others had already left and Sam was cleaning up. Buffy had gone to the Magic Box to tell Giles her secret.

Finding Giles in the Magic box all by his lonesome was shocking and very unusual. "Buffy, is something wrong?"

"No, everything's fine. I just need to tell you something."

Giles studied the slayer intensely. He could tell by the tone in her voice that she was scared and that was one thing he rarely saw in his pupil. He nodded to let her know he was listening though he never expected what he was about to hear.

"Giles, I'm a lesbian and Sam's my girlfriend," the slayer quickly revealed, holding her breath as she kept her eyes on his every facial expression.

Giles smiled wryly. "Do you love her?"

"With everything inside of me Giles," she answered, regaining the ability to breath again.

"If you love her then it doesn't matter who or what she is, Buffy. I'm happy for you." The watcher pulled her into a hug. "Congratulations."


Nightfall had arrived and Sam was beginning to worry. Willow had just called and they were on their way. She stood in front of the microwave, watching the bag expand as the kernels jumped around inside of it. She stood straight up as she felt those familiar arms wrap around her. "So?"

"He approves 100%"

Before Sam got a chance to respond the doorbell interrupted them. "Willow," Sam informed as she led Buffy to the door. She opened the door and sure enough both witches were standing before her. She ushered them into the living room. "Would you like anything to drink?" Sam offered. Both witches shook their heads as Sam headed into the kitchen.

"I'd like a Blackberry Brandy on the rocks," Buffy yelled to her lover, steadying her eyes on the two women before her. "I have something to tell you guys about Sam and I. She's. . .um. . .we're lovers." 'That was quick and painless,' she thought, waiting for their reactions.

"We know," Tara whispered.

Buffy looked completely lost as the "how?" look took its place on her face.

"When Sam first showed up with Brooke at the Magic Box Tara could sense there was something different about her. Later that night we saw her at the Bronze and Tara went to talk to her," Willow began.

"We talked for a moment and when I touched her shoulder as a farewell gesture I saw one of her dreams and she was with you," Tara finished.

"With me?"

"'With' you," Tara emphasized the "with" to get Buffy thinking.

Buffy was a little more than shocked once she realized what the blonde meant. She knew that Sam had dreamt about in that way before but she never imagined Tara, or anybody else for that matter, seeing it.

"Surprised? So was I. I mean all I did was touch her."

The doorbell screamed loudly, causing everyone throughout the house to jump.

'Anya,' Buffy thought as she made her way to the door. She opened it and to her surprise found not only Anya but Xander as well. "Uh, hi. Come in."

"Nice to see you to," Anya burbled.

"Listen, I have to tell you guys something but you have to swear you won't tell Angel or Spike."

"Sure Buff, what is it?" Xander asked excitedly.

"Sam and I are. . .uh. . .an item."

"Another lesbian? Is that a trend these days? I mean is everybody doing it?" Anya screeched, throwing her arms in the air then letting them fall limply to her sides.

Xander had already managed to sneak out and was already on his was home.

Buffy returned to the living room just as Sam was bringing in her drink. "Here you go lady love," Sam whispered softly. Taking a seat beside Buffy she grinned, "So what's planned for our girls night?"


"Yeah, I'll be there in a few. I just have to do something first," Dawn whispered into the phone. She crept silently through the bushes and back to the cemetery. She heard a noise and spun around, gasping at what she saw.

"Shhh, I wont hurt you. I promise."

Dawn's eyes filled with tears. "Can you stay?"

"If she'll allow me to."

Dawn pulled the once dark slayer into an embrace and cried softly. "How did it happen Faith?"

"This man named Cirrus brought me back then did the bloodsucker thing. Now I'm one of them but I refuse to do what they do and I'm still a protector of good."

"How will you feed?"

"Same way Angel does, pigs blood."

"Sounds tasty," Dawn chuckled. "Where are you gonna stay?"

"Spike offered me a spot in his crypt and I think I'm gonna take him up on the offer."

"Can I visit?"

"I'll have to talk to Spike about it but I'm sure you can drop by any time."



"Reconsidered my offer?"

"I just had to let somebody know I was five by five. Hope you don't mind that I told Dawn she's welcome here anytime."

"Not at all."

Spike smiled as Faith approached him. Since she'd been bitten her feelings for Buffy had eased. They hadn't disappeared and they never would but now she was sifting through her options and Spike had the winning hand. Faith wrapped her pale arms around the other vampire and kissed him feverishly.

Spike kissed back with a fury as his hands wondered over the newborn vamp's still warm flesh. What a match made in heaven.


(The next morning in LA)

"Sam? The girl who's staying with you?" Angel shrieked in horror.

"Yes. I love her Angel!" Buffy shouted.

Angel narrowed his eyes as he made his way down the stairs with the pissed off slayer at his heels. They entered the room to find a mortified Cordelia and a very confused Wess and Gunn.

"Don't even Cordelia," the slayer warned before storming out of the building.

