Disclaimer: All this belongs to Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy Inc. (Grrr......Arrgh)

EMail: Mad-Hamlet@usa.net

Drain Brameged Inc. Proudly Presents

A Mad-Hamlet Production

Goodbye to the sky

Know I can't fly

But I feel loved

And you know how I feel

You're my Achilles Heel


'Achilles Heel'


Dianna Wears Red-Primus

Second Lesson

"Mmm...Buffy that was...," I slide my hand across the bed expecting it to find warm skin and soft blonde hair. Instead my caress is spent on the cold pillowcase where my Slayer should be peacefully slumbering. I sit up. "Buffy?"

A cool breeze blows gently across the room from the open window beside the bed where Buffy used to sleep. I can make out the most of the room 'cause of the moonlight slanting through the blinds and among the rumbled shapes of tossed blankets, discarded clothing I noticeably miss any curved, pale, skinny Summers.

"Buffy?" I say to the empty room.

"Now where did she go?" I grumble to myself. Reluctantly I swing my feet over the edge of the bed. My skin voices its protests and being dragged from warm bedding by going incredibly goosepimply as the cooler night air make contact.

Grumbling I stumble to the window. "Sheesh, leave it to an open window to ruin a perfectly good afterglow," I mutter.

Deliberately ignoring the glowing red display of the time on our new alarm clock, I find it works better if I remain oblivious of lateness, I grab a towel and the shampoo.

"Maybe Buffy went to take a shower," I catch a wiff of myself. "Mmm...possibly. I'm not too keen on ed du cathouse."

I hope she went to take a shower, cause I'm not sure I like it when I wake up with my lover absent.

Heh, that made my skin tingle. Lover, Buffy, lover, Buffy, lover. Wow, tingle city. But...but where is she?

As I reach for my bathrobe, hanging in the closet, I see Buffy's still on its hanger right beside my own.

"Okay," I mutter slipping into my robe. "So, unless Buffy decided to go streaking she's not in the showers. Patrol?"

I roll that thought around in my head. It's possible, and she has slipped out after I've fallen asleep before but her clothes are still here, tangled among my own like I imagined we'd still be when I woke up.

Still, usually when she decides to dash off on a patrol she wakes me. True, I don't really totally wake up all the time but I do remember it the next day. Now, now I remember nothing like that. We fell asleep together and then...poof she's gone. She has been kinda distracted a bit too. Or maybe I'm seeing too much into this. Yeah, yeah that's it. She just didn't want to wake me after that...after that glorious...wow...I mean. Still, she should have woken me.

I shrug, after all she probably slipped into some 'patrol' clothes. Yeah, she looks great in her leather jacket and jeans but, as she's said many times, it's easier to kick a vamps face in wearing sweatpants.

I got some studying to do anyway, after skipping afternoon classes I better catch up. I'll wait for her after I take my shower.


"Sir, I've got something."

Crouching under a tree that marks one of the edges of the campus I wave the private over motioning for the rest of the squad to halt. Just past the tree line I can make out the beginning of one of the many cemeteries dotting across Sunnydale. Prime spots for acquiring subjects for the lab coats back at the HQ.

"What do you have private?" I ask him.

He crouches down next to me and pulls out his motion detector. "Movement sir, about a hundred meters to the south,"

"Why is that interesting private? This is a town after all, people moving about, small woodland creature and so on," I've giving him a hard time, I know perfectly well the scanners are programmed to ignore targets below a certain mass. I'm doing this so he learns to be more precise with his reports, there is no time for wasted speech in the field.

"Heat signature sir. Whatever is moving out there doesn't have one. It's the same temperature as its surroundings."

"Coordinates?" I snap.

He rattles of a long string of positional data. Translated it means 'that-a-way'.

I stand up. "Okay men," I turn to the rest of the patrol. "Science division just asked for us to acquire a vampire for some new tests. So this op is a bag n' capture, not a take down. That means this will be a little trickier." I point to the two most expierience men in the squad.  "Parker, you're with me at point," I glance at Forrest. "Forrest, you bring up the rear, make sure nobody gets lost." I see Forrest roll his eyes, he hates babysitting. "Get those tasers amped people," I order standing up. "Everyone follow Evens."

"Holy....!" The private still crouching beneath the tree exclaims.

"Report!" I snap at him again. This guy is going to get us all killed. If he doesn't learn to not react to the unexpected we're in trouble. He should know by now to not react to the unexpected but simply to report it.

