Title: All Hail the NRA
Author: Jos Mous
Email: wotan_anubis@yahoo.com
DISCLAIMER: I own none of these characters
We had a fight.
I've forgotten what it was about.
She shouted.
I screamed back.
She left.
I stayed.
She went to a club.
I felt guilty.
She danced.
He noticed her.
He came closer to her.
She danced with him.
He was drunk.
She was not interested.
He insisted.
She turned around.
He grabbed her.
She freed herself.
He had a gun.
I arrived when the gunshot sounded.
She told me she loved me.
She never heard my reply.
He had a very good lawyer.
She, a really nice gravestone.
I have a gun as well.
All Hail the NRA.
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