"What was that all about?" Wess questioned innocently.

"New girlfriend," the vampire grumbled.


Buffy straightened her leather jacket and entered Spike's crypt. She raised a brow curiously. "Dawn?"

"Oh, hi Buffy. I didn't hear you come in."

"What are you doing here?"

"Hanging out."

"Oh. Um, Spike I have something to tell you. . ."

"Hold that thought slayer, I've got somethin you should see first," Spike cut her off as he opened his coffin. Faith got out and stretched.

"Faith?" Buffy gasped, her eyes wide with disbelief.

"Hey B. Yeah, it's really me. I'm one of them now but like I told Dawna, I won't drink human blood or kill like they do and I'm still one of the good gals."

Buffy rushed in and hugged Faith tightly. "I'm sorry Faith, I'm so sorry."

"B, it's ok. I know you've found somebody and so have I," Faith whispered as she clasped Spike's hand.

Buffy smiled and took a step back. "Congrats. I just came to tell Spike that Sam and I are officially an outted couple now."

"Congrats to you too B, I hope she keeps you happy. Oh, and just for old time sake, I want you to have this. Cherish and remember it or somethin like that." Faith kissed Buffy's lips for the last time as she slipped the small locket into the other slayers hand.

Buffy backed away and blushed a light crimson. "I'll see you guys later," she said, leaving the crypt. She took out the star shaped locket and gently opened it. On the right it bore Faith's blood, encased by crystal. The other side bore the same thing except it was Buffy's blood. She closed the locket and looked at the engraving on the back that read in small print, "Slayers for eternity, Slayers forever we shall be. Sisters in arms as we stand, 'Til stake or dagger be stabbed within." The future looked bright and for Buffy Summers nothing could ruin how good she felt at this very moment.

Going Home

"I can't believe it's our last day together," Sam whined.

"I know. Giles wants you to help at the Magic Box while I patrol tonight. Will and Tara are going to some festival, Xander's taking Anya to see a movie, Dawn's at Melissa's and your friends are enjoying their last night on the town. He kinda needs your help," Buffy sighed.

"I'll be there. It's not like I have much else to do. Plus, after you patrol we'll have the whole house to ourselves," the journalist replied with a broad grin.


"C'mon guys, they're gone," Dawn whispered, forcing the door open. The Scoobs crept in, dragging all the decorations with them.

"Dawn, you're cooking right?" Anya proposed.

"Yup. Tara, Willow and Faith are decorating Buffy's room, Xander and Spike are in charge of the hallway, staircase and the entrance and you are in charge of the dining room," Dawn replied, raiding the refrigerator. "Remember, they'll be here at nine so don't take too long!"


Buffy approached the magik shop with a soft smile. Patrolling had given her quite an adrenaline rush that was still hopping around in her system. Sam met her at the door also bearing a smile.

"Giles told me you were on your way."

"I called him from my cell phone," Buffy explained, taking Sam by the hand. She led her to the house in silence. When they stopped at the door Buffy gazed into Sam's eyes. "Tonight is your night Sam, it's all for you." The slayer opened the door and led her lover into the dining room.

Sam's eyes widened as she saw the candlelit room with burning incense, red candles, a silk table cloth, expensive wine and fine glassware. Buffy pulled a chair out for Sam then took her own seat.

Faith walk in elegantly, clad in silk. She silently set their food on the table, then vanished into thin air. Buffy smiled. "Shall we?"

They ate in silence then headed up the nicely decorated stairs, through the "hall of hearts" and into Buffy's room. Sam stared in amazement. It was so beautiful. Red and white rose petals strewn atop the black satin sheeted bed, the fading scent of Night Queen incense in the air and the dimly burning red and white candles by the bed with a note. Sam picked it up, reading aloud, "Sam, We decided to throw you a farewell party and figured you might like to spend your last night with Buffy. Hope you liked dinner and the room. Come back soon and we'll all miss you. Love, Dawn."

Sam smiled then turned to se Buffy standing before her looking incredibly sexy in a next to nothing silk nightgown. "Buffy, are you sure?"

"Are you?" the slayer purred, tracing her index finger down her own body seductively.

Sam couldn't focus. Did she want this? Badly, but would she wake up regretting it? She shook her mind of those thoughts and let her heart lead her as she kissed the slayer tentatively. That was the moment she knew this was right and that this moment had been long awaited. Buffy was all she had ever wanted, all she'd ever needed in this life. Buffy was her world and tonight would shake that world into ecstasy.


Faith stared into the desolate darkness of the crypt, hearing only the low, muffled breathes of her fellow vampire. He would be waking soon. She let out a sigh as her eyes slid shut. Why was she so damn jealous of Sam? She couldn't figure it out, although her subconscious already had.