"The target sir, its vanished!" He exclaims scrambling to his feet. What did he see on the scanner of his?

"What?" I peer over his shoulder at the readout on his scanner. "What happened?"

He's punching buttons on the keyboard. "I'm...I'm not sure sir."

"Be sure soldier!" Behind me Parker and Forrest begin to shift their weight while Travis starts glancing at the dark trees around us. The private's case of nerves is beginning to infect the others. Not good.

"Something...that is...." He says, his voice trembling. He swallows and starts over his voice rock steady this time. "Sir, scanners registered a new target approaching the suspected vampire at incredible speeds, they met for a split second and the suspected vampire's signal was lost. Whatever it is sir, it took that vampire out in under a second. Before I could get any further data the new target was off my scope. The only thing I managed to get was the secondary target's speed and temperature,"

Now that's a report. "And they were?"

"Sir, secondary target was moving at a ground speed of just under forty miles per hour with a temperature of one hundred and five degrees sir. Whatever it is, its running hot," He punches a few more buttons on the display. "Verified sir. One hundred and five."

"A vehicle?" I ask.

"Negative sir. Mass sensors put the secondary target at around that of a normal human. Probably around one hundred pounds," He turns slowly in place. "Annndd...,"

"Private?" My temper is fraying.

"Sir. Targets course is north, from where we came. Sir whatever it is its heading for the campus."

I ratchet a fresh charge pack into my taser rifle. "You can track it?"

The private fiddles with a few more dials. "Affirmative sir. Its got a pheromone signature a mile wide,"

I nod and turn to the rest of the patrol. "Change of orders gentlemen. We got something new. Capabilities are unknown, threat level is unknown. Primary objective is  capture for study but we'll take it down if we have to. Arm your tasers, no live fire except on my order. Parker, radio this is in and catch up with us at the edge of the campus. Move out!"


Being of the squeaky-clean persuasion I feel much better. Of course being squeaky-clean requires one to have just stepped out of a shower and having just stepped out of a shower means being damp and being damp in the cool air of the hallway, wearing only a bathrobe, means I am forced to also be of the cold persuasion.

Teeth chattering like crazy now I can't get the damn key in the door.

C'mon, c'mon I need snugglies! Oh great dropped em' okay, come back here you little metal...finally.

I fling the door open wide and bolt through, "Honey I'm homHUH?!" The words catching in my throat hurt a bit and its with luck I don't dissolve into a coughing fit. My breath catches and I can feel my eyes go really wide. Something falls on my foot, I think its my keys but I'm not sure. I'm too busy to notice.

Cause...Buffy is home but...she's not supposed to be perched on the windowsill!

Her feet shouldn't be muddy, she shouldn't have a few leaves tangled in her hair and she really shouldn't be naked while having muddy feet or perching on the windowsill. But she is perched on the windowsill and her feet are muddy and she is naked. My brain is stuck in a loop.

She sits, perched on the windowsill, her bangs hanging over her forehead low, concealing her eyes. Her hands are gripping the edge of the sill stabilizing her while her legs are curled beneath her. I can see the muscles bunched up, tense and ready to push her off. Where though I don't know; into the room or out into the night?

I don't think-

I don't think, okay I mean I do think; lots actually but I don't think she expected me to be awake. Is she going to run? Was this what she was hiding...what exactly is she hiding? A streaking fetish? Kinky yes, if true but not totally put offish. I think, I mean I'll have to think about it a bit, get used to the idea I suppose but I do love her and....oh God she might be getting ready to run. Have to say something, something uh... caring. Yeah. Okay. I can do that. I care about her after all.

"Buffy? Is...what are... what are you doing?" It takes a few seconds but I manage to hammer out a sentence. "Where have you been? What’s going on?"

Her head tilts up and in the dim light I can make out her eyes. She sees me and ... so...she can see me and I see her recognize me, she's smiling; its a warm smile. Like the kind she gave me a few hours ago, looking down on me as I lay underneath her. She was stroking my face with her hand, the same place over and over from my left temple down the side of my face to my chin. Just the tips of her fingertips really touched me and it was so light that even though she did it over and over it never got irritating. She smiled at me when she was doing this, just like she's doing now, and in that smile I felt warm and ....loved. She was telling me with out words that she loved me and she'd be with me and, somehow I knew this but I don't know how I knew, she was telling me she'd be patient with me. That she'd never grow frustrated or bored or upset.


Now she's sitting on our windowsill, without any clothing on, the mud from outside dripping from between her toes to fall on the dresser and she's smiling at me. And that smile is telling me the same thing.

I feel loved.

I feel warm.

I feel patient.

Instinct prompts me and I know. She's not wild, not an animal but she is. I think, she just wants to know how I feel and she wants to know that everything is okay. I think. She hasn't said anything, only acted and she's waiting for me to act to, to respond in kind to her. There's only one thing I can do, want to do. I kneel down slowly and hold my arms open and smile back at her. "Come here," I whisper. "Come to me."


Buffy gives a quiet mew of joy and leaps into the room. Only she could send herself screaming through the air yet curl into my arms without knocking me over. She rests her head on my lap and wraps her arms around my waist. I don't feel nervous or hesitant, I have no doubt or fear. Just...patient. I begin to pick the various leaves out of her hair and other stuff. There's a little mud mingled in but I pick that out too. Buffy sighs softly, I guess she enjoys being fussed over. I certainly enjoy doing the fussing.

"You're going to track mud all over the room," I mutter in a fake growl.

"S'okay, I'll clean it up," she mumbles into my bathrobe.

Her response catches me a little by surprise. "Hey, you can talk!"

She rolls onto her back and eyes me warily. "Yeah Will, did that whole 'learning to speak' when I was two. Or it could have been three. I always was a slow starter."

I grin sheepishly and shrug. "I...uh...meant that, well, with you looking so...er."

"Primal," Buffy offers.

"Yeah primal, I thought maybe neanderBuffy had decided to make an encore," I pause. "It's not that is it."

Its not a question. Something has happened to Buffy, there's been a change in the elements, an addition. I look at her carefully and, yeah, something has been added. I can...uhm...feel it.

"You're more," I whisper.

"Yes," she whispers back to me. Buffy doesn't look away, or glance elsewhere when she says it. She looks at me steadily. Looking for my reaction I think. Maybe she's afraid of whatever is going on, but she's not running away from it either.

"You knew this happened, you knew something had changed inside and you didn't tell me," I can't help it, feeling a little hurt. I have no right to know every single thing going on in Buffy's head and no wish too but at the same time the idea that she was uh....growing? And didn't tell me, well, that bothers me. Its not like I wouldn't have understood or something. Its not like I would have abandoned her like some people I could mention, but won't, its not polite.

This is a...this is a big thing though, biggity big big if she's...changing somehow. I want to know about these things. The good, the bad, the...the...uhm...light and the dark. I want her to feel free to tell me anything and not have to worry about my reaction.

 I want her to be perfectly comfortable; being able to come right up to me, tap me on the shoulder and, looking me square in the eye, say, 'Willow, I have a streaking fetish.'  I'd look her right back and say, 'That's nice dear, could you let me know where and when? I'd really like to watch sometimes.' See? And everything would be okay.

And if, and if, if she had to come up to tell me something less funny, I mean funny ha-ha, not funny strange, she could. Just walk up to me and say, again with the steady eye contact, 'Willow, I'm changing into something a bit more animalistic.' and I could say...could say... I'm not sure what I'd say to that actually.

I want her to love me and know I lover her unconditionally. That's what I want; good or bad, richer or poorer, in sickness and health and so on and so forth.

Uh...aren’t those wedding vows?



Buffy looks away for a moment, and her movement snaps me back to the present.  I can tell she's about to back away. I reach out with both hands and gather her close again. "No, no, no naughty slayer. No running away,"

Buffy giggles quietly in my arms. She settles in comfortably, not holding herself away. "Naughty?"

I roll my eyes. "Yes. We have documented proof," and I stick my tongue at her.

The opportunity for joking ends though, the witticisms have been used and there's no more room for Buffy to maneuver away from my earlier statement. She doesn't look away from me. She reaches up and traces the counters of my face with her fingertips, easing her touch over my eyebrows and down the ridge of my nose, over my lips, I reflexively pucker up to kiss her fingers. Then she reaches back and does it again, and again, and again.

It feels so nice, just....this thing we do. We can do. If it makes her feel better to caress me like this then I can wait, if this makes Buffy feel more secure than I say Go Buffy. Besides, it feels great!

She's still caressing me this way when she finally speaks. Her fingers dancing over me, her head in my lap, my arms cushioning her and in the middle of all this she finally replies.