She really felt like dying right now. She still loved Buffy and that was a sad but true fact. Even death hadn't torn those feelings from her. Then there was Spike. He was in lust with her because he couldn't have Buffy and she was willing. He needed something to hold onto and Faith didn't want to hurt him so she stayed. She kinda liked him and the sex was great but the emotions just weren't there.

"Slayer," he whispered groggily, stretching to wake himself a bit more.

"Hmmm," she replied as though she'd been asleep.

"What are we gonna do?" he yawned tiredly.

"About what?"

"About Buffy. You saw how bloody happy she was with that girl. Oh what's 'er face."

"We do nothing. She's happy."

"But you're not. Faith, I know how you're feelin an' believe me, it ain't fun"

"How would you know?"

"I've been there."

Faith pushed herself into a sitting position. "I'll be back."

"Slayer!" Spike yelled, reaching out for her but she was gone. "Oh Bloody 'ell"


"Nice shot. Another game Will?"

"Is that a challenge Carmen? If so I'm gonna kick your butt. . .again."

"Willow," Tara whispered.


"Willow," Tara said again, tugging on Willow's sleeve.

Willow looked at Tara impatiently then followed the other witches stare to the form that had just entered the Bronze. Her brow furrowed as she examined the slayer.

Lily glanced at the others then made her way toward Faith. "Hey."

Faith looked up slowly and smiled weakly. "Hey."

"Can I but you a drink? You look like you need one."

"Sure. Long Island Ice Tea please."

Lily sat beside the other girl. "Shirley Temple," she said softly to the bartender then shifted her attention back to Faith. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because that's how I am. I help people and am very strong minded when it comes to getting my point across."

"Well, you can't help so I wont bother you with my problems."

"Why don't you let me be the judge of that. It's Buffy isn't it?"

Faith nodded, downing half of the Long Island Ice Tea.

"I thought you and Spike were, you know. . ."

"I still love her."

Lily nodded. "It's gonna be hard but you have to get over her. You need to be free for a little while and when love comes calling, don't look away."

Faith smiled weekly. "Since when did you become an expert?"

"I didn't, I just think optimistically and speak from the heart." Lily stood to walk away.

Faith put her hand on the shorter female's shoulder. "Thanks."

Lily smiled. "Always glad to help." She returned to the table and sat silently beside Nicole.

Carmen hadn't really noticed but Lily wasn't happy. She had been for the first month they had been together but something had changed. She saw the way Buffy was with Sam and how Nicole was with Brooke but she didn't feel that with Carmen. Carmen had cleared up her confusion but she hadn't filled the gaping hole in her heart. She loved Carmen but not the way she wanted to love. It was a very strong friendship but she just didn't know how to tell Carmen that.

"Hey, you ok?"

Lily's head snapped to the side, toward Nicole. "Uh. . .yeah," she answered, a little shocked the Queen Bitch would even care.

"What's wrong? Nobody else is around and we're not at school so you can talk to me. I'm not cruel and evil all the time, now am I?"


Lily smiled and sighed. "What would you do if you were with somebody and they didn't make you happy? I see how you are with Brooke. So loving, so happy, so into each other and nearly nothing else. I don't have that. I'm not jealous but I am confused. I don't know if I should tell Carmen and risk breaking her heart or keep quiet and live in my own personal emotional hell."

"Talk to her. Don't say anything about breaking up, just talk. If she agrees then you'll have no trouble but if she truly love you then you have a problem."

Lily nodded. "Thanks."


Morning came to tear them away from the sweet embrace they had fallen asleep in. Buffy woke, startled to find an empty place next to her. "Sam," she called in a critical tone.

Sam poked her head out from the bathroom, toothbrush sticking out of her mouth. "Hmmm?" she answered.

"Just making sure you were still here." Buffy stood and began getting dressed.

"If I had a choice I'd never leave," Sam whispered, snaking her arms around the blonde's waist.

"Is all of your stuff packed?"

"It's downstairs and thank you."

"For what?"

"Everything, especially last night."

Buffy blushed then kissed Sam softly. She led her downstairs in silence.



"I love you."

"I love you too." Sam checked her watch and whispered sadly, "we have about ten minutes."

"I know," Buffy swallowed hard, fighting tears as Brooke pulled up.

"That's my queue," Sam whispered, throwing her arms around the slayer.

Buffy hugged her love tightly then kissed her softly.

Sam reluctantly pulled away, her voice shaky and choked up as she spoke, "I'll see you soon."

"You better come back," Buffy replied lightly, attempting to hide the pain in her voice.

Sam glanced at Buffy one last time before getting into the car. This was the hardest moment Sam thought she'd ever gone through since her dad had died.

Brooke drove off with a heavy heart. This was so depressing. The thought of leaving behind new friends and memories, not to mention she felt horrible for Sam.

Now it was back to old times, turning back the clock to who they use to be. When they got home they would have to slip back into their roles and meet up with their old friends. They'd be seniors, their last year to hang out and have fun before college. They were changing as was the world but what had become of those they had left behind? That was a question that would be answered soon enough.

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