"I didn't not tell you Willow. I didn't even know about it until now,"

"Huh?" I'm supposed to be the smart one and I can't understand that statement. I roll it around in my mind for a split second and come up with zero. Smiling a little bit I take her hands in my own, kiss her palms and then say, "You're going to have to clear that up a bit Buffy."

"It's...um...it's like breathing. You breathe in and out right?" she looks at me, seeing if I'm following. I nod, I am...I think.

" Well," she continues. "What if you, for no real reason, just started breathing deeper? Slower? You might not even notice it until someone pointed it out to you. That's me. You caught me doing it," she points at me with both hands. "And now I realize how weird it is but until I saw it as someone else saw it...," Buffy shrugs. "It just felt so...I dunno...normal."

"Normal to run around late night Sunnydale bereft of apparel doing God knows what?" I giggle at the mental image, I don't want her to think I'm accusing her.

"I was hunting."

Pulling herself out my embrace Buffy stands up and walks to the window, its open again the full weight of the moonlight blasting through.

"Its wonderful Willow; me and the night. It slides over my skin like...," she shakes her head. "Everything is alive, even the night beasts. They add to it, make it spicy. Can you believe that? They've been here for so long that they now have actually found a niche."

She glances at me and sees my disbelieving look. "Oh not that that makes them any less loathsome or slayworthy," Buffy amends.

Her gaze turns back out the window. "It actually helps me, I can feel them, smell them I know where and why they are."

She stands naked in the moonlight. Her skin just drinks it in and there's this glow about her. She doesn't stand out in any way. She should, being naked, looking out the window where any lucky passerby could see her, I'd have to kill them, yet she looks....right. I...she's saying the truth. She has changed somehow, before she invaded the night, patrolling and dusting vamps and beasties. Now she is part of the night. Or maybe, the beasties always were the invaders?

I want to be with her. I want to feel the moon.

"Where are they?" The words come to me without thinking. My lips are dry, I'm so thirsty.

"Out there," Buffy gestures with a hand.

"Why are they?" Again I don't think the words they are just there. I'm thirsty, thirsty for her.

"For me,"


"Private, you sure it went this way?" We're all huddled in the shadow of the dorm. The full moons lights blocked off by the walls.

"Sir, yes sir. The target came this way but the path just stops at the wall," The private moves around stealthily with his scanner held in front of him, boy should learn not to just depend on his fancy toys.

I scan the earth quickly but the grass is smooth and even. "It didn't dig down. Forrest, hand me the thermocs". My buddy tosses me the thermal imagining binoculars. I take a few steps away from the concealing shadows of the building, in this moonlight if anyone happens to look out the window I'll be spotted for sure. Oh well....

I scan the rooms quickly looking for anything with a temperature, for a change, above normal.


"Better be good private," I don't stop checking the building. Well at least he didn't just say 'Holy cow.,' or 'Wow,' but cut to the chase. Now all we need to do is work on volume control.

"Locked on sir, the target must have jumped sir,"

"We figured that out already private," I keep checking the rooms, it's a bit tricky, most people are in bed and that means their temperatures are a bit higher, I have to take core temperatures and it takes a few seconds for the thermocs to get a good reading.

"Second floor sir, third room from the right," The private adds.

"That's useful information private," Gotcha.

I check the room out and immediately dive back into the shadows dragging the private with me.

"What's wrong?" Forrest asks as soon as I rejoin the group.

"It's standing right by the window," I hiss at him.

"We goin' in?" He asks, I can hear his smile behind the mask. Sometimes I worry a little about my good buddy. I don't mind jumping in and bustin' a few heads when it's needed but Forrest always strikes me as a tad....eager.

"Getting confirmation first but," I nod again. "I'd put a bet on it."

Turning away I grab the radio.

"HQ, HQ, this is Lilac. Come in HQ, over."

"HQ online, Lilac. Report, over."

"Report as follows HQ, unknown possible HST, capabilities unknowns, threat level unknown. Have tracked back to campus.  Suspected HST believed to be in a dorm room, repeat inside a dorm room. Requesting permission to intercede. Possible, no, probable civilian casualty imminent. Over."

"HQ acknowledges. Stand by Lilac," A few tense seconds pass as I wait for a response. Somebody could be dying, or dead, or worse turned. Which just would make my job harder.

My men begin to jostle each other; even the green private has put away his electronic toys and is checking over his taser while muttering to himself.

"HQ online Lilac. Word is go, repeat word is go. Cutting power to dorms in five.  Good hunting, over," The radio blares in my ear.

"Acknowledged HQ. Lilac out," I stand up and motion the men to position themselves by the doors. As soon as the power goes we'll go in, locate the HST, isolate it, capture it and be out. Standard bag and grab. Done it a hundred times. Routine.

The private’s words from echo in my mind. 'Clocked at nearly forty miles per hour. Vampire down in under a second. Forty miles....under a second.... I tighten my grip around the stock of my taser. Nothing about this will be routine.


"This is new territory gentlemen," I say. "Total unknown. Forrest, Parker take point, Travis bring up the rear. Evens you're with me." I am not letting you outta my sight greenboy.

"Head for the side entrance, we take the emergency stairs to the second floor, hustle down the hall. Avoid all civilian contact, if you're spotted what do you do?" I demand of the men.

"Ignore civvies, acquire target, kick ass sir!" they say as one.

"Good answer," I grunt. "Let's move it."


"All those monsters are there for you?" I ask. I can feel the squeak in my voice, but what if she cares more about the monsters more than me? She's so...I dunno...brimming with oneness in the moonlight. I want to be there with her so badly now. She won't leave me behind will she? No, she'd never do that.

"Not really," Buffy says still looking up at the moon. "I just like saying that. Its so rich though baby. Being out there like this, just...slipping past and through and with it. God, its ...."

She breaks off and silently stands in front of the window, surrounded by a pool of white light. Her shadow stretching across the floor and over me. I hesitantly get to my feet and walk up behind her. I need to touch her, know that I'm still allowed to touch her. I'm going to embrace her but its me who wants the move comfort from it.

Don't leave me behind, Buffy.

 I wrap my arms around her waist linking my fingers; she leans back into my embrace and rests her hands on top of mine.

"They're there for you then," I mumble while kissing her shoulder. Her skin has always been a little pale but in the moonlight its like milk.  "What about me then? Why am I here?"

She spins in my arms and kisses me softly. The kiss breaks off before long and she's smiling at me. "Wrong question," Buffy whispers moving her lips to my ear.

"What's the right question?" I whisper back.

"Why am I here?" she kisses the tip of my ear.

"Why are you here then?"

Buffy pulls away, out of my embrace and climbs onto the windowsill again, facing into the room, her legs bunched underneath her again. "For you love," she still smiles. "For you."

I let out a long sigh of relief. "You're not going to leave me then?" I ask.

"What?" Buffy asks more than a little shocked. "No, never Will."

"Will you," I swallow. "Will you tell me about it then? Share it with me so I can know what its like and be there, in a small way, with you?"

She glances over her shoulder through the window before turning back to me with a look of longing; she holds out her hands. "I can't tell you what it’s like Willow. I just don't have the words," Her look becomes one of pleading. "I can't tell you but if you come with me I can show you."


"In here?" I ask the private. Parker and Forrest are on either side of the door, I'm across from it with the private beside me. I think his name is Evens. The rest of the men are behind Parker and Forrest.

Evens checks his equipment one last time.

"Yes sir. Target confirmed, looks like whatever it is trying to lure the occupant of this room out the window,"

"Hey, what do we do about the civvie?" Forrest asks.

"Standard policy," I reply. "They could have been compromised so we gotta knock em' out and take em' in for testing. Restrained force though got me?"

Forrest nods. "Gotcha,"

I raise my leg to kick the door in. "Let’s do it,"


I reach out to grasp Buffy's hands, to let her take me where she wants so she can show me. My heart is singing. She's not going to just tell me about it, she's going to show me! Show me! She's going to show me how she's....uh....night Buffy? Ugh, sounds like a Bat-Man rip off.

We're going to run, I know that and when I can't keep up she'll carry me and I'll be there all the way, and all the time and oh yes, yes yes yes!!

Right before I can take her hands in mine, I can almost feel the warm, strength of her palms gripping my hands, Buffy's eyes flicker over my shoulder and she vanishes.

"Buffy where did-?"  I begin then in rapid sequence I hear the slight whispering of movement over my head and the splintering of the door frame behind me.  When whoever, whatever, they are burst into the room Buffy is standing there waiting for them.

They don't have a chance.

Before the first one can bring his...his...ray gun? To bear Buffy lashes out with her left and sends him spinning; before he can fall though her arm blurs and reverses direction so her elbow crashes into his head. He spins slowly in place and slumps over.

Its been less than a second since Buffy leaped from the windowsill over my head.

The other things silhouetted in the door seem stunned by the fact that one of their number has already fallen.

I think I hear one of the mutter, "Holy cow."

I finally get a good look at the intruders. They're all wearing camouflage pants, vests, and some sort of masks with...hey I recognize those, night vision goggles!

Throwing off their stupor the remaining ...soldiers...rush Buffy. One of them points his ray gun at her and I give a short scream as a bolt of lightning seems to arch across the room. He misses Buffy by the proverbial mile but it still scared the hell out of me.

About five of these people have pushed through the door way now and they're all rushing Buffy. One of them tries to swing his gun at her head like a club while another goes for a leg sweep. She jumps over the one with the gun and give his arm a gently push on her way over his head. His swing misses her but connects with his buddy's leg. There's another wicked cracking sound and the soldier who got hit falls to the ground screaming and cradling his injured limb.

That leaves four standing, the one who just bashed in his friends leg, and three more near the ruined door of our room. Buffy lands lightly on all floors. Her long hair hangs over her face so she's staring at the intruders through her tangled locks. Is she...laughing?

She's laughing! This light, quiet giggle. Armed soldiers who look like some rejects from Ghostbusters have just busted in our room, she's taken out two of them and she's laughing!

            The leader, cause he gives a few orders, waves the other two near the doorway, they begin to ease around Buffy who doesn't move. She just keeps laughing this eerie quiet laugh. As the soldiers flank her she occasionally glances at the ones to her left and right but for the most part keeps her eyes locked on the one in the doorway, the soldier who I, and I guess she too, has identified as the leader.

"Fry it," The words are said dry and quietly; the tone of someone who is used to giving commands and expects them to be obeyed without hesitation.

The instance the last syllable is out of his mouth the other soldiers bring their weapons up.

Everything has happened so fast. I guess it’s been maybe ten seconds since Buffy was perched on the windowsill. Ten seconds since she was asking, no begging, me to go out with her too see...something. It was very important to her and so important to me as well. Now we're under attack by men dressed up like weekend warriors except they're anything but. Yes, they've got guns that look like they're from a cracker-jack box but the two-foot long scorch mark on the wall says they're deadly serious. Now these goons have got Buffy encircled and are going to try and shoot her? To blast her and, um...drag her off...somewhere and ...and...do all sorts of her hideous experiments on her? Like something out of X-Files or something?

I don't think so.

Before I can reconsider I jump up and try to dash by the soldier closest to me.

"Civvie's jetting!" he shouts.

"Intercept," The one by the door barks. In one brisk stride the soldier has caught up with me and he's reaching out to ...grab me...manhandle...beat me down maybe but its too late. I'm where I want to be.

The light switch.

With a triumphant smirk I flip it. I'm expecting the lights to turn on, I'm expecting shouts and curses from the soldiers as their night scopes go blinding in the actually comfortable lighting of our dorm room.

Nothing happens.

They cut the power.

The soldier coming at me sees what I tried to do and I know I'm in trouble.

"You trying to help this thing, you stupid bitch?" He snarls at me.

I squeak and eye the tip of his ray gun now an inch from the tip of my nose.

"Fucking traitor," The soldier snarls in my ear.

I don't even see his hand move. One second I'm staring at the tip of his gun and then everything is all red and stars and pain.

And screaming.

I think its Buffy screaming. A shrill, shining, climbing, shriek. Then ...there are other screams. Sounds a bit lower. Lower pitched like voices not used to going so hight on the scream-o-meter. Cracking too. Lots of cracking.

I sniff.

No. Nobodies making popcorn so what’s all the cracking and popping sounds?

The lights are off, the room is dark except for the bright spots swimming around me. Somebody picks me up.

Somebody is crying.

'There, there. ' I say or want to say. 'There there.' I want to say, 'Its okay, everything is okay.'

 But I can't. The swirly bright spots are so pretty and they distract me.

I can feel the wind, I can feel the wind and its so cool and soft. I can feel someone’s arms holding me and they're so strong and warm and  I can feel the stars.

I can feel the stars. So light. So soft.

Falling from above, wet and hot and bright.

Like tears.

It's dark and I know we're not in the dorm anymore. It's okay though, even if it's so dark its okay because I'm with Buffy. It may be dark but I have the stars and the tears to guide me.


END-Second Lesson

Third Lesson Mad Hamlet Buffy Main Index